C3C PBEM : "Ilipa" - Rise of Rome scenario (level : newbies)


Punic troops have left the bloodstained hills outside Segusio. Is this some kind of trick? Or are they only returning to their camp for some rest and refitting?

To assure so that they dont get too well rested we set some of the tents in camp on fire with our catapults..... :crazyeye:
GPS Turn 60

Destroyed Celtish towns: Avaricum and Bictracte
Sunked 2 Macedons Galleys.

To Rome: "We are not retreating, we are attacking in another direction"

Macedon is on Imperialism now. This is a treath.
RickFGS said:
GPS Turn 60

Destroyed Celtish towns: Avaricum and Bictracte
Sunked 2 Macedons Galleys.

To Rome: "We are not retreating, we are attacking in another direction"

Macedon is on Imperialism now. This is a treath.

Your sailors must be high on steroids or something. Or do all the macedonian galleys you encounter lack oars?

No combats this turn. :cry:

The senate knows that after Carthage has tamed the celtic lion, Rome is next.
We wont go down easy though!

Neptunus have removed his boon upon our great admiral and our elite galley was destroyed while attacking a punic galley outside Cumae.

Another galley from Veiji destroyed the redlined carthagian ship.

No other combats.......
adyyc said:
May i have a save to see how is Rome doing... And pls drendor dont waste galleys you dont need them... you need legionaries...

Next time I get the save, I will send it to you so that you may look.
GPS Turn 62

Sunked a Roman galley, lost none.
Sunked 5 Macedonian galleys, lost 2.

Conquered Vellaunodunum.
Destroyed Agedicum.

Rome´s army as grown no doubt, and they are counter-attacking or so it seems.

Stoped Persian movement on border, i wonder what´s cooking overthere...
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