Can't build fishing boats


Oct 9, 2015
Auckland, NZ
Does anybody have any idea why I suddenly cannot build fishing boats on fish or whale resources? :/
I'm just playing a random game with mods - wondering if anyone has encountered/fixed this problem before?
Thank you.


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Spoiler :

Community Patch (no EUI)
Architecture changes
Barbarians - Unlimited Exp
Better City State Capture
Bigger Empires
Caravansary Trade Routes
City States Expansion
Civ IV Leader Traits
Closer Cities
Enlightenment Era
Events and Decisions
Extra Victory Conditions
Great Person Improvement Yields
Increase City Radius 3 to 5
Cities in Development
Cultural Diversity
More Happiness
More Luxuries
More Pantheons
No Pantheon Cost Increase
Race for Religion
Reform and Rule
Separate Great People Counters
Slower Science Longer Eras
Slimline Ancient Ruins
Trading Posts Grow into Towns
Unique Cultural Influence
-Darn, forgot Historical Religions

It looks like No Pantheon Cost Increase is included in Race for Religion, yet in this game I got a pantheon at 13 Faith. Could these be conflicting/not working? Would that affect the fishing boats?
I appreciate the help :)
That is an impressive list of mods (some of which I've never heard of and can't find on Steam Workshop). All I can speculate is that, with this many mods (including CP, which changes so many things in the game), you must have a mod conflict. You probably need to selectively disable some mods to see what might be causing the conflict.
Thank you, if it's not too embarrassing to have so many :mischief:

I removed the No Pantheon Cost Increase and still can't make fishing boats, so that wasn't the conflict. I already had and fixed another compatibility issue with the Community Patch which has just been updated, so I'm pretty sure that's the cause..
Thanks for your help :)
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