CityIOT: A New Beginning


Jun 22, 2011
It was a symbol of power, of wealth, of progress.
It was a haven for the oppressed, a home for the thinkers, an asylum for revolutionaries.
It was the door to the future... and the pathway to the end.

Right, so onto the actual game. I'm on vacation, so I'm running this for the foreseeable near future, so long as I continue to have player support and involvement. The game will be run similar to the past CityIOTs; that is, almost exclusively via RP, and with "real-time" reactions, rather than formal updates.

To join, create a character, who must be part of a new or existing faction. Both must have an original backstory. Lastly, claim a reasonably-sized portion of the map for a house and 3 buildings.

As GM, I reserve the right to veto backstories/factions and forcibly break up hegemonies. I will not prohibit or otherwise bar players from participating, so if you are willing to change your ideas to something more manageable, you should be fine.

Lastly, some of you may be wondering about the backstory for the city. As always, the history is rather cryptic; I can confirm that this is not, in canon, the same storyline as the previous games, and parts of the history can be uncovered or created through players involvement.

Some ground rules:
Spoiler :

-No violating of CFC rules or the IOT Constitution

-No OOC or meta harassment, bashing, or other maltreatment of other players

-This game's going to get ridiculous pretty quickly. I request that you recognize this, go with it, and try not to take things too seriously. That being said, please do not join with something that already stretches the boundaries of the world - a loose band of lunatics or a questionably legitimate business make are fair. An army of rabid PETA-Zerglings is not.

Mechanics for the city council will be established when I see what player interest looks like.

Spoiler Map :

EDIT: If I don't have at least 10 players within 3 days, this will not run. Seriously. Join if you'll join, don't sit and say maybe.
I'll join as Arrow Shipping. Claims incoming.

Will probably change due to indecisiveness.
Joining as the Sacred Witch Burning Order of Metro, led by Dr. Emris Peregrinus.

Spoiler :
Spoiler Claims :

History: Founded in 1398 by the Bishop of Metro, the Sacred Witch Burning Order of Metro has served as the vanguard of the city for centuries, protecting the common man from supernatural threats. While respected during the middle ages, they came under fire during the enlightenment, as many began to see them as backwards & primitive. Their influence waned and they lost power, and not too long ago the organization was on the brink of extinction. This all changed when Dr. Peregrinus arrived in town; quickly climbing up the ranks of the order, he reformed it, introduced better witch-hunting methods, & started a PR campaign that won over much of Metro. Membership boomed, & now the Sacred Witch Burning Order of Metro is ready once more to protect the city from all matter of supernatural threats.

Bio (Not Known to Anyone): Emris Peregrinus comes from a long line of Witches & Sorcerers. After gaining his doctorate, he moved to Metro, whereupon he learned of the Sacred Witch Burning Order of Metro. Not wanting to be immolated, he infiltrated the society, climbed up the ranks, & repurposed it to serve his own ends. Though the rank & file of the order still believe that they are dedicated to burning any Witches they come across, in actuality Dr. Peregrinus uses them to get rid of rivals & threats to his power.

Base 1: Witch Hunting Center- Contains a Brainwashing Center where new recruits are persuaded to accept the Witch Burner's ideology, sparring grounds where veterans & rookies alike can practice anti-witch Martial Arts, & a firing range

Base 2: Aeroponics Greenhouse- Where we grow food for members of the Sacred Witch Burning Order of Metro; non-members may acquire food here upon proving they are not witches & paying a moderate fee

Base 3: Witch Furnace- The pride & joy of the Sacred Witch Burning Order of Metro, this building contains numerous chambers that allow for the efficient immolation of Witches & suspected Witches alike; also where we store our Witch Detection devices
Name: Eliasz Auttenberg
Faction: House Auttenberg
Backstory: House Auttenberg, as they like to call themselves, is a rather old family originating from Poland. They were once a cadet branch of a minor noble family some hundreds of years ago, but now their nobility is recognized by them only. Eliasz chooses to live off his increasingly dwindling inheritance left by his former family heads. Eliasz, longing for the former nobility of House Auttenberg's past, has taken it upon himself to convince the citizens of [City] that they should recognize the Auttenbergs as the royal family of [City]. Then, and only then, will his goal be completed.

The Auttenberg Estate: A medium-sized mansion where Eliasz lives with his wife, three kids, two maids, and a gardener.

Spoiler :
Having trouble with Paint right now- is it already if our boss chooses for me? I really don't mind my location anyway, so I don't mind having "last choice", as it were.

Name: Gao Ming

Gang Name: The Brillant

Backstory(Character): Gao Ming is an intellectual who has spent years studying just about everything. He has a genius mind, an edietic memory and an unparalleled ability to both learn and store massive amounts of information, which has allowed him to have unparalleled competence for a dabbler.

Gao Ming has not, however, studied warfare out of lack of interest. His sheer weakness is that he exaggerates his mental capbilities beyond even their actual great heights, to the point where he thinks he's infallible at everything.

Ideologically, Gao Ming advocates the forced sterilisation of those in society with an IQ below 120 through the use of laws. This is what got him expelled from St Chads.

Backstory(Group): The Brilliant are a coalition of university academics who believe that as they are the smartest, clearly the city is theirs to rule by Right. They believe that superior strategy will overcome the odds no matter what. Have a tendency to be inadvertently hammy.

The Brilliant were once students at St.Chads, before being expelled partly for following the ideology of Gao Ming, and partly for loud public protests advocating their attitude of sterilising those with IQs below 120 on national television causing massive bad publicity. The culmination was when Gao Ming made a speech calling ordinary people "mere dogs", a highly inflammatory event.
St. Chad's University College

Character name: Rev Nathaniel Collingwood
Position: President and Chancellor of College

Brief History:
St Chad of Mercia is one of the oldest universities in [country name]. It was founded in the 1600s with the aim of allowing [city] to compete academically with its two great rival cities Harivik and Camford both of which had universities. This rivialry which so shaped the history of the city was the cause of the foundation of the university by the Bishop of [City]. Gaining a royal charter in 1622 the University split off from the Cathedral to form its own institution. Over the years the institution attracted a lot of influential and brilliant academics. In the 19th century it expanded into the New Block across the road from the original University College. This new block was mostly built to house new students and greatly increased the intake of the University. To this day it remains the most potent academic institution in [city].
The central city campus has 3 main buildings:
(1) The Old College - construction began on this building in 1603 and it was completed by 1610. It is an ancient and beautiful building. The Old College building contains the Great Hall, chapel, student accommodation and some teaching spaces. It also contains the Quadrangle and College Wine Cellar. The College also maintains a vineyard in France that stocks the cellar.
(2) The New Block - Built in 1828 this imposing structure is mostly filled with accommodation for students but also some teaching spaces.
(3) The Porter's Lodge
The University grounds (in green) are an area of gardens and lawns owned by the University. This area also includes the sports fields.

Rev Collingwood: Nathaniel Collingwood studied at St Chad's in his youth and secured a Doctorate of Theology before moving on to further theological training. After becoming ordained Collingwood became the chaplain of the St Chad's University College and a few years later became rector after securing a position at the cathedral. Slightly later after the retirement of the previous College President Collingwood was appointed to the position of President. Soon after he was also honoured with the position of Chancellor, the youngest person to have been appointed. He continues his research for the University and also teaches on the theology course. His main interests in the town involve making it more attractive to potential students, he continues to try and raise its status to one greater than that of the Universities at the City's ancient rivals.
The Rev Collingwood lives in a house on the south bank of the river in an area of 19th century huge houses. His house has a large garden and he lives there with his family there of 4 other people.

Spoiler :
Having trouble with Paint right now- is it already if our boss chooses for me? I really don't mind my location anyway, so I don't mind having "last choice", as it were.

That's fine. PM me if you decide you have a specific area you'd prefer to be.
Name: Tom Nikadis
Faction: Nikadis Venues, Inc.
Backstory: Tom Nikadis is the owner of his namesake company, Nikadis Venues. The company is only about 15 years old, and originally served as a way for Tom to purchase the ailing Victory Gardens. The building was renovated, and soon the investment paid off. Tom quickly amassed a small fortune off of his investment, and is now currently planning on building new stadiums to increase his net worth, including the recently built Riverside Stadium.

Riverside Stadium (RS): A new stadium built on prime real estate next to the [river name] River, Riverside Stadium is the current home of [City name] F.C., the association football team of [city name]

Victory Gardens (VG): The pride and joy of the Nikadis empire, Victory Gardens is a multipurpose indoor venue, perfect for almost any sort of entertainment. It hosts the [city name] Knights, a ice hockey team, as its main draw for customers. However, boxing matching and concerts are also held here. Currently there are plans to move a basketball team to the Victory Gardens, but as of now no teams are interested in moving.

Tennis Courts (T): Two small tennis courts in the middle of the city. Built from the generosity of Tom, they are for the public use; the upkeep is paid purely through donations as they are free to use.

House (unlabeled): Just a normal house. Nothing to see here. :p


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In after it stops being friggin Christmas. You are a true master at starting games at the worst possible time.
You not literally murdering yourself with a massive workload.
In after it stops being friggin Christmas. You are a true master at starting games at the worst possible time.

Yeah, I would have put it nicer but yeah. There's no way I can commit to a real time game until ~2 Weeks from now. I'll join then, if the city is still standing. :p

Although if I am allowed to be heavily inspired from obscure YouTube videos I could play as a non-serious business for a bit...
3am AA is not a restrained person.

I'm only on after I wake up and before I go to bed, not the entire day like CityIOT actually requires.
Does anyone need a criminal organisation to help add some spice to the city? ;)

Will give detailing later on but expect House Garland (a crime family) to come to town, leaded by a aged Louis Garland, having a 'regent' in the form of Rebecca Morn.
Boss Cakes: (watch for context, warning swearing)

Boss Cakes is run by Buddy Boss. He's the boss. His two sisters, Grace and Mary help out. His sisters are terrible. Due to Grace accidentally dropping arsenic in the electoral commission's Christmas party cake, Buddy is not eligible for the council. Boss Cakes make the best cakes in town, we don't put wood in our cakes don't listen to the lies spread by our competitors.

Give me three small buildings near the river, they will all be cake shops. I probably won't do much with these guys, they're mainly a joke. I'll kill them and replace them with something more serious if the city is still standing when I get back. :p
Arrow Production and Shipping

Same deal as last time, because unoriginality and all that. But this time we have a factory! And a railroad! And a truck fleet... Wait, we had that last time. Anyway:

We were established by the venerable G. Arrow, a man of great wealth and power, and have our main base in Metropolis (What I'm calling this city). We hold sacred the almighty dollar.

OOC: Basically, if y'all players need anything, I have ships, trains and trucks to get it into the city. Also happy to cell whatever you need.

Our factory produces consumer products, but can easily be re-purposed (i.e. it makes what I want it to make when I need it to make it).

Spoiler :

P = Port
RR = Railroad + Truck depot
H = House
F = Factory
Name: Curt Raynolds
Faction: Metro Police Department
Bio: A no-nonsense, by-the-book-unless-it-gets-in-the-way kinda guy, Sheriff Raynolds and his Secret Police are here to tackle Metro City's unique brand of delinquency using all the powers at their disposal. And he has a lot of them.

Police Headquarters
Metro's central station and nexus of the police department. Contains a number of holding cells, underground parking, spy satellite uplink, and complimentary espresso machine and doughnut dispenser.

Police kiosk
South-end office for public inquiries.

Secure storage for the Secret Police's advanced arsenal. An armed guard is posted 24/7 with clearance to use lethal force whensoever they feel the building is under threat.

Curt's House
Raynold's private residence, a two-storey townhouse with basement, central heating and AC.

Spoiler zOMG complete-ish city map :

P.S.: Arrow, your port is on top of Robert's house.
Indeed, that is my posh residential area!
We've got enough players, but some people need to give me details. Kinich needs a backstory, Ail, WIM, and AA all need claims and backstories, and Arrow needs to downsize his claims and move them off RC's house.
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