Colonies 4.2 Game #1

Wiltwyck founded in Africa, and 200 Thalers paid to the French as agreed.
No events of note. France thanks Holland for the 200 gold, and French troops are withdrawing this season. Some of our troops in that area were ambushed by native warriors and wiped out. We warn our Dutch friends to beware!

Many reports of Pirates approaching Spanish settlements - but at least one band was defeated....
War with the Natives -

Some natives in America have been caught and sent to the flames. Some ships in Africa have been captured and their sailors sent to the flames. Some witches have been sent to the flames.
One Spanish galleon was lost, but the sailors were rescued and... sent to the flames.

In other news, the Austrian sent 150,000 gold in order to buy more wood for our Inquistion flames.
My pal Steve is next :)
Sweden declares war on The Independants.

Lund captured and Christiana seiged.

Force build up across Germany

Fort Kristiana built on the Delaware Penisula in an area now being called New Sweden :)
Fort Casimir founded on the Jucatan Penninsula. This Fort will serve as a trading station and supply base for the Dutch Navy.

John's next :)

Just returend from madrid. A native galleon was burn at the stake, along with it tripulation.

War was declared on portugal, and Faro is besieged.

One Arquebusier was lost against the Portuguese people..
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