• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Conversations: Who's here, Who's not.

There is a person with absolutely no activity? Why would they join?

Thought they wanted to ask a game question, but realized by the time they had completed the registration process that the answer they were looking for was actually right there in the thread they had been directed to by google in the first place. So they didn't ask, and promptly forgot all about having registered.

That's my guess.
Now, if you happen to know Ten, then I hope you will let me know that I have made an error and he is really a she. :)

Well I suppose that Bo could be male.
I didn't know fajita was a word needing to be censored.

Mentioning fajitas anywhere only encourages the Mexican takeover of the US. Such an outstanding menu item diminishes hatred of our southern neighbors and must be discouraged.

They are so darn nommy. Trying to decide which I liked better this month. The legit fajita fajitas I had late October or the rediscovery of taco salad at a 50s style road diner. I had forgotten that is also very nommy.
Whats a Reddit is it like a Rabbit.:mischief:
Wait, he's ready to post jailbait pics and alt-right memes?
Of copurse. Once you have mastered the the relationship between reddit and rabbit, you are ready for four chan!
I don't think I will be going to rabbit

There is a person with absolutely no activity? Why would they join?

Maybe, "ten" was his age. So he signed up. Then read the rules saying he couldn't post until he was 13. Then forgot to come back when he turned 13 (because he'd discovered girls).

You'll notice I've made @ten not only male but heterosexual.
Maybe, "ten" was his age. So he signed up. Then read the rules saying he couldn't post until he was 13. Then forgot to come back when he turned 13 (because he'd discovered girls).

You'll notice I've made @ten not only male but heterosexual.
You made him? Who's the (un)lucky lady?

Speaking for myself at 13, age restrictions were simply something you ignored when accessing porn.
I don't understand what this thread is for.
Wait, he's ready to post jailbait pics and alt-right memes?

I know this is probably satire, but it's sad how accurate it is. chinz has really turned into "mysoginy, racism, self-hatred and power fantasies: the site"

every other post is some r/thedonald assclown mumbling some garbage about muh jewish world conspiracy and I just can't ****** take it anymore

some boards used to be actually good for discussing obscure music/film/lit. now even the smallest of boards are mostly polack bs. even my /an/ and /ck/ :(

almost all the quality anons and trips left. I have already stopped posting and I will stop lurking, too. the internet is a cold, dead place.

speaking of that, actually, I might take a break from CFC in the foreseeable future
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