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Double Your Pleasure


I think it has some effect, although the stuff is not cumulative.

I made the Slaver Headquarters make 4 people unhappy, then I made a lot of wonders 'double happiness effects of slaver headquarters'. Now I separated a city from the rest so it had no luxury resources, and before I sold the slaver headquarters there were 8 content people (and a whole lot of unhappy dudes) and after that there were 16... so doubling happiness effects also doubles unhappiness.

Conclusion: IT WORKS.

Of course, this is irrelevant if you have a ****load of resources and your cities with slaver headquarters can take the 8 unhappy people (which mine could, but they were all super-cities). So somehow it would end up with slaver headquarters being a viable modern world option in very very good cities (the massive production increase is worth it!... the way I put it it ups my production from 295 to 349...).

So it's up to you. Shame the thing is not cumulative with every wonder... that would have rocked.

Oh, and I've seen the AI building some slaver headquarters here and there, but not many... AI still builds sod all buildings.


Great work, KDan. I know this is the lazy way out, but would it be too much to ask of you to post the stats for your slave headquarters again?

Thanks :D
Well, they're not very important stats, but here they go:

Required Advance: Slavery
Improvement: Slave Market
Required Resources: Natives
Unhappy faces: 4
Cost: 20
Maintenance: 4
Culture: -1
Production: 3 (maybe make that 4 for the extra oomph)

It's a bit annoying that the unhappy faces can't be cumulatively doubled by wonders... 4 is a bit heavy for antiquity and 8 is a bit light for modern times (for super-cities)... it would have been nice to have the thing get worse and worse as you build wonders, but hey, that's yet another one of the many, many limitations and design flaws of civ3, that we have to work around :)

In 1800 the American inventor Robert Fulton built a 6.4-m (21-ft) submarine named the Nautilus, which was similar in shape to the modern submarine. Fulton introduced two important innovations: rudders for vertical and horizontal control and compressed air as an underwater supply of oxygen. When submerged, the Nautilus was powered by a hand-operated, four-blade propeller. On the surface the boat was propelled by means of sails attached to a folding mast.

The Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley was built in 1862 to aid the South in breaking the Union Navy's blockade of its ports during the Civil War. The Hunley went into action against the Union steam sloop USS Housatonic, which was anchored off Charleston, South Carolina. The Hunley carried an explosive charge attached to a long pole, or spar, affixed to the front of the craft. The mission was successful but the explosion inadvertently sank the Hunley as well.

During the latter half of the 19th century, many attempts were made to develop an adequate means of submarine propulsion. Inventors experimented with compressed air, steam, and electricity as power sources. American inventor John Philip Holland, who used a dual-propulsion system, developed the first practical submarine with an efficient source of power. Launched in 1898, his submarine was equipped with a gasoline engine for surface cruising and an electric motor for underwater power. In 1900 the U.S. government purchased the boat, which had an overall length of 16.2 m (53 ft), and named it the USS Holland.

"Submarine." Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Originally posted by KDan
Nautilus sounds like a good name.
Jules Verne apparently thought so too ;)

Actually, Fulton was not the first to design and build a submarine - I think the first one was built in the start of the 17th century - and some sketches made by Leonardo Da Vinci, are believed to have been preliminary sketches for a Submarine, so it's even earlier perhaps.

The Hunley, was the first one to be sucessfully used in war though - during the American Civil War it sank a Corvette (Edit: Or a sloop - I just seem to remember it being a corvette :) ), but unfortunately it also sunk itself in the process (due to a torpedo back-firing IIRC) - still, I think it deserves the credit. The Nautilus was useless in combat, as it was slow, and not totally submerged, so ships would just sail out of it's way to avoid it :)
ok first and formost. the number for amount placed is a percentage of civs

so a 100 on placement gives you in a 10 civ game 10 of each.

where as 50 would give you 5.

when the comp place strats, luxs, and basics.

it palces them in that order. all strat from first listed to last
then all lux from first listed to last.
then basic

now their is only a certain percentage of each terrain that can be filled im not sure the exact number.

but if an item can only be found in mountains and all the strats are set high so iron copper coal and what not takes the mountains. then gold and silver resources are either gonna be 1 or 2 or even 0

If alot of added bonuses are added at a high appearence rate most of the lower added on ones will get a 0 appearence rate.

on smaller maps the amount of land used for resources is smaller so you would get more 0 appeaerences.

way to fix this rationally for adding new bonuses.
1st. make sure all luxeries have a appeaerence level but make it below a 100 And try to keep Strats between 100 and 200 never above 200

2nd. list all lux and bonuses in the level of rareness. the more common the sooner on the list. that way they are more likely to appear where as the rarer resources would be either low numbered or not appear at all.

3rd. make sure you spread out the resources more. to make sure that all lands are covered. add more resoruces to deserts and tundra which is not used as much as the rest.

4th. add as much multiplebility to resources as you can. IE: in california most gold was found in the forest rivers. add gold to mountains hills and forests. maybe even some tundra these would allow for a more likely hood of a even number of them appearing.

these should allow you to add more resources while allowing them to logically show up.
Originally posted by Isak
The Hunley, was the first one to be sucessfully used in war though - during the American Civil War it sank a Corvette (Edit: Or a sloop - I just seem to remember it being a corvette :) ), but unfortunately it also sunk itself in the process (due to a torpedo back-firing IIRC)

I beg to differ?

In 1785, during the American War of Independence, an inventor named David Bushnell presented Thomas Jefferson with plans for a one-man submersible with which he hoped to attack the British men-o-war blockading New York harbour. He called it the Turtle because it resembled two turtle shells joined together vertically. It contained a wooden seat for the pilot, and a set of pedals driving a propeller at the rear. It was steered on a compass course by a tiller held in the pilot' s right hand, while his left hand worked a pump to adjust the trim of the craft to keep it just beneath the surface. Vision was through three, round, glass windows in a dome on top of the craft, while air was delivered through snorkel tubes. Turtle was launched on 6th September 1776, and with much effort was maneuvered under HMS Eagle, the 64-gun, British flagship. However, the drill screw designed to attach the explosive charge failed to penetrate. Subsequent attempts were abandoned when dawn intervened, and although spotted by a British guard-boat, the pilot was able to get away with the help of the tide and the explosive charge, which he detonated in the path of his pursuers. ...

Enter the submarine armed with a torpedo. After two years of trying, the Confederates succeeded in building several suitable craft, the first of which, known as Davids, and nicknamed cigar boats, were constructed from wooden planking with bows reinforced with boiler plating to minimise damage to themselves. They were 50ft long, carried a 100lb charge at the end of a 14ft, folding shaft on their bow, were powered by steam, and designed to submerge, partially, only when in sight of their target...

The target selected was the heavily armoured, 3 486-ton USS New Ironsides, the pride of the Union Navy, which was blockading Charleston harbour. The attack was launched on the night of 5th October 1863, and although spotted from the ship, the explosive was delivered successfully and considerable damage done. The David itself was flooded by the resulting wave, but, after abandoning ship, two of her crew scrambled back aboard and were able to restart her engine. During the four years of the Civil War the Confederates, using their submarines and torpedoes, sank 29 Union ships and damaged a further 14, including the New Ironsides.

Seems to me there were three kinds of submarines: the early explosive-on-a-stick-on-a-sub subs, WWI/WWII (can't remember which) subs, and nuclear subs; I'd like to see 3 kinds of subs, but like Kal-el said, the mod is full enough as it is...there's no room for new units :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, put in a vote for 'tutle boat' for the contest :cool:

Edit: Scratch my 'tutle boat' vote, This vote's for 'turtle boat' ;)
Originally posted by Dingocat85
I beg to differ?
Differ on what? The Turtle Was never used succesfully and, IMO neither was the Davids, as it didn't sink it's target. Sinking ships would be a key indicator of success in my book :p
taken fromThe Office of Naval Research (US)
The Civil War also saw the first submarine to successfully sink its target, the 40-foot-long Hunley, which was operated by eight men turning a hand crank attached to her propeller shaft. The Hunley sank and was recovered three times during trial runs before it was successful. On Feb. 16, 1864, under the cover of darkness, the Hunley sank the USS Housatonic off Charleston. Accounts differ as to the reason, but the Hunley sank soon after sinking the Housatonic. It was discovered in May 1995 off the coast of Charleston and plans are in the works to salvage the wrecked submarine.
I'd like to see 3 kinds of subs, but like Kal-el said, the mod is full enough as it is...there's no room for new units :rolleyes:
:eek: oh no, no more units ..... :crazyeye:
Originally posted by Isak
Sorry that you're having trouble - my first advice would be to run through the sequence Bernskov posted above (Thanks Bernskov).

If that doesn't help, just email me , with the following info: (as much as you can)

1. Version of the mod, and which files you are using
2. Firaxis/Official patch version used
3. Exactly when the game crashes (what you have just clicked, how far it gets in the progress bar, or similar)
4. Any error messages that pop up (no need to send me stack-dumps if you get a "Civ3.exe has caused an invalid page fault" - just let me know which application (EXE) file caused an error in which other application or file).

I'll be glad to help you out.

About the Early Submarine: How about "Das Boot" .... :D

Wow,I guess that the only problem that I was having was one of "dumbitis" :lol: I was trying to use the world maps and yes, they were and are crashing. I did not "notice" that the Mod worked as a whole without the maps, so dumb dumb me will be enjoying my Civ again.:cool:

In case you are wondering tho, the earth maps crash before I can even start up a game. It loads all the way up to the beginning but it never gets off the ground. I do enjoy earth maps so I would still like to try to correct this problem. If it's not to much trouble anyways. Thank you all for your help (I know that I was pretty vague) and keep up all the great support!!!
cygnus: Try out Kal-El's world map, which you can get from The DyP website - that is compatible with DyP.
Thanks for the tip, I will be going to get the map right away :D

(A few minutes later....ah yes, problem all good now thanks again for the most excellent support!)
has nobody trouble with the new modpack? there seems to be a point in no three games where it crashes about 1200-1400 AD
mrgenie - Can you post a saved game right before it crashes? So we can take a look at it and see if we can figure out what is causing the crash.
Yes, please post or email me a savegame, If you can, but otherwise, as I have been going through all the unit folders recently, I did find a number of minor bugs, that could cause odd crashes, so I will try to compile a quick bug-fix, and hopefully post that later tonight. It's just going to be a bug-fix though, there won't be any of the new stuff added in yet.
sorry i did send a e-Mail, but it reply this:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:<mrgenie@t-online.de> SIZE=12083881:
host smtp-in.mail.dk []: 552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size:
10240000 bytes

I guess my savegame is too big, maybe the size of the game is causing troubles??? I have a atlon 1600+ with only 392MB RAM since my 512MB was burned last week....and I figured out it happened the day before I installed the 0.86 version, so maybe the crash is not by the 0.86version but because of lack of memory. anyway, the other memory modules seem to be fine, because windows and other proggies are working quiet normally...and version 0.86 on a smaller map seems to work out fine too...guess i need to spend some dollars on a new memory module...if anyone thinks it cannot be the memory please tell me, cus else I have to spend my last money this month :)))
Oh - you could either compress the savegame with a ZIP utility or send it to this adress

Not necessarily a memory issue, but I'll know more if I can try out the savegame :)
ok, send it to other e-Mail. I found out also why some cards don't work when I edited them. I thought to be smart and edited in the rules for a laborer as bonus taxes "1". but it seems the game doesn't start at all..i guess it's not very safe to edit the BIC of the modpack..or is this a common bug I also have without the mod?
I wouldn't change the laborer bonus. I've never added any bonus to the laborer and I haven't had a crash. There was someone else in the General Discussions forum who changed some rules and one of them was the laborer bonus and he had alot of crashes.

The laborer is just your normal citizen, so if you wanted more money in the game, just add 1 gold to every terrain type. That would net you the same result, with no crashes.
Just to throw a spanner in the works on the Early Submarine issue... How about calling the Early Submarine ... Submarine, and thinking of a new name for the modern version... Nuclear Submarine, etc. Just a thought before (my) bedtime. Thought there might be more choices of names for modern versions. Correct me if I'm wrong...
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