Holy crap its Master Shake!
Looks good, though I'd recommend getting a better-looking sheet of paper to write on.
Much better comic, funnier and to the point. :) Rather than make small 1s and 2s, you should attemp at placing the speech bubbles better. But it's a small thing. Some people in here do it too.
Much better comic, funnier and to the point. :) Rather than make small 1s and 2s, you should attemp at placing the speech bubbles better. But it's a small thing. Some people in here do it too.

I'm especially bad with speech bubbles, just read some of my comics and watch as I place bubbles out of order and in strange locations.
Several hours of work comes to fruition. Plans within plans, secrets are revealed and plots are twisted beyond recognition.

First up, we discover, yes there IS a plot in Narratorspace...

Tanks move faster! Before our opponents think of an actual dialogue! Naha Ne haha ha ha!

Uh-oh... I sense an overly long gag!

Unlike me and CivGeneral, Chuck the Freaking Alien still holds old grudges from DYOS 5...

Stick to your quotes please Kwai...

I'm not endorsing a vote here, but if you feel one of the duo/trio needs to die and which one should, please do tell me, either in PM or in the consul thread :)
If the explanations are good, then I might change my mind.

As for everything else, it looks like Iran has recreated the Gem Chamber scene...
Does this mean we can all use the "What's next in this constant parade of interruptions" gag to make ourselves appear at Project Titan?
Hey, I have an excuse to finally welcome Gruekiller to the team!

Welcome! I can't get enough of Master Shake!

Keep 'em coming!

e350tb said:
Epic Lulz at the ending.
That's an understatement. I was hyperventilating.
Captain2: I don't get the reference. :(

Good to see you remain productive Gruekiller! Now I feel bad for not having posted a comic in weeks! :p
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