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EDCNs (Expanded Dynamic Civ Names) new thread

Updated to SVN 661. If you have EDCNs and there was a merged file the merge did some weird things because of placement, which is now rectified.
France controlling France and at least 3 out of this 5 cities (Milan, Rome, Florence, Venice/Aquileia [same tile], and London) : League of Cognac
It does.
And is the dynamic name,empire of Colombia when america becomes theocracy removed?It can be something like this if it's possible
theocracy+Islam:United Islamic States of America
theocracy+Any christian religion:United Christian States of America
and so on and so fourth.
This work with the latest SVN's?
Sure does. I do intend to continue this project, but with the current state of DoC development and my life that will probably not happen until the start of development of 1.13.

And is the dynamic name "Empire of Columbia" when America becomes theocracy removed? It can be something like this if it's possible
theocracy+Islam:United Islamic States of America
theocracy+Any christian religion:United Christian States of America
and so on and so fourth.
That has not been the case for a while. Current theocratic name for America is "State of Deseret," which I believe is appropriate, and therefore it will not be changed. The suggestion given is something which I believe is not in the purpose of this module, which I feel is to fill holes, eliminate nonsensical names (except when it is a nonsensical civic choice for that civilization), and give more representation to important historical states.
So this mod is still under development?

I do have a suggestion regarding Congolese dynamic names...

In real life, from 1885 to 1908, the modern-day DRC was known as the Congo Free State. Then, it was a personal possession of King Leopold II, and as such he was able to do his famous atrocities in the name of rubber.

Due to negative publicity (even back then people had standards), control of the territory was transferred from Leopold II to the Belgian state. Thusly, it was renamed Belgian Congo, and the name stuck until independence in 1960.

Based on that, I propose the following names, with specified criterion:
- Congo Free State if Congo is a vassal and is running Slavery, regardless of master.*
- <Master's Name> Congo if Congo is a vassal and is running any other Labor civic. (ie. as usual)

*(Or restrict it to if the Netherlands are the master, if the modmaker wishes.)

Of course, this is not without caveats. For starters, the post-1908 era was in no ways peachy for the Congolese. Also, I don't know if this - to have a dynamic name that's dependent on both vassal status and civics - is possible from a technical standpoint. So we'll see.
I'v got a question:Is the Modern era dynamic names for Iran changed?Like when Khomeini comes,are they still called Pahlavi empire or no?and can you remove the empire from Pahlavi and Ghajar and rename with dynasty?They weren't an empire.In fact,many of us simply say dynasty of .... like Sassanid dynasty or Safavid dynasty.
Triacontaschoenos appears to be the name of both a colony established by Ptolemaic Egypt (so by extension, of Greek extraction) and a future Roman holding of the same designation in the northern regions of Nubia.
I would suggest this replace Province of Aethiopia for Rome.

Also, as we removed Mengjiang before for Mongolia vassalized under Japan under the basis that the name wasn't Japanese at all (Bair).
I have however, found that it was indeed the puppet name designated by Imperial Japan.
So, if Japan meets the appropriate Fascist condition, I would suggest changing the name to Mengkukuo.
While keeping Bair's previous suggestion for non-Fascist instances of Japan.
Yes. If you are getting a conflicted message, overwrite.
Okay, now that 1.12 is done (maybe), I will resume somewhat on EDCNs. No guarantees on any continuous or consistent development, since my commitment to this comes after both life and playing DoC, both of which I am trying to make more of habits.

I will be looking through suggestions since my last real version and implementing them as I see fit.

As promised, the next set will be one of specific religious names. Without looking at what is present already, here is a short list of civilization and religion pairs for which I think there is both a lack of name and need for one:

- Mughals and Buddhism/Hinduism
- Mongolia and Islam
- Mongolia and Buddhism (both of these are intended to be for a long-lasting Mongolia)
- Russia and Islam (usually at rebirth)
- Byzantium and Protestantism (currently, Roman Empire for Catholicism & Rome dead)
- Congo and Islam
- Iran and Zoroastrianism
- Persia/Iran and Buddhism

Also coming: exploration of Mali, post-colonials (maybe), other respawns (UN mechanic), exploration of civilizations lasting past their historical time
I think that a Hindu Mughal empire should become India. Either just called India or with special names like Republic of India / Soviet Republic of India if that's even possible.

My reasoning is that if Mughals survive the British TC event and control a good chunk of India, they are more Indian than Pakistani (their default name, I think.
Now split into SVN version, which is updated to work with Canada, and 1.12 version, which remains compatible with 1.12.

1.12 version will no longer be updated, except in special extreme cases.
I think that a Hindu Mughal empire should become India. Either just called India or with special names like Republic of India / Soviet Republic of India if that's even possible.

My reasoning is that if Mughals survive the British TC event and control a good chunk of India, they are more Indian than Pakistani (their default name, I think.

Maratha Empire?
I think that a Hindu Mughal empire should become India. Either just called India or with special names like Republic of India / Soviet Republic of India if that's even possible.

My reasoning is that if Mughals survive the British TC event and control a good chunk of India, they are more Indian than Pakistani (their default name, I think.

Maybe if the switch there capital to Pakistan or anywhere except India, the would get the Pakistani default name
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