Fall with Fleme

I could play at Saturday if Old Lion does not show
Fine by me, keep an eye out. I'll be away from computer starting some time tomorrow and will be away until sunday most likely so feel free to take initiative.
I'm just waiting on Jarrema. Brian has been MIA on another game as well. I hope he is okay.
I played 1.5 turn
I cannot make more today :(
So be careful next player, this turn has only begun - I have made maybe 5 moves
the only thing worth notice is that our Tancred visited Dragon Bones and I decided to search for teeth and scales


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0237.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Not worth updating for one event so I'll skip that in favor of a longer set. Since no-one else seems to be at their computers during Easter, I'd say lymond go ahead and grab it. As for others, please check in with your status when you can.
Let's wait to hear from the others as I'm currently last in the ROTA at the moment
I've been up and down my state for a week and a half. Lymond, do not venture past Fredericksburg. Not even for Busch Gardens. I'll post more quest-related ideas later tonight.
I should be after Antitwelve in the turn order so let me know if you guys want me to play a skip-turn

My assumption is that AT is up, which basically puts us back on track for the ROTA. You would follow him, I think.

If jarrema wants to pick up again later, I'm fine with that too. Playing 1 turn was a bit odd.
I know it was odd..
but I do not have much time during Easter. Sorry. I cannot play now.
Just to lay everybody at ease I managed to get myself banned for a week, so that is the reason for the no taliking.
Just to lay everybody at ease I managed to get myself banned for a week, so that is the reason for the no taliking.
I can not read sarcasm as well as I use to but if this really was the case then I slow clap for you, sir.

I'll play later tonight. If anybody has any insights into what they'd like to see quest related then by all means, post away. I'm still at a loss as to how Kaver has lost it's rich floodplains to horrid plains. I'm sure somebody posted why, but I'm not that thorough.
Sorry guys, but I decided not to play this game further.

The reason is, this game is too big for me. Too big in at least 2 meanings:
1. map is too big. I do not know, how long it will take to wait between turns when game progress more; but it already takes 4-5 minutes on my computer. So, playing 10 turns in one day is impossible for me - I do not have an hour per day for playing. I just do not have a compuer good enough for this game.
2. game is getting too complicated for my taste. Quests seemed VERY nice at beginning, but now there is too many of them and I am getting lost what we have to do/what we shouldn't do. And it takes for me about 10 minutes (before actualy playing) to write down important stuff on a sheet of paper so I can do them in game. And it takes fun of game far away from me.
3. Due to my work, I have at least somewhat lost track of this game. Maybe I would not become so lost if I didn't have to travel a lot during last few months.

This game is brilliant. Just too much time-consuming. I could play similar game in future, but obnly if it is limited in scope (llike, for example, small map and 2-3 heroes).

I wish you sheer fun with playing further.
Sorry to hear that, Jarrema

I'm very much engaged in this and have no problem with the scope.

AT, I hope you can plan soon.

Fleme, maybe we can keep a spot open for any lurkers out there that might want to join in the fun
Fine by me, but the schedule is getting tight on my end as well. I'm vacationing starting on the 15th of May and the recent slump on the game that was Easter threw a cog in my gears as far as storytelling goes. I am, however, more than happy to accomodate a new person in to the game or even handing the story to someone else for the duration of my trip so that you don't have to stop playing because of me. (That, or you can just can the lore and play this as is when I leave.)

Hoping for an update.
Turns played last night. At a different terminal right now, so I'll post save and log tonight.

We hope to see you come back during the summer, Jarrema. Something tells me will still be here in August.
maybe, maybe I will be back...
at least, I will observe.
But, for real, I could be back when I buy a new computer... I plan to do it at autumn
Just to follow up on some points:

Brian said:
Kardel is home, so I start vitalising FPs around Kaver.
Upon loading the game and realizing how much has happened, I reread the last 50 or so posts. Caught this and the discussion on FPs. Vitalizing FPs in normal FfH makes them super tiles, but in FF they become regular plains and grassland. Maybe the DM can manifest for a us a challenge that will reward us with returning Kaver's tiles back to the way they were. Not too serious a situation, though.

lymond said:
Any of yall excited about "Game of Thrones" starting this weekend? Although I guess some of you might not get it immediately. It should be shown in Ireland though since much of it was filmed there. Great fekkin'' books.
I was actually shocked to find out the series was based on a successful novel franchise. I've been watching it, but with only just enough interest to keep me motivated to watch. The Borgias is droll in comparison, with both missing the mark in terms of storyline and character development that the Tudors had. Maybe things will change, but so far all this new series is doing is throwing sex and violence at its audience for an hour. HBO knows Americans well.

Back to the game. I can understand Jarrema's departure... this game is epic in scope. It feels like the next realistic step in gaming, adding human ingenuity to gaming mechanics. Rereading those numerous posts gave me an idea of what was going on, but only vaguely. The game has changed tremendously since my last set.

T237- Note that Jarrema uses Tancred to take teeth from Dragon Bones. Tancred visits the Stargazer.

Warp 9, Ensign.

Since we procured another GP due to lymond's actions, I opt to settle the one we have in Kaver for hammers and income. Switch Telynohn to worker production. Notice all those were-aminals. The stack is homeward bound.

IT- Churada: Work Boat> Monument

T238- Kewakea visits the Mirror of Heaven.

Last of the Moss Agate.

Send Kardel and Boo to pacify the fires up north but WHAT'S THIS! The necrototem does not allow anyone without courage to pass the structure. I actually forgot this until many turns later, so I left Boo in the capital. He's still there... guarding the museum.

T239- Kardel expunges the flames in the north. A bear constructs a Dancing Bear in Brubu to help push back culture.

Trade fish for arctic deer with Dain. Trade Thessa Smelting for Construction, Warfare and Priesthood, less than a 4:3 beaker exchange. This unearths iron within the BFC of our cap.

IT- Telynohn Worker>Worker

T240- Kardel begins terraforming desert tiles into plains along the road that links Fizzik's to Kaver and Telynohn. This will help N'zesh assist us in future conquests.

T241- ...

IT-Bayamo: Market>Siege Workshop

T242- Why a siege workshop? Because I seriously think not preparing to attack Dun Karagh will cost us if we don't prepare to assault the city. This was my mentality for all of about four more turns.

IT- Tely. Worker>Worker

T243- Send Kardel to vitalize the plains in Kaver to grassland. May as well build up the city to be the most effective GP farm it can be.

IT- Finish Deception, set research to Sanitation.

T244- Can't spell Jesus without-

Send the Nightwatch to spread CoE. I opt to declare its nationality so that our allies do not kill him. Sound logic. The first of our multiple stacks of everything makes it home, so I send the GP to Bayamo.

IT- Brubu: Work Boat>Monument

T245- I forgot about the necrototem! I end up sending our unique ship Laughing Scourge to pick up units to bring them to Bayamo and N'zesh.

Oh my. Garak Blightanvil shows up.

I'm sure he's just posturing, but just in case I move our goblins out of the way and into Elohim territory. This will probably mean the end to their city Slane, though.

IT- Telynohn: Worker>Worker
Levanera: Barracks>Temple of Leaves

Yep. That does it. I'm ending this thing. I rally our heroes to the battlefield.

During this time Tancred visits the necrototem. No way to sanctify the statue or the tormented souls.

T247-Kardel, Kewakea and Maros are heading for Churada while Gryn sprints towards Kaver.

IT-Telynohn: Worker>Granary

T249- WHAT HAVE I DONE? lols. These griffons are fantastic. We need to start using them to pop ruins and explore the oceans. I send our Illian griffon to pop a shipwreck in the Northern Sea.

IT- Telynohn: Granary>Form of the Titan
Kaver: Granary> Deruptus Brewery

T250-The Calabim build the Titan in Prespur. I switch the cap to The Great Library, which we should easily pick up in twelve turns.

Heroes rally on the outskirts of Churada, controlled by Garak and an archer. Kewakea casts maelstrom for massive damage and Kardel summons a djinn which suicides itself against Garak. At 83.5% odds I send in Maros, who then slays motherfudgin' Garak Blightanvil.

Our GP builds Nox Noctis in Bayamo. Two units have reached N'zesh.

T251- Kardel recaptures Churada after slaying a lone archer. An enemy stonewarden can be seen a couple of tiles away. Gryndane finally reaches the outskirts of Dun Karagh.

IT- Levantera: Temple of Leaves>Priest of Leaves

T252-Gryn kills that wandering stonewarden while the heroes heal in preparation for the assault. Upgrade an explorer to tracker in Kaver whom will be sent to reinforce Churada while our heroes are busy.

T253-One of our wandering griffons reaches a place of significane: the Grove of Creation. Do not recall if this was already completed or if the DM required this of us in a long forgotten quest. (You know the kind... like in Dragon Age, having to get the Urn after doing everything else. Yeah, LIKE THAT.)

T254- Stack in position, Kardel casts poison blade on heroes. We can not use maelstrom because Elohim workers are in the way.

T255- Assault on Dun Karagh:
Djinn suicides against stack, Messer bombs.
Maros slays slinger @ 94.3%, Gryn kills slinger @ 94.7%, Kardel kills Guard @ 96.7%

IT- Sanitation in, set research to Military Strategy to give us the free commander.

T256- I am the master of my soul.

IT- Bayamo: Siege Workshop (forgot to switch production, but no matter)>Granary
Brubu: Monument>Temple of Leaves

Points to note::::
-Pick up Pieces of Barnaxus from the corpse of Garak in Churada.
-Have Maros pick up Empty Bier from corpse of Garak in Churada.
-The Nightwatch is heading west to Churada... make sure it heads around the totem, then send him through Elohim lands.
-Send griffons into the water to pop those ships.
-Stack of aminals are being chased by Larry and Curly. Yep.
-Two griffons are escorting our GA in Amurite lands. Be aware of those giants that are not too far off in the distance. I'm loathe to waste that GA on a golden age right now.
-5 units have reached N'zesh.
-Prepare for mass expansion.


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0257.CivBeyondSwordSave
    607.3 KB · Views: 109
Quest update:

Fleme said:
Fizziks' versus the Timor Mask

Spoiler :
Quite a feat, heroes! That was a demon from the underworld you just defeated. Seeing all this doesn't make me regret siding myself with you one bit. Not one wee bit. But that mask... It holds within it untold possibilities and just looking at the gruesome face gives me both chills and ingenious ideas.

You see, I have been working on the Applied Theory of Fizziks and with that I've concluded that I could combine several elements and items to create something that would indeed be greater than the sum of its parts. And that mask there, that is what will be the face of my creation.

But it doesn't end there, no. I will need various other items of meaning to complete my creation - a golem - which is no simple task. You see, I will need weapons for both it's arms, some hard material for the exoskeleton - perhaps mithril or dragonscales? and masterwork wiring that can only be crafted by the Luchuirp.

Let me make a list for you, it'll be easier!

Q: Bring the following items to Zik Fizziks

1: 2 Weapons - any. Weapons are items such as Orthus' Axe. Golem gains specialities based on the weapons it's given - with certain modifications. Heroes you have will not give their own default weapons for this such as Maros' Rod of Winds.
2: Timor Mask
3: Pieces of Barnaxus
4: Defeat a living Dragon or find out where you could find access to Mithril and return to Fizziks once you have either Dragon Scales or Mithril Bars (these items do not exist in the game as is, but we can make believe)

Reward: Clockwork Golem manned by Zik Fizziks himself to act as an unconditional hero for you.

Hint: You can use the Stargazer to assist you in finding what it is you need.

Gryndane is back and we've procured the pieces of barnaxus. Send Gryn to pick up the pieces in Churada, then the Ax and another object to send to Fizziks. We need to ask the Stargazer where the dragon is. Slaying said dragon will be another matter entirely. Quest near completed.

Fleme said:
Mirror of Heaven

Spoiler :
Alarm! Alarm! It would seem that the forests sprung by the Song of Autumn have grown too close to the Mirror of Heaven and the magnified sunrays have set fires in forests closest to the mirror. The city of Kaver is in peril if these fires are not controlled and something must be done immediately! Furthermore, it might be a good idea to visit the Mirror of Heaven and find out what secrets it holds.

Q: Find a way to stop the forest fires and visit the Mirror of Heaven.

Quest completed.

Fleme said:
Demons In Our Midst

Spoiler :
The recent event where heroes met with the demon Leragas the Vile have risen concern among the explorer council and there is worry that this would lead to the rise of dark religions. It was first believed that this demon was here accompanying the Dark Iron Dwarf Garak Blightanvil but as is common with demons, it was driving the agenda of itself and its dark masters instead of the dwarf. The death of the demon has infested the desert and a Necrototem has sprung forth from the underworld to mark where Leragas was slain. Cursed souls of those that were slain by this demon now roam around the desert without a place to go. You must deal with this post haste so that the evil peoples of Erebus dont start worshipping the dark gods and bring this world closer to hell than it already is.

Q: Sanctify as much hell terrain as you possibly can before it spreads and find out clues about the demon infestation and if you can do anything to bring the lost souls to peace. Perhaps its time to pay Garak Blightanvil a visit.
I honestly have no idea where this hell terrain is. If he means tormented souls, then they can not be pacified. Perhaps with the death of Garak the totem will disappear. Quest near completed/Completed.

Fleme said:
Ongoing, updated: Alturus' Findings

Spoiler :
A familiar crest! Do my eyes fool me, if it isn't young Maros! A sight for sore eyes, that's what ye are. What news? I reckoned the Thane would send for me sooner, but no matter; The time here has been well spent. It is indeed in this ancient caldera that the dark powers rose and eventually struck down the last alliance. This place marks where the demonic stronghold of Dis once stood and there is an abundance of dark relics to be found here. I've been on this dig on me own for the past 100 years now, living off the land and doing what I can ever since my men were driven mad by those cursed Necrototems - they have a way with weaker minds that cannot be explained. Driven mad and against each other, it was they who went and joined themselves with the Dark Iron Dwarves who - from what I understand - have established a base to stir the great evil from slumber once again for their own gain. In their folly, they seek favor from he who heeds no-one's bidding but manipulates these weak minds with delusions of grandeur, promises of power.
If you can, send word back home to send me some reinforcements and supplies.
But, to the matter at hand! If you wish to fight for what is good in this land, you must drive them Dark Irons back to the darkness where they belong. Additionally, you need to know that it was Garak Blightanvil who led the raid on Dungarde Keep and it is he who raided the tomb of your ancestors. Steel your resolve, and have your revenge, brother.

Q: Destroy Dun Karagh before the Dark Iron influence escalates too much.

Q2: Maros is to reclaim the Empty Bier from Garak Blightanvil to restore his family honor.

Reward for the escorting quest: 10 experience for Kewakea (Given Combat II, Field Commander and Command Range I), Maros loses Heavy, gains Mobility I. More information about Maros after these quests are complete. Additionally, this is the only quest Maros can take part in, for now.

Update! Maros is not eligible to gain Heroic Strength even though it is open. If taken, I will remove it and replace it with nothing instead!

All that needs to be done is for Maros to go back to Churada and reclaim the bier. I overlooked this quest in my blind rage to exact revenge, you understand. Quest near completed.

Fleme said:
Ongoing, updated: Stargazer on the Dragon Bones

Spoiler :
So, you've come across the fields where the great Bartha-Amlug met its end. A fight of legend, it was. Armies of men, despite their strongest enchantments of courage could not withstand even facing the beast, let alone engage in combat with it. It's shadow made even those of strongest will falter and drop down their swords in the face of certain death. Not that fighting would have mattered, as the chromatic scales were stronger than the toughest Mithril armor of the Khazad smiths of old. No, the beast was without contest, and this ultimately became its downfall. You see, Dragons are beasts of vanity and great pride, tracing back to this very dragon who did not ultimately find any challenge among the champions of Erebus. It grew tired, and ended up being the destroyer of this world out of routine, not because it wanted to.

In a final gambit to restore the balance of Erebus, it was the elves who mustered the courage to face the beast. The greatest weapon of the dragon, fear, was something that did not touch the highest of the elves who had ascended the bounds of mortality and as such, from those elves a champion stood forth. The warrior maiden, Larissa, bride of Cernunnos, heeded the call.

Indeed, the fight was that of Legend. The field was charred and the dragon was resting on its mound of plunder after having destroyed a Khazad bastion as Larissa approached the beast. Delighted that a challenger finally dared face him, Bartha-Amlug immediately began toying with the delight of someone actually facing him. The exact details of the battle itself are unclear, but what is clear that the dragon did not anticipate for the challenger to be able to best it and this underestimation finally cost it its life.

Larissa had fallen to the swing of its mighty spiked tail as the dragon approached for the final blow. It would eat this insolent puny being that dared challenge it, but here is where it made its fatal mistake. Larissa was down, but she was not out; She waited. The dragon approached, with its mighty jaws open to devour the warrior maiden whole - and that is when she struck. Her blade, the plaguebearer Athame, was crafted for this battle and this battle only, to seek weakness in the mighty beast and it's sting was ready. Yes, the dragon approached, and Larissa struck inside the mouth of the being, piercing through the unprotected palate of the beast. The plaguebearer did its deed, and the toxic venom immediately infected the brain of the great dragon, paralyzing it. The massive beast then fell on the champion, crushing her but while doing so, drove the blade deeper in, piercing through all the way to the brain of the beast. The beast lay dead, along with it Larissa.
Sadly, as history would show, the sacrifice of Larissa was in vain but the elves hold this champion in the highest regard - no one elf has before or since committed such a deed in the name of natural balance and it is something even the lesser elves of this age strive for.

It is unclear what might happen should one attempt to remove Athame from the skull it pierced. For the elves this would be sacrilegious to say the least, but legend also has it that should one remove the sting that took the life of the Bartha-Amlug, its offspring would take to the skies from their slumber and seek to avenge their father. However, this is widely regarded as children's tales as only one of the alleged offspring, Acheron, has been reported to actually exist. Word of warning to you; Bartha-Amlug brought armageddon to this world and the essence that caused this doom is etched in those very bones. I cannot stress this warning enough!


Athame is a sword that can be used by any Melee class hero, +3 Poison combat, Passes Plagued to enemies.

The scales and teeth of the Bartha-Amlug can be harvested and if a proper smith is found, forged into the Hauberk of Abjuration (Magic Immunity to wearer) and Draconian Essence which changes the race of the wielder into Dragon, enabling them to Roar and Breathe Fire and to cause Fear on attack as well as be immune to Fear.

Q: Decide what to do:

1) Harvest the teeth and scales to be used in crafting later on.
2) Attempt to remove Athame from the skull of the Bartha-Amlug
3) Leave the great beast to its eternal rest

Update! While you chose your approach, there has been no visit to the bones. (which might have been smart play by your part) but if you leave this matter to rest, you will default to option 3.

We've pulled the teeth from the bones and Brother Tancred brought them to Fizziks while visiting the necrototem. Quest completed.

Fleme said:
Persisting, updated: Museum of the Explorer Council

Spoiler :
Keep items of legend at Telyhohn until 200 and receive a museum. Completed.

You can choose to leave other items your heroes have gained during your travels to the museum for future bonuses. For example, Gryndane still has Night Gear etc., which could be made into exhibits if you so choose.

Update! If you choose to leave items of your heroes at the museum, you have to visit the museum and decide on the items you want to leave. For now, there are quite a few items on your heroes and you could leave them behind for balance and also benefits to your empire later on.

New events must unfold before the quest is continued.

Fleme said:
Ongoing, updated: N'zesh's Return

Spoiler :
The power... Agruonn has blessed me and anointed me as his chosen. This blessing is unparalleled and I must make the best of it. So, Gryndane sent a lackey to check on me? I guess that is how little faith he has in me, but no matter. I must make haste to the Sacellum to perform rites. Send word that I will need... offerings.


N'zesh has dropped his priestly abilities in favor of a more direct approach. His potency in magic has increased as well as his rogue-like abilities. He can now hide and his nationality is hidden to mention a few things.

Q: N'zesh must move directly to the Tlacotli Sacellum and stay there until the end of the set. Furthermore, he will need 5 units (any) to sacrifice at the altar. In order to complete, just move the units to the Sacellum by the end of any set. Time is not a constraint, but N'zesh will remain stationary until the condition is met.

R: Unknown.

Info on the Sacellum based on the last visit: The shrine is built deep in the mountains and there is a bottomless pit surrounding the actual altar. The shrine is shadowy and bears several markings depicting Aeron/Agruonn.

Update! You have a ton of werewolves of all sorts of varieties. Consider sacrificing them, as they are basically "reward" units to get N'zesh back into play.

Quest completed.

Fleme said:
Ongoing, updated: Cove of M'rafaal

Spoiler :
Pirate Harbor and Barracks in Levantera for more developments.

Update! I reassigned a citizen from the fish to the copper mine to hasten the completion of this quest. You may of course change it back but for story developments this way you could get it done by the end of next set.

Quest completed. Unless you meant for us to also build a harbor. Then quest not completed.

Any quests I left out were tests completed or discontinued. As stated before, I am thoroughly enjoying the quests, but they seemed to become muddled together when new ones are added and old ones take up more resources from our empire. This is all a big experiment, however, and so far it is keeping us all very entertained. Fleme, that last set was very enjoyable, and it is mostly thanks to your efforts. It helps to have a very good team, too. Kinda lucked out there.

So, time for expansion me thinks. After that, what are the team's thoughts to our new religion and who should we assault first? Any ideas on what cities should be doing? I'll chime in again on Monday.
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