Future Worlds

Does the effect of this actually stack in one city for multiple copies of BUILDINGCLASS_FW_BRAIN_UPLOADING_DUMMY_1 in the same city?
Same question for table <Building_BuildingClassYieldChanges>.

They won't stack for multiple copies of BUILDING_FW_DIGITAL_EMANCIPATION within one city (ie, the <BuildingType> specified will not stack for multiple copies of it within one city), but you are exploring new territory it never occured to me to test before.
Does the effect of Building_BuildingClassHappiness actually stack in one city for multiple copies of BUILDINGCLASS_FW_BRAIN_UPLOADING_DUMMY_1 in the same city?

Same question for table <Building_BuildingClassYieldChanges>
I've been given the option to build the Biofactory as soon as I've built the Factory - but also, it doesn't appear to have a PrereqTech (which will explain the bug), nor does it appear to have any entry in the pedia. Logs will come eventually.
Yeah, it probably is -- I was tending to default to "+2 Happiness" for happiness-boosting buildings and so overdid it a bit. +1 Happiness may be a lot more suitable.

Thanks to you as well! I recall once someone said about fictional civs that it provided the opportunity to do things a historical civ couldn't really do, and sci-fi things like the Brain Uploading Facility offer the same opportunity. So I'm glad I was able to pull off something unique!

As for aircraft, there is the Drone Fighter as a more futuristic version of the Jet Fighter. I do plan to add a Suborbital Bomber as an upgrade to the Stealth Bomber, and might at some point make a post-Drone Fighter aircraft.

As for anti-aircraft, it's something I've considered although I'm not entirely sure how to do it. The best option may be to use some of the armored vehicles I've seen and make an AA platform using lasers, since that may not require particularly complex animations. Either that, or maybe some kind of AA swarm missiles? Hmmm...

Nanorobots!!! Or something like from Revenge of the Sith: http://img.lum.dolimg.com/v1/images...9_e6c40327.jpeg?region=0,0,1560,878&width=768

And I don't think future airplanes are missing. For the dinosaurs I just use so many missiles as I have to. For cities I use nukes :popcorn: And there is no battles in space. Maybe Hackers specialists, that gives future units horrible amount of expierience? Someone did this with Prussia, so it works. And space marines, like paratrooper, just with unlimited range.
I've been given the option to build the Biofactory as soon as I've built the Factory - but also, it doesn't appear to have a PrereqTech (which will explain the bug), nor does it appear to have any entry in the pedia. Logs will come eventually.

I Ithough some of my 30 mod are uncompatible, so I didn't report this error. You are sure it's just this mod?
Well, here's a very cluttered database log - if the Biofactory error isn't here, then there's plenty of other bits to look at :p

[Edit] Oh, And Special Forces' flag isn't working - you've presumeably got the atlas wrong, or you've put the atlas and index the wrong way round :p


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I've been given the option to build the Biofactory as soon as I've built the Factory - but also, it doesn't appear to have a PrereqTech (which will explain the bug), nor does it appear to have any entry in the pedia. Logs will come eventually.

I Ithough some of my 30 mod are uncompatible, so I didn't report this error. You are sure it's just this mod?

Well, here's a very cluttered database log - if the Biofactory error isn't here, then there's plenty of other bits to look at :p

[Edit] Oh, And Special Forces' flag isn't working - you've presumeably got the atlas wrong, or you've put the atlas and index the wrong way round :p

Oh! Those bugs actually got reported on Steam, so I patched them up there... but I haven't updated the direct download yet! The Special Forces graphics and flag were actually entirely missing, and the Biofactory had the bug that I'd named the PrereqTech incorrectly when moving it in the tree.

Updated copy now on Dropbox here.
So, I would like to ask, does updating to FW v5 and loading a FW v4 save work? Does it cause issues or not? I'm unsure because it affects some mods and not others.
So, I would like to ask, does updating to FW v5 and loading a FW v4 save work? Does it cause issues or not? I'm unsure because it affects some mods and not others.

No, that won't work.

Oh, and thanks Micha
You will not believe, what I'm going to tell you, so just check it out.

So, when citizens are uploading, a BUILDING(S) appear, right?

So what if someone are going to play Korea? :sarcasm:

It was one city strategy, I built all food buildings and wonders (and had 130 happiness with immigration mod!) it was 3-2 techs per turn. Without this it would be 3-2 turn for one tech.
You will not believe, what I'm going to tell you, so just check it out.

So, when citizens are uploading, a BUILDING(S) appear, right?

So what if someone are going to play Korea? :sarcasm:

It was one city strategy, I built all food buildings and wonders (and had 130 happiness with immigration mod!) it was 3-2 techs per turn. Without this it would be 3-2 turn for one tech.

I wonder, why no one reply, and then I see what firaxis did to Civ VI technology...

I wonder, why no one reply, and then I see what firaxis did to Civ VI technology...

Sorry I didn't reply sooner! I've been taking a short break from working on Future Worlds to work on other projects, and the issue with Korea appears to stem from the use of scirnce-generating dummy buildings to achieve the effect. It's not just the Brain Uploading Facility - the Neurolab and Network Backbone will do the same thing, and at the moment I have no real idea how to fix it.

What did they do with the Civ 6 tech tree, though? I haven't been following the Civ 6 spoilers closely...
I may have figured out a workaeound for the Korea problem - I'm guessing Korea's trait fires when a building with a science yield in the XML code is built in the capital. But would it fire if the building has no innate science yield, but got one from a dummy policy instead? It may be a way to circumvent the trigger...
Sorry I didn't reply sooner! I've been taking a short break from working on Future Worlds to work on other projects, and the issue with Korea appears to stem from the use of scirnce-generating dummy buildings to achieve the effect. It's not just the Brain Uploading Facility - the Neurolab and Network Backbone will do the same thing, and at the moment I have no real idea how to fix it.

What did they do with the Civ 6 tech tree, though? I haven't been following the Civ 6 spoilers closely...

Just change Korea trait... I don't know more OP civ. Just delete science boost and give free science slot at the beginning of game.

Civ VI: two trees, one science and one cultural. Both EQUAL, and on the same rules. I already see :) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :) policy mod.

I have only one worry: not balanced wonders and OP food. And Flying Gardens that give 15% food in all cities, and don't have prerequesite tech (only river) is not helping.
Just change Korea trait... I don't know more OP civ. Just delete science boost and give free science slot at the beginning of game.

Civ VI: two trees, one science and one cultural. Both EQUAL, and on the same rules. I already see :) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :):) :) :) :) policy mod.

I have only one worry: not balanced wonders and OP food. And Flying Gardens that give 15% food in all cities, and don't have prerequesite tech (only river) is not helping.

4 c h a n

Wow, guys, what happens here?
Well, I had very good balance, I just moved on Diety and :eek:

I kinda feel that I need more :c5production: in Informaciom Era... I sound like lunatic, right?

And it would be good if there was something like space port, that increse air capability of cities. 10 it's not enought. I will use mod that add airbases, but it's not comfortable.
Well, I had very good balance, I just moved on Diety and :eek:

I kinda feel that I need more :c5production: in Informaciom Era... I sound like lunatic, right?

And it would be good if there was something like space port, that increse air capability of cities. 10 it's not enought. I will use mod that add airbases, but it's not comfortable.

Im using 5 tiles radius work and forest regrow mods. Problem solved.

You might use super carrier mod then. But it cant store stealth bomber :(
Im using 5 tiles radius work and forest regrow mods. Problem solved.

You might use super carrier mod then. But it cant store stealth bomber :(

Forest? What it is? Oh, wait, i can build that. On diety, if there is civ that can only have three or less cities, it's going to help more them than me. I just deleted all civ with production bonus (even egypt and rome), it helps a lot and i will try with mods that modify food buildings.

I have supercarrier, just you know, it would be cheaper other way.
Oh! Those bugs actually got reported on Steam, so I patched them up there... but I haven't updated the direct download yet! The Special Forces graphics and flag were actually entirely missing, and the Biofactory had the bug that I'd named the PrereqTech incorrectly when moving it in the tree.

Updated copy now on Dropbox here.

I was testing this new version. And i found these problems.
1) The dinos are still spawning even i researched the Designer Lifeforms (TECH_GENGINEERING)
Solution: In FutureLua.lua
function JurassicParkBonus(iPlayer)
	local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer];
	print("Checking for Jurassic Park")
	[COLOR="Blue"]if (pPlayer:GetBuildingClassCount(iBuildingJurassicParkClass) > 0)[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Red"]"AND TECH_GENGINEERING ISNT RESEARCHED"[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]then[/COLOR]
		local iCheckForDinos = JFD_GetRandom(1, 100)
		if (iCheckForDinos < iChanceDinos) then
			local tPlots ={}
			for pCity in pPlayer:Cities() do
				if pCity:IsHasBuilding(iBuildingZoo) then
					local pCentralPlot = pCity:Plot()
						local iImprovement = pPlot:GetImprovementType()
						local iTerrain = pPlot:GetTerrainType()
						local iOwner = pPlot:GetOwner()
						if (((iTerrain == iPlains) or (iTerrain == iGrasslands)) and (iOwner == iPlayer) and (pPlot:GetNumUnits() == 0) and not (pPlot:IsMountain())) then
							table.insert(tPlots, pPlot)
							print("Inserted plot")
			if #tPlots > 0 then
				local randomNumber = JFD_GetRandom(1, #tPlots)
				local tPlot = tPlots[randomNumber]
				local iDinoNumber = JFD_GetRandom(1, 6)
				print("Dino Type is " .. iDinoNumber)
				local iDinoType = iTRex
				if (iDinoNumber > 3) then 
					iDinoType = iRaptor
					if (iDinoNumber > 1) then
						iDinoType = iTriceratops
				local nUnit = Players[63]:InitUnit(iDinoType, tPlot:GetX(), tPlot:GetY())
2) And apparently, you forget to clean your lua (you still have "print" function)
3) How to train the dinos? I researched the Designer Lifeforms, and i still cant buy the dino. I think its because there is no <PrereqTech> unit in unit.xml
4) When i right-clicked on NanoHive icon, it was showing the nanohive promotion info, not the noanohive unit info.
5) The crawler has 2 promotions of indirect fire.
Solution: in unit.xml, you gave it the 2nd indirect fire
[COLOR="Red"] <Row>
6) You have new units, and everything is perfect (atlas icons = check, SV icons = check). But your improvements still dont have the SV icons. The unit Mutan and Biodrone still dont have the SV icons. And the unit power armor, chimera, vertol hover tank, cybersub, arsenal ship, advan destroyer, drone figter still dont have the "proper" SV icons. They are using the existing icons.
7) When i built the support core near the city (1 tile radius), it had 2 gold and 2 prod. But none in other places.
8) Whats the different between aquaculture and tidal array?
9) When i buy the special force, organic infantry, biotroper, i dont have extra sign while embark and embark with defense promotions. But i have em when i upgraded from the marine unit.
10) I see you are using the "all tile cost 1" promotion alot. I think its better to use the "ignore terrain" promotion. So, you can still use the road and railroad.
11) When i checked your xml (artdefines.xml) i saw the observer drone (its not in "comment"). I thought it was already on (i cant build/buy it), but apparently you forgot to mark it as comment. I think in the future you can use it as scout upgrade. Perhaps you also can make it able to see the unseen units (submarines or units with gengineering promotion/invisible)
12) LOL, i gave the crawler to the city state and it became invisible(unbeatable). It produced alot of missiles and stored it in the cities (they captured alot of cities).
13) I didnt hear the sounds of the dinos.

Forest? What it is? Oh, wait, i can build that. On diety, if there is civ that can only have three or less cities, it's going to help more them than me. I just deleted all civ with production bonus (even egypt and rome), it helps a lot and i will try with mods that modify food buildings.

I have supercarrier, just you know, it would be cheaper other way.
I mean Reforestation mod + City Working Distance mod
Just popping in here to let people know that, although I've been pretty quiet lately, I still have plans to try and keep working on this mod. It'd be nice to at least get v6 done before Civ 6 drops. XD

My main focus is going to be on trying to get a new, dynamically placed Era added so that the futuristic techs can be in their own era, but the mod can still be compatible with mods like the Enlightenment Era that change the Eras around. whoward69 provided the code for doing it in a tutorial, but it's pretty difficult to work through and I'm nervous about causing the whole mod to crash, so I've been feeling rather tentative about it.

Other changes will include a couple more wonders to try and help fill out some branches of the tree, and some revisions to the naval unit progression (such as adding Supercarriers to help expand the Carrier line). I'll also continue to try and clean up some of the existing bugs, such as missing icons or incorrect info text.

TimurB: I'll post a more full length response to your comments once I've got some time and I'm not rushing to get ready for work in the morning! Thanks for the feedback though! :D
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