GGF4: French

Ah yes, the FP. Totally forgot about that one. What is the affect of FP in C3C on corruption?

I got on some fellow teammates in another SG for builing it one city over from the capitol. This was the response.

Originally Posted by jb1964
FP is being built far too close to the capitol. But with nothing to switch production over to I’ll leave it as is. Was the plan to jump the palace?

Remember that in C3C the FP affects OCN and rank corruption and has minimal effect on distance corruption. Getting it built early, even if close to the capital guarantees two virtually corruption-free cities for the rest of the game.

If that's the case then I don't care where we build it. :)

So, we have the fast movers just about set and forces moving to NW. Totally agree w/ attack plans. Up the middle w/ riders and Gem City w/ the ground pounders. First MGL makes an Army.
while that statement mostly true, the FP does in fact lower distance corruption of all the cities around it. it's effect on rank are much less so cities with very high rank corruption won't benifit from it being close. therefore, usually, i like to stick it in a moderately corrupt city (30-40%) in the direction we are expanding or in a direction where we have a lot of cities nearby with potential. imho, the best rules of thumb are early (pre 0AD if possible) and not too far from the palace that the city can't build it without an MGL (usually distances below 12 from the palace). however, every game is different and, like this game, you can't always meet both.

edit: go here to have all your corruption questions answered. don't trust anyone on this subject but alexman (including firaxis :) )
Unless CB played over the weekend (but I don't see a "got it"), then he's up. Failing that, then I'm up. I still haven't attempted to unpatch, but should be able to do so in the next day or 2 (I'm also up in DD01). I should be able to play it through by late Friday night.

(Incidentally, even though I'm currently in 1.22, I get an error when trying to load COTM 02, any thoughts?)
RowAndLive said:
Unless CB played over the weekend (but I don't see a "got it"), then he's up. Failing that, then I'm up. I still haven't attempted to unpatch, but should be able to do so in the next day or 2 (I'm also up in DD01). I should be able to play it through by late Friday night.

(Incidentally, even though I'm currently in 1.22, I get an error when trying to load COTM 02, any thoughts?)
if you want it, you can take it. jb and i have ping-ponged this a couple of times now so someone besides us should take it. just keep building up our knights and position fast units to run up the Inca's gut and slow movers to hike up the hills.
be wary of the large number of units to our S in thier 1 town down there. I don't expect much from thier towns to the East as I haven't seen much movement. However, upgrading a sword or 2 on that side to MDI will help keep Rhiems safe. i'm hoping that the run up the gut will divert all thier resourses that way, leaving most of the rest of our cities safe.

regarding cotm02, i've played to 10BC without an issue. no mod's or anything required.
I'm running both 1.15 and 1.22 versions at the moment so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

I predict that the next player will get the honor of demanding the removal of Inca forces from our land and the subsequent declaration of war. If you have the cash take a look at the garrison sitting in your first target. You'll want to bring enough fast movers to take it and then run in a pike or three once you own the roads.

Get the gems soon. I need them to adjust my wife's lux slider. :p

Go get 'em Tiger!
I ended up uninstalling all of C3C, since I couldn't uninstall the 1.22 patch only. Then I re-installed, and patched to 1.15. I didn't seem to have any problems, so we'll have to see.

I mentioned Friday yesterday, but I'll probably not post before Saturday.
RowAndLive said:
I ended up uninstalling all of C3C, since I couldn't uninstall the 1.22 patch only. Then I re-installed, and patched to 1.15. I didn't seem to have any problems, so we'll have to see.

I mentioned Friday yesterday, but I'll probably not post before Saturday.
if you want to do a dual install, then just copy your 1.15b directory to a safe place and install 1.22f in your current directory. Then make desktop shortcut links to your 1.15b directory executable. works like a charm and shouldn't take up too much room.
I'll try that - I should have plenty of room.

CB, you have first rights to this before I start. I'm up in DD01, and on deck in SGOTM2 for the final turn push, so I have no problem picking it up after you do.
Please post your intentions. As mentioned, I won't get to this for a few days.
Is this the current Roster?

RowAndLive <= UP
Commander Bello <= On Deck
Will pick it up now, but not be able to play until tomorrow (Monday) night.
Sorry gang, I'm off by a week here. Still no word from CB? I'm going to try and take care of Zarth's PTW tonight and tomorrow, and then this one by Friday night. By then I should be up in SGOTM3 and DD01...
:sad: Although I regret having to do this, it has become apparent that I am not going to be able to participate in this game, simply for lack of time, and enthusiastic over-committment to playing Civ. RL is simply not going to permit the time, given my new work schedule, an upcoming professional exam which must be studied for, my familial responsibilities, etc.

As such, I really must apologize for delaying this game by yet another week, and not realizing my predicament sooner. Thank you for being willing to take me on to begin with, and I hope to see you in one of the other, fewer, SGs that I will be participating in. Good Luck with France!!!
jb1964 said:
Grahamiam, it's you and me bud.
since the 2 of us have played 8 of the last 10 sets, it's been that way for quite some time. :(

i guess you might as well take it if you can. hopefully, cb will reappear but it's been almost 2 weeks since his last post.
I messaged another player looking for a spot in another game to see if this one might interest him.

I'll play the next set as I'm dying to kick the snot out of the Inca.
Mind if we stretch the number of turns played to 15 or 20?

BTW, we should build the FP
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