Ideas For Quarantine/Lockdown Competition?


Grand Philosopher
Apr 30, 2008
Since many people have an injunction/responsibility to social distance from others, I thought a competition might make for some interest. There exist a fair number of tables with empty spots, and others where the bottom spots may strike some players as weak. What sort of level and victory condition would you have an interest in playing for in a gauntlet style competition?
I am currently playing some Sid Tiny 20K games. Might consider joining the gauntlet if it's played on the tiny map, average difficulty, any VC.
This sounds like a great idea. However, this working-from-home thing has increased my workload by quite a lot, so I may not be able to participate.
I have an idea in mind for something we could run, but I'm not sure how to formulate the ending deadline for when this is over...

For me personally, it'll be 'over' when the NBA starts allowing fans into games again, but I'm not sure that would align with international players?

Maybe I'm overthinking this?
What about having this first one go for 4--6 weeks, then play it by ear from there. If we're still quarantined and interested in this challenge in 6 weeks, I'm not sure I'll still want to be playing tiny conquests ;)
I'm using the isolation time to play a huge histograph game. It will take me months to complete. Currently each turn takes about 2 hours to complete.

I am playing at Emperor level, I am at 1430ad and I have had 65% territory for quite a while now (i don't have any utilities for number of tiles). In the last few turns all flat territory is fully chopped, jungles and marsh cleared, irrigated and railed.Workers are now putting roads on hills and mountains in non productive areas and planting forests outside of my territory.

I have 150 native workers - i haven't disbanded any - so this was the maximum number that I built, and I have 470 captured workers.

I am playing at Emperor level, I am at 1430ad and I have had 65% territory for quite a while now (i don't have any utilities for number of tiles). In the last few turns all flat territory is fully chopped, jungles and marsh cleared, irrigated and railed.Workers are now putting roads on hills and mountains in non productive areas and planting forests outside of my territory.

I have 150 native workers - i haven't disbanded any - so this was the maximum number that I built, and I have 470 captured workers.


My experience with histographic games suggests that you're close to the final stage. At least if you have the AI(s) controlled to 1 city. During the final stage, basically end up doing little more than cleaning pollution, maybe changing a few workers back and forth between scientists and taxmen, and maybe killing some AI unit (for example, if one keeps them at war for war happiness).
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