Ideologies that just annoy you.

Radical feminism, Leninism and any other communist system found later than that (Excluding Marxism), people who believe free market solves anything, when in reality, it hurts the developing world, eco-terrorism (If it happens, seriously), religious zealots, Neo-cons, Nazism, Radical fundamentalism, hypocritical people who say they aren't, Euroscepticism, racism, sexist 'tards, anti-video game movement, big government supporters, political candidates who will do anything to win and the people who support them, tabloids, media which use gossip to sell their crap, people who deny global warming, anti-gun supporters (Although not supporters of gun restrictions, just the ones who want to ban), etc.
- Maoism
- Capitalism at its worst
- Western Conservatism at its worst
- Eurocentrism
- Afrocentrism
The only ideology that annoys me is CFCism, which is the ideology that one's ideological system is superior to every one else's, and that anyone with an opposing ideological system is delusional and worth publically degrading in front of a person who holds this belief. This ideological system must also not be a moderate political ideology.
Theocratism bugs me. I don't have anything serious against it (till it starts killing) I just think it's a little annoying that there are people out there who see the point of establishing a whole country based on a religion. I mean, I am a VERY religious Christian, but religions don't have any political leaning, so a Theocracy is basically the perversion of relgion.
Communism goes wwwwwwaaaaaayyyyyy beyond just bugging me. It drives me insane that there are idiots out there who think the total control of an economy- the source of advancement in humanity- is a good idea because it will lead to a "utopia". I also have a problem with the idea that diversity is bad. I mean, killing anyone who you think is a counter-revolutionary in the name of "utopia" is just evil. It's like fascism without nationalism! It's just so compleatly perverted.
And Anarcism- wow, the price of humanity is so worth total freedom. I love freedom, but toatl freedom- unlimited in every sense- is impossible, because your freedom would be trampled on by the strong in anarchy- so you still have a government by the stupid, of the storn, and for the strong.
Fascism is just as stupid. One nation is superior to another nation, so I should be the total leader. Hmmm... is it just me, or is there something wrong with this picture?
I love free speech and democracy, but these idealogies I just find these things annoying. But still, regadless of how annoying, stupid, or how insane they drive me, I still support these peoples rights to promote their idealogy, just as long as I have the right to support CAPITALISM!
I love free speech and democracy, but these idealogies I just find these things annoying. But still, regadless of how annoying, stupid, or how insane they drive me, I still support these peoples rights to promote their idealogy, just as long as I have the right to support CAPITALISM!
Economic liberalism is pointless unless you also support social liberalism.
Ideology's I hate
Politically Correctism - the notion that everything that is wrong with the world is down to political correctness. I mean the shadowy liberal elitetm forcing us to be polite to is certainly the biggest problem with western society.
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Historicalism- the notion that in the past usually when the speaker was young there was some mythical golden age where everything worked perfectly children were well behaved you could leave your doors unlocked without fear of crime. this is nostalgia painting a golden glow over a past that never really existed and is at best only remembering the good bits of that time and is at worst a complete fabrication.

Bloke in a Pubism/Bloke in the forumism
- the ideology whereby just because some random person in your favourite pub/favourite forum has a particular opinion then everyone should agree with it without question or face expulsion from the group/forum.

Free Market Capitalism= Democracyism- the belief that having economic freedom is the same as having political freedom (usually but not exclusively limited to right wingers)

Anti Americanism is a good basis for allianceism- the notion that it is fine for any socialist/left wing party to form political alliances with right wing Islamic extremists just because they are anti American.after all anyone who dislikes the American government cant be bad right? (I am looking at you George Galloway)

and extremism in all its forms
Ideology's I hate
Politically Correctism - the notion that everything that is wrong with the world is down to political correctness. I mean the shadowy liberal elitetm forcing us to be polite is certainly the biggest problem with western society.

Historicalism- the notion that in the past usually when the speaker was young there was some mythical golden age where everything worked perfectly children were well behaved you could leave your doors unlocked without fear of crime. this is nostalgia painting a golden glow over a past that never really existed and is at best only remembering the good bits of that time and is at worst a complete fabrication.

Bloke in a Pubism/Bloke in the forumism
- the ideology whereby just because some random person in your favourite pub/favourite forum has a particular opinion then everyone should agree with it without question or face expulsion from the group/forum.

and extremism is in all its forms

Is the first section at least somewhat sarcastic? It's hard to tell over the internet.
Is the first section at least somewhat sarcastic? It's hard to tell over the internet.

yeah the first section is sarcastic. In fact most of them are just general things that annoy me rather than actual ideology's you mean religions besides communism (???) or religions other than yours?
I'm convinced that Communism is a religion. Other people have said, "No, but it is a cult." Either way, it's a religion to me. Search for a thread I started or one started by nonconformist that discusses this.

- Full Blown Anti-Communists (We'r not all the same, just because we have the name Coummunist doesn't make us all evil. argue that point!)
Well, you're obviously evil. :rolleyes:
Nazism (10 chars)
Anarchy. Seriously man, you'd have to be a moron to be an anarchist. Or a pre-pubescent teenager who doesn't know any better.
I'm convinced that Communism is a religion. Other people have said, "No, but it is a cult." Either way, it's a religion to me. Search for a thread I started or one started by nonconformist that discusses this.

Well, you're obviously evil. :rolleyes:

Well thats a givin...


If you fail to find the irony of the smiley I used above then please leave.
Narcissism, whether applied on people or on a nation like the fact American think that they are the Greatest nation in the world.

Insane Religious Fanaticism, people who run up to who and demand you convert

Envanglism, the horror. I have been to an Envanglis church, it scares me. The people are a wee bit crazy and also too friendly.

Insane Capitalism, thats the point where you subject people to hardship just so you can save a few bucks

Al Goreism, Get him away from me!
Socialism. And those who think I should ,as a hard working person, prop up the stupid and lazy.

Capitalism. And those who think that I as a hard working proletariat, prop up the rich and lazy capitalists.
Originally Posted by BEHIND_THE_MASK
- Full Blown Anti-Communists (We'r not all the same, just because we have the name Coummunist doesn't make us all evil. argue that point!)

I count as one, right? Please?
The Global Warming Cult. Volcanoes put out more greenhouse gases than humans could ever do and we're still here.
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