Imperium Offtopicum II: Chronological Order is For Chumps!

I would like to pleasantly ask that any South Korean provinces you capture be handed over to me.
GM Announcement:

Map Updated. We are on turn 4 now. The year is now 2016; we are halfway through. You may still claim 6 points worth of territories for this turn.

If I missed any territories, as always, please let me know. Keep in mind I may have given you fewer than what you asked for if they all cost more than six points.

Economy - Still good. Has picked up slightly.

Country hit: Number 6 - TUNIC(Reiser)
Intensity: 4 (Mild bonus)


Alefuryan claims:

1. Two parts of Switzerland(2)
2. 3 parts of Austria (3)

We expend our 1 remaining point on Venice and Western Slovenia. We choose RNG.
The Pharaohate spends 5 points claiming, and wishes to spend the last point attacking.
We wish to attack Venice two times. One using that cool software thing you used to do the other battles, and the other using RNG. Both will be directed at the Venetian province in Africa.
Claims below:
The Angevin Empire claims the islands of the Shetlands and the Orknies, Jan Mayen Island, eastern Iceland and the eastern Azores. It has expanded its sphere of influence to include the rest of the Azores, Iceland and Greenland.

(Purple is Angevin territory, lavender are our claims and pink is our sphere of influence.)


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@ west india man:

I'll check, but I probably kept some of your claims away for going over the limit.

For instance, I'm only giving you three of what you just requested: the big one costs 2, but since the other two are not next to what you already own, they double to 2 each.

Edit: Checked. You were right; I missed those two and have added them to your land. :)

My point about giving you only three this turn, however, still applies.

ATAPA user group has been created. All members of ATAPA, please join.

I don't know if Persia has claimed any of the lands I am claiming, if so, just VM me.

I marked on the map the order (starting with one) I would like Tanicius to remove my territories if I claimed too much. If it's not obvious, I am scouting out the edge of my planned lands before I begin settling in them. I may expand slightly more towards Kazakhstan, however.


I'm going to be gone indefinately, and I know if I come back I won't have time to read through all the new posts, so I'll just post my very long term plan.

I want the rest of New Zealand, then Indonesia, and if for somereason I'm still not back by then, I guess I'll just move into SE Asia.

My plans are to keep the desert to fertile land prorgram going, and I will only enter war if the ATAPA alliance gets into war. If they do, am I allowed to let the leader of the alliance (sorry, I already forgot who's planning this. Sorry. :blush:) give battle orders for my country? If so, that is what I choose.

Good luck keeping this up and not burning the whole world down.
Due to not wanting to flood the Wars/Battles topic in the IOT group, I hereby present a new installment of Get Your War On. Today's special, Egypt attacks Venetian Libya! Both are played by the Allies, with Egypt specialising in land and Venice in air.

Spoiler :

The Egyptians, in yellow, have decided to use the full might of the regionally-advantaged army for their needs. The Venetians, meanwhile, have suffered the complete destruction of their navy, and most of their troops have been deployed elsewhere. As a result, they hope to use airpower to rain hell down upon the Egyptians.

After some time, the Venetians manage to assemble a weapon that will give them control over the entire region. However, it shuts off their limited power supply.

Furthermore, more forward bases and resource collection sites have been seized by the Egyptians.

The Egyptians build one of their own long-range artillery devices, however, and there is a massive interchange that destroys the core of both bases, leaving them on a mostly-even footing. The construction yards of both powers are moved to hidden locations, and the battle's real focus becomes disarming the other side's long-range arsenal.

After more exchanges, the Venetians lose their airports... the air strategy has failed. The last planes finally run out of fuel and crash to the ground. Not even the massive bombers Venice assembled could defeat the Egyptians.

Seconds to firing, the Venetian superweapon is destroyed by force of arms. With it, the whole former main base of Venice collapsed.

Alas, the air strategy was a failure. Libya, incapable of being defended by land, sea, or air, has been occupied by Egypt.

Egypt occupies Venetian Libya.

Edit: Urrhuurrrghhh... Omega's now attacking Macedon at Crete and West Cyprus, and Byzantium at Southern Marmara... another edition coming up...

Thankfully Radio Sega is keeping me sane.

Macedon, Byzantium, please give me any strategies you'd like to use. Otherwise I'll try to think what'd be best given the situation.
I'm going to be gone indefinately, and I know if I come back I won't have time to read through all the new posts, so I'll just post my very long term plan.

I want the rest of New Zealand, then Indonesia, and if for some reason I'm still not back by then, I guess I'll just move into SE Asia.

My plans are to keep the desert to fertile land program going, and I will only enter war if the ATAPA alliance gets into war. If they do, am I allowed to let the leader of the alliance (sorry, I already forgot who's planning this. Sorry. :blush:) give battle orders for my country? If so, that is what I choose.

Good luck keeping this up and not burning the whole world down.

I started ATAPA, so do you want me to give battle orders for you or do you prefer someone else?

taillesskangaru, since your empire is also in Asia (sorry, I just realized :blush:) you are also invited to join ATAPA.

EDIT: N. Korea, I am willing to send scientists to teach you advanced farming technologies such as auto-irrigation if you are willing to give your people more freedom. This free technology would double your food production, thus rapidly bringing your nation up to First World status.

The first non-company sponsored launch of the private spacecraft has gone very well. The man, Ilik Togotospace, took off with his wife and two kids and plans on returning after one week in orbit around the Earth. Another launch that happened later that day aims for orbiting around the moon for a few days before returning home. As of now, the spacecraft is not able to land on on a planetary body, but a large orbiting fueling and docking bay is being created for this new generation of spacecraft.

The nation plans on keeping expanding into Africa, as shown on the PAE. We now have 10 adjacent territories, which means that the next claims shall be 1 point.

Also, with the war raging in Venice, TUNIC has allowed troops from the "Allies" (the nations attacking Venice) to have a place to stay in our beautiful country, improving diplomatic and trade relations with those nations.

Newest desktop and claims attached.


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I would like to claim Taiwan. How many points is that?

(If it's too many, I'll grab some more Belarusian provinces)
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