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The Republic of Kashmir
کٔشِیر कॅशीर कश्मीर ཀཤམིར كەشمىر کشمیر

This post will be edited as the game progresses.

Hasan said:
The Flag of Kashmir

Modified from the former flag of Jammu and Kashmir, its adoption signifies the reunification of historical Kashmir. Red symbolises the unity of all the people of Kashmir and spirit of the nation. The bottom gold bar stands for justice, the top gold bar represents prosperity; hence good governance provides the foundation for the development of the nation towards a prosperous future. The three stars stand for the three main regions within Kashmir (Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh) and three religions of historical Kashmir (Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism). They recall Kashmir's past as the crossroad of the world and the meeting point of cultures, and represent the hope for pluralism and tolerance rising out of a tragic and bloody history.

Map of Kashmir

Spoiler :

The Republic of Kashmir

Population: c.20,000,000
Capital city: Iskandarabad
Largest city: Srinagar

Official Languages: None
De facto: Kashmiri, Dogri, Hindustani, English

Government: semi-presidential democratic republic
Head of State: Jamal Nadim (KCD)
Head of Government: Rasul Iqbal (KCD)

Political freedom: Partly free
Economic policy: interventionist, pragmatist
Social policy: liberal
Foreign policy: non-interventionist
Religious policy: pluralist
Kaetif policy: tolerant

Economic development: medium
Economic growth: fast
People development: medium
Infrastructure development: medium
Corruption: problematic

After the First Cataclysm, India was gradually reunited as the Imperial Republic of India, and later the United States of India, under Kashmiri leadership. Over many years, the USI through persuasion and coercion expanded its control over most of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Iran, and parts of Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

In time, popular discontent, heightened international tension and revolutionary fervor contributed to the Communist Revolution that established the Soviet Union (often referred to as the Second Soviet Union or the USSR-in-India to distinguish it from the 20th century Soviet Union). However, the Revolution soon turned sour. The new regime proved repressive and incompetent, and many world governments turned against it and vowed its destruction. The conflict between the Soviet Union and the capitalist powers eventually led to the world war that ushered in the Second Cataclysm. With vast tracts of the country a nuclear wasteland, and the rest depopulated and rendered destitute by war, civil strife and famine, a multi-ethnic mob of all political affiliations stormed the Soviet Government buildings/bunkers in Islamabad, declaring the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dissolved, then began killing each other.

Iskandar Mirza, head of the Republic of Kashmir, declared himself King Iskandar I of the reestablished Kingdom of Kashmir. The Kashmiris saved what they could of the country’s cultural heritage and provided sanctuary for millions of refugees before the King decided in light of escalating violence to declare complete neutrality in all conflicts and sealed Kashmir’s borders. Although it was one of the more prosperous and stable of the Soviet successor states, Kashmir nevertheless struggled under the pressure of the Second Cataclysm. The King ordered the construction of vaults and forts around the country to stash food and weapons and provide shelter for the populace from the global radioactive fallout. Ruling by decree, the King enacted martial laws, suspended civil liberties, cracked down on corruption and overhauled the administration, before gradually managing a transition back to democracy as the dust settled on a brave new world.

In the final years of the Second Cataclysm Kashmir became a republic, Iskandar Mirza was elected President, and the borders were reopened. Blue Zone Kashmir became an oasis of relative safety and stability in a shattered India. President Mirza led the country through the immediate aftermath, and presided over a period of liberalization and rapid economic growth. However, he also lived to see the beginning of the internecine political unrest which would plague the country for over a decade. Mirza himself was assassinated after he signed a law granting kaetifs, whose increasing presence in the country proved fatally divisive, equal rights with humans. Defying its own history, Kashmir managed to remain territorially cohesive through these difficult years. But political instability worsened in the years that followed Mirza’s death, with violent demonstrations, riots, assassinations, and coup d’etats happening with alarming regularity. Though analysts generally agreed that recent years have seen an improvement, political assassinations still happen almost on a daily basis. A new generation of leaders is paving the way towards a more civil political culture, and two charismatic liberal young leaders, Jamal Nadim and Rasul Iqbal, are currently President and Prime Minister, respectively, but they have many enemies, and they face a daunting task of building a nation beset by so many problems.

Economically, Kashmir is doing quite well relative to most of the world, and definitely doing well compared to the smoldering slums of Hindustan or the medieval agrarian economy of Punjab. Yet it is estimated that despite recent alleviation efforts half the population still lives in poverty. Of the economic reforms and infrastructure development projects which were under consideration during Mirza’s term none became a reality; they became casualties of the poisonous political climate. Prime Minister Iqbal is trying a pragmatic, grassroots-based policy to raise living standards and capitalize on Kashmir’s lead in skilled workers and technological knowledge, so far with limited success.

Crime, organized or otherwise, is rampant. Corruption makes the problem harder to deal with still. The ruling coalition is perceived in some circles to have failed in delivering their promise to make the streets safe, and some are now looking back to extremist parties for solutions. A nationalist party and an Islamist party have gained ground in recent years, though both have been criticized for hypocrisy with regards to their stance on crime and violence, and neither are strong enough to challenge the ruling coalition despite the factional conflicts within the coalition.

Kaetifs constitute perhaps five percent of the population, but their presence sparked the most contentious issue of Post-Cataclysm Kashmir. The Kaetif Equality Law passed by Mirza was repealed two years later by President Siddiqi, and it was not until recently that a (watered-down) version of the original Equality Law was enacted by President Nadim. While many now accept kaetifs as people, many remain vehemently against treating them as such. Most people are ambivalent, and when asked what they feel most would say they are willing to tolerate kaetifs, but either they would not grant them equal status to humans, or they desire kaetifs and humans to remain apart as much as possible.
A message to China

Re: Chinese occupation of Himachal Pradesh

The Republic of Kashmir wishes to negotiate the terms for the transfer of the Former Indian State of Himachal Pradesh (FISH) from Chinese administration to the control of the Republic of Kashmir.

FISH is located in the heart of northern India, very far from the nearest Chinese possession, Sichuan. It has no cultural affinity with the rest of China. On the other hand, Kashmir is a neighbouring country and culturally, historically and politically close to FISH. Kashmir is a democracy that guarantees the right of all its citizens, and the people of FISH would benefit tremendously both economically and politically after its annexation by Kashmir.
Post Music

War. War never changes.

The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.

In the previous era, The German Republic kept itself out of the global world war until her neighbors made a surprise attack against Germany. Destroying it's capital and it's golden age. Enraged, the Germans retaliated with it's own nukes until peace came along. Though it was little to late as many of it's territories came under nuclear fire. In the attempts to restore it's reputation, the Germans undertook the Atoms for Peace, decommissioning it's nukes in use for peaceful use of nuclear energy. From the ashes of nuclear devastation, many new civilizations would struggle to arise in this new nuclear wasteland.

Many years have passed as the German moved it's capital to Bremen. Eventhough the area is within the yellow zone. The project to decontaminate the territories of the German Republic went underway with her scientists brainstorming ideas. Despite not having any nuclear armaments, the scars left behind the nuclear fire has left German policies to openly declare itself a nuclear weapons free zone and condemn nations who peruse their own nuclear programs. Even to the point of siding with New Hetmanate and Petrograd in a pre-emptive intervention mission. Eventhough this new policy of Germany has gone largely unnoticed between these two nations

Many Germans who were residing in her overseas colonies, including the government that was temporary relocated to there for a time, returned back to Germany, only to discover a new lifeform born out of the nuclear fire and residue from genetic engineering from other nations. The "Kaetif" as they are known, have caused much upstur amongst the humans of Germany. Initially, the Kaetif were not recognized as persons. But due to Germany's original territories lying within the yellow zones, many political leaders had to change their stance to simply tolerate them, but with strict restrictions between Kaetif and Human relations. Humans are placed in high regards.

With the pony and dog show in the world arena with regards to GUN. The new leaders have decided to distance themselves from GUN and work to restore it's reputation with other nations. Eventhough some have a significant distrust. The leaders of Germany cite that it was one of the sane nations in Europe.

I would like to join as Sri Lanka
From Brimstone and Ashes pt. I

Link to video.

New England was a founding member and de facto leader of NADTA. Whenever NADTA had something to say, New England was usually the one who did it. While this was a very prestigious role, it was also very dangerous. When push came to shove, NADTA fell apart when even the member states didn't want to follow New England through hell against GUN's attack. Japan and India stayed, but it wasn't the half-the-world alliance like it was in the Cold War.

In this World War (Called WWIV or WWII, depending if you count the old World Wars before the Cataclysm), the civilians payed the price, not the soldiers. The entire NE, besides Vermont, became charred up. Any humans left from the nukes either fled or were never found again. However, the Britain front was doing well. Much better than anywhere else. That, combining with the rebellions in the Plains and in Portugal made Britain a very popular place to exodus to. Cardiff had a huge population boom, nearing 10% of its total population beforehand, and other west coast cities grew rapidly.

Cardiff, now with 10% more Yankees

By then, Omega was dying, suffering gunshots. He gave General George D. Sherman the role of President until next election. George's military knowledge and charmisia, almost rivaling Omega's, made him an effective soldier, rallying the forces to defeat the Britons. But he also suppressed all civilian government, creating a military junta called the Kingdom of New England. He said this was temporarily, until victory was achieved.

However, the natives started rebounding their old fortunes of war. They fought hard, and after strings of victories to the Britons, they pushed the Yankees back to Wales. A final attack happened at Cardiff, where the remaining New England forces remained. Every creditable news source says that the British won, and the KNE was destroyed. However, due to the chaos of war, no one actually had any reporters there. The KNE was able to repulse the British out of the city. They pushed onwards again.

KNE tank, moving forward

While the world thought that the civil war was over, a blitz by the KNE crushed the British. They were defeated for certain after some intense battles, mostly near Nottingham. However, as Tanny said, most depots tend to keep their power. He never abolished the junta, and a whole new class war happened.

The Kaetifs were a bunch of anthropomorphic animals. In many countries, these caused a huge divide over if they are humans or not. In KNE, they were shrugged off. No hate, nor love. Instead, the main conflict was between the American invaders and the British natives. A spartan-like caste system started to take hold.

Every American was expected to join the military, and anyone who didn't was heavily frowned upon. Unlike back in the day in Sparta, there is use for weak but smart people in the military, so there isn't any killing of babies or children that are weak. The British are barred from joining the military, and are discriminated in the court. However, they make up most of the civilian economy, so they keep the junta alive unknowingly.

Pictured: Most Americans in Britain

To be continued...

Monaco and San Marino
Government: De Facto Dictatorship
Capitals:Monaco(official) and San Marino
Economy: Third world
Social policy: Conservative
Kaetif attitude: friendly
Foreign relations: Vermont by default recognises all nations.
Military: Small
Contamination: Vast

Military figures of Monaco and San Marino:
NOTE: Due to an ongoing civil war, some figures may be inaccurate.
Army:7,030 personnel
Navy(includes Coast Guard and Marines):2,000 personnel
Air Forces:975 personnel

[C]Standard Issue Military equipment:[/C]
Small Arms
Spoiler :
Ruger Mini 14
Winchester model 70
Browning BLR

Remington 870
Saiga 12

Scorpion vz. 61
S&W M76

Walther PPK
S&W R8

FIM-92 Stinger

Bowie Knife
Hand and a half sword
Wasp Knife

Barnett Wildcat C5
Chu Ko Nu

M2 Browning


Spoiler :
M113 APC
M114 APC
M60 Patton Tank
M103 Heavy Tank
Technical IFV
Tour De France Prologue Elite Mountain Bike

coastal buoy tenders
Victoria class submarines (only 3)
Iowa class Battleship(only one)
Green Mountain Boy class Aircraft Carrier

AV-8B Harrier ll (only five)
CH-47 Helicopter
AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter
Mi-8 transport helicopter


Spoiler :
M198 howitzer
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System
QF 2.95 inch Mountain Gun
9K37 Buk SAM System
ZSU-57-2 AA Gun
The People's Republic of China has undergone massive change since its inception at the end of the Great Cataclysm that destroyed the Old World. Initially aiming to reunite China, it ended up bringing most of Northern Asia under its sphere after the formation of the Eastern Federation. It remained a peaceful nation until it was brutally attacked by the Japanese Empire and her puppet regime, the Eastern Federation. The war effort was led by Chairman Link, the creator of the modern Chinese state. The war led to some defining moments in military history such as the legendary defense of Beijing and Tianjin against Japan, the pioneering French arial attack on Beijing by the French, the ruthless efficiency of the Petrograd push through the east, or the laughable failed Byzantine invasion of China, which ended as one of the greatest blunders in the history of armed conflict. The endless war changed China for the worse, and it is quite regrettable that, near the end of the war, Chairman Link unleashed a wave of nuclear proliferance aiming to strike back at those who, in his eyes, had abandoned China to ruin, and those whose reckless expansionism had laid waste to his beloved homeland. Then the war ended on paper, but the Chairman's heart still burned with rage. He engaged with terrorist and rebel groups around the globe. 7 years ago, he was put to death after a popular uprising, and a council of representatives from across the land gathered, and chose Chairman Rauru to be his successor. In the interest of the people of China, he nationalized all private enterprises and allocated all labor. We must work for the good of all if China is to survive. China us rebuild under his leadership, and work to restore our unity. Asia needs a strong China to lead it to a brighter future.
Chairman Rauru, Head of the government in exile of Beijing, and legitimate ruler of China

Pitiful. Does the so called "China" not remember its role of the past? Its role in the war? Does "China" truly believe that it is or will be the successor to the world power of the past? The Chairman of old made a huge gambit, Chairman, and it didn't pay off. Are we to follow the steps of our forefathers? Great as they may be, they led us to the End itself. First is the propaganda, which you have clearly "mastered", then it is the secret talk, then little fights, and then the big war. Will we walk this path again At this time, I will not wage war like the age-old warrior Emperors of the arrogant Eastern Federation. We could have been the tale of the two lost brothers, instead now we are locked up boxers, neither wanting to fight, neither wanting to cast the first stone.

Remember this, Chairman. We never forget.

TO Japan, our allies of the past, I regretfully would like to renegotiate the dealings that the Emperor, my dear father, made before me. We would still like to be friends, but the childhood naiveness of following your moves with only a slimmer of doubt is behind us.

TO the Unaligned States, Free Laos, Great Indonesia, South Philippians, the Pacific Coalition, Paradise Island, Beijing, the Kamachatka Republic, and to any other states that will take it(OOC: NPCs here) we would like to offer a defensive pact. Never again shall smaller states be bullied, because of their size on the world stage. They should be respected, not tolerated.

TO Kashmir, the spiritual successor of the Indian power of the past, we would like to open negotiations with you. For too long, the Eastern Federation have blithely not been focused on India. I shall not make that mistake.

TO the New Hetmanate, and Petrograd government, we would also like to open the doors of negotiations with you. Perhaps something akin to more imports/exports among us?

It is a new age. Let there not be war, but peace even in these times. The human race will survive this, and perhaps be better of it.

OOC: Capital moved to Chongqing for now. I'll see if I can type up some history stuff up today. :)
OOC:I would like to join as Portugal. My capital will be Lisbon.
Is there still a environmental restoration initiative in this game?

The Republic of Portugal

Children play in the radioactive ruins of office buildings. They drink from the what toxic water can be harvested from the underground streams. All their parents can do is watch and hope they survive long enough to see them into adulthood. This is a land of irradiated waste, radioactivity is the number one cause of death. The average life expectancy is 36 years, a far cry from the from 79 years of old. This is a nation destroyed in the fires of the cataclysm, and there was no phoenix rising from the ashes.

This year, elections have been held for dictator. The major parties included the communists, nationalists, theocrats, monarchists, supranationalists, and republicans. All advocating a unique point of view that in the end made little difference, the only thing that mattered was how an administration would go about restoring Portugal. The theocrats, monarchists, and nationalists stated that not much could be done. The supranationalists and communists said drastic measures would have to be taken, such as moving underground or building radiation free domes, all of which would cost the public a good deal of money that they simply did not have. The republicans stated that collaboration with other nations would yeild a solution.

By staying rather ambigous, the republicans won the election. Dictator Adao Antanonio Santos has just recently taken office as a member of the PRP, Portuguese Republican Party. His first move has been the establishment of a council, appointed by him. After that he hopes to estasblish a new democracy, step by step, and restore Portugal to the glory days of old. Diplomatic tendrils have been sent out to all friendly nations, in hopes of finding a solution to the nuclear crisis.
Spoiler :
8. West Coast Commonwealth
Government: Democracy
Economy: Local
Social policy: Moderate
Kaetif attitude: No contact
Foreign relations: Limited, contact with Vermont, New Hetmanate, Germany
Military: Negligible
Contamination: None

President Abdoulaye Wade, after taking a little "tour" of Europe, counted himself lucky the nation he led never became powerful or cocky enough to warrant the devastation of Europe and New England. However, the main problem comes in the fact that in this world, the West Coast Commonwealth still didn't live up to its potential. It certainly has the population now and with many major industrial powers wiped off the map, it maybe was time to push through reforms to make his six-year stint in Dakar until reelections mean something.

Would any other state care to make a loan to the West African Commonwealth? Namely, we're using the money to build fish processing and canning factories, job training, and other industry-related initiatives.
<list of microstates> are all offered protection by Macedonia, whether by outright joining us, or by peacefully coexisting.
Br&#269;ko: While we appreciate the offer, given our geographic separation we feel Macedonia would be unable to effectively protect us. We are happy to seek closer relations, however.

Cairo: We do not feel especially threatened at this time, but are willing to co-operate in other areas.

Goa: We are wary of the intentions of the Marathi Republic, and may entertain talk of protectorate status if a suitable offer is presented.

Lakshadweep: We do not feel endangered by our neighbours, but we welcome improved foreign relations.

Mahé: You are our closest neighbour and we wish to maintain a friendly relationship, but we must respectfully decline any binding commitment.

Karaikal: Tamil Nadu is in a better position to defend us, but we welcome Macedonian ambassadors.

Pudicherry: We appreciate Macedonia's interest in our affairs, but our current arrangements with Tamil Nadu are sufficient.

TO the Unaligned States, Free Laos, Great Indonesia, South Philippians, the Pacific Coalition, Paradise Island, Beijing, the Kamachatka Republic, and to any other states that will take it(OOC: NPCs here) we would like to offer a defensive pact. Never again shall smaller states be bullied, because of their size on the world stage. They should be respected, not tolerated.
Unaligned States: If the Federation can shield us from Japanese expansion, we may assent. Provide us with a suitable treaty.

Greater Indonesia: We are flanked by historically aggressive nations and would be willing to entreat such an arrangement, provided it is acceptable to our continued well-being.

Pacific Coalition: We do not believe ourselves to be threatened, but welcome formal relations with the Federation.

Paradise Islands: The previous war does not give us cause for concern, but we appreciate your interest.

Beijing: We have no interest at this time.

Kamchatka Republic: Unfortunately, we do not believe you can afford us adequate protection.

TO the New Hetmanate, and Petrograd government, we would also like to open the doors of negotiations with you. Perhaps something akin to more imports/exports among us?
The Hetmanate welcomes formal relations with the Eastern Federation. We regret to say we will not be able to entertain the Federation's trade offer, however, as there is currently no secure land or sea route available.

GM explainy-stuff!

I like to call what we're in now the "pre-game" phase. The player roster won't be accurate until the first update (I like to do these things all at once), but new nations and NPC claimants can carry on under the assumption of official recognition. Claims will begin after the first update, hopefully when we've got most of our interested parties on board. Feel free to negotiate, but try to keep things simple; let's not Cold War this before the game's officially begun. :p

Some players (i.e. the Hetmanate) may discuss nuclear stockpiles even though there's no record posted. I'm holding out on releasing the numbers until the second or third turn, partly to decide if I want to reduce some, mainly to keep people from getting any bright ideas too early.

Is there still a environmental restoration initiative in this game?
Aye. Special projects will be released as the game progresses.
Unaligned States: If the Federation can shield us from Japanese expansion, we may assent. Provide us with a suitable treaty.

Greater Indonesia: We are flanked by historically aggressive nations and would be willing to entreat such an arrangement, provided it is acceptable to our continued well-being.

Pacific Coalition: We do not believe ourselves to be threatened, but welcome formal relations with the Federation.

Paradise Islands: The previous war does not give us cause for concern, but we appreciate your interest.

Beijing: We have no interest at this time.

Kamchatka Republic: Unfortunately, we do not believe you can afford us adequate protection.

The Hetmanate welcomes formal relations with the Eastern Federation. We regret to say we will not be able to entertain the Federation's trade offer, however, as there is currently no secure land or sea route available.

Unaligned States: A simple if the Japanese attack you, or make an aggressive settlement in what you consider to be your land, we will back you up. We can change this to all nations if you chose so. However, this is merely defensive. We can and will not back you up if you are the aggressor.

Greater Indonesia: What goes for the Unaligned States goes for you as well, except to include all nations, if that pleases you.

Rest: Ok, may your nation be as glorious as the rising Sun in the East.

Would any other state care to make a loan to the West African Commonwealth? Namely, we're using the money to build fish processing and canning factories, job training, and other industry-related initiatives.

The Eastern Federation would gladly loan the West African Commonwealth a sum of money to the West African Commonwealth.
The Eastern Federation would gladly loan the West African Commonwealth a sum of money to the West African Commonwealth.

That's great.

(On another note, is each turn a year?)
Unaligned States: A simple if the Japanese attack you, or make an aggressive settlement in what you consider to be your land, we will back you up. We can change this to all nations if you chose so. However, this is merely defensive. We can and will not back you up if you are the aggressor.

Greater Indonesia: What goes for the Unaligned States goes for you as well, except to include all nations, if that pleases you.
Unaligned States: This is acceptable. We consent.

Greater Indonesia: Our primary concerns are Japan and Britain. We shall consent as long as the Federation can guarantee against them.

(On another note, is each turn a year?)
I... never actually bother with a time scale. If I had to, I'd say either a week or a month each.
To the nations of the world - Interfering with Beijing or the Kamchatka Republic will mean war.
To the Kamchatka Republic - We offer a defensive pact and request that the borders be opened. We have a shared history, and though you showed great bravery in fighting for your independence, the government that you hated has fallen. We aim to restore our shattered relations.
To Beijing - Your aggression toward us is unfounded. Remember that it was not us who ravaged your homes, but Japan. Millions of Chinese soldiers died on your defense, and we would do it again, for Beijing is the heart of China. We beg of you to reconsider your policy toward us. We offer a defensive pact to show our good will.
To the South Philippines - Already, the Japanese puppet rebels expresses intent to continue to spread their influence throughout Asia. We offer a trade agreement to stimulate both our economies, and a defensive pact to stave off their aggression, or possible Japanese aggression. In this new age, loyal allies are difficult to find, and we will not forget ours.
To Hong Kong and Macau - We admire your bravery in defying the Japanese invaders. If it is your will to remain independent, we will support you. We offer a defensive pact and a trade agreement.
To unaligned states - We offer to be your shield against the Japanese. You cannot be protected from them by the EF. They have a history of helping the Japanese imperialists, and even now, seek to restore their relations. We offer you a defensive pact.
The Republic of Patagonia

Government: Federal Republic
Political Rights Universal Suffrage at age 18
Economy: Mixed-Market Economy..
Social Policy: Universal Healthcare, Senior Benefits, Unemployment Benefits, Paid Vacations..etcc
Capital: Santiago
Unaligned States: This is acceptable. We consent.

So mote it be.

Greater Indonesia: Our primary concerns are Japan and Britain. We shall consent as long as the Federation can guarantee against them.

We can guarantee that. So mote it be.

TO All: It so relatively amusing to watch China try to play a Cold War versus us. They try to protect states the way we have. I admit, it may look like we are both trying to struggle in a Cold War. This is the truth: I am trying to establish peace in a very unstable Far East, while China sits and plots for its own good. Can we not look above our material desires?

Due to this, I would like to propose an alliance of the East to unite themselves. All who wish to join are welcome, including China.
To the Eastern Federation
Greetings, proud vassal of the Japanese Empire. You seem to forget that you have always been the aggressor in any conflict between us. Long ago, you were offered an alliance to create a united China, but you sided with the Japanese imperialists. Your suggestion that we are the aggressor is ridiculous. We would laugh at you, but you are not even worthy of our scorn. You sparked the conflict that drowned Asia in blood, but this time we are prepared. We know that you merciless savages will not hesitate before doing so again.
-Chairman Rauru, Head of the government in exile of Beijing, and legitimate ruler of China.
I am not my father, nor my father's father. You on the other hand, stand what the at fought against Chairman of old has done, all the while making statements like these:

To the Kamchatka Republic - We offer a defensive pact and request that the borders be opened. We have a shared history, and though you showed great bravery in fighting for your independence, the government that you hated has fallen. We aim to restore our shattered relations.

So which is it? Is China the same China of old that helped ignite the End, the same China that fought against my not so intelligent father, may he rest in peace?(OOC: Assuming that the "government that you hated" is China btw)Or is it a new China, wanting to really make peace in the world?

I have made no aggression. It is who is aggressive this time, Chairman.
We are devoted to peace and stability, but the Chinese people have been forced from their homes and trampled upon. Barely any of our homeland is under our control any more. Instead, our presence is scattered throughout distant Asian enclaves. There can be no peace so long as you continue to occupy territory wrongfully taken from us. Every day you inhabit our stolen homes, you are a foreign invader. A burglar is still a burglar if he goes to sleep on your couch.
The People's Republic of China will not be taken advantage of. If you are willing to negotiate, we will listen, but you will not be permitted to slowly take over all of Asia. The people must be liberated from their oppressive emperor.
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