In Memoriam

Oh, I thought by passed away you meant doesn't come to this site anymore. A sort of figurative passing away if you will. :blush:

Oh come on... sorry Bud, but that wasn't very thoughtful of you. I was REALLY worried. Please don't do that again. :(

Agreed. I was really upset...but I guess that the best outcome was that it was a misunderstanding and that NavyDawg is ok. It did highlight that it's almost six years since he posted on Civfanatics - where has THAT time gone?
Out of curiosity, how do we know these people are dead?
It varies - sometimes a family member notifies. I know of at least or four situations here where multiple family members have cfc accounts. Or someone here has outside contact - f2f, facebook, etc.
With great sadness, I've added Balthasar to this list.

Please let me know if there are any others we need to add.
I find a sad beauty in this, and I offer great thanks to you for maintaining this honor role, @Gojira54 .

I joined CFC in 2001, 5 years before Facebook went public. I was very soon astonished that this was, and remains, a genuine online community, and the only one which I, personally, know of. I find it ... "beautifully strange" ("strangely beautiful"?) at the number of personal connections which I know have been made over the years, "behind the scenes," if you will. There are people here who, in my heart, I consider to be good friends - yet I have never met them, but long telephone calls and email correspondence have more than sufficed. I know that I am nowhere near alone in the mourning of Comrades who have passed.

General666 is in my sig; even though we were not as close as I am, and have been, with others, I knew of the cancer which consumed him, and I experienced some heart rending pathos when he "fell silent," for he, and I, knew that he was doomed, and let me know about this in a way which a genuine gentleman, and kind soul, would.

When I, myself, fell ill enough, twice, to be absent from these boards, upon my returns I have read posts which have brought tears to my eyes.

Over the decades, I have sometimes referred to us, collectively as, "This Merrie Band." And so it has been, and remains.

Amen (which is an Aramaic word meaning, "So be it.)
I joined CFC in 2001, 5 years before Facebook went public. I was very soon astonished that this was, and remains, a genuine online community, and the only one which I, personally, know of. I find it ... "beautifully strange" ("strangely beautiful"?) at the number of personal connections which I know have been made over the years, "behind the scenes," if you will. There are people here who, in my heart, I consider to be good friends - yet I have never met them, but long telephone calls and email correspondence have more than sufficed. I know that I am nowhere near alone in the mourning of Comrades who have passed.

Very much this. I was pretty upset to hear about Balthasar. I'm not a particularly emotional guy, but I'll admit to shedding a few tears on that. My wife was surprised, as I've never met the guy personally, probably haven't interacted with him at all in 6 years, and he was just some guy from a gaming forum. It's hard to relay how tight-knit some of us are here to those not in it. Or maybe I'm getting soft in my old age...
I had never noticed this thread. It is very good that it exists.
Another sad thing is that, as time passes, one forgets most of the interactions.
I do recall one, with Stormrage, when I was frustrated about something and made a joking "graphic" which was supposed to be a female orc (his avatar was an orc).
What a supportive poster he was :(
And still remembered, 15 (or so) years later!

If the community game gets completed, I think those people should be mentioned in the credits or otherwise be visible.
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I'm not sure that they'd want to be, but neither can we know that they'd want to not be there.

In any case, Godspeed, Gojira54.
Some Greats of our collective community that will be missed. Sad to be learning of this now.
I'm mostly silent these days, but I do still check the forum from time to time. And there are a couple of people I have contact with beyond CFC.
It's sad to get a notification of this kind of post, even if I'm grateful for the info.

Gojira is one of the people who was very encouraging of my creative efforts - early on, and consistently ever since. Not to mention that Gojira is one of the members whose own contributions extend beyond anything that might have the name directly attached to it.
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