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Journey to Nowhere - Game Thread

Damn those Imperial pigs! How did the hell did they know where to shoot?

*He stops to think for a moment.*

I'll say one thing... I ain't turnin' around now. Headin' back to the outpost just puts us all in danger. We gotta keep on to the caves.
Terni scowled. He looked at Rick. Rick Scowls. Can't helping himself, he laughs. "Don't give me that face!" Rick suddenly hissed. A Dog was behind Terni and it was defending itself.

"Smooth down, Rin'in'n! Good!" (Ricky sat but still bared its teeth.)

I believe we can't contact them directly: this is what we get for splitting up! I bet Charlen is full of them or they got unlucky! Anyways, we either all go to save Ben or continue with this loss...
The Brewer was preoccupied with his own thoughts and it was a while before the news sinks in. He was shocked, speechless. He looked around him. Morale is pretty low. He looked at the new member of the group. Selena is in a pretty bad shape, he reckoned.

Finally, he spoke up. "We can't just leave Cook. I suggest we split up. Some of us who are more skilled at combat should go back to the outpost and then catch up with the rest of the group at the cave."

To boost morale, the Brewer began making Crimsorin.
Split up again? It sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I'm not keen, though, to leave him behind. Decisions...Either way, I'm not going back. I'm not good enough in combat to face them. I can, however, fortify the caves if--when--we reach them.
"Look, we have an injury that needs attention and the doc himself is wounded. If they are out to get us now, there's no way we're making it to the caves. I suggest you move as stealthily as possible towards the cave, with time to attend to the wounds of Selena. I'll get Cook - I'll leave my radio with you. Can everyone accept this?"

Ninosca turns her attention to the doctor. "Richard, I am unsure about your loyalty, but I hope that this has proved what happens if we do not stick together. If I have my will, you shall no longer be tied up and you will have your things back - barring your weapon, for now. We can look at that when I return with Benjamin."
Splitting up may be our only chance of suvival, at least until the caves.

think about it. a large group is more obvious, while small ones can be hidden more easily

WE should split up into groups of 2 or three to travel to the caves.
OOC: Sorry, I should have mentioned that Dr. Richard's leg looks a lot better. The stats were updated on page 1, it's just that I never mentioned it.
OOC Bump: OK, so there's 4 hours left, and I only have 4 orders... that leaves 7 orders unaccounted for. Normally that's not a huge problem, but considering that the group may be splitting up, orders are a bit more important this turn.

If you don't send in orders, I'll send your character whichever way I think will forward the story better... and you may not like my choice.

EDIT: Checked my notes again, it's actually 3 sets of orders...
All right. I am going to press forward to the caves with the Doctor and whoever else.
I'll go where the doctor goes i guess...
How are you going to find him without a way to contact him or us? He'll be in hiding...
"He told us to meet him at the outpost. I'll do that - he has the other radio so we can keep in contact once I find him. The rest of you should head towards the caves. If Jeremy fails to show up or another unexpected event comes up, I'll meet you at the caves."
OOC: Do you mean Jeremy Bentham, or Benjamin Cook?

EDIT: x-post w/ BananaLee
Journey to Nowhere – 0600 hrs, 26.05.00 (Update 5)

If anyone wasn’t already alerted by the APC explosion, the radio transmission from Benjamin Cook put everyone into an alert state. Dr. Richard tended to Selena’s injuries, enough to stop the bleeding. However, she would not be able to travel a great distance without being carried. Everyone gathered near Ninosca’s tent to figure out the day’s plan. Eventually, a decision was reached: Thomas Berube-Giguere, Jeremy Bentham, and Ninosca (Some people had no orders, so their moves were determined by a coin toss.) would head over to the old outpost, to find Benjamin Cook. Everyone else would head towards the caves, hopefully finding shelter. Ninosca handed the radio over to Alen, and a day of rations to Selena, who had nothing, and her scouting party left. Everyone else packed their things, and started the journey before the sun rose.

The journey ahead was longer that what would normally be covered in a day. However, with the threat of the Vlatixans, they would have to cover the distance, even with a few of them carrying Selena. There was no lunch break, and everyone had their rations cold as they walked on ahead. Along the way, however, they received some disturbing news over the radio, that Thomas had spotted an aircraft high above the forest, definitely out of reach of conventional firearms. Ninosca mentioned that she’s seen these aircraft in her past, and have usually been used for reconnaissance. With that news, the main group kept travelling at full speed towards the caves.

In the evening, however, there was good news. Benjamin Cook had been found, in the outpost. However, he was short of almost all his supplies (including all but 1 more day of food), and exhausted from his escape. The scout group and Benjamin stayed in the outpost for the night, though none of them could really sleep.

Even as the sun set, there was ground to be covered, and the group elected to keep going until they reached the caves. Fortunately, the reached the mountain sides before the skies turned pitch black, and barely managed to find a cave. The group set up their tents inside, and slept for the night, thanks to the help of some Crimsorin brewed by “The Brewer”.

It is now 0600 hrs, the 26th of Blooming, Year 00. Each person has 7 days of rations left (w/ exceptions). The next turn will last ~24 game hours, and the deadline for orders is Tuesday March 10th at 11:59 PM GMT (6:59 PM EST).

Status Report:


Not much is known about the surrounding area. However, the cave seems to go a long distance further.
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