King of the World #19: Lincoln


Struggling Emperor
Apr 16, 2010
Looking forward to the round.

Question: I can't seem to open up any saves, as the save folder is a shortcut and my computer can't find the real folder. So how do you open up saves?


Dec 7, 2009
Question: I can't seem to open up any saves, as the save folder is a shortcut and my computer can't find the real folder. So how do you open up saves?
The shortcut in the original Civ4 folder doesn't work for me either, but try to use the shortcut found in the Civ4\Beyond the Sword folder.


Struggling Emperor
Apr 16, 2010
The shortcut in the original Civ4 folder doesn't work for me either, but try to use the shortcut found in the Civ4\Beyond the Sword folder.

There is a shortcut there? I don't have one.

EDIT: Nevermind, Centimus helped me find it.


RPC Supergenius
Oct 6, 2006
New York City
About time!

Seriously, looking foreward to Honest Abe running amock. Sure he's a war-Hawk American, but we expect some honesty here!

Brian Shanahan

Jul 27, 2009
The house that I shaped in my heart
Looking forward to the round.

Question: I can't seem to open up any saves, as the save folder is a shortcut and my computer can't find the real folder. So how do you open up saves?

Make sure too you have the right mod loaded, Neal is using the 40 civ mod.


King of the World
Jun 17, 2007
The days turned into weeks, and the weeks threatened to stretch out into months. Abraham Lincoln, mad warlord of the American tribes, was nowhere to be seen. Provincial governors did the best they could, keeping Axemen training in the Barracks and crops flowing into the Granaries, but the semblance of normalcy was wearing thin. The lack of central authority threatened to fracture the nation into a quilt of warring city-states.

In fact, Abraham Lincoln had died in his sleep, the result of overexposure to the medicinal root of the ancients, perhaps (Ed. note: See round 1, KotW fans!). He was hastily buried, and the Palace at Washington had become a hothouse of intrigue as petty chieftains strove to gain the throne. Andrew Johnson rose from the squabbling and vowed to complete the work that his predecessor had begun.

Andrew Johnson, though, was no Abraham Lincoln. The country stagnated under his watch, and while he built up a modest garrison in Hermosillo, he shrank from the prospect of war and cravenly kept the peace.

He made ill-advised deals with his neighbors:

Despite the two-faced Sitting Bull sending Spies to steal the secrets of the Compass.

By 930 A.D., Huayna Capac had spread Pacifism to his Mayan vassals and the Old World became a little bit less balkanized:

Johnson, constantly angling for a better deal from Pacal, ended up getting nothing at all from him for Philosophy. And Rome's fall was clear evidence of superpowers emerging on the Eurasian supercontinent. The new American overlord complained bitterly of his failures, but he lacked the will to reverse them.

His debacles continued as Henry Bessemer was born in Washington:

The Engineer promised to refine Iron into the infinitely more valuable Steel, but he needed some weighty prerequisites (namely Chemistry) to do it. As things stood, he could offer only Engineering, which American Spies were investigating in Poverty Point. Failing to find a better use for him (and not wanting to trigger a Golden Age just yet), Johnson loaded him onto a Galley to complete the Moai Statues in Havana, shaving 85 (!!!) turns off its completion. Cuba would become a useful province yet.

That same turn, we were introduced to the tech-savvy Indians and their backward, if powerful, Persian masters:

This was a weak exchange, at best, but in the wider world, WFYABTA is trivial and, besides, it would only be a matter of time until Darius extorted Optics from Gandhi.

Of course, there is nothing we can have that Sitting Bull cannot simply take:

Well, at least this kept Native America's espionage network busy and lowered the costs for our eventual move on Engineering.

By the time we finally got a Caravel in the water, we received a message that pointed out just how late our start was:

... No matter. Andrew Johnson's reign was pathetic, but it was also thankfully brief. In 1090, as the replacement warlord strolled through the lawns around the Washington Palace, he was brutally assaulted by none other than Abraham Lincoln's half-rotted corpse! It would seem that those ground-up roots were more potent than anyone could have imagined. After taking Johnson to the ground and leisurely consuming his brain, Lincoln shambled back to his throne room and was greeted by thunderous applause (though that may have had just as much to do with the ragged remains of Johnson's head in his hand).

So Lincoln's back, but things feel like they're in a sorry state:

The economy has stabilized a bit, but it's still nowhere near healthy. We have a small army in Hermosillo, but I don't think it's big enough to take Nacogdoches, much less the rest of the continent, and once Sitting Bull gets Feudalism in 6 turns, it's going to be even worse.

We have a few potential trading partners:

But nobody seems willing to give us the world for Optics. I could probably snag Feudalism from Boudica, but that seems to be the best deal on the table right now.

So there we have it. There's no European wars (at least, none involving parties I am familiar with) to exploit, and I don't have a map yet. So I guess the question is whether to focus more on the Old World or on claiming the New. Astronomy is taking forever, but it could be a genuine trade chip (not to mention putting our economy into high gear with trade routes and resource sales). Any advice?


Apr 13, 2007
wish I knew
Trade to get what you can. It's a difficult call on the war front. Sitting Bull is just such a tuff nut to crack. How about hitting South America and taking some juicy coastal cities; then with astronomy those trade routes will be even more powerful. I wouldn't hit the Old World until the New World is a bit more tame.


Jan 3, 2008
Where you aren't
Huzzah update! Though the situation is looking a bit naff, it's prolly salvageable. Build up the army then storm S.America. Land is power!


RPC Supergenius
Oct 6, 2006
New York City

The promise of American lands are enormous, do not fear the slow techrate rate now. You have both coasts pluc Central America, Sitting Bull is not going anywhere soon.


1) Continue on Astronomy. 24 turns is not bad at all on EPIC.

2) Trade as much as you can, especially get Fuedalism from Boudica. There is not such thing as a monopoly tech with so many leaders. Getting Drama for Optics from Mao may get you Civil Service next turns from Joao.

3) Military, Military, Military. Oh yeah, Spies. Forget Engineering, use spies in Sitting Bull's cities to reduce defenses and take as many as you can.

Long Live (no long die, no, er, well you know what I mean) Psycho Abe!


Hired Goon
Feb 23, 2001
Ringwood, NJ USA
Agree on the Astronomy push. In fact, I'd even consider building wealth in cities to help push that one along. If you can get that in early enough, it will let you set up resource trades first before you use it as a trading chip - and it WILL be a good trading chip to be sure. I'd be willing to bet it can get you back into the race.

In the mean time, trade for what you can as just about anything will have its uses.

I would still use my espionage against SB to get Engineering. Could help in a trade to Joao, but more importantly trebs would be a nice way of possibly getting after HC to take him down a peg (he lacks engineering currently too). I'd leave SB where he is now and see if you can steal something off of him again later - it's HC who's the danger in this hemisphere that you'll have to get after. Plus, the SA lands are so much better.


Aug 9, 2007
Ask your friendly neighbors for a handout, generate some more cash for deficit research.

You have 24 turns to build harbors in anticipation of trade routes.


Oct 23, 2008
It is frighteningly easy to imagine lincoln's tall gaunt frame as a emaciated sinewy leprois zombie. Nice.

I agree to make all the deals you can, Even if they are seemingly trival and lopsided. Overall you are in much better tech situation then i feared!

I disagree with Mad on not stealing engineering, but only if there are any AI's (joao or inca) who would make a trade deal for it. Like stealing two techs at once.

The real question to me is when to war and against whom? I would be looking to put all focus into getting Astro as soon as possible, then use the tech leap, economic boost and cash you get from that to fund and upgrade and war. So war in 30 turns. I would probablly go for sitting bul first since he is smaller and closer. could be a faster war than SA.


Jan 3, 2008
ROFL That has to be one of the more creative updates, and yes that includes Michael Bull.

I think you're not bad off at all. You could be far, far behind Europe, but you're not, you have some trading chips. I think you want to hit SB around Steel/Rifling if possible. You really should explore his territory, however.


The Third Superpower
Aug 17, 2007
Missile Silo
You should be able to get Feudalism, theology, and possibly Civil Service from trade, do this.

Wait for Rifles to smash Sitting Bull.

need my speed

Rex Omnium Imperarium
Oct 3, 2009
European Union (Magna Batavia)
Lincoln is still trying to remove his evil side, Frank. It is hard you know, being Neal, the king of the world, Frankenstein, and 50 or so leaders, thus being 53 beings at the same time. It gets confusing.


Sep 4, 2009
I don't understand why Andrew Jackson had to come in?

Maybe I'm confused? Why do we have franken-lincoln?


RPC Supergenius
Oct 6, 2006
New York City
I don't understand why Andrew Jackson had to come in?

Maybe I'm confused? Why do we have franken-lincoln?

Johnson, Andrew Johnson. Vice President of Lincoln and 17th president of the US after Abe's assasination. Considered one of America's worse presidents and many at the time would have preferred Lincoln's corpse in the white house.

I thought it very fitting.


Gunship Pilot
Aug 14, 2008
I think you should invade South America, But not too much as the economy would be as bad as it is today! :lol: By the way guys, i'm back! So, yeah. Invade S. America but not too much.
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