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Large Mafia Game: The Princess Bride

Oh! OI was going to use insta-win.
Chapter 2 -- End of Night

Inigo Montoya crept out of his tent that night, determined to deliver some vigilante justice. If he was lucky enough, he would even kill the six-fingered man. Anxious that he might not kill the right person, Inigo set out towards Darth Caesar's tent. Inigo glided across the sand swiftly and silently, finally arriving at Darth Caesar's current location - his tent, of course. Inigo swept the tent flap back and stepped inside the tent, noticing that Darth Caesar was sound asleep. Inigo walked up to the bed, lifted his sword in the air, and plunged down. When he saw Darth Caesar's true form revealed, he was puzzled.

Inigo Montoya: "I do not think that you killed my father. I am sorry."

With that, Inigo swiftly moved out of the tent and back to his own.

Spoiler :
Darth Caesar was Miracle Max!

Spoiler :
He was a Good-Aligned Innocent!


Prince Humperdinck also snuck out of his tent that night, towards Kennigit's tent. When the Prince arrived at his intended destination, he found Kennigit sitting on the bed awake, breathing a little faster and louder than normal.

Prince Humperdinck: "Why must everyone be awake when I try to kill them?"

Kennigit: "I do not mean to pry, but do you have six fingers on your right hand by any chance?"

Humperdinck: "Erm, no. Just five."

The instant the words were out of his mouth, Humperdinck lunged out at Kennigit, who barely rolled off the bed in time. Humperdinck spun back around and swung at Kennigit, scratching the left side of his belly in the process.

Kennigit: "Ah, but I am not left-stomached!"

Kennigit, who had fallen to the floor, was now scrambling to get back to his feet. Humperdinck refused to allow such a thing, knocking Kennigit's sword to the side and plunging his own into Kennigit's gut. Kennigit's eyes went wide with shock, his life's work unfulfilled.

Kennigit: "Father... I... I have... failed you."

Those were his last words.

Spoiler :
Kennigit was Inigo Montoya, Spanish Swordsman!

Spoiler :
He was a Neutral-Aligned Innocent!


Count Rugen was also busy tonight. He charged into civplayah's tent, prepared to bind him and drag him back to the Machine. Unfortunately for the Count, civplayah was nowhere to be found. Rugen, disappointed, trudged back to his own tent.


Humperdinck weren't going to have all of the fun, you know. The Shrieking Eel slithered across the beach's soft sand, much more comfortable than the terrain the eel had been forced to slide across the previous night. The eel made its way to wideyedwanderer's tent after some time. It slithered up onto wideyedwanderer's body, more bloodthirsty than ever after last night's mishap. Naturally, the eel went on to devour wideyedwanderer.

Starting with the face.

Spoiler :
wideyedwanderer was Bella, Queen of Florin!

Spoiler :
He was a Good-Aligned Innocent!


Surely by now, the carnage must be over - right? Nope! The Rodent of Unusual Size was busy itself, making its way towards the tent of Takhisis. In a bizarre twist of fate (you'll see what I mean in a second), the ROUS tore Takhisis into bite sized pieces and stored him in a Fun Size candy wrapper for later.

Spoiler :
Takhisis was Lotharon, King of Florin!

Spoiler :
He was a Good-Aligned Innocent!

Thankfully, that was all the killing for tonight....

Or was it?

Yes, it was.

The following items were recovered, and are now up for vote:​

Takhisis' Crown
wideyedwanderer's Pillow Hat Thing
Kennigit's Domingo Montoya's Sword
Darth Caesar's Pump Thing

The Ancient Booer has recovered from her injury.

Purple is my color - don't use it. No private communication of any kind! No editing posts save for grammar ninja edits!

It is now Chapter 3 - Day! The deadline for voting is in roughly 48 hours (5 PM CST 1/27/11)! NO EXCEPTIONS!

Player List

Spoiler :
Alive [22/29]

Double A
Duke Blackstone
Skooma Addict
Winston Hughes

Dead [7/29]

DaveShack -- The Albino - Mafia!
remake20 -- Princess Buttercup - Innocent!
TheLastOne36 -- Jimmy - Innocent!
Darth Caesar -- Miracle Max - Innocent!
Kennigit -- Inigo Montoya - Innocent!
wideyedwanderer -- Queen Bella - Innocent!
Takhisis -- King Lotharon - Innocent!

Result PMs are being sent out.
Well, I guess we're not getting Buttercup back. My condolences, Westley.
I propose BSmith receive the pump, and I claim the sword, as one of the remaining swordsmen. I'm open to suggestions on the hats.
I think we can pretty much confirm civplayah as innocent now, or at least not mafia. Do you want any of the items?
No, we can't. He's just as likely to be lying. Maybe he can improve items, but he couldn't use it because he was too busy killing last night. I wouldn't vote all the iems to him.
He was attacked by mafia and roleblocked on the same night...

I guess he could be a serial killer and is lying about being roleblocked, but at the very least he can't be mafia.
So... We have already lost the three good main characters, + the king and queen of florin? Thats.. Really pathetic guys.
Seriously people, this constantly getting killed is making playing Mafia pointless.
He was attacked by mafia and roleblocked on the same night...

I guess he could be a serial killer and is lying about being roleblocked, but at the very least he can't be mafia.

He was roleblocked? the write up said he wassn't there. I take that to mean doing somthing else rather than roleblocked.
Sprig is right. I suppose Civplayah WAS doing something during the night... like for example killind someone.

Vote: Civplayah.

Sword for Autolycus

Crown for me

Pillow hat for Sprig
A very rough night there. Goddamnit losing the frigging royal couple and a skilled swordfighter. I'm hungry for pie, but I'm not in need for worthy things such as items. But a pillow would sure help me sleep better at night, was hard to sleep when people died all around.

I'm not going to go head over heels and accusing someone that fast, but civplayah do seem suspicious. HmmHmmHmm.

I'll abstain until later, it's pie-time!
I, Sprig wouldn't mind the pillow thing I would prefer Pump Thing though. (seriously zack??? pump thing?) but perhaps Jarrema should have the pump. I think double A should have the Crown which leaves BSmith to take the sword.

Which leaves my accusation, well, a mistake should never be repeated twice. Vote: Autolycus.
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