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LK154 - CCM - Bablyon

The fast settlers we can build now are overwhelmingly for tactical use, so that we can start conquering several enemy cities a turn, and by the end one or two rival civs per turn. The secondary priority is to fill in land just to bring us closer to 66%. Don't worry about finding normal sites for ordinary city development; there aren't enough turns left in the game for that to matter.
we have more Settlers than I know what to do with. I'm loathe to create cities with significant overlap with our current cities. Thoughts?
I only built 2 cities to prevent Israel from stealing a resource from us. Save them for when we attack America? Put them right on our borders to steal land from France, maybe Israel, Indo-china?
Don't be afraid to stack the settlers up. As the wars get farther from us being able to raze and replace a city to have a safe healing zone is really important.

We are now in the domination push phase since we got the core needs (rails, and can self-build workers / setters). Go ahead and settler those crap ice, all desert spots, etc with no nearby city. We are not to the tile counting point yet, but we know we can't afford to leave blocks of 20 tiles unclaimed.

Don't forget - by the time we clear our side of the choke point most of the strong tech civs will be toasted. Once we smack USA on the other side it will be a slaughter.
Also, keep building workers. When we start taking multiple cities a turn, we will need a TON of rail building to keep moving forward.
My recollection is you can't settle in deserts. I hope that is true because I was blocking all non-desert squares (seemed to be working) to stop a Israel town.

We do want to surround that nearby desert with towns and start building up culture if we want the land to be within our territory bu the end. Probably worth doing this where we can now; or at least planning the best places to put cities to cover the most desert assuming we can get to 100 culture without much trouble.

[Edit: If settler counts are good, I agree with LK about the need for workers; as he states plus railing around cities get us more production faster. I think small shield cities can be mostly building workers.]

You are correct. Tundra as well, but you can plant trees and then settle the tundra.
Quick midset update:

We've held the line against USA and the Dutch, we're at war with Israel but not with France (MPP is gone), and we've taken about 5 towns and ~9000 gold. Getting through the mountains to the core cities may take a couple of turns, but we're pretty well set so far.

In the last turn, I actually used up all of our Cavs and even needed to commit a few Hussars (but I'd rather leave them in reserve for Hotchkiss upgrades).
Thanks for the update. That sounds great. :goodjob:
Did anyone else notice that around 7:55 PM on August 1, this forum had 37 guests? How does that happen? :confused:
Did anyone else notice that around 7:55 PM on August 1, this forum had 37 guests?


Edited: In the opening of the Firaxis stream last night (Brazil), Civ 6 lead designer Ed Beach spoke praisingly about the Civ 3 succession games and that he took part in them long time ago (02:21). Has anybody here an idea about his nickname in these succession games?

I sell Industrialization to Israel for "only" 9600 gold
Canada offers 6500

I create a new city in Old Scandinavia. I see another spot in Old Russia, but honestly we have more Settlers than I know what to do with.


Germany wants us to pay 128 gpt for MPP + ROP. LOL!

Lille gets bombarded, no effect.
USA loses a couple of arty units (Schneider75 and Cannon, I think) on our defensive line.

Aztecs offer peace. I accept, charging 85 gold for the ceasefire. We can't get to 'em anyway for a while, so I figure this won't affect any timetables.

Athens deposes us.

T1 (1806 AD):

I recapture Athens - one Cav is all it takes.

I kill the invaders by choke point. Our cavs ride down 10 units, with 5 retreats and 4 deaths in the process. Two Schneider75s also get into the fray.


US kills one of our Infs, loses a Cav, and loses a Schneider75.

T2 (1807 AD):

Near Gateway -
Lose two Cav on American infantry in trying to thin a stack. Nothing else is in our territory, so I leave them be.

Czar's Gold -
Lose 3 Cav in trying to clear a Dutch stack
We get a Leader in the process
Lawyers clean up the 1/4 guys left after the Cav attacks; we get 1 Great Artist -- and we see an enemy lawyer on the next tile over. A Mullah converts him to Monk.


We take some bombardments at Lille and watch a bunch of Dutch movements near Czar's Gold, but it's quiet.
T3 (1808 AD):

We lose one Infantry thinning out the US forces at Gateway.
We lose two more clearing out the Dutch at Czar's Gold:
Lawyers sign contracts with a Dutch cav and Elephant :)
Mullah converts another Elephant; Mullahs kill the last two.


USA attacks the garrison N of Gateway with an invisible unit and a Hussar; both die.

Chemical Industry > Explosives

Great Refinery and National Oilfield are available.

T4 (1809 AD):

By Gateway:
HA retreats
Our Cavs kill about 6 US Cavs
HA kills Marine Infantry
Cav kills Hussar

By Czar's Gold:
Schneider75s kill some Dutch Late Pikemen; a Cannon kills a Longbow by mistake (it has stealth against them but not the Pikes, so I could only target LBs)
Mullahs kill two LBs


Canada completes International Telephone Corp
T5 (1810 AD):

Czar's Gold:
Cavs take out the Pike with three losses
The lawyers come out: First we get a Leader from an injured Pike, then two Great Artists, then we just kill one. The last redlined Pike in the stack dies to a Mullah.

I trade with Egypt: Industrialization and 1gpt for Gems and 20 gold.

Looks like the MPPs we were worried about have expired, so I dial up Israel and declare war.
Odd. That triggered a declaration from the Koreans, but I don't see Korea in CA :huh:

First attack is at Bethel:
Cav kills Rifle
Cav dies
Cav retreats
Cav kills Rifle
The capture of Bethel nets us 1550 gold.

We also kill a Rifle next to Bethel, capturing a Motorized Settler.


Ugh. US Bombardments damage the defender on the coastal fortress tile, and the US Cav seizes the square. That's going to be annoying to clear :(

T6 (1811 AD):

Qer Herreseth:
Cav retreats
Cav dies
Cav retreats
Cav kills Rifle
Cav kills Rifle
Cav seizes the city and 1615 gold

2 retreats, then 2 kills (one promotes), then one loss, then the last two defenders fall and the cavs seize 1650 gold from the city!

3 cavs ride down the defenders and retrieve 1688 gold.

We lose over a dozen Infs reducing some Infantry/Rifle stacks near Joppa, with a Lawyer taking out a Schneider75. Vicious battle, even with garrison support :(

Beit She'an:
Lose two Cavs, one retreats, and then we ride down the defenders to size 1728 gold!

Two Cavs wipe out the defenders and get 2657 gold :D

We lose another 4 cavs cleaning up near Beit She'an.

I culture-bomb both Joppa and Beit She'an in hopes of getting at Haifa easier. Unfortunately, we'll still have a turn waiting on a mountain tile before we can get there.

Lawyer kills redlined Israeli Cav near Joppa.

A mix of Inf and Hussars clear the line at Gateway.


US attacks our defensive line, leaving our defending Infantry redlined. Our line holds!

Israel loses a few units in attacking us. They destroy about 4 of our units in the open, kill 10 Workers :mad: when the overrun a stack, and kill the Infantry at Beit She'an.
T7 (1812 AD):

Lawyers kill 4 stray units, giving us two Great Artists
Mullah kills a fourth stray unit, giving us a Monk

I create the tactical town of Haifapproach

Clean up the garrison support near Haifa:
HA kills Inf
Lose HA
HA kills Inf
HA retreats
Schneider75 kills Rifle
Cannon kills Arque
Schneider75 kills wounded Inf
Cav kills wounded Rifle; garrison gone.

Haifa is expensive, costing 4 retreats and 4 deaths before we reduce the city. 1832 gold.

I culture-bomb Tamuin to get to Buhen, which takes 3 retreats and 1 death to seize. 1883 gold.

We kill off a couple of stray units and Mullah-kill an arty unit. No monk though :\
We lose 2 Infs clearing out a few stray units near Buhen.


We take some bombardments, and an Israeli Frigate attacks one of our War Galleons, taking it down to 2hp.
HA kills Inf
Cav dies at Haifa
Marine Inf dies at Buhen.

USA completes Pacific Fleet in San Francisco, appropriately enough.

T8 (1813 AD):

Lose 4 Infs and a Hussar clearing out two stacks and a stray Inf near Buhen.

I build the tactical town of Caesaraea.
I lose a Cav before clearing the Garrison next to Jerusalem...
16 dead, 7 retreat before we seize the city. Good thing we don't have to worry about WW!

Finally, I lose a 1900 Infantry trying to kill a Dutch Late Pike :wallbash:


US loses an arty unit on one of our fortresses
They also bombard a bit along the coast. No losses.

Israel loses a Cav on Jerusalem, kills a stray Inf of ours near Buhen, and retreats with a Hussar at Jerusalem. They also bombard Buhen a bunch :rolleyes:

Our Golden Age has ended.
Uruk riots. Sigh. So much for checking happy faces the turn before.
T9 (1814 AD):

Lawyer contracts with stray Cannon - artist!
Lawyer contracts redlined Hussar - artist!

I lose 5 Infs trying to clear a path south of Jerusalem...
That lets us create the tactical town Kadesh Road...

I lose a Cav taking out a Garrison

Battle for Kadesh:
Cavs-2 losses, 1 retreats
When I see Cavs, I switch to Hussars; no losses there.
We get 3083 gold and control of the Doge Palace

Ships by Gateway redline American Cav
Lawyer kills it.
HAs kill American Inf and Marine Inf
Lose Enslaver to invisible unit on that tile. Bring in a Worker to investigate...oh, it's a Lawyer. Bring in ours for a Duel of Law. We win :D


USA loses 3 Cavs, but they take out one of the Fortresses along our border :rolleyes:
They also went after the Garrison E of that Fortress, to no effect.

Israel loses an Inf and kills an Inf near Jerusalem
They also pillage a tile

Explosives > Combustion

T10 (1815 AD):

Cressy Class sinks Frigate E of Delft
Adv Ironclad sinks Galleon a ways S of Axum.
Adv Ironclad bombards and sinks Adv Ironclad on the same tile.

I lose a couple of Infs attacking various stray Dutch, US, and Israeli units
We nab Great Artists from an Israeli Heavy Arty and a Dutch LB
We hit the US stack with Heavy Arty and get *two* Leaders out of the deal!
We get a third Great Artist from a wounded US Cav and a fourth from another Law Duel with the US! :D

Battle of Hebron:
3 retreats, 3 losses. We get a Leader before sacking the city, which gives us Jewish Worldreligion and 2137 gold

Canada has a Settler escorted by an arty; a Mullah lets us capture it.

Battle of Samaria:
It's bloody. We suffer 5 retreats and 7 deaths (3 elite :wallbash:) before seizing the city, Taj Mahal, and 3319 gold.

Culture-bomb Samaria

Lose another couple of Infs chasing stray units

Battle for Megiddo:
We have 1 retreat and 3 losses before taking the city with 2255 gold.

Battle for Jericho:
We only lose one Cav! The city gives us 2350 gold.

Battle for Elath:
Lose 1 eCav but we get 2456 gold :D
Handoff notes:

* We have military units fortified near Gateway, and more near Joppa. I've been moving them back and forth as needed to deal with US Cav incursions and offensive action against Israel.
* I've been moving wounded units to Babylon, Samarra, and Uruk to heal. Lots of units are fortified in those three cities right now.
* We have 3 Zeppelins in Kadesh Road for scouting to the south.
* I started moving the Luxury Liner towards Delft; it'll take a while to get there. I was hoping we could use it for some amphibious actions against Indo-China. We'll see.
* Jerusalem, Visby, and Lagash in particular could use some development towards science buildings.
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