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Mali on Earth 18 Civs

:run: why can't yoshi update like you do?
Update :D

*Great engineer enters*

Henry Ford: I'm Henry Ford, resident of Mansaville
Mansa: Awesome! Mansaville rules!!!! We have all of the scholars
Joe: :rolleyes: And a smug king....
Henry Ford: Do you have Assembly Line yet?
Mansa: No... Never heard of it
Henry Ford: Ok, tell me when you have *Henry Ford goes to sleep*

Spoiler :

Joe: Make that sleeping scholars :p
Mansa: Better than delusional scholars :p
Joe: :gripe:
Kris: So, they're still on that after all of this time
Basil: Pretty much, and don't expect it to ever stop any time soon, for obvious reasons

*Messenger enters*

Messenger: Sir, sir! WE DISCOVERED RIFLING!!!! :woohoo:
Mansa: ::dance: Rifling Dance :dance: Hooray!!! [party]
Joe: :twitch:
Mansa: We could test one out on Joe!!!! :lol:
Joe: Um... Don't you think that would be going too far... :scared:

Spoiler :

*Saladin enters*

Kris: Oh no! He doesn't have any guards!!!!!
Basil: Believe it or not, Mansa actually stopped trying to kidnap people!
Kris: :dubious: I didn't think that was possible!
Basil: I didn't either
Saladin: 150 gold and Divine Right for Education?
Mansa: Nah, I don't believe in Divine Right. I'm the supreme god of everything! :smug:
Kris: ...Some things never change...

*Saladin leaves*

Spoiler :

*Messenger enters*

Messenger: We bring news! The Spanish have been defeated, and we think the Chinese have captured the city!
Mansa: Well it's about time! How that civ survived for over 5,000 years, I will never know...

*Messenger leaves*

Spoiler :

Joe: We discovered Constitution!!!! :dance:
Mansa: What's a ckonstipiluteioon?
Joe: :rolleyes: It's a document that we can right the laws of our nation on! I was thinking we could use a plan based on the 3 branches of government, each with equal power...
Mansa: :lol: Like that'll ever happen! The only branch of government is me! And besides, why would we need to have a constitution, when our laws are so easy to remember!
Joe: We don't have laws! Because of you, we live in a backward civ
Mansa: What do you mean? We have the most advanced judicial system in the entire world!
1. Listen to Mansa
2. All Heil Mansa
3. Mansa is your master
4. Mansa is infinitely more epic than Joe!

Mansa: Don't you like it! :D
Joe: :shake:
Update as a part of Joint Holiday Update Day!!!! Which means, that not only can you hold me accountable for not updating, but you can hold MaxWar accountable for not updating too :p

*Julius Caesar enters*

Caesar: My friend, can I tempt you with the offer of Constitution for Divine Right + 390 gold
Mansa: No thanks, my BFF! But we'll have to make t-shirts. Mansa-Caesar Best Friends Forever :D
Caesar: What?
Mansa: Yeah! We'll wear them for life :lol:
Caesar: Personally, I think you should get a t-shirt that says Mansa-Caesar. One is a leader, the other a kidnapper.
Mansa: I assume your the kidnapper :p Funny Joke, BFF! :lol:
Caesar: Don't call me that!
Mansa: Ok, Best Buddy :p
Caesar: *aargh*

*Caesar leaves*

Spoiler :

Joe: I don't think he's your BFF....
Mansa: What made you think that?
Joe: Oh, nothing, me being delusional :rollseyes:

*Elizabeth enters*

Elizabeth: Cancel your deals with Rome! :mad:
Mansa: NEVER!!!! I WILL NEVER BETRAY MY BFF!!!! :mad: You meany!!! [pissed]
Elizabeth: You and Caesar, BFF's??? :lol: He told me you tried to kidnap him, and to this day you take "Salad Ransom" from his him...
Joe: He's emotionally unstable...
Elizabeth: I believe you...

*Elizabeth leaves*

Spoiler :

Messenger: We founded Agades and Vadan!
Mansa: Awesome, I'll text Caesar about it!!!
Basil: Sorry, we don't have phones yet...
Mansa: What??? Fine, I'll send Joe off to Rome, painted white, with a t-shirt that says:
Tweet: Hey BFF, we founded 2 new cities :)
Kris: Sure, bye, Joe :p
Joe: What???
Kris: I've got the white paint! :p
Mansa: *paints Joe white* He looks too much like a newspaper... *paints Joe red* That's better!
Joe: *mad* [pissed]
Mansa: Perfect!
Basil: I have to agree, bye Joe :lol:

*Mansa shoves door on Joe*

Joe's voice: I'm not going!!!! :mad:
Guard's voice: I think you are... *pulls out rifle* We have been ordered to make sure you get to Rome.
Joe's voice: So this is what he's been using the army for...

Spoiler :

Kris: Well that and kidnapping leaders :p

With Joe

Joe: Finally, we've gotten to Rome!
Caesar: What are you doing here??? :scared: Is Mansa here?
Joe: Nope!
Caesar: Phew. What did he send you here for?
Joe: He told me to "text" you that he founded 2 new cities
Caesar: Why would he do that?
Joe: *shrugs* He's psycho that way
Caesar: :yup: Tell him that I'm not his BFF

*Joe leaves*

Guard: Let's get back

5 Minutes later

Guard: And we're back
Joe: How come it took like 10 days to get there, but only 5 minutes to get back?
*guard disappears*
Joe: :scared: Creepy

*Joe enters*

Mansa: What did he say?
Joe: Your not his BFF
Mansa: Well, Joe, of course your not his BFF. That's me, your master :smug:
Joe: Whatever. Next time you want to text something to him, use a phone.
Basil: We don't have those
Kris: But we do have mail!
Mansa: Oh yeah! Maybe that would have been quicker....
Joe: :aargh:

*Messenger enters*

Messenger: We discovered Chemistry! What should we research now?
Sid Meier: I recommend Corporation for Economy, Steel for Military
Mansa: Steel!
Joe: Corporation!
Mansa: Since I'm :king:, it's Steel!
Messenger: Yes, Sir

*Messenger leaves*

Spoiler :

Roosevelt: I'm Roosevelt of the Islamic Republic of America
Mansa: Hello!
Roosevelt: My Master and his other vassal are coming too! :D

Spoiler :

*Montezuma enters*

Montezuma: Ger mon war war mon!!!!! (Hi Mansa!)
Mansa: Warger! (Hey Monty!)
Joe: :rolleyes: Are you warmongers all part of a cult or something
Mansa: How did you know! :)
Joe: :facepalm:
Montezuma: Ger war mon ger warmonger! (See you at next week's Warmonger Convention! :D)

*Montezuma leaves*

Spoiler :

*Huayna Capac*

Huayna: I'm Huayna Capac of the Incan Empire!
Mansa: And your Hindu?
Huayna: Yeah! That Roosevelt just blindly follows Montezuma, but I'm the leader of a major empire :smug:
Mansa: Um... sure, if that's what you need to here...
Roosevelt: Hey! I don't blindly follow him!
Huayna: I saw you follow him into Starbucks the other day!
Mansa: stalker...
Roosevelt: :shifty:

*Roosevelt leaves*
*Huayna Capac leaves*

Spoiler :
*Alexander enters*

Alexander: Divine Right +280 Gold for Printing Press.
Mansa: Nah. I already have divine power :smug:

*Alexander leaves*

Spoiler :

*Asoka enters*

Asoka: 940 Gold and Divine Right for Replaceable Parts
Mansa: Um no, Like I told Alexander, I have Divine Power :smug:

*Asoka leaves*

Spoiler :

*Frederick enters*

Frederick: *sniff* D-d-ivine Ri-i-ght + 110 Gol-d for Libe-ralis-m? *sniff*
Frederick: :cry::cry:

*Frederick rushes out*

Spoiler :

Joe: For the record, you don't have divine power
Mansa: Sure I do! After all, who else could create such an awesome empire, all while in the presence of an incompetent adviser :smug:

*Frederick enters*

Frederick: *sniff* C-cc-a-nn y-o-uu can-cel your d-deals with the gr-e-eks? *sniff*
Mansa: Um, no...
Frederick: :cry:

*Frederick rushes out again*

Spoiler :

Mansa: Geez, what's wrong with Frederick
Kris: I heard Catherine broke up with him
Mansa: What did he expect. She backstabs everyone, and is delusional! :backstab:
Joe: Wow, you 2 must have a lot in common then :lol:
*shelf falls on Joe*
Joe: Ow!
Mansa: My Divine Powers! Either that, or bad karma :D
Joe: :mad:
Mansa: Well, Joe. I'm not surprised, after all with all your delusional..
Joe: :aargh: *runs towards Mansa*
Mansa: :run:
Kris: We are experiencing Technical Difficulties...

Spoiler :

*Roosevelt enters*

Kris: :lol:
Spoiler :

Roosevelt: Well, what is it goiing to be!
Kris: Although I'm quite worried, I'll have to say no :lol:
Roosevelt: You'll regret that decision!!!!! :mwaha: :evil:
Arabia are double the power of you :eek:
Messenger: We discovered Chemistry! What should we research now?
Sid Meier: I recommend Corporation for Economy, Steel for Military
Mansa: Steel!
Joe: Corporation!
Mansa: Since I'm :king:, it's Chemistry!
So Mansa IS delusional

And, :goodjob:
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