• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


And if ilduce changes his avatar first i get to use it.

Just saying.
ULM demands a update :)
seriously, i Ulm needs a update, and if it doesn't come all the vassals of ULM will attack this story :D
are you civ'ed's alt? :p
:bump: or is this on hiatus or something?
we can fix it, we have the technology
6 million dollar man:p
Print Screen works too, but it takes the other screen as well. Say

Screen1: Civfanatics Screen2: CivIV
Screen1: Civfanatics Screen2: Paint
*paste into screen two*
paint holds
Alt + Print Screen will just capture the current screen. Actually, to be more specific, it just captures the current window, which generally equals the current screen if you are playing in full screen mode.

If, on the other hand, you are playing in windowed mode, then when you paste into Paint, you won't get all of the other programs that you are running in the background appearing in your pasted screenshot.

Of note is the fact that Alt + Print Screen will still store a picture in your My Document's ScreenShots folder, so you can have a low-resolution backup in case your pasting into Paint action gets messed up.

I never got the box that says "Enter Screenshot Name"...
Shift + Print Screen (within Civ 4) will ask you to type a name for your screenshot. The name will be used as part of the filename, replacing the default "Civ4ScreenShot" textual part of the filename with the name that you provided. This feature can be handy if you are taking screenshots for multiple stories at once and want a handy way of keeping the images separate from each other.

Of note is the fact that you can use the Copy and Paste buffer to Copy a string of text and then press "Ctrl + v" to paste your string of text, making for relatively quick use of this screenshot-naming functionality. You can even type text within the "Enter screen shot name" text box, highlight it with the mouse (or holding down the Shift key while pressing the relevant right arrow key or left arrow key), and then press "Ctrl + c" to copy that text into your copy and paste buffer. I.e. you don't have to exit the game in order to get text into your copy & paste buffer.
Alt + Print Screen will just capture the current screen. Actually, to be more specific, it just captures the current window, which generally equals the current screen if you are playing in full screen mode.

If, on the other hand, you are playing in windowed mode, then when you paste into Paint, you won't get all of the other programs that you are running in the background appearing in your pasted screenshot.

Of note is the fact that Alt + Print Screen will still store a picture in your My Document's ScreenShots folder, so you can have a low-resolution backup in case your pasting into Paint action gets messed up.

Shift + Print Screen (within Civ 4) will ask you to type a name for your screenshot. The name will be used as part of the filename, replacing the default "Civ4ScreenShot" textual part of the filename with the name that you provided. This feature can be handy if you are taking screenshots for multiple stories at once and want a handy way of keeping the images separate from each other.

Of note is the fact that you can use the Copy and Paste buffer to Copy a string of text and then press "Ctrl + v" to paste your string of text, making for relatively quick use of this screenshot-naming functionality. You can even type text within the "Enter screen shot name" text box, highlight it with the mouse (or holding down the Shift key while pressing the relevant right arrow key or left arrow key), and then press "Ctrl + c" to copy that text into your copy and paste buffer. I.e. you don't have to exit the game in order to get text into your copy & paste buffer.

And what if you use two screens
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