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We were in talks with a representative of the Empire of the Setting Sun for the liberation of their political prisoners in exchange for money. Then, we found out some disgusting truths about their government.

OCC: Read Sonereal's and my posts, ignore Mecherik's they have nothing to do with this./OCC

Spoiler :

Murder. Slavery. Torture. Brainwashing. These are some of the things they admitted to in their posts. The Empire of the Formatting Crew is disgusted by the mere thought of slavery and therefore has ended all diplomatic contact with the Empire of the Setting Sun. We have removed their embassy from our borders and removed ours from theirs. We do not recognize the legitimacy of their government. Also, the Empire of the Formatting Crew will accept any refugees fleeing this brutal regime as refugees and will be accepted into our nation as citizens with equal rights.

The Formatting Crew also calls upon all nations that respect human rights to embargo this vile regime and to vote against them in the UN.
Renfair has expelled the Setting Sun ambassadors and severed all diplomatic ties with the Setting Sun. We will not deal with murderers.

Renfair will gladly reopen contact with the Setting Sun and even reestablish trade if they agree to transfer all the children they have taken, and all the adults that yet live to Renfairian land. Otherwise, we will not recognize the Empire of the Setting Sun as a nation-state.

We may practice slavery, but we are honorable and win the consent of the slaves in written forms, as well as thinking of their health and well-being and controlling the situations with well-organized laws to protect both parties. This is a perversion of everything Renfair stands for.

Don't send them to those hippie sadists, send them to the AOZ where they will recieve a true life, away from those whippings they do in that hippieland.
Does Renfair care to help us in mass-embargoing the ESS?


Nikolai, News Reporter:

Today we will speak about the elections in USSR and the elections is Russian SSR and Siberian SSR.

New Prime Minister:

Aleka, Prime Minister of USSR:

Mrs. Aleka was today elected, by the people of USSR, Prime Minister. In both two SSR Aleka took 100% of the votes. Mr. Leonid and Nikita have congratulated Mrs. Aleka.

The New Prime Minister of USSR has this program:

1) Re-unification of all of USSR.
2) Creation of a Communist Alliance.
3) Expansion of the Soviet Economy.
4) Creation of a huge Army.

I will now show you the official Results of the elections:

Aleka: 100%

Military Parade in Siberian SSR:

Today in the Siberian SSR, a Military Parade took place. Every year this day we celebrate the entrance of Siberia in the USSR. Hundreds of people are in the streets to see the Parade. Here are some Photos from the Parade:

New President in the Russian SSR:

Antonai, President of the Russian SSR:

Yesterday the people of the Russian SSR elected their President, Mr. Antonai. Here are the official results of the elections:

Antonai: 100%

The new President promised to build factories all over Russia. He also said that he will make the Russian SSR the greatest SSR in the Soviet Union. Antonai will meet Leonid today, in a few hours.

Traitors Executed:

Today 7 capitalist traitors who tried to escape our Huge Prison Great Motherland, were arrested and executed. Those traitors tried to leave the USSR and sell plans to the western capitalist dogs. However our great army managed to arrest them and execute them.

New President in the Siberian SSR:

Alexai, President of the Siberian SSR:

Yesterday Mrs. Alexai was elected President of the Siberian SSR. The ''Hot'' young politician managed to win the support of all citizens in the Siberian SSR. We didnt even need to use rigged votes. The results of the elections are:

Alexai: 100%

She promised that Siberia will become a powerhouse and that Siberian economy will become the greatest economy in the union.

Leonid visits General Joseph:

Leonid, Supreme Commander of the People's Army and Spokeman of the Supreme Soviet:

General Joseph:

Two days ago Mr. Leonid visited General Joseph to talk about the Soviet Army. General Joseph assured Mr. Leonid that the Army would be ready in a few months. He also said that this new Red Army will be able to invade the Barbarians Manchuria (Eastern China-North Korea) and bring them under USSR control.

Our Great Father and Leader Nikita announced Nikitagrand:

Nikita, Premier and General Secretary of the CPSU:

Our Great Father and Leader Nikita announced that a new city will be build. The new city will be named Nikitagrand in order to honor our great Leader, Father and Comrade. This city will be as great as our leader. Here are a few photos from the city:

And so our news end. Have a nice day.
OOC: I did.

IC: "So, we have a nation arguing against slavery so they're asking for the support of another slave state on the embargo. Sounds legitimate. Look up. That's the moral high ground the Formatics and Sadists abandoned."
Bit (very) busy today, so I will not be able to post orders or anything until tomorrow. Awfully sorry. i will get round to this.
IC: "So, we have a nation arguing against slavery so they're asking for the support of another slave state on the embargo. Sounds legitimate. Look up. That's the moral high ground the Formatics and Sadists abandoned."

Ring-ring! Ring-ring! Hello! This is the pot calling the kettle!

...what Bold is trying to say that it ISN'T legitimate that you are trying to go "look we've got the moral high ground" when you are a slave state too. And Renfair hasn't really clarified it's position on slavery. It sounds more like an indenture system. And you have clarified what a horrible torturous slavery/brainwashing program YOU have. Disgusting.
So, so forms of slavery are ok?

We aren't claiming a high road because we're saying its in no ones economic best interest to mass embargo us. Especially when most of the world is unclaimed, there is tons off infrastructure to repair in the neutral territories, etc.
Welcome to the EBC, and here are the news headlines at two o'clock:

Leaders of the Democratic Allied Republic of Egypt have refused to comment on the rapidly intensifying dispute between the Empires of the Setting Sun and Formatting Crew. President Al Dunyanin told the press today that it is 'not at the current time in our interests to become involved in this dispute', and interviews with other members of the assembly have confirmed that he has expressed this sentiment to the government.

Elections in the USSR have been completed, and the government has sent congratulations to the leaders of that nation on their staggering electorial successes. The government spokesperson hoped that these new leaders 'will continue along the paths of international co-operation that their predeccesors have been walking.'

In more domestic news, the government is living up on it's promise to ensure continued economic growth, and is channelling millions into various enterprises around the nation. Socialist Front leaders have applauded the move, whilst Democrats claim the government would do better to cut buisness taxes. How effective the new spending program is shall remain to be seen, but experts beleive it is the right idea.

So, so forms of slavery are ok?

As I said, LH hasn't really elaborated on his system. It might not even be what we call Slavery at all. We will pass judgement when wee find out the truth. Whereas, you HAVE elaborated your system. And we have passed judgement. And we deem you to be...

...of being horrible to your citizens.
Elections in the USSR have been completed, and the government has sent congratulations to the leaders of that nation on their staggering electorial successes. The government spokesperson hoped that these new leaders 'will continue along the paths of international co-operation that their predeccesors have been walking.'

We thank you and we hope that your nation will have peace and economic growth.
Announcement from the Government of HM Elizabeth IV, Queen of New Britain

Travel Advisory from HM Foreign Office

In light of recent developments in the Empire of the Setting Sun HM Government has declared that the Caribbean and surrounding territories are a High Risk location. We are advising citizens of New Britain avoid travel to the Caribbean and surrounding territories if at all possible. Our ambassador to the Empire is seeking assurances that our citizens already in the Empire are and shall remain safe. We are arranging charter flights to evacuate those who wish to leave. If you have a family member who is currently in a High Risk area please contact your local government office for further information.


Nikolai, News Reporter:

Leonid meets Antonai:

Antonai, President of the Russian SSR:

Leonid, Supreme Commander of the People's Army and Spokeman of the Supreme Soviet:

Today the new President of the Russian SSR met with Leonid, the Supreme Commander of the People's Army and Spokeman of the Supreme Soviet. The two men talked about the international relations, the economy and the place of Russia inside the USSR. We are very happy today because Mr. Antonai has alowed us to interview him.

- Welcome Mr. Antonai.

- I thank you for inviting me to tell you about my meeting and my political opinions.

- Mr. Antonai, about what things did you talked with Leonid.

- We talked about many things. We talked about the dispute between the Empires of the Setting Sun and Formatting Crew, we talked about the economy, about the industry of Russia and about Russia's place in the USSR.

- That are many things. Lets start about this dispute between the Empires of the Setting Sun and Formatting Crew.

- I, Mrs. Aleka and Mr. Leonid share the same opinion. USSR should not talk about disputes of third countries. The governments opinion is that we agree with Bill 1 of the UN Res., but we dont agree with Bills 2 and 3.

- What is your opinion about USSR's foreign policy?

- First we should try to find more allies to support us. Second, we should try to create a Communist Alliance. Only then we will be strong enough to re-unite the entire USSR.

- What do you think of the economic policy?

- I think that we need more focus on industry and factories. Other than that, i agree with the current policy.

- Last question. What is the place of Russia inside the USSR.

- Russia is a central part of the USSR. USSR is our home country and without USSR, Russia would collapse. Those Russian Nationalists who want Russia to leave the Union, are crazy.

- Thank you for coming here.

- I thank you.

So our News end. Have a nice day.
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