Onan's multisession G&K, Alternate Reality Game (8pm in Auckland, GMT +13)

I'm social worker, talk to me Tabarnak ;-)

I will be gone Saturday to visit my family for Sinterklaas(look it up if you want to know what it is). So i can't play Sunday. Next weekend i probably can play bought days.

No kidding, I'm a counsellor.

Let's do the short session at our usual time on Saturday, then. We can keep the game going a little, and Foffaren can call it when he needs to leave for his baby-dipping. :D
Let's do the short session at our usual time on Saturday, then. We can keep the game going a little, and Foffaren can call it when he needs to leave for his baby-dipping. :D

I'm convinced I can eat, shower, shave and suit up in 20 min but if I want to keep the peace I'd best do as the lady wants. We'll see how long I can go.
Next session ended to the turn 71. glory7 gladly accepted to sub aDaigo who didn't show up.

Darius continued his quest with help of his minions ready to elevate this civ like one of the best that the Earth never showed up before. Oracle was raised somewhere near Persepolis and the High Priest is pretty confident that a culture and a science spread are going to hit some people, inviting them to join new ranks of workers with more religious and intellectual learnings, and all around the empire.

Darius took the Piety path knowing that a future mega golden age might be occur if his civilization respect the religious gods, begging them for best wishes. Chichen Itza is now the baby of the old emperor and he wants to get the best of it.

His oldest scout found a lot of new lives up north but no official contacts have been made so far.
Boosted by Petra, Barcelona can never look so good. Also finished Tradition and all four river-side cities will have nice growth going on. Workers are busy roading, leaving a lot of farm land unimproved.

The Roman decided to borrow our belief, but it may be good for us: the previous double religious buildings maybe an overkill, the war related belief may calm down our neighbours a little bit. Our golden age brought in cash, which we will save for a rainy day to come. Yes! EEE paranoia is alive, after being stabbed twice recently.

The good old Pangaea map is really interesting. Series of mountains have made our exploration work a bit of pain. But finally we have met almost all but the mysterious Persians, who we believe are living in the South.
England is also searching for the mysterious Persians.
Roman is next to England in the east and Spain is north from England.
England hopes to maintain a good relationship with bought and has made DoF's with bought.
I apologize for not showing up. I was supposed to get 3 hours sleep from 5 to 8 but unsurprisingly I turned the alarm clock off and went back to bed. Thanks glory7 indeed!
I apologize for not showing up. I was supposed to get 3 hours sleep from 5 to 8 but unsurprisingly I turned the alarm clock off and went back to bed. Thanks glory7 indeed!

Thanks for checking in, calcio. Will we see you next week? You might want to plan on a little more than three hours sleep...? :lol:
Boosted by Petra, Barcelona can never look so good. Also finished Tradition and all four river-side cities will have nice growth going on. Workers are busy roading, leaving a lot of farm land unimproved.

The Roman decided to borrow our belief, but it may be good for us: the previous double religious buildings maybe an overkill, the war related belief may calm down our neighbours a little bit. Our golden age brought in cash, which we will save for a rainy day to come. Yes! EEE paranoia is alive, after being stabbed twice recently.

The good old Pangaea map is really interesting. Series of mountains have made our exploration work a bit of pain. But finally we have met almost all but the mysterious Persians, who we believe are living in the South.

As expected, the wealthy and mighty Spanish completed their wondrous desert palace a few years before we could build ours. Our masons were at a loss to understand why this meant their tools lost their power to work the local stone, and even more bewildered to find the rock returned to its natural state, the long work of years of carving and hewing replaced overnight by a small bag of gold!

We Arabs are an ignorant people, eking out a living between the frozen north and the deserts which surround us. At least we have money, to import food, especially now that we've constructed Machu Picchu atop the vanished Petra. Apart from the Spanish and city states, we know little of the world, even thinking we were on one of two continents!

OOC: you know, I almost feel bad about taking Babylon in that other world, after we'd discussed having a cooperative game. But then I remember the demands made, while I was still trying to decide if I could accept another Speed style loss: that Babylon must own the entire continent or leave our cities in ashes or give them to our enemies, if we did not agree. Negotiation I can accept, threats no...Pachacuti was his own lord and master, and submission to our neighbour in the service of their grand ambition was unacceptable. :D
Apart from the Spanish and city states, we know little of the world, even thinking we were on one of two continents!

OOC: you know, I almost feel bad about taking Babylon in that other world, after we'd discussed having a cooperative game.

What happened to the two scouts who tried to compete by attacking the barbarian camp? Spanish cities have closed up cultural borders, so you have to go caravel to scout on the sea.:cool:

No hard feeling in that Babylon game, its good to learn from lose. I have made many mistakes when the attack happens: I forgot vanilla upgrade cost 110 - 120g, not 70g as in G&K from CBow to Xbows, so I shouldn't buy a bowman earlier. Also I don't know why I removed scientists one turn in the attack so the GS was born 1 turn late and upgrade has to delay by 1 turn. In another game where I had clear advantage in every aspect early but I decided to play defensively. Foffaren's frigates attacked one of my three cities out of nowhere when I just lowered defense there and lost it, then it's an uphill battle ever since. It's said that offense is the best defense, I wonder how true it is.
Perhaps we could negotiate open borders? One scout went north to help with a barb camp, the other healed and has resumed exploration.

Cool. Offense is working pretty well for the Inca so far. :D In a moment of my own paranoia, I chose to rush Great Wall, to cement our gains and prevent recapture of Babylon, instead of Machu Picchu for cash.
The Spanish scouts found it very hard to negotiate open border with other civs, so far I only remember Roman has agreed, perhaps Ottoman. The reason not to open up is apparent.
I've already seen almost all your land, except for your furthest city to the SW.
The roman lands are friendly and open to all. We are expansionsist, not warmongers. Sooner or later I might step on someones feet but until then expect nothing but friendly words from us.

I belive my lands have already been scouted extensivly by spain and england so I dont mind open borders there. It is a show of trust in my eyes.
I chose to rush Great Wall, to cement our gains and prevent recapture of Babylon, instead of Machu Picchu for cash.

Hmm...do you realize how much income you lose? You wouldn't prefer more units instead? Unless you have a large land to protect.
Like I said, I was being paranoid. Or over cautious. But yes, with five cities and two enemy capitals, plus some other space...it is rather a large area.
The Spanish scouts found it very hard to negotiate open border with other civs, so far I only remember Roman has agreed, perhaps Ottoman. The reason not to open up is apparent.

I've already seen almost all your land, except for your furthest city to the SW.

The roman lands are friendly and open to all. We are expansionsist, not warmongers. Sooner or later I might step on someones feet but until then expect nothing but friendly words from us.

I belive my lands have already been scouted extensivly by spain and england so I dont mind open borders there. It is a show of trust in my eyes.

Arabia formally requests open borders with Spain.
Are we playing tomorrow? I'll be up at 8 just in case if I dont read this topic before tomorrow.
Are we playing tomorrow? I'll be up at 8 just in case if I dont read this topic before tomorrow.

Yep, sorry, 11.5 hours to go! Post if any problems to make it.
Liberty expansion in small map seems to be bound to have border dispute. But I confess, 6 cities are really too many, equivalent to 9 cities in standard map?

It starts with the first city claiming the Mt Sinai, which was really first discovered by Byzantium. Then 3 unique luxuries spread around capital, two are just 4 tiles away, so settled directly on top of them.

Then we run into a settler rush with the Persian. They want to settle a river side hill, but it will make us impossible to settle a southern coastal city to claim the 3rd unique luxury. Also if they settled there, it will isolate our first Mt Sinai city, so we can't risk that. We managed to block their settler with units, which makes our settler 1 turn quicker to settle down and seal the border. The Persians are angry by our paranoia, but we don't understand why they are not happy to settle beside the Oasis, which will give them all the flood plain and a 'pig' lux plus some hills - A much better city to fit their pantheon.

Our 6th city is settled to make a canal city, and further sealed our border. What a mad expansion plan!

Sorry, Foffaren, I seem to have disrupted your plan to settle, but I'm trying to stay away from your capital and most of our border cities are not on hill, so our intention was not to conflict with you.
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