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Our World: Civilizations of the Modern Age Design Discussion

You got it, boss. Red Guard is definitely UU. I'd love to hear about UBs, other UUs, or maybe even a UI.

Also as I posted in the JFD thread there is an icon out there but it should be easy enough to remake, if you want. I provided the description over there.
Don't worry Doc, there'll be plenty of icons for you!
An idea for a UI for Mao - Backyard Furnace.

He had them built in lots of communes during the Great Leap Forward, and though they didn't accomplish too terribly much that I'm aware of, a Mao mod can utilize them closer to how he envisioned them. Not sure how you'd feel about the anachronism there.

Could have it replace the Farm (as Mao intended), giving the farm's food bonuses, then giving say +1 :c5production: when Metal Casting is researched and another +1 :c5production: when Steel is researched. If that makes it too strong, either of the food buffs the farm usually gets (at Civil Service or at Fertilizer), could be taken off.

Oooooor, rather than adding to the production base yield, each grants some small percentage of bonus production in their city? That might allow it to keep all the stuff the Farm usually gets.
That could be a UA idea as well.
Did you just make that? Nicely done. Wow. You guys are the best.
Dat face though... Looks great.
I would go with #1, to best separate it out from the Deng Xiaoping icon. Like how Stalin and Lenin's icons are.

What do folks think about the colors? I kinda like them as is. Do people like the icon design? I can see some argument for simplification.

Viregel is revising the icons I made with the OP with Sukitract's template. I'd be interested in his input on simplification.

Either way, I like #1, and thank you TarcisioCM for jumping right into this.
UAE, Iran, East Germany, and Kenya have maps. Everything else needs maps.

Anyone interested in doing a leaderscene?

So anyway I'm not good with civ icons and I'm not sure how to turn that picture you wanted into one, but here are three options that I've managed to make:

3 is by far the best option. 1 and 2 are simply to complicated and have too much detail. Sure they look nice like this, but when they are smaller in the game it doesn't look nice at all.
3 is by far the best option. 1 and 2 are simply to complicated and have too much detail. Sure they look nice like this, but when they are smaller in the game it doesn't look nice at all.

Dunno man, I don't like this too complicated argument because even though the details are gone the overall composition of the icon remains unchanged and recognizable.

Stars and a box thingy inside a circular wreath.
I think we might need to lose some of the detail on the wreath but I think it is the most unique option. TPangolin posted the original civ icon in JFD's thread. It's like #2 but I think I like it best with the wreath
Why not try the star design surrounded by the wreath? Also do you need ideas for the design? It was good fun working out Turkmenistan, so what ideas do you already have for a PRC UA and UB? Or are you just on a blank slate right now? :lol:
By the way. A "Construct the Three Gorges Dam" Decision would fit for the PRC :)
Blank slate!

3 Gorges Dam decision would best fit Deng Xiaoping I think
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