Patria Grande: Civilizations of the Americas

BTW Mr Zipa, any good ideas for Muiscas uniques?

Mmm...not really...

Roads of El Dorado: trade routes increases :c5faith: production

Golden cult: mines produces :c5science:

Bochica's teachings: religion spreading generates great scientist points

Anything related with gold, science and religion could work...but honestly, I don't know...

For the first UU, I thought in the güechas, the traditional Muiscan warrior with golden stuff and large wood/ copper clubs

Güecha, replaces swordsman
bonus combat in rough terrain
health rate increased in friendly territory
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Then, I thought in some more "modern" infantry, native skirmishers who fought in the independence wars and another civil wars. Their name could be the same "güecha" since it means "brave"
Güecha skirmisher, replaces riflemen
Ignores terrain movement costs
Survivalism I
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more or less like this guys, but without hats, with long hair, ruanas and sandals...and of course, without the colombian flag...

like the guy smoking on the middle

For the second UU, I ask if is possible do some kind of great prophet/scientist
Xue Priest, replaces great prophet and/or great scientist
Holy sites built by Xue Priest generates +5:c5science:
:c5science: production increased after found a religion
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except for the clothing, all looks accurate

those have more accurate clothing

Also, I tought on other two uniques:
Turmeque, replaces colosseum
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this is a regular Muisca building, just add the turmeque field:

And the second is a unique improvement:
Ancient's stones, replaces trading post
generates +1:c5science: and +1:c5faith:
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And...for the leaderscreen:
some references:
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with a background like this:
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with some big statues:

with much mist and a grey sky, Cundinamarca use to be a cold land in the colombian highlands
Hmn interesting... Why don't we get a Faith/Gold oriented civ, could work nicely... What about:

UA: El Dorado: May hurry production with Gold. Gold and Gem Resources doubled. Mines yield +1 Faith.
UU: Güecha: Stronger but has double Gold Manteinance cost. May double attack.

Guechas were known for being brave and strong, so yeah...

I'm not sure on the second unique though, I've been reading on what you posted, but I need mroe info to make a nice synergy :)


I'm working on a 3D Bolivar Leader scene. For BG though I'm thinking of just doing a retextured Isabella one. how are you at reskinning?

Hmn... Well, I'm relatively good, I used to reskin a lot back in time... However, if you give me some pointers on how do you do that, I could also try modeling a background, I'm better at Architectural modeling than at human modeling anyway; another option I had for when modeling becomes mainstream was using the backgrounds I made in a plane hehe...

I wonder though, would you be able of doing him with a horse? Perhaps reusing napoleon's?

Anyway, thanks, I'm eager to see your advance :)
Hmn interesting... Why don't we get a Faith/Gold oriented civ, could work nicely... What about:

UA: El Dorado: May hurry production with Gold. Gold and Gem Resources doubled. Mines yield +1 Faith.
UU: Güecha: Stronger but has double Gold Manteinance cost. May double attack.

Guechas were known for being brave and strong, so yeah...

I'm not sure on the second unique though, I've been reading on what you posted, but I need mroe info to make a nice synergy :)

Hmn... Well, I'm relatively good, I used to reskin a lot back in time... However, if you give me some pointers on how do you do that, I could also try modeling a background, I'm better at Architectural modeling than at human modeling anyway; another option I had for when modeling becomes mainstream was using the backgrounds I made in a plane hehe...

I wonder though, would you be able of doing him with a horse? Perhaps reusing napoleon's?

Anyway, thanks, I'm eager to see your advance :)

reskinning is easy. using texmod I have the textures. You then just use nexusbuddy to change the dds file. I'll post the jpegs you can modify then I can convert it to dds and retexture the gr2 (It takes me 2 minutes to do that).

As for the horse. Ultimately, I will put him on one. But this will be mine (and Civ5's) first custom leaderhead so I'm starting basic and using the easiest skeleton to work with.

you can track work here:
Before you go any further, I have to say that AFAIK you can't make a prophet replacer. I tried already.
Hmn interesting... Why don't we get a Faith/Gold oriented civ, could work nicely... What about:

UA: El Dorado: May hurry production with Gold. Gold and Gem Resources doubled. Mines yield +1 Faith.
UU: Güecha: Stronger but has double Gold Manteinance cost. May double attack.

Guechas were known for being brave and strong, so yeah...

I'm not sure on the second unique though, I've been reading on what you posted, but I need mroe info to make a nice synergy :)

I liked to get a more science oriented civ, but faith/gold work perfectly

From what unique do you need more info? the skirmishers? the priest?, the turmeque, the stones? or all of them?
You should remove the "Gold and Gems resources doubled" part as it does almost nothing...
Before you go any further, I have to say that AFAIK you can't make a prophet replacer. I tried already.

Hmn... that's bad, so, overriding the Great Prophet doesn't work? I suppose then it calls the faith for GP progress with the Unit Type instead of the Unit Class... Meh...

You should remove the "Gold and Gems resources doubled" part as it does almost nothing...

Well, it's more some kind of a chance historic flavor, the rest of the UA is already good though, so we don't depend on it, so yeah... It's a "flavor" vs "usefulness" issue hehe...

Technically, if you DO get near Gold or Gems, you'll have the chance of getting more happiness and better Trading though, but its still too chance-dependant...

I liked to get a more science oriented civ, but faith/gold work perfectly

From what unique do you need more info? the skirmishers? the priest?, the turmeque, the stones? or all of them?

Well, since overriding Prophets seems to be troublesome, the Priest is mostly out... Skirmishers would make them a 2 UU civ, and I'd rather not have that...

So its for the Turmeneque and the Stones... It would be nice to find some references on how they were actually used, but I can't seem to find that.
Basically, any kind of UU or UB that can be purchased with faith without a belief is out.
Well, since overriding Prophets seems to be troublesome, the Priest is mostly out... Skirmishers would make them a 2 UU civ, and I'd rather not have that...

So its for the Turmeneque and the Stones... It would be nice to find some references on how they were actually used, but I can't seem to find that.

...and if is a great scientist?

ok, some info about the stones:

this texts are in spanish, sorry, I couldn't find any reference in english:
Check page 81 of this one:

"A dicho círculo de piedra, los líderes de esa comunidad lo denominan la “Plaza de Gobierno Muisca”, y según ellos mismos era (es) el lugar ordenado por los abuelos ancestrales para ritualizar los actos de posesión de los gobiernos y autoridades indígenas de los pueblos muiscas."

"To this stone circle, the community leaders call it the "Muisca government's Square", and according to them was (is) the place ordered by the ancient grandparents to ritualize ancestral possession acts of governments and indigenous authorities of the Muisca peoples"

..those are the ancestor's stones, were used to many purposes, rituals, governments, and trade

this one is in english:
:p I'm Bolivian, so I actually prefer Spanish hehe... Ok... What about this:

Second UU: Xue Priest: Replacement for Great Merchant. (Didn't see that coming right?) Missions earn more Gold, may build Ancient Stones, which grant both gold and faith. May found and enhance religions.

Although the whole Merchant part doesn't seem to make sense, its actually more for gameplay reasons. I wanted a unit that could represent the Muisca Confederation (hence a unit that can increase influence) but also the less trade but more faith orientation of Gold. And the faith is also technically a way of representing the ritual nature of the stones. The best part of the ancient stones is that the Landmark model may work amazingly... Opinions?

And I swear, with the Libertador, the Toqi, the Amauta and Chile's UA, this may be the last GP replacement I make hehe... (overruled!)

EDIT: Also, Zipa, the icon you use as an avatar is for Muisca? it could be nice to use them, and this time I'd actually use those colors :p :D
:p I'm Bolivian, so I actually prefer Spanish hehe... Ok... What about this:

Second UU: Xue Priest: Replacement for Great Merchant. (Didn't see that coming right?) Missions earn more Gold, may build Ancient Stones, which grant both gold and faith. May found and enhance religions.

Although the whole Merchant part doesn't seem to make sense, its actually more for gameplay reasons. I wanted a unit that could represent the Muisca Confederation (hence a unit that can increase influence) but also the less trade but more faith orientation of Gold. And the faith is also technically a way of representing the ritual nature of the stones. The best part of the ancient stones is that the Landmark model may work amazingly... Opinions?

And I swear, with the Libertador, the Toqi, the Amauta and Chile's UA, this may be the last GP replacement I make hehe...

EDIT: Also, Zipa, the icon you use as an avatar is for Muisca? it could be nice to use them, and this time I'd actually use those colors :p :D

Ah, Leugi es Bolivian y habla espanol. Sabía que. Creo que necesito hablar en Espanol para tú, pero sé muy poco espanol y Civfanatics es un sitio web de inglés. (Oh, god. I just butchered a language. Sorry for that. :lol:)

(What I intended to say: Ah, Leugi is Bolivian and speaks Spanish. I knew that. I think I need to speak in Spanish for you, but I know very little Spanish and Civfanatics is an English website.)

Anyway, on topic, is Ancient Stones a UI? I thought because of some farm bug, modders shied away from UI.
Ah, Leugi es Bolivian y habla espanol. Sabía que. Creo que necesito hablar en Espanol para tú, pero sé muy poco espanol y Civfanatics es un sitio web de inglés. (Oh, god. I just butchered a language. Sorry for that. :lol:)

(What I intended to say: Ah, Leugi is Bolivian and speaks Spanish. I knew that. I think I need to speak in Spanish for you, but I know very little Spanish and Civfanatics is an English website.)

Anyway, on topic, is Ancient Stones a UI? I thought because of some farm bug, modders shied away from UI.

The Farmbug applies if you check the "Reload Landmark System" on Modbuddy. That check is necessary if you are going to use custom models, as you need to reload the landmarks for defining new Art-Defines for improvements.

However, if you don't need custom models and custom ArtDefines, you can leave that unchecked. Its what I do with the Republiquetas, and the Minor Holy Sites for Bolivia. (which are, in fact, new improvements and the Minor Holy Sites are actually an UI, in order to make missionaries be able of building it)
The Farmbug applies if you check the "Reload Landmark System" on Modbuddy. That check is necessary if you are going to use custom models, as you need to reload the landmarks for defining new Art-Defines for improvements.

However, if you don't need custom models and custom ArtDefines, you can leave that unchecked. Its what I do with the Republiquetas, and the Minor Holy Sites for Bolivia. (which are, in fact, new improvements and the Minor Holy Sites are actually an UI, in order to make missionaries be able of building it)

So, simply put, you can use pre-existing UI without the farm bug occurring, but if you make your own, the farm bug will occur?
So, simply put, you can use pre-existing UI without the farm bug occurring, but if you make your own, the farm bug will occur?

Talking about graphics per se... Yep, unless you add the improvements via DLC method (like I do the music) or if you change the Farm Graphics.
yeahhh, a south american bro :D

...The funny thing of your UU is that it's more accurate than you think ;)

in Muiscan societies, all exchanges needed to be approved by an elder or a priest to be completed, it's a great idea :goodjob:

Also, Zipa, the icon you use as an avatar is for Muisca? it could be nice to use them, and this time I'd actually use those colors :p :D

yes, it is, I chose that color for that reason ;)

Now look this:
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what do you think?
The problem is that there's any coastline near to the Muisca territory:

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To watch a more or less recognizable line, I need to zoom out it too much

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The problem with that map is that yiu'll get a small percentage of people objecting because you obviously used papyrus font...
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