
The Mitt ©
Apr 12, 2012

Hello, and welcome to PatrIOT! The year is 2024! The past year has been filled with untold chaos and death. It began with the appearance of the 'Anomaly' in Antarctica, in 2020. Countless nations of the world sent expeditions, but none returned. After a month, the continent had been consumed by a green haze, now known to be the Anomaly. Was it man made or extra terrestrial in origin? Well, nobody found out because soon the world devolved into chaos. Electrical interference from the anomaly functioned as an 'emp' of sorts, disabling many electronics in the world. Nations collapsed into chaos.

Now, you are the leader of a nation that survived the past years. The anomaly has grown increasingly bigger, and it is up to you to decide your future. Your goal: To survive against the Anomaly. Whether you work with others or slay them and take their resources is up to you..


You start by claiming 20 territories. Your nation may be fiction or it may be based on a real nation from history. All must be human, however. Additionally, you may claim 10 tiles per turn.


Every nation begins with 1 technology point in each catgory. You get 10 points to invest anywhere in each turn. I suggest spreading them out. Being an expert in one category may be tempting, but you're left open in the other! They are the following:

1. WMD - Each nation begins with 5 weapons of mass destruction. Here is your first hint - your rocket level is North Korea. You have a 5% chance of successful launch, a 45% chance of failure, and a 50% chance of the bomb exploding at the silo.

2. Army - You do not have an army made up in units. Every nation begins with the same army size, varying due to roleplay and technology level. Territories won in battle vary based on this technology.

3. Navy - Your navy is used for blockading and attacking other nation's coastal provinces. It may also transport troops.

4. Espionage - Your spy level. Spies may do varying missions, including causing unrest and rebellion in the enemy, sabotaging enemy WMDs, stealing technology, assassinating politicians, discovering orders, and discovering the player's tech level. Note that failure of a mission has increased consequences, to balance the variety of espionage missions available.

5. Space - This technology affects your level for your space program. You may begin a space mission at any time, from a simple launching of a satellite (which has benefits), to a construction of a moon base. Again, technology level affects whether it will be successful or a complete failure.

6. Civil - Your Civil technology level affects everything. It adds population, which in turn give you a larger pool of scientists or troops to choose from. The higher the level, the more chance of having a 'genius' born. (Think Einstein). The genius will allow a one time use of a massive increase in any select technology.

The Anomaly

The Anomaly is controlled by me, and is a way of keeping the game interesting and adding events. While each nation might suffer a positive or negative event, the anomaly exists to crush or aid nations who overextend themselves. Be assured that being relatively active will sate the Anomaly's appetite. Additionally, anomaly use will be limited.

Anything else..

>The Map.

>Pick your territories and color, and post in the thread with your bio.

>Roleplay affects most of your nation. The only 'stats' you have is your technology level. Everything else, from army size, political climate, or social policies is up to you. If you fail to flesh out your nation, the Anomaly might take action and do it for you.. you've been warned! :goodjob:

>Have fun! All stats and mechanics are hidden for powergaming reasons, thus, enjoy the game and don't worry about a spreadsheet holding you back. All your actions' effects are hidden, but they will progress similar to the WMD. The higher the tech, the better chance of your action succeeding.

>Be creative! Your orders don't have to be rigid. The more interesting or complex your actions, the more fun will be added to the game! For example, you can invest in a space program to mine asteroids or something (probably cost inefficient but it can happen nonetheless!).

>I am god. My word is final, and because you can't see the mechanics (they are there), you have no basis to complain.

>Sacrifice regularly to the RNG god [anomaly] via roleplay! This is the best tip I can give you. Remember however - quality over quantity. I rather see one good roleplay than 5 bad ones!

Thanks, and good luck :)
Spoiler :

The Khanate of Oceania formed from the remnants of an aborigine revolution in Australia. The brutal soldiers of the Khan draft all men over eighteen into their army, and hold them until age forty. Every family is expected to provide for several soldiers, by farming a plot given to them by the Khan. After Ruthlessly expanding from western Australia, they now control the borders of the continent.
Dark, try to make your claims less.. ugly or they shall be terminated. Claim half of Aussie, not the entire coastline.

Edit: better :)
/sigh. PF, they'll look better. Give them one or two turns tops. It's so he can get the max land as fast as he can.
I know that, but I'm saying that the Anomaly won't be pleased. If he wishes to incur its wrath.. well he is absolutely free to :)
Placeholder. Will decide nation later.

  • Why is Antarctica Green? Is that to indicate that I can't have it?
  • On a serious nation level of 1 to 10, 1 being My Little Pony-cosplay-transvestites and Gaydolf Hitler, 10 being ONLY HISTORICAL NATIONS ALLOWED. Where is this game?
  • So only Human Nations?
Placeholder. Will decide nation later.

  • Why is Antarctica Green? Is that to indicate that I can't have it?
  • On a serious nation level of 1 to 10, 1 being My Little Pony-cosplay-transvestites and Gaydolf Hitler, 10 being ONLY HISTORICAL NATIONS ALLOWED. Where is this game?
  • So only Human Nations?

Antarctica (or at least where it used to be) is now the location of the Anomaly. Sorry but it's taken, and any men sent there won't return.

I suppose it'd be 3 or 4. Humans only, no furries or space-faring creatures, but you can make up a character/nation or use a historical one. If you wanted to, I'd let you be Kim Jong Il, you can even make some alternate history where he didn't die. Of course, if you wanted to play Hitler, well, he's been dead for a long time :p

I hope this answers your question :)
Spoiler :

Socialist Republics of the Hispanic Union (SRHU)
more later when I'm not half asleep



Story: The League , bornt when the italian govern fall during the Anomaly Crisis, bornt from the Carnival Fundation of Viareggio, who seemed the only element still intect as political, and so they call themslves the Burlamacco's League and engulfed the other governament of Italy until they took all the Italy, then decided to take the wordl with the laugh.. true or sardonic .

Govern : Nominal Democratic Federaction / Diarchy de facto
Currency : Laugh Lira ( trades ) / none ( they use a system for reward opeople for laughing : more the laugh is true , more money they take )
Languages : Italian , French
Capitals : Rome ( Administrative ) , Viareggio ( judicial and executive )
Religion : Atheism and Agnosthicism
Actual Leader : Ondia I and Burlamacco I
Military: Because there were few people left, but had that much nice F-16 Fighters, an almost infinite supply of Beretta-1000 rifles (very similar in function to an AK-47 but with more bullets in the cartridge and less heavy ) and T-1 "Ariete", the League's military is a "few but good" type of military: the squad are composed at maximum with 15 people, and a battalion is composed by 125 militar. The troops are all volunteers who recive a training of 3 years at the barracks and 2 on the battlefield as sentinels of the Camps, once finished the basic training, they choose their specialization (Armoury, Infantry and Aviation) and get trained for 5 years, then they are ready for fight.
The actual number of soldiers in the league is near to the thousand, even if there are like 4000 soldiers still training.

You get 20 provinces to start, so you may claim 10 more. Additionally, you claim 10 provinces per turn.

Welcome to PatrIOT :)
OCC: Claiming Alaska. More details in a minute.

Although I have to say WMD tech looks terrible. 50% chance to blow yourself up and only a 5% to blow someone else up? Tell me, do the odds improve when you have more WMD tech?
Tell me, do the odds improve when you have more WMD tech?

Yes. The point is that everyone begins with absolute horrendous tech levels. If you tried a space launch or nuke launch the first turn, it would likely end in disaster.

The rest of the outcomes for tech usage/investment and actions are hidden, the WMD was the only example.
Dadist Republic of Canada

Ti si idewayse, hatwe oesde ti eanme?

Words. Words cannot describe alone. Picture is 1000 words. Picture cannot describe alone. Can picture of words describe alone?

Hywe ti rittenwe no eachbe?

Canada. Adanac. Cad ana. Ana dac. Where did it begin? Did it begin? Or did it just B?

People's revolution.
Hijacked by artists.
Break the norms.
Break them.


Transcrpit of Radio Transmission Intercepted from the Dadarist Republic of Canada...

Annoucer: ...comfort inhibition planning flower forwarding urgency list chapel fan lyr...

*static and sounds of radio adjustment*

Unknown Male Voice: Okay, I've finally found a way to hack into their *static* systems, to broadcast this mes*static*. You've got to save us. Some*static*ave us. We thought we were helping the revoultion. We thought we would join our brothers a*static*ters in the glorious worker's paradise. But we were wr*static*he artists, we thought they were with us! We thought that they were helping us with their *static*ut we were wrong! They didn't want to help the people, they just want to use us in th*static*rt! But it isn't art, it is madness! We have to listen radio pro*static*ike this every day! And if we don't, we get taken to the asylum! But it's the nation that is the asylum! What they call an a*static*m is where they break you, they rob you of your sanity and leave you a babbling luantic. They did it to my wife, there's n*static*f reservsing what they did to her. So please, someone help me. Someone help all of us.

Oh god, they're *static* HELP! HELP! HE*satic*

Annoucer: ally blade adviser honour...
Nation Name: The Democratic Republic of Greater Korea
Commonly known as: (Greater) Korea
Government: Military Dictatorship
Capital: P'yong'yang
Population: 22 500 000
Religions: Christian, Buddhist, Juche
Languages: Korean, Manchurian dialects of Mandarin
Head of State and Government: President Choi Yeongji
Brief history: East Asia was badly hit by the Anamoly. Given that many cities were tens of millions of strong, many of whom had no idea how to survive without electricity. Soon, much of Asia collapsed into mass anarchy and chaos. North Korea, however, survived thanks to its low amount of industry and due to the totalitarian regime shooting everyone who thought of looting. However, the indescision as to what to do in the wake of what remained of the North Korean industry becoming non-fuctional led to Kim Jong-un quick disposal by a general named Choi Yeong-ji, who rapidly sent the remains of the North Kroean army into South Korea and China as soon as possible.

However, he is not a believer of Juche. Choi believed that the most important thing to develop was a sustainable economy that is neither isolationist and army-obsessed as Juche, nor as hyperdeveloped as the South (SK is still quite impovershed due to the amount of refugees and starvation that occurred when the food imports from China stopped) in order to ensure that Korea survives another mass Anamoly. Following Park Chung-hee's example during the 1960s, Choi began to develop his economy on a limited Free Market grounds, although communist, rhetoric and propaganda are still used.


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Initializing Datafiles....
Loading Government... 100%¨
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Spoiler :

Government: Unknown. Presumed Theocratic-Military Dictatorship.
Capital: Cape Town
Religion: Worship of the Anomaly, mild traces of indigenous religion/christianity/islam
Loading flag... 100%

Loading languages... 100%
Languages: Afrikaans, English, Various indigenous languages. Afrikaans is presumed executive language.
Loading history... 40%
ERROR: Could not find file history_protectorate. Changing load order...
Loading motto... 100%
Translating motto... 100%
Glory to the Anomaly (original: Eer aan die Anomalie)
Re-attempting to load history... 40%
ERROR: File has been wiped from database or does not exist.
ERROR: Unknown file detected: Read?
Reading file... 100%
- Old African Union datafiles on the Protectorate, re-accessed from the Western Protectorate* and spread to tech worldwide
(OOC: I'm basically playing a sort of Electrical Protectorate (from the Paradox mod for RA: 3 but with humans instead of nanobots.)
This is alright, am I correct? For you did say humans, and I've noticed the little loophole that says tech still exists, but in limited amounts. Hence, I have a dictatorship that has small amounts of tech cached and this forms my updates - the Protectorate is a mysterious group and does not communicate on face-to-face basis with other nations. Heck, I might even hijack some of the new world's radio stations for the purpose of the updates :mischief:
* Namibia
This is what I think of this so called "seriousness"

The Joketsuzoku

Government: Tribal Council
Capital: Nyucheizu
Religion: Atheism and traditional pre-Buddhist Chinese beliefs
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Leader: Matriarch Cologne
Spoiler :

Brief-History: After the collapse of the People's Republic of China with the arrival of the Anomaly the Joketsuzoku, a race of amazon-like warrior women, were able to use the lack of the imposed cease-fire to conquer their long enemies in the Musk Dynasty. Now with no one left to stop them they have expanded their territory and become the sole stabilizing force in Central Asia.
The Terran Empire​

Government: (Constitutional) Imperial Republic
  • Executive: Caesar
  • Legislature: Imperial Senate, Imperial House of the People
  • Judicial: Imperial Court
Capital: San Francisco
Currency: Imperial Ducat
Leader: Caesar Archer the First

(Archer in his uniform from 2155)
Major Religions: Protestant Christianity, Roman Catholicism, Atheism, Judaism, LDS
Language: English, Latin
Imperial Motto: Senatus Populusque Terra (The Senate and People of Earth)
Military: The military of the empire is divided into Legions, they use basic Phaser Rifle Technology, however this technology has only been very basically recreated in the 21st century and thus is not much stronger than most modern military equipment, but is just as useful if not more so because of the lack of recoil and no need for ammunition.

Imperial History: When the United States fell to the chaos created by the Anomaly the people that were most quickly to set up a new order was an odd group of Californians, it was as if they had known it was going to happen. This group lead by a man known as Jonathan Archer, he quickly overtook the city of San Francisco and made it his new Rome and Crowned himself Ceasar. Finding that he had taken over a people that venomously opposed oppression and would fight to the death for their freedom Archer quickly recreated the original Government of the United States along with that of the ancient Roman Empire with a few minor alterations, and The Terran Empire was created. The people were greatly in favor of this new empire, and her emperor, the Imperial Military quickly skyrocketed from the few men under Archer's command to nearly the entirety of able bodied men (and women), with this new force the Terran Empire was able to assert its dominion over the former states of Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, along with taking most of Arizona along with Baja California and Sonora. Showing the Empires dominance over both Military and Technology the Empire sent a man to the moon, a feet not achieved since Apollo 18 in 1972, there the astronauts planted a simplified flag of the Empire. Now with the world starting to stabilize again and new governments showing up now the Terran Empire and its Emperor must prove itself to this new world that it is willing and capable of surviving in this 21st century of troubles.

Archer's History: Haling from the year 2155, captain of the ISS Enterprise NX-01 Archer is ambitious and power seeking, when he was designated captain of the Enterprise he was content, seeing that he was in command of the flagship of Terran Empire of his time. However when given a mission to capture a Tholian captured alternate universe Earth ship from the 23rd century Archer's First officer, Maximilian Forrest, lead a mutiny to take control of the ISS Enterprise. The Mutiny was a success and Forrest became the Captain of the Enterprise, when they found the Earth ship (the USS Defiant) Forrest decided to take it for himself. He beamed aboard and captured the ship, quickly warping away to Terra with his new prize leaving Archer and his crew to die in Tholian space. When the Tholian's found the Enterprise they quickly attempted to destroy it sticking it in a Tholian Web and then destroying it with as much firepower they could, lucky Archer was able to escape from the brig and regain control of the ship, attempting a warp just before the Tholians weapons destroyed the Enterprise, however it was too late, the combination of the Tholian Radiation along with the web and the warp radiation created a hole in time and space, flinging the crew loyal to Archer back to the year 2024. The Enterprise suffered serious damage Archer was able to land his ship in the city of San Francisco, but the Enterprise was destroyed in the time travel and the crew barely escaped with their lives, and a few phasers and some other basic tech the crew hand on hand, so Archer quietly waited for his opportunity. When the government of the United States fell Archer quickly gained control of San Francisco and created the Terran Empire in this universe and named himself Ceasar. However he has had one sinking feeling this entire time, he knows this is not his universe, he knows the history of the Empire and he has found that he has landed in a completely different universe. With the Enterprise out of commission and the Terran Empire created in a new universe Archer is waiting for Zefram Cochrane to bring humanity to the stars and to expand his empire bringing the Terran Empire back to space and its original glory, if this universe contains Cochrane...


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