Possible coup in Turkey

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Someone on CNN suggested that the leaders of the coup got wind that they were about to be rounded up and put their not really ready plan in motion on a "now or never" premise. That seems to explain a lot.
I arrived too late at the thread. My personal observations are the following (and they've probably already been made).

-While this was no false flag operation, it's beyond obvious that Erdogan is using it as an excuse to consolidate his sultanate. His sole demonstrated concern is to purge the army, Parliament, Justice and even the media, not to reconcile the country. Now he wants to bring back the death penalty, because he is not even bothering to hide his vengeful despotism.

-The coup is reminiscent of that against Chávez in Venezuela. Poorly organized, with not enough popular support, it was defeated within 24 hours and marked the transition from illiberal democracy to full fledged dictatorship. It seems clear Erdogan is going down the same path, and will use this coup as an excuse to round up people who voice even modest opposition to his despotic and Islamist ways.

-No evidence whatsoever has been offered that this had anything to do with the cleric Gullen. In fact the coup seemed classical Turkish military; heavy handed, bloody and thoroughly secular. In fact one of the reasons it failed so quickly was that all mosques called for jihad against it nonstop. Erdogan wants Gullen's head because Gullen is an oppositionist. Clearly it's now unsafe to oppose the sultan.

-Erdogan made it evident once and for all what a bunch of morons in the West could not see: Islamism and democracy are not compatible. No, his party will not evolve in the same way as Christian Democracy in Italy or Germany, and just like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt it never viewed democracy as anything more than means to an end. If a party is Islamic, it can't be democratic. There is no counter-example. The end.
No, his party will not evolve in the same way as Christian Democracy in Italy or Germany, and just like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt it never viewed democracy as anything more than means to an end. If a party is Islamic, it can't be democratic. There is no counter-example. The end.

The AKP will not evolve the same way as Christian Democracy in Italy or Germany because in Italy, Germany and Europe in general, Christian Democracy simply never was. In that way, the AKP is pretty much like these Christian Democratic parties.

The Spanish PP is a hand-me-down from FET-JONS. Similar situations applied for Christian democratic parties in general. If they had the chance to be like the AKP, they'd definitely be.
Yeah true, but I feel like Turkey was always one of those borderline NATO pals... kinda like the kid in the group nobody really likes but he has the latest game system, or a pool

True. The only reason Turkey is in NATO is because they were in a very strategic position during the Cold War. They were our Cuba. I'm reasonably certain that if there were an easy way to get Turkey out of NATO, the rest of the alliance would drop them like a hot potato.
Someone on CNN suggested that the leaders of the coup got wind that they were about to be rounded up and put their not really ready plan in motion on a "now or never" premise. That seems to explain a lot.

There are still some very big questions to be answered.

Who planted the news piece that Erdogan was asking for asylum? That is classical psyops for demoralizing the defenders of a political regime: your leader is fleeing, the cause is lost. It was attempted in all recent groups, including Syria and Libya. This may tell us something about who supported the coup (and may have known in advance) outside Turkey.

Why wasn't Erdogan killed, if the coup had such lack of manpower but had planes available? The whereabouts of his jet must have been available to turkish air control and possibly publicly also (newspapers are publishing the flight route), and we've been told that portions of the air force participated in the coup. If they had the means, why didn't they use them?

Why did the strategy to compromise the rest of the military officers known to be hostile to Erdogan failed? They had to know that a failure of this coup would be followed by retaliation by the government to take over control of the military. Yet they maintained neutrality throughout. The explanation, already given here, that they though it was Gülen's movement behind this seems the only reasonable one available. But it fails to explain why the military didn't seize the chance to join the coup and then take it over from the inside.So, were all these arrested generals in on it, or were they caught by surprise and failed to coordinate in time?

Erdogan survived all this time in the Byzantine politics of Turkey. Whatever the answers are, I think he has them ans is now acting in accordance. The problem is that we can't guess which part of his reaction will be punishment directed against the backers of the coup, and which will be opportunism with the goal of removing potential enemies.
Be careful about posting anything pro or anti, there will be people watching.

yeah , foremost the Americans .

There's now some women reading an official statement on TRT, but of course I don't speak any Turkish.

Program seems to have stopped unexpectedly now.

only because that one text is enough to be purposefully used in the future and that some woman might say something wrong ; you don't know it yet but a Goverment Minister has shaved clean to save her , no point in the Congregation shooting her .

It's clear that Erdogan thinks his loyal forces are out-gunned, otherwise he wouldn't be calling for people to take to the streets, he'd just deal with the coup by force. This does not mean that the bulk of the military is necessarily involved in the coup, only that they refuse to back the government.

wall of text to follow .

Yeah I also thought it was very weird.


Sultan is now seeking asylum in Great Britain, just a couple of months ago Boris Johnson (Britain's new foreign secretary) called him a goatfu*ker


well , you would never believe who supports who .

By the way, am i the only one wondering what posts r16 will produce when he resurfaces? :D

oh , why am OK . The lynching mob went to the gates of the "insignificant" garrison and demanded the hand-over of any Congregation traitors . The guard on the gate said "If there is anyone here so and so I would shoot him myself." and the mob dispersed . As reported by local media . If there were any Congregationals around they would stay at home .

Can a Turk briefly explain what is dangerous about gulen movement?

they are a CIA front to create a civil-war-fighting-force for the Green Belt theory of the 1970s which is now modified into the likes of ISIL and supportedly officially by every single Turkish Goverment since then to supposedly create a "tamed" Islam .

Meanwhile in Turkey Mr Erdogan has immediately used the coup attempt to further crack down on judges - of which there were no reports of support for the coup attempt.

the Congregation commands 40% of the Judiciary in Turkey and they were even stronger before . By A-K-P complicity and before the corruption investigations that created a so-called open fighting between the sides .

True. The only reason Turkey is in NATO is because they were in a very strategic position during the Cold War. They were our Cuba. I'm reasonably certain that if there were an easy way to get Turkey out of NATO, the rest of the alliance would drop them like a hot potato.

ah , so wrong . We can't shake NATO off ...

There are still some very big questions to be answered.

Who planted the news piece that Erdogan was asking for asylum?

Why wasn't Erdogan killed, if the coup had such lack of manpower but had planes available? The whereabouts of his jet must have been available to turkish air control and possibly publicly also (newspapers are publishing the flight route), and we've been told that portions of the air force participated in the coup. If they had the means, why didn't they use them?

his supporters in the West , of course . So the smarties can show some think tank dudes twitted the position of the plane minute by minute and ask the Congregation to kill him and he heroically defies the danger . While the dogfight happenz with the "loyals" fire a missile and the "rebel" goes low and deploys chaff and flare and the "rebels" are the aces and stuff , considering the guy who shot down the Russian Sukhoi is reportedly among the arrested and we to believe it all .
in the first place , the 15th of any month is not a coup day ; only one ı ever know is the July 1974 one where Nikos Sampson rushed in with Anglo-American approval only to miss Makarios at home . You know , we needed to be emboldened by Greek Cypriot infighting to get enough heart to land on the island and thus get destroyed . Nor there is any other auspicious day apart from the 12th . Even the 1960 thing was to follow the 555K by a week , the number-letter combination meaning a call for a student demonstration on the 5th of May , 5 p.m. at Kızılay Square of Ankara ; but Ike wasn't so sure about it all and Powers ending up on the ground in Russia with the U-2 mostly intact was such a distraction , too .

this post is being written throughout the weekend as the dust settles and newspapers start to differ . As such it's pertinent to add the delayed US response against the affair , right to the top . Hürriyet , the secret A-K-P supporter , makes it look like the US wanted the Party fall and there's unhappiness in Washington . Which is dead wrong , the delay probably depends on the hopes that the Congregation would succeed in attracting more units than they did and hence spare a capacity ; "dil almaya" . Will not bother CFC members on what this means , it doesn't mean any particular thing . Nor there can be any response to any single guy sitting on the pavement talking on the phone as yours idiotly walks by , overhearing that the Intelligence doesn't work . Yeah , my fault , ı am so sure . Was , is , will be unreal .

will it convince ? People somehow crave for me to be something instead of the fool they mobbed . When a native English speaker reads the "my fault" thing above he will see a joke ... Here it will be seen as a confession that ı somehow sabotage the whole apparatus of smart people who otherwise move and shake the world each time they f_rt . And somehow they choose to ignore the entirely true revealingly remarkable truth that it was me who shot J.R. in Dallas and the Federal Goverment covered it all because it was clear that even at the age of 10 or something ı was like lethal ! Will the "confession" cause trouble for me ? Why , it really breaks me to see the fear in the eyes of people who think ı maybe ratted on the Congregation before their so vaingloriously glorious operation to wreck the country . And as a reward will be still around ! Didn't ı tell you that ı was a fool ? Otherwise in the normal cycle of things it seems am a SAT commando this week ; equivalent to SBS in the UK and Seals in the US . Am a Starfleet Admiral , with expertise on Turbolazer turrets . The only time ı had command of troops was an exercise on Pluto . And even that was some sort of a lark ; now that you have all seen the heart on Pluto you can be told that the only thing the Snowtroopers are like used for is driving Snowspeeders around to move the thousands of lamps to write girls' names across the ice . Would have avoided it but my Klingon Space Marine chick date was really there to see whether ı could really dare defying her desire to see her name on a planet . Snowtroopers at least know how to spell things ; imagine how ı could invade entire Alaska with a platoon or two instead crossing my fingers and silently praying that they would do it right , with she standing right behind me .

nor this was a thing of the Army and lot . A mere pre-emptive strike , that neatly completes the disgracing of the Turkish Military . Was hopeful that it wouldn't be anything more than a operet-coup (with 17 policemen killed in an airstrike being an aberration and two civilians shot dead on some Bosphorus bridge) . When some TV smarty on some Party TV calls one civilian as her friend , no one would really expect me to offer an eulogy ... In the typical New Turkey style the casualties massively climb after the dust settles . 60 Martyrs (21 Police , 2 Military , 40 odd Civilians ) suddenly became 160 , with 1400 + wounded ; they have killed 106 or so of their enemies . This despite the Last Prime Minister now calling the "enemy" casualties as 20 dead and 30 wounded . Turkish PR always loves more extensive hostile losses than own , but apparently this conflicts with current "terrorists" narrative in the world , mass murderers of unarmed civilians .

and there was no reporting of such numbers on the night when the Party was finally ready to realise its wet dream of releasing millions to the streets , for people might have balked . Those "millions" drove their cars and shouted out their lungs , you know , to save democracy . And what was the reward for some ? Their bosses who called them to the streets in the night called them to work in the morning ; people are really accustomed to grave dangers to Democracy in this country which do not exactly exist . And their bosses now apparently want them to shout out their lungs to bring out the death penalty for they have made it and it will be them bosses hanging people , in the A-K-P rally square in Istanbul .

really gives a boost to democracy , you know . The Death Penalty would neatly sink the relations with the EU . And the remarkable row with the US over the deportation of spiritual leader of the Congregation serves the same . This despite the thing that ı have never heard the Party ever asking for it to happen . With papers sent for extradition , instead of angry speeches for public consumption . Proves evil America supports the Congregation , hence we should never pay any attention when they talk of abuses here in Turkey . America would use military power to help the A-K-P if there was the slightest risk of the Party falling . Firstly helps the Qatarization ; Marvan Bashara of Al Crusading must have appeared in 4 or 5 consecutive news programmes talking how the US always betrays us . Secondly and that's if they can ever manage it , the next big thing with thousands of officers being terrorists the separatists are maybe not terrorists but wrongly wronged people . Which was tried by the suprression of the Kemalists through the Ergenekon Conspiracy .

with so much happening and not happening at the same time , a coherent narrative would be hard , even if ı was like even once coherent . My mother is certainly irritated at the repeated calls from the minarets ; not only because she's rightly set up for waking up , say 3.50 something in the morning of this July 18th of 2015 , for morning prayers like she has done for the entirity of her life here in Turkey . Only because the Bulgaria where she was born and lived for 30 years would not be like tolerant for any call for morning prayers . Am willing to bet that , if there was a way of checking that , she would have woken up most of the time with such "Sabah Ezanı" and did not miss the time window for morning prayers for 99.5% of the time and that at least . She wakes up at 1.00 in the morning because there's the non-stop activity , makes it far harder to wake up at 4.00 .
oh yeah , the minaret activities , which became fashionable when Saddam's Iraqis did it in 2003 , you know , as a warning against the infidels coming . Which was ordered by the chief religious authority , the guy who wasn't allowed to read passages from the Kuran at the funeral of Muhammed Ali , nor actually succeeded in convincing some 50 Muslim countries that the Ramazan had ended one day earlier than they like believed . Serious thing for those who have the Faith , you know , with Allah banning fasting on the days of "celebration" that follows Ramadan . Half a billion Muslims in sin and stuff ... That one benefits from Saudi control does not necessarily mean the Saudis like will be caring the slightest for one . Actually when this NASA probe reached Jupiter , the Americans had the dumb idea of putting some Turkish expatriate engineer on the social media for PR and like the first thing he was asked whether the first crescent of the month that follows Ramadan was seen by NASA . The guy asks , as a joke , "From Jupiter?" and hell ensues . There is so much belief in the nonsense that the New Turkey is a superpower or something that the religious authority guy was taken to task for like not still firing the Turkish expatriate from his job in NASA on web forums ...

and of course they just have an _rgasm when the US declares its support for the democratically elected Goverment in Ankara ; not as if America ever cares for democratically elected goverments , but as if this is not America's baby in the first place . Those were the days when the Congregation was the most democratic thing that evah graced this planet ... Am pretty sure the guy who had had me banned in a strategy site was like an advisor to the PM ; has done hours of jailtime already as a Congregation member . And yeah , already talks of Reichstag around ... With this being a fake coup . The thing is of course that supposedly there was this guy in the Air Force Academy before 2009 teaching history and he talked of how dear Adolphe came to power through ballot and converted it into bullets . Was sacked of course , for insulting the PM , the entire affair handled by the judges and attorneys and the lot of Congregation . No doubt the Congregation teacher that replaced him or the post will be liquated only now . This post here says of how the A-K-P MPs are so for a millenium of jail time , when they lose the elections . They certainly have already won the next one . With coming reforms in mind they won't even bother to vote as well . One guy from each party will allowed to like cast all the votes of his party , or there will be like SMS voting , with passwords no doubt available to the PM . No more possibility that the illusion of total 1984 can be shaken by numbers of A-K-P members falling asleep during debates .

and of course , the head scarved girl advised to avoid the tanks . ı am yet to see any footage of people dying by tank fire . Which turns out to be simply because ı don't have web connection home and what a piece of mind that is ... But certainly there is this single photo or something of a headscarved woman in a blue coat and a stick at her hand , apparently at nowhere . Which is specifically created in the name of this tech savvy girl mentioned here , for it's good PR in the female minded West . For the firstest warriors of democracy on a tank ı saw on Friday night on TV were beardies in Şalvars , rather baggy pants worn in the South and East . Who perfectly look like types that would ban the tech savvy girl from the streets in 10 years , you know after putting her in a burka in 5 years . Will see whether the timetable turns out to be realistic now that true democracy is finally arriving in the country ... Though , we are both lucky , the tech savvy girl and ı that ı saw only one single "tank" in these streets in my 40 odd years when there was this transporter that was carrying a Leopard 1 based engineer vehicle and the guys had stopped to get lunch , like 20 years back . For what happenz for real when people mount tanks can be seen (perhaps) by searching Saving Private Ryan , Tiger , 20 mm Flak gun .

head scarved female , to the tune of just one , also visible in the studios of TıRT . Which means low caliber instead of the name of the State Channel . Which was invaded by the Congregation's guys . They naturally chose a blonde "news-reader" to read their only communique . Who truly deserves to be called of the TRT , without the ı that makes it not TRT ... Perfect delivery , despite the visible anxiety . If you think it's merely reading from the teleprompter with at most a gun pointed at her head , she also proved she could match any of those anchors who generally give the impression that they will be like able to talk Turkish if they get 6 months of coaching . After the studios were like liberated by the A-K-P voters and despite she had this amazement at the mobs . Head scarved female ? Oh , just one , standing in front of the wall , all alone by herself , dressed in white , with a Turkish flag tied below the "chest" area . Women will disappear in New Turkey 2.0 , trust me on that ...

because , as already mentioned in the link above , there is no chance of getting a ready made Sunni Arab empire , they will have to make do with a rather more Sunni Turkey . Thus those who took to the streets , yelling and honking , is called the Turkish Nation . Which is indeed noble . While people like yours idiotly who would have blissfully slept through the night is not called the Turkish Nation . Which makes me so un-noble , am so ready to assume . By 4 in the morning they really got tired , the yelling and honking people , so ı had some quiet and got up perfectly rested by 8 . All ı myself lost was some sleep , 'cause with all their tech brilliance in tech matters it turned out the Congregation could not stop the PM appearing on the phone to a TV studio ... Nicely scripted if you will , with all the memories of the Arab Awakening fresh in memory and supposedly millions are ready to roll . Are these the guys who recovered data from a hard disc deleted 35 times over by obviously CIA trained , MOSSAD controlled coup-plotters of yore ?
Even the Last Prime Minister calls this a War of Liberation , can't exactly say who is liberating what from whom . The eagle eyed will have noticed the bands of Mehter marching . Not seen it myself yet but ı trust smarties to notice the Congregation chose to close the Bosphorus bridges only on one side ; you could drive from Europe to Asia as if nothing was happening . And the way from Asia to Europe shut and evil soldiers killing "Muslims" . How glorious for the smarties to discover that this constitutes the second conquest of Istanbul . Dumbos will be dumbos and go to hell as always but they would be first to write it down as a nice move to get ISIL of the back of the country , you know , with realizing their highest aim for existance , capturing that city .

even the Little Imperialist makes a comeback , hopeful his banishment can now end with every blameable thing will be blamed on the Congregation . Afterall we saw the Congregation had like 3 F-16s , they can like stealthily shoot down Russians to frame the Goverment of Little Imperialist , right ? Who calls this a victory of the Turkish Nation , too and not of those who slept ... See , r16 was right , like totally ever and ever and something and whatever . Just turns out they were in Mürted , which is what that 4th Airbase will be renamed back into , when the A-K-P falls . Akıncı came out in 1998 or so when the Erbakan Goverment was put to pasture ; the field takes its name from the Battle of Ankara in 1402 where many people turned over to Timur . Mürted surprisingly back in vogue in 2016 , beacuse it was the HQ of the Congregation for the coup and the word means "one who has given up Islam" .

and it is so easy , you just read newspapers and watch TV and watch all them smarties trying to frame each other by ratting to the US that them Congregation might even provide CAS to ISIL .

and of course there was the guy who declared the wives of the Congregation members were now Halal to "Muslims" . And yeah , he has a name , one official of some sports club on the Blacksea coast . Considering one fan of theirs attempted to shoot the driver of the Fenerbahçe bus and kill the entire team with the out-of-control bus falling off some bridge , one would expect them to be so for the Congregation ... Because you see , the Istanbul team was headed by some mafioso type dude with close ties to the coup-plotters and Congregation tried to lock them all away in a match-fixing court case and the football fans numbered enough to risk the elections and this is certainly the first reason why the Party and Congregation are now duking it out with fighter jets in battle ... For A-K-P could not alienate fans and championship title went to Fenerbahçe and not the other team ... End of that particular brand of Islamo-fascism in 2011 and stuff .

there are so many stories to tell , say of the coup-plotter that went to jail for attempting to topple the A-K-P , getting out as a result of the fighting taking place since 2011 and returning to duty in Jandarma in about 2014 , and in 2016 in charge of some office that's of some crucial importance as a Colonel . A Congregation Colonel comes to take over , pistols drawn and amazing thing what some pistol work can do . Even if both Colonels are down , the coup-plotter saves the A-K-P , say from being raped in Congregation jails . So , the honour of the coup-plotters must be returned by the Party , right ? Wrong . What was the risk in actual terms ? There is this TV debate on a channel ı prefer to watch , due to risks of hypertension when watching Party Media . The guy telling the story of the Colonel is a moderate critic of the A-K-P years and he is friends of sorts with some scholar who sits on his opposite side , and seemingly a staunch supporter of the Party . Hence the guy is Scholar I for the purposes of this post and his friend becomes Scholar II . Scholar I is perhaps cutting some slack at the benefit of his friend and ignores some heroism taking place in front of his eyes . Scholar II is talking and the hostess has to cut in , to read the message of the PM to the country . They have just won a glorious victory , the New Turkey and they have established their empire on earth or something and the Scholar II explodes . For apparently the hostess has cut him a couple of times in the days there was the evil spectre of the Congregation and dares to defy the Scholar II on this glorious day ! To read the message of the PM , no less . She didn't even blink an eye when asking the Scholar II whether he wanted the PM's massage remain unread . And as far as ı know nobody has ever blamed her of being from the Congregation .

the Scholar I is also wrong on his account of how the Congregation seemed to have an almost sexual desire to enter the "Cosmic Room" , a vault that keeps war-plans and the like . He says the Congregation wanted to discover the schemes of protecting people like the PM , to arrest them all in case of need . Considering the high ranking officers now under arrest , it's only reasonable to assume any such plan would been created by a Congregation member himself . Aide de camp of the PM arrested for taking part in the coup , right ? It's like figuratively a phone number , defunct on the very day as the Congregation judges arrived with media in tow . Nobody who has been on Cyprus in 1974 would ever trust Ankara to be good in anything .

and the glorious operations of the Congregation itself . Do you know they went to invade the White Palace with 13 people ? The PM has at least 1000 bodyguards . The only bomb damage to the Palace is a hole in the ground , with possibly not a single window pane broken in the building and these are the guys who kill 10 seperatists a night with pinpoint accuracy for a year , now . The accounts differ in discussing the time difference as the PM left the hotel he was on vacation and it came under attack by a heliborne insertion of 40 . The hotel fell with two dead policeman on guard . There must be some reason of why they ordered all the yachts away from the bays near the hotel like a week before the coup thing . Was pretty sure that they were all airborne when the Last Prime Minister started talking to TVs on the phone with no visuals . You know with 141 flying F-16s any TV station the Party bought on the cheap might have been bombed . Yeltsin climbed on a tank himself , right ? 161, 162 and possibly 191, 192 Squadrons were reliable as the PM remained airborne for an hour and half over the West of the country , now also having survived the threat of two F-16s attempting to intern him . The four squadrons could possibly field 40 to 60 , but anyhow . There's also talk of Eskişehir sending planes up , which then possibly makes it a late high point in the career of the "freaking" Phantom , approaching something like 60 years in global service . It became rather clear when the PM ordered civilians to take over the Atatürk Airport , where and when the TVs clearly showed only a couple of tanks . The Kemalists and stuff obviously failing to show up and this wouldn't turn out to be the expected Great Alevi Uprising . The presence of the former President on board was like hidden by placing the smart phone at a different angle . Don't know whether he would be arrested by the Congregation or declared the interim President .
a thing to add might be the 141 , commanded by the son-in-law of the former Commander of the Air Force , both encountered in CFC previously , only by the odd tale of Kuwaitis beating up the son-in-law in Ankara in broad daylight . Makes sense now , possibly with Congregation failing to get American approval as the Gulf Arabs pressed Ankara to invade Syria . Which saw different celebrations at the news of the coup , initially in Damascus and later on the ranks of Irresuction . Must have hurt the Kuwaitis , spending billions to take over the country and the New Turkey repeatedly failing to fight . And yeah , the former Commander of those who fly Turkish jets , put there by the Party after all the coup-plotters were sent to jail . Do you know of the 20 colonels promoted to general in the land forces last year , 10 were arrested this year as traitors ? The smarties are all primed to remark that the Congregation predates them .

and the heroism when it all fizzled . There's this famous Governor , who once cleared the PM from a corruption case 20 years back as an inspector and foremost in banning anniversaries of the Republic and the death of Atatürk . Available on the social media after a Congregation general is in handcuffs , him cursing the traitor vocally . Also pictured with a not "G-3" in hand with two guards flanking him .

necessary ı guess , the Congregation general seems to have 20 to 30 kilograms on him and perhaps 20 centimeters of height . But such things disappear quick , looking funny .As the names appear in the newspapers , it seems the A-K-P can be considered to have suffered losses . A brother of an adviser of the PM has been shot on the street and a nephew of a Minister ı guess . Though the case will be made of the advertiser guy . Who turns out to have come out with the very name of the A-K-P and naming his son after the PM . Their deaths define the later events at the Bosphorus Bridge as well . Supposedly 6 privates killed , obviously conscripts of 20 to 22 years old serving the coup at the risk of being shot on the spot by their commanders , naturally after their surrender , with one of them having his throat cut , or not depending on the website . With an attempt to throw their bodies off the bridge ...

and there's the loudspeaker on , now actually calling on people to resist peacefully . Don't know what there's left to resist by 12:13 local time of July 17th ... That would be like 10:13 Zulu or GMT for the less militaristically inclined ... My mother actually liked this daylight thing for the guy is now instructed to explain what's he busy with . But this is the New Turkey , there's always some enemy of the Party under the bed or behind the door . Can't understand the "trepidation" , now that God is with them . Many would tell there's no trepidation at all , but am an idiot after all .

sorry that ı can't find the newspaper edition where he is so happy after the Police makes the conscripts to take off their shirts entirely so that his belt would gain more traction .

and of course the Speaker of the Parliament , in the bunker under the basement . Every single TV has an embedded reporter in the Parliament and he appears 3 hours into the affair after the PM has established authority and the Speaker can not be accused of stealing the limelight . Leading to Congregation bombing the Parliament , which must still be a late addition to the plans . For they were clearly losing it when it happened . The optimism is awesome , you see , shooting Sukhois is so encouraging that they can handle the T-65s if they ever come . America gives 5 million bucks per each TIE or '65 , you know ... Yeah , that my fault , too , failing to protect the Capital and stuff . My niece , deducing from what her father said after their phone talk , certainly did not like the sounds of war , in Ankara for school and renting a flat almost in the middle of the turning radius of any F-16s circling the Parliament and stuff . My apologies . And nothing to worry about , The Speaker wants missiles and heavy weapons for defence ; don't know what's the going rate in corruption these days . And certainly only Stingers and stuff , even the Americans have turned over their SA-8 Battery to Jihadists , instead of it keeping available for the seperatists under the cover that it was captured in N.Syria and like unfortunately used on Turkish planes and the lot in the city battles . How do you like the news that those heroes who re-conqured those cities for the country turn out to be of Congregation , with one general and 370 odd of his troops under custody ...? Who cares ? The Parliament will not be repaired for the duration , to become a pilgrimage for the democratically inclined . And my niece and nephew , study hard to finish your courses fast , for when the Parliament gets its missiles and there is any need for a new coup the traitorous F-16s might fall on you ...

and maybe finally the almost crying journo ... Sounds awesomely relieved that the Military will now never be able to come back . With those retired generals invited to her programme always talking in terms of "We told you so" and she having no ability to talk them down in the way she could during the Ergenekon days . Like Legitimacy = 51% of the vote means the Law of God , or Turkey being a NATO member = Army goes and dies wherever at whenever America tells them journos to point the pinky finger at the tyranny around . Am always at a loss why Karar , the newspaper for the Little Imperialist , gave away this one particular book as a gift . Talking of the disasters of 1600s with so many uprisings . When some vezir gets demoted he thanks God so many times that he didn't lose his head as well . Conspiracies take place and the Vezir gets back . With everybody around tearing a piece of his clothes and giving it to the Vezir so that he will remember them giving a hand , like fighting or at least shouting in his name or pushing the vezir's horse ahead . So what's a most descriptive image of this thing of 2016 ? Some civilian shouting to the TV cameras on the bridge , showing his empty pistol , claiming he fought the invaders to his last bullet . Who knows , maybe he will get a taxi licence plate ; you might have no idea how expensive they are in Turkey ... Or maybe you have , having read about the case when they were charging 100€s when people needed to go to the hospitals after the recent Airport attack .

and the last thing to be added to this already long thing is Mete Yarar , the guy who lauded the coup of 9/11 with such "satisfaction" when the USN carriers closed on the CONUS with nukes on board and carried out the day with turning it into the Crusade . He says 600 pilots will go into jail , there is a need for "informal" mobilization , the oldies called back to keep the country safe . Well , a vast majority of people in the Armed Forces will not be offended to read that not a single formation is fit to be put in the line for a Turkish - American war . A thing will obviously involve an UN resolution and the entire world . Otherwise , you are good , your battles against the ISIL is a fake , your successes against the seperatists mean nothing other than cleared city centres open for development and all those cities will revert back to "them" in the political processes and you have already turned over so many island and rocks to the Greeks in the Aegean . Imagine a guy like Somebody coming to the Genelkurmay to receive "a briefing" . You wouldn't want to take his belt ; you better keep the debate of whether you could as a strictly an internal affair and even after that he would have his fingers . Allah Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini denetimden korusun.


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The AKP will not evolve the same way as Christian Democracy in Italy or Germany because in Italy, Germany and Europe in general, Christian Democracy simply never was. In that way, the AKP is pretty much like these Christian Democratic parties.

The Spanish PP is a hand-me-down from FET-JONS. Similar situations applied for Christian democratic parties in general. If they had the chance to be like the AKP, they'd definitely be.

Oh God, talk about living in a parallel universe.

Yes, the AKP is just like the Christian Democratic parties of Germany and Italy. Also, the inevitable proletarian revolution is closer than ever :pat:
Hey, r16, some people seem to suspect this was not actually -or fully- real, but more of an Ergenekon-type thing. Or that it was at any rate known and used by Erdo or tied interests. What is your view -- and do any turkish media present such a view? (i doubt the latter, but thought of asking) :)

Nice to see you are ok :)
What I'm really curious is how Turkish media is trying to spin this into a plot by this Gullen fellow. What evidence has been put forward other than "the Sultan says so"?

Also, just read that over 100 generals and admirals have been arrested. One would imagine that if that many were indeed participating in the cup, it would have succeeded. Erdogan is not even trying to hide he is purging the Army and doesn't really care about who was involved in the coup and who wasn't. Anyone who is not 100% loyal to the Sultan is a traitor.
While Erdo is insane, i am more repulsed by the pictures of citizens flogging the soldiers in the coup. That is rather... nasty.
And if they are bringing back the death penalty, things can explode, cause death is sort of terminal, so if others fear they will be killed anyway they may just put their heart into a new - and somewhat more potent - coup.
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