Proposeed Greenskin Events

Well, I disagree on the "randomizers frustrate players" bit.

Thats really not what I said. You even quoted my text.

I said that hiding results frustrates players. Its fine to have different results that can happen with different probabilities; but the player likes to know what those results are and what the probabilities are.

And I said that too much randomisation can be confusing: its fine to have a result that is 50% outcome A and 50% outcome B. But we shouldn't have 10% chance -20% food, 20% chance +10% food, 30% chance no effect, 20% chance -30 gold, 20% chance +50 gold.
Thats just unnecessary randomness for no real purpose.
You either win big or lose big playing Ork-Gobbos. I don’t think that I have had any close games to my knowledge in WHFB. Randomness is just something you have to tolerate (and animosity isn’t so punishing).

Randomness in computer games is another factor entirely. The random number generator is percentile (and it hates me. Give me a d6!!), and when you’re plotting a nation (not a single WHFB game), randomness can cause some nasty outcomes. You’re nation is surrounded by enemies - other players AND barbarians. Too much randomness is suicide on the national level.

Randomizers work well, but hiding results just tends to frustrate strategy gamers - we like to know what is going on, so we can try to optimize.
Too much randomizing can be confusing and hard to code.
So this "chaotic" bit is just what is needed with greenskins.
However, I do agree that not knowing what an event does is frustrating. As for the race, putting 4 chariots and randomizing the winner would be a nice one, and quite self explaining.

The random events for the ork-gobbos help to give THAT randomness Greenskin feel. Therefore not many will be hidden results (1 to 30%), secret from players for the ork-gobbo fun (but will not be catastrophic results – only little tickles or a tap on the nose. “Da Big Race” is an example). Almost all of them (80 to 190%) will be known outcomes, for the plotter, I agree.

Unless there are other "attributes" differentiating those two gods, I assume it could be quite safe to give similar bonuses to players choosing to worship one over the other
But you could easily have something like:
Worship gork-> something minor good
Worship mork-> somerthing minor good
Worship both -> 50% chance something minor bad, 50% chance something very good.

If you worship one, the other will get jealous... (And that’s not considering their egos).

Although I do like the idea of some randomness there... If you worship one, then there will be a minor good, plus with a 33% (+/-?) chance of a minor bad (maybe identical minor bad for both).
A better description in the beginning text (or text options) can also help to predict outcomes on a hidden result:

E.g. “Shall wez praiz Gork or Mork, Warboss?
a) Gork bring down is might! – Althou i hopez Mork don get angry wit uz... *
b) Mork will savez uz! - Althou i hopez Gork don get angry wit uz... *
c) Gork an Mork! Dey ar equalz! *
d) Bah! Who needz em boyz? We don’t needz em! *

Anybody who selects D deserves to get stepped on (knowing canon), giving city revolt time and +1xp to all units in the tile. The only hidden result here will be from option A or B IF it triggers the other god’s jealousy. Option C gives a very minor good (playing it safe with no risk).

Open to suggestions on rewards for A, B, and a minor reward for C; and a bad for option A/B that triggers on the random result... (No xp though as that’s for D. I like kzwix’s idea though for damaging units via the punch-up).
i agree choosing neither deity should NOT result in 'no effect'.

I would expect a huge mayhem as random units are squashed by Gork's foot and cities tremble under the tremors from the stamping fit Mork is having elsewhere. riots everywhere.

followed by an single choice event stating that the orcs have decided that Gork and Mork are both meaner than the warboss.
(Unless chaos religion is present, then get additional option or different event)

The possitive effects would be:
all (damaged!) units that survive get a free promotion...maybe a religious fanaticism promotion or just 1XP.
Additionally choose (or get Fanatic/religious) a new leadertrait as YOU are replaced?

(-Religion does not need to be spread manually anymore, but otherwise I'd also suggest free spreading of Greenskin religion to affected cities and making it statereligion automatically. )
Added another event, DA BIG GAME. You need a bloodbowl stadium for it to trigger. There is a special option for Greenskins (opt 2), dwarves (opt 3) and the 4th option is for worshipers of Eternal Life (and have Necromancy tech). However event 2 has a python error.
Spoiler :

<!-- must have a bloodbowl stadium for happy. Greenskins and dwarves get better options while undead civs get a zombie raised after the game -->
<Text>It's all on tonight in %s2_city, the epitome of the season's finale. We present to you Bloodbowl XXXIII! Proudly sponsored by Bloodweiser, and by Orcidas. Let's get ready to ruuuuuuumble!</Text>

Spoiler :

<!-- default option of happiness and gold -->
<Description>Woohoo! What an awesome game in store for us!</Description>
<!-- happyness and gold, plus bonus option for greenskins -->
<Description>Ere we go, ere we go, ere we go! Dis is gonna be da bestest game eva!</Description>
<!-- happyness and gold, bonus option for dwarves-->
<Description>Gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold! Oh and more gold!</Description>
<!-- happyness and gold, plus bonus option of raised zombies for undead civs -->
<Description>The cleanup crew after the game brings a whole new meaning to the fan experiance...</Description>

DA_BIG_GAME_2 has a python error however in canTriggerGreenskin:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "CvRandomEventInterface", line 6864, in canTriggerGreenskin
Attribute Error: 'int' object has no attribute 'eplayer'

Click OK and you do indeed get the Bloodbowl Stadium bonus for a greenskin. However option 2 is available to all civs because of the python error... I have installed the patch btw (had the error both before and after patch).
Normal canTriggerGreenskin in CvRandomEventInterface:
Spoiler :

# canTriggerGreenskin is to select ONLY Greenskin owners to be effected
def canTriggerGreenskin(argsList):
kTriggeredData = argsList[0]
pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(kTriggeredData.ePlayer)
if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_GOBLINS'):
return true
elif pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_ORCS'):
return true
elif pPlayer.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_HOBGOB'):
return true
return false

It probably could be checked with <PrereqCivilization>NONE</PrereqCivilization> in the EventInfos, but I need it to check for 3 civs (it doesnt accept below)... Or just write two extra EventInfos (simple copy and paste for da orks and hobgobs; but just wondering if there is a way)?


At least I can check out da new stuff with the patch now... :D
I guess I understand the error... but I have no idea how to correct it.

The error you get is from an "int" type not having a "ePlayer" field. That's quite normal. Indeed, the parameter sent to the "canTriggerGreenskin(argsList)" event should be an object, and not a mere "int".

However, I have absolutely no idea how you can specify the right object to be used as a parameter, especially in your event.

Maybe this would work : <PythonCanDo>canTriggerGreenskin(nameOfTheObject)</PythonCanDo> ?
I guess I understand the error... but I have no idea how to correct it.
The error you get is from an "int" type not having a "ePlayer" field. That's quite normal. Indeed, the parameter sent to the "canTriggerGreenskin(argsList)" event should be an object, and not a mere "int".
However, I have absolutely no idea how you can specify the right object to be used as a parameter, especially in your event.

Maybe this would work : <PythonCanDo>canTriggerGreenskin(nameOfTheObject)</PythonCanDo> ?

<PythonCanDo>canTriggerGreenskin(BUILDINGCLASS_BLOODBOWL)</PythonCanDo> definitely stopped the python error, but unfortunately as the dwarves i could still select the Greenskin option. :(

Looks like i will just copy and paste (and set the PrereqCivilization) for 6 options (instead of 4 in EventInfos), and get creative in each of the Greenskin options (and maybe have an event chain perhaps, or create options for other races - such as the Dawi Zharr who hold the record for most spectator deaths)...
Event Triggers apparently pass a different set of parameters than Events do so you can't use the same canTrigger python function; I'm not sure whether you can affect the passed parameters by changing the call from within XML. You can try something like the following & see if it works (I think I got canDoAqueduct to work ok.)

Spoiler :
def canDoGreenskin(argsList):
player = gc.getPlayer(argsList[1])
if player.getCivilizationType() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_GOBLIN') and pPlayer.getCivilizationType() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_ORC')) and pPlayer.getCivilizationType() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_HOBGOB')):
return False
return True

Anyway, its probably fastest to just start with the most straightforward events you can easily get working using XML tags alone; my experience has been that trying to create complex event chains was often more trouble than it's worth!

Link to CIV4 Python Class Reference
my experience has been that trying to create complex event chains was often more trouble than it's worth!

Kael had incredibly difficulty getting multiple-part events working for FFH. The circle of Gaelan took many many months to get working, and even then it only really worked by making successive events trigger on the next turn.

So, it seems like it is complex but doable to get an event to trigger something now, and something else the turn after, but very difficult to get any event to trigger something to occur further in the future.

Is that your experience Orlanth?
Well, using EventTimes I have managed to make the Uprising events trigger a set number of turns after the appropriate "warning" event. My attempt at quests etc though was a disaster. If you ever get the Prize Calf event as Chaos, let me know if anything interesting turns up around 90 turns later! :p

I'm not rly in need of ideas for events as much as I'm short on time & interested for more other people to actually make/implement their own events, so thanks arexack frenzyslave for taking a whack at it! If anyone out there wants to try their hand at event making, please go ahead using the excellent tutorial link earlier in this thread; if you can get it working and it's WH-appropriate it will probably have a great chance at making it into this mod. (its often best to just jump right into testing/implementing rather than try to write everything out beforehand, plenty of my 1st attempts didn't work as expected without some tweaking!)
BTW, if you want to try a unique vintage game with literally 100s of cool random events, I want to put in a plug for King of Dragon Pass - I'm not sure if they're still selling it but you can download the demo for free. (There's even someone in it named after you Humakty!):p;)
@orlanth-canTriggerGreenskin() :
That looks like it could work in more situations than eventtriggers,
better rename it 'isGreenskin()'
good work. :)

only strange you use negatives linked by AND, not possitives linked by OR. i.e.:
Spoiler :
def isGreenskin(argsList):
	player = gc.getPlayer(argsList[1])
	if player.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_GOBLIN') or player.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_ORC') or player.getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_HOBGOB'):
		return True
	return False
remember: a return exits the method so the second return is ignored if any of the conditional statements is true. likewise if none is true, the if codeblock is skipped and the second return exits the method.

edit: maybe name needs something to indicate that this method querries the civ rather than a specific unit.
edit: a ')' too many x2.
edit2: calling objects were not the same for 2nd, 3rd conditions.
Orlanth (python error):
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "String", line 1, in ?
File "String", line 35, in load_module
File "String", line 13, in_get_code
File "CvRandomEventInterface", line 7009
if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() !=
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Tried other various combos with AH and Orlanth code, but kept getting python errors :(, until...

- AH
No python errors :) on the last editing that you did. However, the dwarves can still select that option (aargh)... :confused:

Anyways, heres the TriggerEventInfo and EventInfo of Da Big Game. Also attached is a save game file of some green dwarves, so all you have to do is end the turn and whoops they can select the greenskin option as well as their own.


  • DamnGreenDwarves IC -3800.CivBeyondSwordSave
    26.5 KB · Views: 68
Whoops, forgot the events... ;) (attached is GREENSKIN_LOOTAZ, DA_BIG_GAME, GREENSKIN_RAID_CARAVAN. All events work in game, except DA_BIG_(PAIN_IN_THE)_GAME (Greenskin option can be selected :(). Also included are the CvRandomEventInterface for canTriggerGreenskin and isGreenskin and GiveExpOnPlot (the latter is untested)).

I have also written up the GREENSKIN_HUNT, GREENSKIN_SNOTLING_RIOT, and GREENSKIN_RAID_CARAVAN events, but these are not working properly at the moment (cant get the unit thing sorted atm :().

Will be typing up the rest of the Greenskin events and some new ones now that I am on Xmas break (Yay!)...



  • Working events.txt
    34 KB · Views: 60
Working "Lets Get Em" event...
Basically you have 3 options:
Go to War and happy citizens in all cities, with a boost of culture in all cities.
Pay off da ladz to curb their looting spree.
Be a wuss and have unhappy citizens in all your cities, with a decline in culture in all cities.

Not quite what I was after (I ignored the bit where civ x has half the military might of yours and kept things simpler), but it does the job! :D

Spoiler :

<!-- greenskin civ wants war with a civ otherwise they will be unhappy -->
<Text> The Greenskins are getting restless. </Text>
<Text>%s1_civ_adjective iz ezy pickinz Warboss! Letz beat em up an nick der stuff!</Text>

Spoiler :

<!-- declares war on civ -->
<Description>Waaagh! Get da boyz togetha an letz lay in da boot!</Description>
<!-- pays off da ladz to curb looting spree -->
<Description>Pay off da ladz to curb der lootin an giv em somethin ta do...</Description>
<!-- the peaceful "im a wuss" option -->
<Description>Nah! Me wan peace, not shinies!</Description>

Basically you have 4 options:
Gain a unit if at war - unit granted depends on civ (atm its generic axemen until the civs are focused on later).
Or you dont choose to have a bonus unit.

Spoiler :

<!-- Must be at war, greenskins are attracted to the Waaagh! -->
<Text> The Waaagh is gaining momentum... </Text>
<Text>Greenskins flock to %s2_city to join ur Waaagh! Dey wanna join in da fightin' an break sum eads.</Text>

Spoiler :

<!-- gain a bonus unit if orcs -->
<Description>Get in line boyz. Now kick sum eads!</Description>
<!-- gain a bonus unit if gobbos -->
<Description>Get in line boyz. Now kick sum eads!</Description>
<!-- gain a bonus unit if hobgobs -->
<Description>Get in line boyz. Now kick sum eads!</Description>
<!-- choose not to have any units -->
<Description>We don need ya 'elp. Get lost.</Description>
there should be a way to access the civ-power level: the AIs can and the civ historian/chronicler can too, so it stands to reason the data is there...

it might be in the 'dogpile' code, as that is where AIs decide whether to gang up on an opponent.
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