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Quo's Spheres of Intrigue v8.0.13

When playing the Spanish civ, I was able to trade one luxery item for the complete treasury and income of any known civilization on the map. I did not test this yet when playing other civ's.

I don't believe that's related exclusively to Quo's mod. The patch notes that dropped today mentioned a bug fix in this field:
  • Increase value of Diplomatic Favor. Limit number of items desired in a trade. Set minimum value for traded items.
Finished my first test playthrough with Quo's Mod + AI+. Have to say a very satisfying and bug free experience. My only concern (and this may have been related to using a more strict resource management mod that made many melee units less desirable due to up-keep) but the world was primarily populated with pikemen/AT Crew military units. Combined with your changes to make these units ranged bombard units, most of the world's armies would become occupied with bombarding cities for centuries.

The AI clearly had the foresight and power with your buffs to capitalize and really push for a realistic domination victory (emperor difficulty) if they weren't hampered by this endless bombardment of cities issue. Do you think it would be possible to somehow make a city fall if a unit bombards a city with 0 walls or hp remaining?
Finished my first test playthrough with Quo's Mod + AI+. Have to say a very satisfying and bug free experience. My only concern (and this may have been related to using a more strict resource management mod that made many melee units less desirable due to up-keep) but the world was primarily populated with pikemen/AT Crew military units. Combined with your changes to make these units ranged bombard units, most of the world's armies would become occupied with bombarding cities for centuries.

The AI clearly had the foresight and power with your buffs to capitalize and really push for a realistic domination victory (emperor difficulty) if they weren't hampered by this endless bombardment of cities issue. Do you think it would be possible to somehow make a city fall if a unit bombards a city with 0 walls or hp remaining?

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I've been thinking about that for a while actually. There are some things that make it very tricky to pull off. It would require Lua code, at a minimum, because no Modifiers exist to make it work properly. But it's a definite thought.

In the meantime, remember you can turn off the Ranged ability for anti-cavalry units in the MyOptions.sql file.
A few minor error's:
  1. When playing the Viking civ, with each attack an enemy unit is pushed back one step which is a feature, I know. But sometimes pushed "into" the sea and the enemy unit just disappears, also a barbarian spear unit guarding a camp is pushed out of the camp resulting the attacking Viking unit to capture the camp without defeating the spear unit. I didn't test this but I think its possible this could also happen to enemy units defending a city.
  2. When playing the Spanish civ, I was able to trade one luxery item for the complete treasury and income of any known civilization on the map. I did not test this yet when playing other civ's.
Is the AI+ mod compatible with this mod?

Thanks for the feedback. :)

The ability to knock enemies out of Barbarian camps is intentional. You can also use the ability to knock enemies out of high cover spots. I think the ability might also make units lose their Fortified state.

Enemy units disappearing into the sea could potentially be an issue. If that issue exists, it exists for the Poland unique unit as well (which the knockback ability is borrowed from). I may need to report it to Firaxis. How often did that issue occur?
Hello, not sure if it is being caused by this mod (as I also have multiple other mods installed), but after today's Civ-6 patch when choosing which civilization to start a new game with, the bottom most paragraph of info about unique aspects of the selected civilization is not displaying correctly and shows some random nonsense garble instead. Tried several different civs to test this, and they all had the bottom most info messed up. Hopefully, this will be an easy fix.
Thanks for the feedback. :)

The ability to knock enemies out of Barbarian camps is intentional. You can also use the ability to knock enemies out of high cover spots. I think the ability might also make units lose their Fortified state.

Enemy units disappearing into the sea could potentially be an issue. If that issue exists, it exists for the Poland unique unit as well (which the knockback ability is borrowed from). I may need to report it to Firaxis. How often did that issue occur?
Every attack was a knockback attack. Also when units get knocked into the water you don't get xp, so the enemy unit really just disappears.
Good news! After doing a little research and observing feedback from other players, it looks like the post patch User Interface game glitches I've encountered are actually being caused by the separate CQUI mod, and not by this Quo's Spheres of Intrigue mod. Best wishes, and sorry for the alarm.
In the meantime, remember you can turn off the Ranged ability for anti-cavalry units in the MyOptions.sql file.

Didn't know that. I might give it a try to see how it plays out. Running through scenarios for a bit waiting for the all clear from modders on the new patch before jumping into the next game. Any leads yet on the missing Zulu district art?
Didn't know that. I might give it a try to see how it plays out. Running through scenarios for a bit waiting for the all clear from modders on the new patch before jumping into the next game. Any leads yet on the missing Zulu district art?

I was hopeful the recent art push by Firaxis would fix this on its own, but it looks like the issue still exists.

The only workaround I know of which may work is to clone the district and directly include the art in the mod. However, cloning districts comes with its own risks--see the issues that have arisen with the Asian Pacific harbor. Because it is truly a new district, a number of policies and mechanics have to be manually reworked to recognize the updates.

I'm still thinking through the options.
Hello good sir !

i tried adding a custom civ by civitas into scratchpad but when i tried in the game, the civ doesnt get the intended sphere and no governors to choose from
im trying to start a game with a friend that consists of asian civ like china, indonesia, malaysia, etc etc
so i added civitas' malaysia mod into the game.

here's the code in the scratchpad:

Spoiler :

/* INSERT OR REPLACE INTO CivilizationTraits
(CivilizationType, TraitType)
FROM Civilizations WHERE Civilizations.CivilizationType='CIVILIZATION_SUK_ICELAND'

(CivilizationType, TraitType)
FROM Civilizations WHERE Civilizations.CivilizationType='CIVILIZATION_CVS_MALAYSIA'

/* INSERT INTO Building_ValidTerrains
(BuildingType, TerrainType)

im using notepad++

is there a missing line that i need to add ?

also, is it just me or the macedonia get asian pacific sphere ?
found this in both Q'sCT and Q'sSoI:
Spoiler :



edit 1:

ok, so i tried a different custom civ by Sukritact, Burma.
and it works.

Spoiler :

(CivilizationType, TraitType)
FROM Civilizations WHERE Civilizations.CivilizationType='CIVILIZATION_SUK_BURMA'

the only difference is that i put the value to 0 instead of 1, and place it right below the BEGIN YOUR CUSTOM EDITS HERE,
not sure if it works because of the value or the placement in scratchpad

another thing im missing is that this civ dont get the Pacific Harbor unique district to the Asian Pacific civs.

edit 2:

finally made it works by changing the value to >0.

great mod btw
Last edited:
Hello good sir !

i tried adding a custom civ by civitas into scratchpad but when i tried in the game, the civ doesnt get the intended sphere and no governors to choose from
im trying to start a game with a friend that consists of asian civ like china, indonesia, malaysia, etc etc
so i added civitas' malaysia mod into the game.

here's the code in the scratchpad:

Spoiler :

/* INSERT OR REPLACE INTO CivilizationTraits
(CivilizationType, TraitType)
FROM Civilizations WHERE Civilizations.CivilizationType='CIVILIZATION_SUK_ICELAND'

(CivilizationType, TraitType)
FROM Civilizations WHERE Civilizations.CivilizationType='CIVILIZATION_CVS_MALAYSIA'

/* INSERT INTO Building_ValidTerrains
(BuildingType, TerrainType)

im using notepad++

is there a missing line that i need to add ?

also, is it just me or the macedonia get asian pacific sphere ?
found this in both Q'sCT and Q'sSoI:
Spoiler :



edit 1:

ok, so i tried a different custom civ by Sukritact, Burma.
and it works.

Spoiler :

(CivilizationType, TraitType)
FROM Civilizations WHERE Civilizations.CivilizationType='CIVILIZATION_SUK_BURMA'

the only difference is that i put the value to 0 instead of 1, and place it right below the BEGIN YOUR CUSTOM EDITS HERE,
not sure if it works because of the value or the placement in scratchpad

another thing im missing is that this civ dont get the Pacific Harbor unique district to the Asian Pacific civs.

The move from Quo's Combined Tweaks to Spheres of Intrigue broke interaction with custom civs. I am working on a way to make this process easier to register so you don't need to fiddle with tables manually. The core of the code is there, but it will take some more testing for me to bring it online with a release.
In regards to the Pacific Harbor, although it is probably already known, I would like to say that the harbor doesn't interact with the Free Inquiry golden age bonus, and would like to ask whether this is intentional or not since the bonus does state that it comes from gold adjacency. In addition to that, the gold bonus from Reefs doesn't seem to stack nor interact with Free Inquiry, and I would like to ask whether this is intentional or not as well. All in all, this mod is very much enjoyable, so thank you.

EDIT: I'm looking at city yields, and I don't see the bonus gold from Pacific harbors adding at all.
In regards to the Pacific Harbor, although it is probably already known, I would like to say that the harbor doesn't interact with the Free Inquiry golden age bonus, and would like to ask whether this is intentional or not since the bonus does state that it comes from gold adjacency. In addition to that, the gold bonus from Reefs doesn't seem to stack nor interact with Free Inquiry, and I would like to ask whether this is intentional or not as well. All in all, this mod is very much enjoyable, so thank you.

EDIT: I'm looking at city yields, and I don't see the bonus gold from Pacific harbors adding at all.

Thanks for this. I've fixed some adjacency bonuses with the Pacific Harbor overall in the patch I'm currently working on. Haven't fixed the ones related to Golden Ages yet and am not sure how much effort it will take to fix.
isau updated Quo's Spheres of Intrigue with a new update entry:

Quo's Spheres of Intrigue v8.0.1 ALPHA

This update contains some changes to overall implementation and the addition of two new Governors.

The only sad thing is that despite hours (and hours and hours) of trying I could not find a way to bring new Governor art into the game. I know that it is possible, because I have seen an example of a mod where it is done, but I have very little experience with art assets. So for now, you new governors reuse existing game art.

New Governors
  • The Mariner
    • Has...

Read the rest of this update entry...
So, for the people looking to add fan-made civs to the game, you'll want to stop using the old method of the Scratchpad and instead go to the MyOptions file. It's in this section:
/* Add a fan-made civilization to a Sphere. You must identify the name of the civilization from the mod code in order to do this. Names of Biomes are:
 QUO_TRAIT_BIOME_AFRICA  -- Sub saharan africa 
 QUO_TRAIT_BIOME_UK  -- British Isles

-- Add additional civilizations using this format:
/*INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tblQuo_Scratchpad_FanMadeCivilizations
  (xCivilizationType,   xBiomeTrait)

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO tblQuo_Option_FanMadeCivilizations
  (xCivilizationType,   xBiomeTrait)

If you add fan made civs this way, the code should take care of registering the correct Governors, trait abilities etc.

Sub Saharan Africa is currently an exception. I just didn't have time to implement it yet for that Sphere, so you won't get the special districts. I think all the other Spheres should work but please report any issues that arise.
Good news! After doing a little research and observing feedback from other players, it looks like the post patch User Interface game glitches I've encountered are actually being caused by the separate CQUI mod, and not by this Quo's Spheres of Intrigue mod. Best wishes, and sorry for the alarm.
I'm having the same issue. Which mod was it?

Also, in regards to pacific harbour, the building is not showing (i.e. when I construct the district I can't see the harbour, only the blank unimproved tile. But the district is still there as I get the yields and the description when I hover my mouse over it)
Feedback on the mod - I love it. It adds so much flavour to the game. One thing I dislike though is that the mainland asia sphere does not get industrial zones. Imo, you can add a higher tech requirement so that they can get industrial zones much later or at a greater cost. While historically Asia wasn't a powerhouse in the industrial age, later on it did become a major industrial hub (china). Also, I like to play with high bonuses to my radial production (which I believe reflects the importance of industrialization), so anyone playing india or china is at a bigger disadvantage.
I'm having the same issue. Which mod was it?

The CQUI mod that is causing the post Antarctica patch User Interface display glitches is the "Community Quick User Interface" mod, which is available on the Steam Workshop. It was recently updated to work with the GS expansion, but then this latest patch broke parts of it again.
Yeah I find China not being able to build industrial zones to feel really odd.
Feedback on the mod - I love it. It adds so much flavour to the game. One thing I dislike though is that the mainland asia sphere does not get industrial zones. Imo, you can add a higher tech requirement so that they can get industrial zones much later or at a greater cost. While historically Asia wasn't a powerhouse in the industrial age, later on it did become a major industrial hub (china). Also, I like to play with high bonuses to my radial production (which I believe reflects the importance of industrialization), so anyone playing india or china is at a bigger disadvantage.

Thanks for the feedback.

The goals of this mod are to disrupt the "normal" patterns of gameplay. The idea behind this sphere is supposed to be that for the tradeoff of not having access to some of the things an Industrial Zone provides (some wonders, bonuses from City States) you get other things free.

The Industrial Zones are a weird zone because they mainly provide current Production in exchange for future Production. In most cases this makes the zone itself not a great investment. GS introduced the concept of Power, which does justify this zone somewhat more than before.

I'm going to bump up the power of Mainland Asia for the next release, but keep the ban on the Industrial Zone. But the option is there to remove this restriction manually if you would like. You can do it by adding this code to the Scratchpad:


Keep in mind with no restrictions on the IZ, the ability to build Mines anywhere is possibly extremely overpowered.
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