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Quo's Spheres of Intrigue v8.0.13

So by the way, the British Isles sphere currently has an undocumented bonus where you will get a free Civic and Tech boost with each Great Admiral you uncover. I'm really not in love with this ability and was just playing around with it to see what I could make function, and it accidentally got released "for real." IMO it's not very exciting and just feels tacked on so it may not stay around in future releases.
When I use your mod with the sphere's turned off, I get a blank governor screen and I can never get a governor at all. Ever. I tried a new game with JUST your mod... same thing.
When I use your mod with the sphere's turned off, I get a blank governor screen and I can never get a governor at all. Ever. I tried a new game with JUST your mod... same thing.

Thanks I'll have to look into it. I haven't done a test with spheres turned off as of this alpha release (it takes a lot of time to test all the settings).

You can fix this with this code in the MyScratchpad in the meantime:


Note that will give you two copies of every governor (except the special Suleiman one) because this mod clones the existing Governors and it's the TraitType that prevents them from being available. If you want to also prevent the clones from showing, you could add them to the IN statement.

Into the 1500s AD on a new game. Continents. Replaced AI+ with Real Strategy. Turned off your anti-cavalry ranged strikes. Of note, without the ranged strikes AI vs AI wars have been shorter and more dynamic. Cities that can be taken are taken quickly before both sides balance each other out and then quickly resort to peace to plan other more profitable invasions or recoup their economy. Seems to be a huge improvement over the last game where the world's most powerful militaries became fixated on cities they engulfed with pikemen/AT units and remained at war with them for 100s of years rather than pushing through and moving on to other ventures. Though it is an interesting double edged sword...

Because the anti-cavalry units have to take damage to attack now, there are more casualties of war, resulting in more build-up time between wars. This has resulted in fewer steam rolling civilizations compared to the previous version I played as certain civs that didn't go all-out on anti-cavalry became unstopped monsters taking cities with minimal damage. As such the overall scores between civilizations is within 200 of each other with no one eliminated from contention as of yet.
i Use the same settings as DioAurion. The ranged anti-cav just doesn't work properly with the AI. You should disable it as Standard setting, Like ranged attack for melee ships.
isau have you tried the real balanced pantheons mod? it seems like it fixes some glaring issues with the game, but I'm not sure how compatible it would be with your changes :crazyeye:
isau updated Quo's Spheres of Intrigue with a new update entry:

Quo's Spheres of Intrigue v8.0.4

There's not a lot of change in this update, except to people who use downloaded civs a lot.

  • Added 2 new "Scratchpad" files
    • MyScratchpad_Config allows you to add configuration items to the Character select screen
    • MyScratchpad_Text allows you to add or modify text strings in the Text database
Both of these Scratchpad files come with examples. This has been added so that players can manually add their own text to the mod, and...

Read the rest of this update entry...
isau have you tried the real balanced pantheons mod? it seems like it fixes some glaring issues with the game, but I'm not sure how compatible it would be with your changes :crazyeye:

I haven't tried it yet, no. Just from the name, I'd assume it would conflict with this mod.
I have another question. I downloaded the bug fix so now I have governors, but after I picked one, next time I opened the screen, there are 8 to chose from, and the one I already picked isn't listed anymore. Which means I can't promote him. I picked a second governor, and now I'm able to pick a third. I don't want a third, I want to promote the first one I got, but I can't figure out how to open up his screen, or a screen that includes him. Help? Neither of the two I already picked are there, I have 8 to chose from again, two that weren't options the first time around.
I have another question. I downloaded the bug fix so now I have governors, but after I picked one, next time I opened the screen, there are 8 to chose from, and the one I already picked isn't listed anymore. Which means I can't promote him. I picked a second governor, and now I'm able to pick a third. I don't want a third, I want to promote the first one I got, but I can't figure out how to open up his screen, or a screen that includes him. Help? Neither of the two I already picked are there, I have 8 to chose from again, two that weren't options the first time around.

This is a weird bug I need to look into.

TBH since the name of the mod is "Spheres of Intrigue" I do minimal testing with spheres turned off. The feature is there to the degree I support it, but I do very little formal testing. Will look into it, but no formal ETA on a fix. It's definitely a strange behavior tho. Thanks for reporting it.
Dear Isau, I am long time user of Quo's Combined, now will try this new one.
There is a loyalty mod, and unfortunately that often crashes - can it be because of Quo's...?
I'd be glad to find it out...
The Loyalty mod is creating memory overflow, that may be the cause of crashes...
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After reading those patch notes I'm feeling much better about my tactical choice to not provoke my Japanese neighbors on the narrow continent I found myself trapped at the bottom of. Bullet dodged! Thanks for your continued balancing changes.
isau updated Quo's Spheres of Intrigue with a new update entry:

Quo's Spheres of Intrigue v8.0.5 ALPHA

This update is fairly small, altho the code was painstaking. Most of the credit goes to @LeeS for supplying much of the Lua code needed to make things work.

Changes to Spheres/Biomes
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
    • There is a chance per turn for Rainforests to grow within 3 tiles of each of your cities
    • Background:
      • There is (currently)a 5% chance per turn per city for the growth to happen
      • The growth can happen on tiles you do not own (so...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi Isau, thanks for the great job you’re doing! I follow and play the QUO mod since the start; without it, the game experience is of a much lower level imho...

One question I have (sorry if it was asked in threads of previous mod): is Spheres of Intrigue compatibile with YNAMP or Larger Map Sizes? Before GS, QUO’s Combined Tweaks was compatible with YNAMP. But after GS YNAMP had some issues (which now seem solved) and I’d like to know better Spheres of Intrigue’s compatibility before starting a new game which crashes after some turns. Thanks!
Not a bug, but a balance suggestion: between the friendship bonuses and wonders and such, culture bombs are a much bigger part of this mod than the vanilla game. However, the 250% bonus to border expansion makes it hard to actually use culture bombs effectively. I know there is a MyOptions setting for this--I usually turn the border expansion bonus down to 100%, and I've noticed much more dynamic border changes from culture bombs.
Not a bug, but a balance suggestion: between the friendship bonuses and wonders and such, culture bombs are a much bigger part of this mod than the vanilla game. However, the 250% bonus to border expansion makes it hard to actually use culture bombs effectively. I know there is a MyOptions setting for this--I usually turn the border expansion bonus down to 100%, and I've noticed much more dynamic border changes from culture bombs.

I agree with this.

The original reason for the fast expanding borders was that in Vanilla it was routine to reach the Industrial age with much of the map still unclaimed. At this point, I think they've mostly fixed that. So I willprobably take your suggestion and lower the border rate.

FYI I haven't been editing the mod much because I've been off playing the revived City of Heroes, a game I dearly miss. I'll be backto work on this again soon tho.
Dunno if it's this mod or another, might be because this mod and AI+ is enabled at the same time.... The AI spams anti-cav.... then it tries to take cities with it.....for decades. I have had one single war between one AI and me along with half the others go on for 2000jrs because no one could manage to take a single city hahahaha. It's even worse with the MOAR mod enabled because then it's keeps attacking cities solely with ranged and anti-cav..... anti-cav being unable to do melee attacks took away the last brain cell the AI had....
Dunno if it's this mod or another, might be because this mod and AI+ is enabled at the same time.... The AI spams anti-cav.... then it tries to take cities with it.....for decades. I have had one single war between one AI and me along with half the others go on for 2000jrs because no one could manage to take a single city hahahaha. It's even worse with the MOAR mod enabled because then it's keeps attacking cities solely with ranged and anti-cav..... anti-cav being unable to do melee attacks took away the last brain cell the AI had....

It's probably because of the "Ranged Anti-Cavalry" setting this mod applies that converts Anti-Cav to Ranged units. Prior to GS the AI only rarely built Anti Cav, but now they build hordes of them, resulting in the issues you see.

You can turn the Ranged Anti Cav feature off in the Myoptions.sql file.
New here! I like your mod but the Pantheons feels kinda incomplete so I wanted to use it with the Real Balanced Pantheons. My problems is, I can't seem to find the file to disable the Pantheons so that they won't override each other. I try modifying Quo_Belief_Code but that didn't work and there's no option in MyOptions. Can you point me to the right location? Or the correct code to put in to disable the Pantheons? Thanks a bunch!!!
It's probably because of the "Ranged Anti-Cavalry" setting this mod applies that converts Anti-Cav to Ranged units. Prior to GS the AI only rarely built Anti Cav, but now they build hordes of them, resulting in the issues you see.

You can turn the Ranged Anti Cav feature off in the Myoptions.sql file.

It's been so long since I played Persia that I can't remember--do their Immortals have the ability to take cities, in addition to their ranged attack? If so, could whatever code that allows them to have a ranged attack be adapted to your anti-cav rules?

EDIT: Also, God of the Forge does not appear to be granting the culture bonus to tiles adjacent to volcanoes.

EDIT, THE SECOND: It does appear to give the bonus to unit production. Furthermore, Immortals can take cities, so there must be a way to get the ranged anti-cav be able to do so as well.
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