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I hate people letting their dogs run around the neighbourhood on the loose. This is the city, people, we're not living on a damn farm.
Thanksgiving day i was out on the highway with my brother driving. Now i hate the way he drives. But he wanted to "shorten the trip". I am mostly at 72mph on the highway. I set the cruise control. He prefers 80. Not that big of a time savings. He's a terrible tailgater, which really bothers me. Anyways, he was tailgating this one guy in the left lane for about 5 miles at 75mph, and then the right lane opened up, and the guy wouldn't move over and let us by. So bro decides to pass the guy on the right. When we got up next to him, the guy sped up. we all ended up going side by side at 95mph for 2-3 miles before other cars forced us to slow down again. :p
Generally it is good to support people whenever they need help. If you've read some of Plutonium's posts, he's not exactly the most self reliant stable person out there (not meant as an insult, neither am I). A good parent would be there for their child, regardless of age.

Also take into factor that Plut might go to bed later than other people, and therefore sleeping a normal duration of time might put him to be awaken at noon, or his life is so terrible that he can't even get out of bed until then. Or maybe that's just how he is.

How old are you Plutonium and why does your mum put up with you staying in bed till noon and expecting her to run around after you?

It should be noted I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, complete with some brain damage.

I'm sorta like a certain other poster who just left, but slightly less annoying, and higher functioning. ;)

Well, from the sounds of it, she is actually expecting him to behave responsibly, which doesn't sound that unreasonable.
You're right on that one. :)
I've had a cold for the past couple weeks that I can't shake, and it's not even had the decency to be serious enough that I can designate it man-flu.
It should be noted I have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, complete with some brain damage.

I'm sorta like a certain other poster who just left, but slightly less annoying, and higher functioning. ;)
So your mother was also lacking on the responsibility front, some 28 years ago? Maybe you should meet your mother halfway on this.
So your mother was also lacking on the responsibility front, some 28 years ago? Maybe you should meet your mother halfway on this.
Nope. My mother now is the woman who adopted me. :)

I have never met the woman who gave birth to me, I was taken from her when I was a few months old, due to the aforementioned irresponsibility.
Ah. Fair enough then. :)
I'm really mad right now, because from what I saw on one of my friends statuses on Facebook, our school got broken into. But, what sucks (at least for the seniors) is that their Ipad 2's got stolen......
I woke up in excruciating pain at around 2AM in my calf. After the initial shock went away, I drifted back to sleep for three hours. I can't walk on this leg, and I am curious as to what happened. Maybe a mighty large cramp?
I woke up in excruciating pain at around 2AM in my calf. After the initial shock went away, I drifted back to sleep for three hours. I can't walk on this leg, and I am curious as to what happened. Maybe a mighty large cramp?

That's happened to me before. The exact name of it escapes me at the moment since I just woke up...
:aargh: I hate my mom. She told me she'd call the doctor and ask for an appointment to deal with my hallucinations. But she didn't. Because I didn't get my "ass out of bed". She knows full well I don't like it when she waits on me to do anything. Her excuse was that she "didn't know when" I would get up out of bed. She knows DAMN well I always get up at noon. [pissed]

inb4 "get your lazy ass out of bed"

Would it be possible for you to go into the doctors in person to arrange an appointment within (say) a week's time? :)
Would it be possible for you to go into the doctors in person to arrange an appointment within (say) a week's time? :)
Unfortunately no, since I myself don't have a car or a drivers license. :undecide:

However, I do have my own cell phone. It's just a matter of getting off my lazy ass and calling them myself..... :D
My graphics card broke and now I have to use an old 256 MB one, it doesn't even have pixel shader 3.0 so I can't play LIMBO
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