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Regno d'Italia. An Italian AoI Story!


The Lion
Aug 16, 2009
The year is 1895, the height of European Imperialism in the world. The Majority of the world is colonized; Africa, Asia, The Caribbean and the various Pacific Islands. In Europe on an island is one of the most powerful nations on Earth; The British Empire, they alone control 1/4 of the world's land. Other powerful nations include; Japan in the Far East, The Russian Bear, The United States, Germany and France. But our story is not focused on any of these giants. Ours is focused on the small European nation of Italy. Yes, Italy is a Colonial Power in the Traditional Sense. But with only 2 measly colonies in East Africa, Somalia and Eritrea, Italy is far from powerful. Another thing that adds to Italy's problems are that it is surrounded by powerful enemies. So what will happen to Italy? Will it become a major World Power or will it fade into the history books, and discussed by students as a "Nation with Potential but ultimately failed". It is up to us. So join me along in this journey of ups and downs. I promise it will be entertaining, so will you join?

The World of 1895:

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So this is my 3rd CivIII story, the first two being, Japan and The USA respectively, I am hoping this will last better then the others.. :rolleyes:.

So with out further ado, Let's Begin!
Update coming tomorrow. I played until 1896 and this update is full of action.. At the end ;). Anyway I'm tired; will update tomorrow!
Make sure you keep a close eye on the British. In my game as Italy they stabbed me in the back by taking Somalia and the Middle East during my campaign there even though we had right of passage and alliances vs Middle East:(


And to think I was considering one also. ;)

Update coming very soon, It was supposed to happen hours ago.. But I went to my bed to get a bottle of water and some how I FELL asleep for 3 hours. :mad:
Here is the first update in my new story hope you enjoy it :)!
Here is a map of Europe with Italy and our neighbors.
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Week 1, 1895
The first thing I do is position the pre-placed Italian Coastal Battleships strategically around the Italian Peninsula to help defend it from naval attacks, The Italian Coastal Battleships are; Da Vinci, Italia, Lepanto, Ruggiero di Lauria, Francesco Morosini, Duilio, and the Dandolo. And then I position the 3 Italian Re Umberto Class Battleships(Sicilia, Re Umberto, Sardinia) south of The "Island" of Sicily, to form the 1st Battleship Division. While in the red sea we place The Marco Polo CA east of Djibouti to protect Italian shipping. Now the Bersaglieri in Milan is placed in the trenchworks next to Austrian held Trieste. While the other Bersaglieri in Roma stays there to guard the Magnificent Capital.

Week 5, 1895
Britain begins "warm" Relations with us and demands 15 Gold, we give in not wanting war at the moment but the Regio Esercito (The Royal Army) is not prepared for a war, and neither is the small and weak Regia Marina (Royal Navy). But we will remember this when we are more prepared for war..
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In other more delightful news our first Protected Cruiser is Launched, A Lombardia Class the first one is obviously named the Lombardia. The Lombardia will be sent to Suez to help protect Italian shipping from Somalia and Eritrea.

The Lombardia

In Southwest Africa Germany completes the Sudwester Military Academy making them a force to reckon with in this area.

Week 13, 1895
The puny uncivilized Mexicans try to make us pay them Gold, we "Politely" send them away. "Surprisingly" the Mexicans do nothing, Now who doesn't have a back bone? Eh?.

Week 17, 1895
The 2nd Lombardia Class is launched and is Christened Elba. Elba joins the 1st Battleship Division south of Sicily.

Week 21, 1895
The Russian Bear demands 28 Gold, Naturally we want to refuse because Russia has no way of reaching us, But we refuse as we still do not want war and it would be of little gain to us.
Our scientists complete Protected Cruisers I,
It gives us absolutely Nothing..

Week 37, 1895
Germany demands 51 Gold, or else "They will cover our puny nation with blood". We accept because we don't want a war with Austria or want our beautiful Mediterranean Peninsula covered in sticky and disgusting blood. :mischief:.

While our pathetic scientists actually research something that benefits us;
Colonial Admin I, Allowing us to build Colonial Workers, and Coaling stations.
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Week 41, 1895
The Japanese ambassador tells us that his nations requires 56 gold "Or Else.." We refuse their "Generous Offer" and he all puffy accepts it claiming "We are too far away or we would attack you". Yeah Whatever..

We complete our first wonder, The Gold Standard a bit later than usual but still it provides a nice bonus.
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Week 45, 1895
Our hated enemies the Ottoman Empire has parked some ships south west of Sardinia, (The Island in the Med for those who don't know.) and we politely ask them to leave and they refuse.. inciting the first war. The Turko-Italian War.

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The Coastal Battleship Lepanto and Italia engage two Ottoman Ironclads, The Assari Tevfik and the Abdul Aziz. The two Ottoman Ironclads are supported by two smaller Torpedo Boats, The Timsah and the Simir I Hidsum.

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1st Battle of The Ionian Sea
At around 6:38 PM the Italian Coastal Battleships Lepantoand Italia had received word of The Ottoman declaration of war. The two ships were sent south to try to find any Ottoman Ships. The next morning at around 8:44 AM the two Italian ships spotted 2 Ottoman Battleships and 2 Torpedo Boats. As the Ottoman ships neared they came into range of the two ships' 17" guns. The Lepanto fired first at the Assari Tevfik only 2 of the 4 shots hit, with minimal damage. While the Italia shot her 4, 17" guns at the Abdul Aziz one of which scored a critical hit on one of the ships magazine depots causing it to explode violently. The Abdul Aziz sank within the hour. The remaining Ottoman ships seeing they were outclassed and outgunned retreated to the East. The Results of the Battle: Abdul Aziz: Sunk. Assaro Tevfik Minimal Damage (2/3 HP). While neither of the Italian ships sustained any damage of any kind.

1st Battle of the Ionian Sea
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The 2nd Battle of the Ionian Sea
Early the next day at 6:05 AM The Italian 1st Battleship Division encounter the Ottoman Squadron that had been retreating from the Italia and the Lepanto. The flagship Re Umberto fires at the already damaged Assari Tevfik and scores hits on its Bow with minimal damage. The recently constructed Italian Protected Cruiser Etruria comes in close to the Ottoman Battleship and starts firing very fast and accurately severely damaging the Ottoman Ship. While the Sardinia (BB) finishes off the Ottoman Battleship with 5 direct hits to the motionless ship. The Assari Tevfik heavily listing to port capsized 20 minutes later with the loss of 85% of its crew. The two remaining Torpedo Boats are easy prey for the Italian Fleet, The Timsah sinks after receiving fire from the Protected Cruiser Elba but the Simir I Hidsum escapes after moderate damage from the Etruria.
Battle results: Italians: No Damage
Ottomans: Assari Tevfik: Sunk. Timsah: Sunk. Simir I Hidsum: Moderate Damage (1/2 HP)

Assari Tevik sinking.

Week 49, 1895
After the 2 Naval Defeats of The Ottoman Empire, many Italians rejoice, and cheer along this war which is clearly on Italy's side.
After about a month of quietness, Italy's 1st and 2nd Coastal Battleship Squadron (Created by the war). Were suddenly attacked by two Ottoman Pre-Dreadnoughts. The Osnanieh and the Mahmudieh.

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Naval Battle off Sicily
The Italian fleet not expecting an attack by the Ottomans were on coastal patrols off Sicilia. At 12:08 Pm two Ottomans ships appeared on the horizon, battle stations was called and the crew was readied for the upcoming battle. At around 12:30 appropriate ranges were reached by both sides to begin firing. The Ottoman Pre-Dreadnought Osnanieh began firing on the Coastal Battleship Ruggiero di Lauria one of the many shells striking the ship hit the forward magazine causing a huge explosion, The Ruggiero di Lauria is pronounced dead in the water, and told not to shoot to avoid getting shot at any more. The other Italian ships watch is awe as the Ruggiero di Lauria is over taken by the explosion and flames. The remaining Italian ships form a battle line and successfully cross the Ottoman's "T". The Da Vinci, Italia, Lepanto and Francesco Morosini all begin firing on the Ottoman ships. With the Da Vinci and the Italia scoring hits on the Mahmudieh is struck roughly 6 times in various places, including, the bridge and engine rooms, causing the Admiral and many officers to die, and after the resulting hits on the engine rooms the engines stop working completely and the ship is dead in the water. The Italian ships begin firing on the stricken ship and the Mahmudieh slips beneath the waves at 1:14. The Osnanieh knowing it's in danger tries to flee the battle but is hit a total of 15 times before sinking. The Italians claim victory! The Ruggiero di Lauria is towed back to Taranto for repairs, it is expected to take weeks for them to be finished.
Battle Results:
Italy: Ruggiero di Lauria sustains heavy damage and is towed back to Taranto for repairs.
Ottoman Empire: The Osnanieh and the Mahmudieh both sink.

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The Ruggiero di Lauria exploding

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Mahmudieh sinking and Osnanieh taking fire.

If you cannot tell I *stole* Brucha's naval battle thing.. Sorry...

Also from now on I will have Commanders such as in Brucha's story :D.
Only 1-2 to begin with. (Only land for Now, Unless you want to control 2 Coastal Battleships..) The Invasion of Libya will commence once the Ottoman Sea threat is eliminated. Each Army commander will control 4 Units. So just PM me or post a Visitor Message to my page if you're interested!
I like it. Once I get back into the swing of C3C, I may do one in a non-scenario default game for Albion/these United States.
Excellent start. Picking a fight with Ottomans is a smart strategy, as long as the AI's don't do their usual pile on.

I really like pictures in stories. You're doing a great job at this. You should grow this particular 'stache until the story is finished...

<== Class A!
I'll play the next bit right now :) and (Hopefully) Update later tonight!
Thanks for commenting It's good to know people actually read it ;).
I'll update tomorrow, I just got busy today, Sorry.
@ Blaze
Thanks glad you like it so far!
Gaah, The no raze patch got uninstalled so I have to reinstall it, but I have to find it first...
As there are two in the AoI extras and I used the right one it got deleted somehow then I put the other one and its ineffective.. As I was playing today and captured
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and it said I could raze it.. So I'll have to find it..
I think the No-Raze patch is only for the AI.
It's not it works foe both neither the human nor the ai can raze. I am not going to continue until I can find it. Don't want any cities razed. Does anyone know where it is :)?

First my take on the No Raze Patch.
"Patches? We don't need no stinkin' patches."

Now then here is what I found with a little quick Search This Thread button.
the no-raze patch will be included w/ the DL. it will be strongly recommended.
I have read that the info is in the README File of the download.

I know there is more to read in the thread but its your tale. :goodjob:

Blaze Injun

PS We need to talk about our Amries wintering in Baltimore & the coming Campaign Season. Know how to make a group like the Continental Congress group?
Well I need a download alone, as I am not redownloading the whole AoI thing again!!! :p
And About NESing
PM me. :)
No you see what happened is mine disapeared so could you copy that folder and email it me perhaps? or something?
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