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Remnants of Altrea Development Thread


Apr 8, 2006
New York State
Work on Star Trek is winding down and as such I'm setting sights on my next project: a sci-fi mod based on Fall From Heaven: Remnants of Altrea. The plot is that an exploratory fleet sent from Earth to explore the galaxy went through a spacial anomaly, sending them millions of light years away where they crash onto a barren planet (which once had a civilization, but all that remains is the skeletons of the dead, held together by nanoprobes that got altered by radiation). The mod would be based on the struggle to survive and rebuild civilization after the crash. The idea is that FFH's spells would be replaced by technology. Agendas would replace religions as well.

A lot of the general design is done; I have the civs/leaders (whose images will be photoshoped characters from Star Trek: Enterprise, as that allows me to easily have consistency), the agendas are outlined, and I have a general history (based off of The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century by George Friedman, though I have to write the post-2100 stuff), which I've outlined below (fun fact: leader and GP names are references; have fun guessing them all, and some will be obvious while others will probably be very difficult to figure out, especially where I piece together a name). I've posted what I've designed at the bottom of this post (aside from the GP list). What I don't have is the units, technologies, and buildings, beyond a generalized idea. This is where I'm asking for community input. I won't be changing the them, but feel free to give a name, short description, and suggested function for anything you come up with, though techs should probably be done on a broader scope.

Oh, and if you're wondering, even though this isn't fantasy, it still fits in FFH canon.

-Voyager: Admiral Steven G. Archibald (based on Forrest, fleet admiral, good), flagship
-Discovery: Holly Goodhead (based on Hernandez, captain, good), science focused
-Columbus: Lynda Lee (based on Cutler, chief medical officer, good), medical focused
-Zheng He: Commodore Zeke (based on Reed, fleet security chief, neutral), security focused
-Magellan: Cyrus Ramsey (based on Tucker, chief engineer, neutral), engineering focused
-Hudson: Miranda Frost (based on Hoshi, first officer, neutral), food focused
-Marco Polo: Charles Vincent (based on Mayweather, first officer, neutral), general
-Drake: Milton Bombay (based on Archer, first officer, good), general
-Ericson: Captain Blanco (based on Kelby, captain, neutral or evil?), general
-Ceridwen (spawn from first player to research Pact with religion)
-Altrea: Borg-based, spawn from barb city (wonder), cyborgs
-cyborgs respawn zombies, zombies respawn skeleton

-Barbarians: animated skeletons
-numerous ruins (goody huts), lairs give database fragments (tech/story)/other effects
-food from tech/specialists, some improvements
-chance to create skeletons/zombies from dead units
-barb "cities" - defender rise up if approached (up to two units per pop point, one per unit within a tile
-wreckage from ship, provide supplies (construct buildings, techs, currency, sensor readings (maps)) (goody huts)
-alignment: start neutral/good, change based on agendas, insane trait, events?
-devotion to Ceridwen events - war if refuse?
-no espionage or great generals
-disease until tech researched - virus/blight outbreak

-rename religions to agendas
-one based on contract with Ceridwen, destroy world/galaxy to get home (or not?) (evil); AC?
-one based on utilizing nanoprobes on planet (neutral?/evil)
-vampires, like Calabim, effect possibly power engines? (evil)
-colonize planet (neutral); cheaper terraforming
-enforce morals (good); blocked from evil; culture/diplo?
-technology (neutral); research bonus
-military (neutral); can declare martial law in city with high crime rate

-security (cheaper, weaker, boost on defense)
-armies use equipment
-worker - also rush some production

-Rock (Tundra)
-Rock (Broken Lands)
-Rock (Shallows)
-Sand (Desert)
-Dirt (Fields of Perdition)
-Plains (Plains)

-native plant, poisonous, survived barren climate

-military outpost

-Sonic Ray Gun (SN Portable Dog Killer)
-Terraforming (can create dirt)
-Genetic Engineering (create plains on dirt)
-Genetically Modified Grain (create grain resources with gold on plains)
-Cloning (create animal resources with gold on plains)
-Mind Control (easier if with Ceridwen)
-Prozium - precurser to mind control?

Planet History
-binary system - red dwarf and main sequence
-main star now white dwarf
-Altrea destroyed 7 billion years ago
-Gamma ray burst - destroyed almost all life on planet
-nanoprobe experiments; programming altered by radiation - assimilate individuals/remains (Grigari)
-planet later captured by red dwarf companion to main star

Crew History
-present as Captain's/crew logs in civilopedia
-first manned exploration beyond solar system
-fleet of 9 ships, each had crew of about 75-100
-leaves in (need year)
-explore Alpha Centauri and other systems, out for two years
-discover civ in classical/midieval times, and evidence for a space-faring civ closer to galactic core
-encounter spatial anomaly 400 light years from earth, wind up very far away, severely damaged
-have to crash land on planet in fringe of elliptical galaxy
-escape from vessels, wreckage scattered on planet
Looks cool. If you go ahead with it Ill play.
Interesting. Seems to remind me alot of SMAC. Not sure if that was your intent, but good luck!
Is work continuing?

And is there a playable version? Even an alpha sounds promising.

JosEPh :)
There has been conceptual work going on. I'm not sure when I'll get to implementing stuff in game; I have a very busy spring semester (and I had a light fall, so I'm having to get used to doing work again in addition to having a lot of it!). My earliest work will probably be barebones terrain/civ implementation that would wind up with basically the opposite of FFH1: instead of new mechanics with base civs, new civs with the old mechanics.

I've made a few changes to the history of the planet to make it more realistic (no matter what you do, not enough would survive the star's red giant phase to make the game work that way I want it to; plus it's early formation date presents issues). I've also changed Ceridwen to Kylorin for practical reasons (it's simply easier to get an image to use for Kylorin than Ceridwen); this also makes things more interesting, as you'll get to see how he winds up back in service of Ceridwen; maybe I'll post what will eventually become his pedia entry once I fully write it out (let's just say that Erebus is doomed and Kylorin is in a similar situation to Tebryn). In the mean time, here's the features and resources list:
-Dead Forest (Burnt Forest)
-Dead Volcano (Volcano)

-Aluminum (building, some on surface)
-Ammonia Ice ()
-Copper (building, some on surface)
-Corn (create)
-Cow (create)
-Dry Ice ()
-Geothermal Vent (Smoke)
-Fish (create)
-Gems (building)
-Gold (building)
-Iron (building)
-Pig (create)
-Rice (create)
-Scrap Metal
-Sheep (create)
-Silver (building)
-Stone (more common)
-Sugar (create)
-Underground water
-Wheat (create)

The ones marked "building" will come from asteroids elsewhere in the system. The ones marked "create" arise frome genetic engineering and terraforming. Given the system's early formation date and previous colonization (life is no longer native due to the removal of the main sequence star) it didn't make sense to have many metals on the surface.
I want to play that one!
Just a quick update to remind everyone that this is not dead. My semester is winding down so I'd like to start technical work soon. I thinking of making a quick demo with the terrain and all FFH python hardcodes removed. Hopefully that will spur enough interest so we can start working out the tech tree; I'm not interested in doing what I did with Star Trek and having two tech trees until the new one is completed, so either we'll have to come up with it early, or I'll have to figure out how to get rid of the FFH one with the ROA one incomplete.
I've done work on leaders and technology. But to start, what I hope could be a logo or menu graphic (but it's too small for a menu graphic and probably wouldn't look good scaled up):

Admiral Steven G. Archibald

Admiral of the fleet. Default alignment: good
Btw, all leaders and great people are references to someone somewhere (mostly in fiction); if you can get this one off the bat, kudos to you; if not, there's a hint later in this post (though not marked as such and buried)

Captain Holly Goodhead

Default alignment: good

Lynda Lee

Chief medial officer. Default alignment: good

Commodore Zeke

Fleet security officer. Default alignment: neutral
Another good reference. May have an evil clone named Zuke (ok not really)...

Cyrus Ramsey

Chief engineer. Default alignment: neutral

Miranda Frost

First officer. Default alignment: neutral

Charles Vincent

First officer. Default alignment: neutral

Captain Milton Bombay

Default alignment: good

Commander Blanco

First officer. Default alignment: neutral or evil (haven't decided yet)

No name yet (Altrean cyborg civ)

Civ can spawn similar to Archeron in FFH. Default alignment: evil or neutral (likely evil)


Same as in FFH. His pedia entry will have the dystopic fate of Erebus in it. Leader of focres brought by Ceridwen. Default alignment: evil
I was going to have Ceridwen lead herself, but I don't think I can get a picture to do her justice.

Apologies if people don't want leader images from Star Trek: Enterprise (though the Borg image is from Voyager); I wanted a consistent uniform set that I was familiar with and fit with the level of technology I'm going for. PS: A couple of these are photoshoped (with regards to rank; a third was done via clever cropping).

This is a work in progress; feedback welcome; I need to flesh it out and come up with a tree of some kind; unit and building suggestions and how they fit in with the tech is also very welcome.
-Sonic Ray Gun (SN Portable Dog Killer)
-Terraforming (can create dirt)
-Genetic Engineering (create plains on dirt)
-Genetically Modified Grain (create grain resources with gold on plains)
-Cloning (create animal resources with gold on plains)
-Mind Control (easier if with Ceridwen)
-Prozium - precurser to mind control?
-Astro-Extraction (resources)
-Astrobiology (lead to Terraforming, Genetic Engineering)
-Teleporation (needs Unified Theory)
-Antimatter Torpedo (nuke)
-Wormhole Generation (req Unified Theory, Ceridwen)
-Quantum Torpedo (nuke, random effect)
-Phase Pulse
-Force fields
-Advanced Shielding
-Advanced Phase Pulse
-Molecular Assembly (factory or forge)
-Neural Imaging (lead to mind control)
-Neural Networking
-Temporal Mechanics (??)
-Gravimetrics (??)
-Holographic Imaging
-Nanophotonics (lead to holo/cloaking)
-Nanotechnology (too primitive? lead to nanophotonics)
-Advanced Robotics (??)
-Advanced Genetics (??)
-Shielding (Force Field)
-Cold Fusion (??)
-Biological Warfare (??)
-Advanced Shielding
-Future Tech
Any particular reason you have Dumbledore as Kylorin? I think having the guy who comes across looking like a hobo most of the time does Kylorin a diservice. Any potential to use Saruman as Kylorin? If Kylorin stayed corrupted by Cerdiwen he would look a bit more evil then Dumbledore.
I think this has great potential... I love the idea of a mod about a not-too-distant future Earth visiting alien planet...

...and one world from FFH lore allow to even more content, even if I think not to be strictly necessary...

I had but one question... why is Ceridwen the only FFH deity present? All others are dead? Is the planet in her Vault?

I think that it could be better/more original if any reference to FFH was removed... plot is already enough interesting as is.

OR if we had to have its lore, have it fully implemented and not only partially... so it could have all gods available to make pacts with - choosing your alignment and unique techs...

I think this could be boost up mod content and deep.

Anyway, it is an interesting project, good luck!
Any particular reason you have Dumbledore as Kylorin? I think having the guy who comes across looking like a hobo most of the time does Kylorin a diservice. Any potential to use Saruman as Kylorin? If Kylorin stayed corrupted by Cerdiwen he would look a bit more evil then Dumbledore.

Mainly because I use what I know, and it's a cool picture. Either of these could work:

The first does seem more in line with what I'm going for here.

I think this has great potential... I love the idea of a mod about a not-too-distant future Earth visiting alien planet...

...and one world from FFH lore allow to even more content, even if I think not to be strictly necessary...

I had but one question... why is Ceridwen the only FFH deity present? All others are dead? Is the planet in her Vault?

I think that it could be better/more original if any reference to FFH was removed... plot is already enough interesting as is.

OR if we had to have its lore, have it fully implemented and not only partially... so it could have all gods available to make pacts with - choosing your alignment and unique techs...

I think this could be boost up mod content and deep.

Anyway, it is an interesting project, good luck!

Perhaps I should clarify that our universe and the FFH universe are entirely separate (see Kael's writings on Ceridwen's vault in the Layers of Hell thread). Suffice to say, if you aren't Ceridwen, things probably didn't turn out too well for you in Erebus, and it doesn't matter if you're human, angel, god, or even The One.

Will be using alignment, but in this case it will be aligned with our morals rather than with positions in the godswar.
I did not figure out why gods or even the One could not survive Erebus but Ceridwen...

It's the creation of all of the gods before the Godswar itself, so it is not any of her exclusive...

Anything that would kill of the Gods and the One itself, should kill Ceridwen too so far.

More, if Erebus Universe is separated by ours, a travel to another galaxy is not enough to find it...

Anyway, I do love your project idea, only I would prefere more lore deep, if we had to have one.

OR even better, making this completely independant from FFH: a future Terran space expedition wrecking on a planet in which they have to survive is quiet sufficient as ambientation and has few to do with FFH.

I would like to see this like Dune Wars project, with a strong Terraforming focus, but all new original lore.

Btw, this is only my wishes list, these are only suggestions.
Who said anything about going to Erebus? Ceridwen's coming here. Her vault can be used to travel to other universes, even though not created by The One of the gods.

Also, I've always thought that Ceridwen is the true leader of the rebellion and that Agares is just a figurehead. Plus this is set well after the apocalypse. I haven't fully written everything yet, but basically Ceridwen takes over and our universe manages to draw her attention due to dimensional experiments here. May be a good idea to fork it to a separate scenario, but we'll see how it goes.
Now you are a bit more clear.

Because the statement "it is in line with FFH lore" Could be misunderstood...

Anyway, about Ceridwen role it is your impression, Lore is clear about that. That' s not the point here anyway.

The idea is pretty good as I've said, even if I don't think necessary to use FFH content here, but that' s upon you, I only give my feedback.

I hope this will come to life well and can play it. I'm a fan of ST:E and just the material would be worth... ;)

Is it possible to have a terraforming victory? (just like Dune Wars, Mars Now...)
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