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Rise in Gay suicides in Bachmann's district


Social Justice Rogue
Dec 4, 2003
On the internet
Here's the article, I am however quoting the most important parts of it, so it's heavily abridged:

The district maintained a comprehensive five-page anti-bullying policy, and held diversity trainings on racial and gender sensitivity. Yet when it came to Brittany's harassment, school officials usually told her to ignore it, always glossing over the sexually charged insults. Like the time Brittany had complained about being called a "fat dyke": The school's principal, looking pained, had suggested Brittany prepare herself for the next round of teasing with snappy comebacks – "I can lose the weight, but you're stuck with your ugly face" – never acknowledging she had been called a "dyke." As though that part was OK. As though the fact that Brittany was bisexual made her fair game.

Religious conservatives have called GSAs [Gay-Straight Alliance clubs] "sex clubs," and sure enough, the local religious right loudly objected to them. "This is an assault on moral standards," read one recent letter to the community paper. "Let's stop this dangerous nonsense before it's too late and more young boys and girls are encouraged to 'come out' and practice their 'gayness' right in their own school's homosexual club."

Against this supercharged backdrop, the Anoka-Hennepin school district finds itself in the spotlight not only for the sheer number of suicides but because it is accused of having contributed to the death toll by cultivating an extreme anti-gay climate. "LGBTQ students don't feel safe at school. They're made to feel ashamed of who they are. They're bullied. And there's no one to stand up for them, because teachers are afraid of being fired."

For years, the area has also bred a deep strain of religious conservatism. At churches like First Baptist Church of Anoka, parishioners believe that homosexuality is a form of mental illness caused by family dysfunction, childhood trauma and exposure to pornography – a perversion curable through intensive therapy. It's a point of view shared by their congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who has called homosexuality a form of "sexual dysfunction" that amounts to "personal enslavement." In 1993, Bachmann, a proponent of school prayer and creationism, co-founded the New Heights charter school in the town of Stillwater, only to flee the board amid an outcry that the school was promoting a religious curriculum. Bachmann also is affiliated with the ultraright Minnesota Family Council, headlining a fundraiser for them last spring alongside Newt Gingrich.

Anderson is a former district Spanish teacher and a longtime researcher for the MFC who's been fighting gay influence in local schools for two decades, ever since she discovered that her nephew's health class was teaching homosexuality as normal. "That really got me on a journey," she said in a radio interview. When the Anoka-Hennepin district's sex-ed curriculum came up for re-evaluation in 1994, Anderson and four like-minded parents managed to get on the review committee. They argued that any form of gay tolerance in school is actually an insidious means of promoting homosexuality – that openly discussing the matter would encourage kids to try it, turning straight kids gay.

The summer before Justin Aaberg started at Anoka High School, his mother asked, "So, are you sure you're gay?"

Justin, a slim, shy 14-year-old who carefully swept his blond bangs to the side like his namesake, Bieber, studied his mom's face. "I'm pretty sure I'm gay," he answered softly, then abruptly changed his mind. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait!" he shouted – out of character for the quiet boy – "I'm positive. I am gay," Justin proclaimed.

"OK." Tammy Aaberg nodded. "So. Just because you can't get him pregnant doesn't mean you don't use protection." She proceeded to lecture her son about safe sex while Justin turned bright red and beamed. Embarrassing as it was to get a sex talk from his mom, her easy affirmation of Justin's orientation seemed like a promising sign as he stood on the brink of high school. Justin was more than ready to turn the corner on the horrors of middle school – especially on his just-finished eighth-grade year, when Justin had come out as gay to a few friends, yet word had instantly spread, making him a pariah. In the hall one day, a popular jock had grabbed Justin by the balls and squeezed, sneering, "You like that, don't you?" That assault had so humiliated and frightened Justin that he'd burst out crying, but he never reported any of his harassment.

It had been a hard day: the annual "Day of Truth" had been held at school, an evangelical event then-sponsored by the anti-gay ministry Exodus International, whose mission is to usher gays back to wholeness and "victory in Christ" by converting them to heterosexuality. Day of Truth has been a font of controversy that has bounced in and out of the courts; its legality was affirmed last March, when a federal appeals court ruled that two Naperville, Illinois, high school students' Day of Truth T-shirts reading BE HAPPY, NOT GAY were protected by their First Amendment rights. (However, the event, now sponsored by Focus on the Family, has been renamed "Day of Dialogue.") Local churches had been touting the program, and students had obediently shown up at Anoka High School wearing day of truth T-shirts, preaching in the halls about the sin of homosexuality. Justin wanted to brush them off, but was troubled by their proselytizing. Secretly, he had begun to worry that maybe he was an abomination, like the Bible said.

Though some members of the Anoka-Hennepin school board had been appalled by "No Homo Promo" since its passage 14 years earlier, it wasn't until 2009 that the board brought the policy up for review, after a student named Alex Merritt filed a complaint with the state Department of Human Rights claiming he'd been gay-bashed by two of his teachers during high school; according to the complaint, the teachers had announced in front of students that Merritt, who is straight, "swings both ways," speculated that he wore women's clothing, and compared him to a Wisconsin man who had sex with a dead deer. The teachers denied the charges, but the school district paid $25,000 to settle the complaint. Soon representatives from the gay-rights group Outfront Minnesota began making inquiries at board meetings. "No Homo Promo" was starting to look like a risky policy.

Anti-gay backlash was instant. Minnesota Family Council president Tom Prichard blogged that Justin's suicide could only be blamed upon one thing: his gayness. "Youth who embrace homosexuality are at greater risk [of suicide], because they've embraced an unhealthy sexual identity and lifestyle," Prichard wrote. Anoka-Hennepin conservatives formally organized into the Parents Action League, declaring opposition to the "radical homosexual" agenda in schools. Its stated goals, advertised on its website, included promoting Day of Truth, providing resources for students "seeking to leave the homosexual lifestyle," supporting the neutrality policy and targeting "pro-gay activist teachers who fail to abide by district policies."

This is pretty disgusting; A combination of bullying and pressure from homophobic organisations (churches etc) have lead to an increase in suicide rates of LGBT youth (9teenage suicides in a space of two years!).

The message preached by the various churches eventually lead to bullies adopting it, and using it against anyone they percieved to be gay. It's pretty telling that the same bullies started preaching that homosexuality is a sin.

The most disturbing part is how the churches view homosexuality as being akin to a mental illness. Even more disturbing is that religious groups blamed the kids' gayness for their suicides, ignoring the bullying that went on or the culture they pushed which fostered the bullying.

It's not asking for "More rights" not to be treated like scum, it's not being "uppity" to ask to not be mistreated. Bullying isn't okay, regardless if you believe it's a "natural" part of childhood, especially when it leads to people killing themselves.

The negative message that the churches and indeed the school preached, lead to to LGBT youth believing that they as human beings are lesser creatures, and when confronted with their sexuality this message most likely pushed them over the edge.

This is a prime example of how the "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin" doesn't work, because people use it as an excuse to attack groups that they dislike.
It's neither random nor a rant just because you don't understand, or agree with, something.

Threads on CivFanatics Off-Topic board are meant for discussions. The OP is not set up for discussion but to complain about the way something is; it is a rant. There is a thread for such posts where people vent their frustration and it is called "Random Rants". This is whether I understand or agree with the opening post or not.
They've heard that Bachmann quit her race and they're severely depressed.
Here's the article, I am however quoting the most important parts of it, so it's heavily abridged:

This is pretty disgusting; A combination of bullying and pressure from homophobic organisations (churches etc) have lead to an increase in suicide rates of LGBT youth (9teenage suicides in a space of two years!).

The message preached by the various churches eventually lead to bullies adopting it, and using it against anyone they percieved to be gay. It's pretty telling that the same bullies started preaching that homosexuality is a sin.

The most disturbing part is how the churches view homosexuality as being akin to a mental illness. Even more disturbing is that religious groups blamed the kids' gayness for their suicides, ignoring the bullying that went on or the culture they pushed which fostered the bullying.

It's not asking for "More rights" not to be treated like scum, it's not being "uppity" to ask to not be mistreated. Bullying isn't okay, regardless if you believe it's a "natural" part of childhood, especially when it leads to people killing themselves.

The negative message that the churches and indeed the school preached, lead to to LGBT youth believing that they as human beings are lesser creatures, and when confronted with their sexuality this message most likely pushed them over the edge.

This is a prime example of how the "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin" doesn't work, because people use it as an excuse to attack groups that they dislike.

The problem is that suicide rates among Homosexuals in places where it is acceptable is just as high. In the Scandinavia region and other places we still see suicide rates higher that the rest of the population. So the problem is not unique to that district.
I am pretty sure that this is a case of inappropriate behavior.

When confronted with sin its not our job to bully someone into changing. We do not live in a theocracy. Fundamental the difference between the law of the Old Testement where the Temple Priests administered the law and the principals laid down by Jesus in a time when secular authority (Rome) administered the law.

I think a believer should always maintain a good testimony and observe also the requirement to stand apart from sin. This neither offers the duty nor right to impose upon others.

My son's sin does not relieve my status as a parent nor the burden involved. But it certainly inpacts the joy and fullness of it.

Hate sin but love the sinner is the only approach unless you are prepared to embrace sin. In which case your opinion on the matter does not count.
Yeah, i.e. the sort of small-scale discussion Random Rants is made for. It's just going to be a circle-jerk of people agreeing that it's bad. I agree that it's bad. It doesn't matter that this is an emotive rant, a serious rant and a political rant. It's still a rant.

EDIT: x-post with classical hero and Mister Cooper
This isn't a "Rant", it's bringing attention to an issue that some would deny even exists Virote.
This isn't a "Rant", it's bring attention to an issue that some would deny even exists Virote.

So the discussion is supposed to be whether homosexuals are pressured into killing themselves or not?

I think that's a pretty clear-cut "that is true", and again, the rest of the discussion would centre around the "it's bad" circle-jerk and people retconing that idea within the scope of their political niche.
So the discussion is supposed to be whether homosexuals are pressured into killing themselves or not?

I think that's a pretty clear-cut "that is true", and again, the rest of the discussion would centre around the "it's bad" circle-jerk and people retconing that idea within the scope of their political niche.

I completely agree that if people are dying, the most important issue is how we categorise the subsequent discussion.
I think I see the roots of the problem.

Meh. If revealed that our son is a murderer, my wife and I might gather to discuss how we should relate to him. And share opinions.

But to give weight in the balance to the preference of the murderer? How would you like to be treated? No.
Meh. If revealed that our son is a murderer, my wife and I might gather to discuss how we should relate to him. And share opinions.

But to give weight in the balance to the preference of the murderer? How would you like to be treated? No.

Either you see equivalence between being gay and being a murderer, or this post of yours was pointless and irrelevant.
This is about as hard-fact-based as the dental industry causing people to commit suicide.
While I'm personally not an advocate of the LGBT lifestyle, bashing and bullying are unacceptable in America today and ought to be resisted and stopped. It is especially heinous when school officials abuse or absent their authority.

I have to agree with useless that this is not a rant - it is a serious issue, involving the mental health and even suicides of our children, and must be publicly addressed.
While I'm personally not an advocate of the LGBT lifestyle, bashing and bullying are unacceptable in America today and ought to be resisted and stopped. It is especially heinous when school officials abuse or absent their authority.

I have to agree with useless that this is not a rant - it is a serious issue, involving the mental health and even suicides of our children, and must be publicly addressed.

Are you saying that bashing and bullying was acceptable in America in the past?

Or that the abuse of authority has been recently discovered?

The entire issue is simply become politicized by the left in another phase of the slow frog boiling erosion of liberty.

This is the method of the truely heinous, political repression through political correctness seeks to bash and bully society into silence, smothering our rights of speech and limiting further the range of freedom of personal choice.

Bullying, you might be surprised, is eternal and will endure, perhaps long past the point that good men still have the courage to speak out against propaganda and tyranical nannyism.
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