Succession Game - Hot Culture Day

Something popped out today, unfortunately i won't be able to play, so i will play my turns tommorrow around 4pm GMT+1
Ok, i played, here is how it went.

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Turn 79 - Pressing Enter.
Turn 80 - We get Horses. I set the Worker to bould a farm 1E fo Bombay. Scouting Alex with a Warrior.
Turn 81 - Missionary done, i leave Delhi unguarded for 3 turns, then we get a Chariot to defend it, because i use the Warrior to escort the Missionar.
Turn 82 - Scouting Alex and moving the Missionar.
Turn 83 - Scouting Alex.
Turn 84 - Archery done, i go for Sailing (Lighthouse in Bombay). Delhi done with Chariot, now going onto Granary. Bombay done with Granary, now building an Archer. Revolt to Caste System. Running 2 Scientists in Bombay.
Turn 85 - Farm done, building Cottage. Marble city Worker going for Copper.
Turn 86 - The Great Lighthouse has been build in far away land. Getting the Quarry on Marble with another Worker.
Turn 87 - We get Gold, which makes opur economy a little bit better.
Turn 88 - Delhi finished Granary,now doing Barracks. Bombay done with Archer, putting some shields in Barracks, till Sailing(2 turns) is done.
Turn 89 - Cottage is done, Bombay working the tile, now set him to connect unconnected Cows.
Turn 90 - Sailing comes in, i go for IW. I pause Barracks in Bombay and start on Lighthouse. Also, scouting Warrior on south has found more Roman borders east of MC.
Turn 91 - Barracks done, doing Temple of Artemis in Delhi. We are really poor in culture. Great Prophet is born, i add Great Artist specialist in Delhi. I use Great Prophet for Jewish shrine in Delhi. Worker done with connecting Cows, set him to boild a Farm on Rice.
Turn 92 - MC finishes Granary, building a Courthouse.
Turn 93 - Nothing.
Turn 94 - AC comes with the deal that we give gim Polythesim for IW, but we are 3 turns from IW ourselves, so i wasn't sure what to do, but i agreed the deal. I queue Aesthetics.

I know i lack the pictures, but this was made in hurry and i have horrible net here where i am on my vacation. Sorry once again.

Save is here.
I got the save but can't play right now. Probably I will play and post tommorow.
So i took a look at the save. We need to settle some more cities fast or the others will. Also Delhi and Bombay are unhappy with no state religion. Temple of Artemis is due in 28 turns but marble will be hooked up in 2 turns. Great Scientist in Bombay in 7 turns.

I tried to make some dot-maps for our future cities and I need your opinions.

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Ivory will solve the problem of happiness, at least until cities grow. So, we need more happiness resources, but i would move the green dot a little bit east so we get the second Gems too. But, before that, i would go for red dot, because of Stone.

About the Black Dot... Hmmm, I'm not sure. Well, Delhi will get Iron if we increase it's culture, maybe with an Artist, so I am against Black Dot, especially because most around it is desert, so it would be a total crappy city settled there just because of Iron, which we will get with an Artist in Delhi sooner rather than later (we will most probably get an Artist because last GP was Prophet, and chances are 50%-50%).

And finally, Yellow Dot, some Clams, maybe Fish a little bit further in the sea, nice spot.

My priorities would be:
1. Red Dot - Stone - Double production speed of some wonders
2. Green Dot but 1NW of the second Gems - 2 Gems - +2:)
3. Yellow Dot - This is the last choice because it is much less likely that someone will settle around there, that far from rest of his cities.
4. Black Dot - I think it is just spending more money on a city for nothing. Our economy is already bad enough.

Oh, and BTW, i think we need to replace some Farms with Cottages, especially on Grasslands near Fresh Water. We don't need cities growing any more (Well, MC needs to grow, but we should stop growth of Delhi and Bombay by running some specialists) till we hook some more happiness resources.

EDIT: @Shearer9 - Noted, we will skip you this time if we get to you before August 12th
I think we will eventually have to go to war to grab some good city sites. We want at least 9 cities in order to build cathedrals in the 3 we aim for legendary.
The indians have been very naughty lately so i tought it was time to teach them a lesson.

I revolted to Slavery and whiped away the unhappy citizens.

I whiped the Lighthouse in Bombay and a Jewish Temple in Delhi

Turn 95:
After the Lighthouse I queued a Settler in Bombay to grab the red spot.
The marble is connected. The Temple of Artemis will be done in 13 turns in Delhi

Turn 96
I send one of our Fast Workers to camp the elephants for extra :)

Turn 97
Augustus converts to Hinduism.
Our Jewish Missionary is succesful at spreading Judaism in Athens.
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Turn 98
Alexander converts to Judaism and is now Annoyed towards Augustus.

Turn 99
Some barbarian activity near Marble City and i whip a Chariot just to be safe. Only a Warrior was defending it.
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I convert back to Caste System. Now running 2 Scientist in Bombay. Great Scientist in 7 turns.

Turn 100
Barbarians are aproaching Marble City's marble.
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Our chariot kills one with 3 strength left. The courthouse will be finished in 7 turns in Marble City

Turn 101
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We are the 2nd most advanced civilization in the world.
More barbarians and a barbarian city to our north.
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Turn 102
More barbarian activity east of Delhi. I pull back our newly promoted Chariot for defense purpose.
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Turn 103
More barbarians. I'm getting sick of them.

Turn 104
The barbarians have entered our borders east of Delhi. i put the wounded Chariot in Delhi to heal and send the other one to deal with them.
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Turn 105
Settler finished in Bombay. I send him along with an archer to grab red spot.
Library next in queue.
Courthouse finished in Marble City. We need more military so i put a Chariot next.
I assign 2 artists in Delhi.

Turn 106
Alexander comes up with this.
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I decide to turn him down. We don't want to make Augustus angry and get those Praetorians on our backs. We are a bit low on power.
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The Temple of Artemis is ours. We are now running at 80% science with +5gpt.
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Albert Einstein is born and he will bulb Mathematics for now.

The barbarians east of Delhi attacked the American Warrior wandering in our land and he gained combat 2. There are still more coming
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Aesthetics will be done in one turn so i put an axeman for one turn in Delhi

Turn 107
Arth for arth's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of the truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for.
- George Sand
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I queue Literature next, due in 7 turns.
I queue The Parthenon in Delhi, due in 12 turns
While our Chariot was busy dealing with barbarians near Delhi, one sneaked and destroyed our copper mine near Marble City. The Chariot there will be done in 3 turns.

Turn 108
The Piramids were built in a distant land.

Turn 109
The barbarian that pillaged our copper was destroyed by a defending warrior that i pulled back. I send a fast worker (i love these, got from near Delhi to the copper in one turn.) to mine to copper.

Turn 110
Chariot finished in Marble City. Just in time, a barbarian Axeman is near our marble. I queue another Chariot.
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And here is the save.

I think i made those pictures too small.


  • BC-0125.CivBeyondSwordSave
    130.1 KB · Views: 110
Nice set.

Only one question: Why haven't you converted to Judaism to get a boost with Alex? It wouldn't make AC too mad, make a deal or two with him and he is ok, even though, if he wants that we cancel deals with Greece, and we don't, he could get on us with Praetorians, and we don't even have Axemans. I mean, we can train them (when we reconnect Copper) but we don't have them.

Oh, and i would only mention that there is no need to save gold, run 100% research as much as you can.

I don't know if you use this, but here it is; When a technology is around halfway done, try to decrease research for 10% and see if the number of turns changes. If it doesn't, try to decrease even more, and do that till number of turns changes, then put it back to when number of turns was unchanged (Hope you understand what i said:)). Sometimes you can make 10 gold just by decreasing research on 50% when there is just one more turn left, and you still research it in 1 turn as you would if you ran 100%, but you make some gold. It can be very useful.
You can do that to get some gold but that way you don't get so many beakers. Let's say a tect is 119/120 complete and you generate 20 beakers per turn. If you turn down research to about 10% (just a guess) you still complete it in one turn and get some gold. But if uou don't adjust the science slider 1 beaker will go towards completing the current tech and the other 19 towards the tech you choose next.
I haven't noticed that the unused beakers go towards next technology. Oh well, I still think running 100% as much as you can is the best choice, because money can't be used in many ways except upgrading units (which i do rarely, costs tons of gold), sometimes trading and drafting building or unit by using money (but only with Universal Suffrage).

BTW, White Dragon, will you take over or shall we skip you?
lurker's comment:
all unused beakers DO go towards the next tech, so you can run 100% science if you've got the gold. this was changed (along with production overflow) in civ4 to cut down on the unnecessary micromanagement.

I've found, though, that on the whole, binary science (either 0 or 100 per cent), at most, only saves you a turn on research.

and if you've missed out on upgrading CR3 maces to CR3 grennies or riflemen, you definitely need to try it.
I will be unavailable from 7 to 10 august. Going to seaside, yey!
lurker's comment: I've found, though, that on the whole, binary science (either 0 or 100 per cent), at most, only saves you a turn on research.

More lurker commentary:

I think there are several main reasons to do binary research:

1. Prevents truncating fractions of gold/commerce. Because gold and beakers (and culture--only from the slider?--and espionage) only come in whole numbers at the end of the day, most of the time running at something other than 100% gold or 100% research will lose a beaker or gold. This is only really relevant in the very early game, when 1 beaker can be 10% of your total research. If you get unlucky with huts, or don't have them, you can lose the ability to run at 100% research fairly quickly and binary research in this case prevents that beaker from being lost.

2. Leverages building modifiers. Most often this is done after researching a tech that enables a +% science building (writing, education, astronomy). After the tech comes in you can switch to 100% gold while building the building in your cities, and when a significant number of them are up (or the few that count in your big cities), run at 100% science using the gold saved in the few previous turns. Obviously this then gets the full benefit of the % modifier.

3. Gives flexibility in research path, mostly to react to AI research. I most often see this around alphabet. Especially on Monarch-Immortal difficulty or so it's usually a toss-up whether any AI's will have researched alpha by the time you could have. Usually if an AI does it's best to go somewhere else like Aesthetics to trade for Alpha, then broker both techs around to others. If you're not sure about what the AI are researching and don't want to overlap with them, doing you can turn off research until you have enough gold saved up to blast through to the next tech at 100% research, minimizing the chance that the AI finishes the tech you're researching while you're 1/2 way through.

4. A minor benefit, but it usually makes it more common to have gold on hand for random events! :D

But as Pholkhero states, there isn't a point any longer to micro-managing research to get you just barely to the next tech. All extra beakers will overflow.
Sorry, didn't notice the skip.

1.) Plan on building an academy in Delhi with Scientist.
2.) Bombay doesn't need a library. It needs farms to run more specialists. Plus, with all the food I think it would be a great worker/settler spam for the time being to save Delhi for wonders. I am going to put specialist back to work and build as many workers/settlers as I can. We have alot of unimproved land and need to REX to get as close to 9 cities as we can before they decent sites get taken.
3.) I plan on settling a site towads AC to prevent him from getting that great land, i.e tons of riverside flood plains & grassland, the iron, and the elephants. It is 1W of the peak. I does have some desert but the other great tiles make up for it.
4.) Why are we pasturing cows outside our BFC? We don't need the health. Plus, the Black Dot has not received approval.
5.) Regarding the green dot, having two gems will not give us two :). I would rather settle 1W of gems for gems, rice, horse, & settling on a plains hill. With CS we can chain farms make that a good production site or use the grassland for cottages, or make it a hybrid.
6.) We could build another city towards Rosy to take the 2nd gems and work the cow but it wouldn't be productive until CS, Biology & Communism. Then it would be a production powerhouse will all those workshoped plains.
7.) After Parthenon in Delhi we need an army for defense and spawn busting. Will spend the remainder of set building archers/Chariots/Axes. If we spawn bust the barb issues should go away.
8.) Am going to spread Judaism to AC then ask him to convert. I don't want the - diplo from him. Yes his land is crappy but the Praetorians are still BA and we have no defense.

Alot to try to accomplish in 15 turns but I am going to give it heck.

Please comment.
Since I haven't received and comments, I will be needing a swap or skip. Can't play now until Sunday/Monday. Sorry.
Sorry, i was coming back from my vacation, so i wasn't able to answer until now. Unfortunately, i don't have the time to comment, but I wouldn't skip you, we will wait.

Will comment tommorrow.
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