The Ancient Mediterranean MOD (TAM)

Nintendohomie, I had no problems with founding more cities in the game of your save file. I stopped the testgame after founding the 14th city (Brundisium) in 50 AD (the save file is attached to that post).

May be you got a victim of the settings in that scenario, as you are not allowed to found cities on all terrain. In the TAM 2.6 The Ancient Mediterranean biq you are especially not allowed to settle in forest, desert, tundra, swamp, mountain and volcanoe terrain and this is not documented well in the civilopedia.


  • Caesar of the Romans, 50 AD.SAV
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I just loaded it on my computer founded a new city and guess what... crash to desktop :/ could It be that I have a corrupted file of TAM????? Ive been considering doing a clean uninstall/ reinstall of civ 3 because many of my mods dont work or are outdated in some way...
Have you installed everything into the correct folder? Some scenarios can be installed to both the Conquests folder and the Scenarios folder, but not all.
yes everything installed correctly. its a shame because so many of these histrocial mods are so creative and ambitous, but ultimately broken and the civ 3 game is changed in large ways that to me arent fun, but this mod plays smooth as glass
Nintendohomie, what version of [civ3] are you using? Is it the CD version or the Steam one?


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I don't have the Steam version myself so I cannot guide you, but I remember that there have been problems with installing mods as if it were the regular CD version. You'd have to check the paths and locations.
I have found all mods that I have tried work fine on Steam version. There is almost no difference in installing. The directories are all the same, just it's under Steam's sub-directory (like to it being under Firaxis sub-directory, or 2K's). So it's not steam specifically, but either a problem with installation or some other game bug.
my navigation pathway is as follows: Steam>steamapps>common>Sid Meier's Civilization III complete>Conquests>Conquests>TAM 2.6
So it's not steam specifically, but either a problem with installation or some other game bug.
It is a specific compatibility problem between the Steam version and the Civ files in mods and player-designed scenarios. So it is about Steam, and it's not a bug per se.
... I agree that this sounds weird, but it´s Steam. :crazyeye: In my GoG version there are not such problems.
There is a need to edit at least one of the text files in the Civ folders to accommodate the differences between the Steam version and the version these were designed to work with. As Takhisis suggests, look up the differences in other thread(s) here - it's only a couple of lines iirc - and edit the text file(s) accordingly.
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This is a quote from elsewhere, when I was having problems getting Nathiri's Thelen Epres Mrel Nelthelrinae scenario to work (and I recommend that you try it out).
If you use the disc version, remember to edit the labels.txt otherwise it will appear out of order.
With the Steam MP update, a new label was added in the middle of the list between PING and Host. The label is 'Unknown'. It is not in the disc copies, so it needs to be removed when playing on a disc copy. I havent put 2 labels.txt files for an easy switch as of yet.
I hope it helps.
I love this mod. One thing I can't figure out is to access strategic ressources when they are located on a mountain in the early game.
For instance, iron or copper often appear on mountains and are useless cause you can't build a road there on this mod. Is there something I'm missing ?
I'll try and remember to check tomorrow when I'm back on Windows.
Still chugging along even if at a very slow pace. :)
For instance, iron or copper often appear on mountains and are useless cause you can't build a road there on this mod. Is there something I'm missing ?
I only played through TAM once, and not recently, but IIRC in this mod, Mountains are not set to be '[Completely] Impassable', only 'Impassable to Wheeled [units]' — just like in the epic-game.

However, this being a mod, it's possible that — unlike in the epic-game — your particular Civ's (starting?) Workers may have been given the 'Wheeled' flag, meaning that they will never be able to climb Mountains. If so, you might need to look through the 'Pedia to find out if any of your neighbouring Civs' Workers are non-Wheeled?

And then it may just be a matter of waiting/signing an ROP, and allowing them to do the job for you (you might also need to divert some of your forces towards protecting those talented foreign Workers from hostile marauders).

Other possibilities are that (your) Wheeled Workers can be upgraded to non-Wheeled Workers with a tech you haven't researched (yet); or that non-Wheeled Worker-units can only be enslaved during combat.

(While the epic-game uses the 'Slave' graphic for captured foreign Workers, and halves their speed, all the other unit-settings remain the same; however, there's no reason why a mod couldn't have a completely separate type of Worker-unit produced as the result of an enslavement).

Or finally, because TAM uses a preset map, it's also possible that those Mountains are intended to be eternally unroaded, and the resources are there simply to 'bait' the AI-Civs into Settling their towns in roughly the right historical spots.
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Update : I tried with a different civ to see if the problem was because the workers were "non wheeled", but same thing happened.
Also, the mountains still remain impassable after discovering few higher techs, so it seems it is meant that way...

This is strange cause I don't remember this issue when I was playing on PC. And the TAM mod also seemed to be better... I remember some very cool egyptian "Anubis" warriors, but they don't appear in my games now...

Let's blame it on the mac version : )
I haven't checked yet because my epic game's proceeding at epic speeds, but have you checked the units in the editor, waarzawa?
the "editor", you mean when you start a game and decide the settings ?
Yes I checked each civ special units. I don't know if what I remember is correct about those egyptian "anubis" units but it's not there.
No. The game has an editor. At least on Windows, now that I think of it.
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