The Ancient Mediterranean MOD (TAM)

I can't access this feature

waarzawa, I don´t have a Mac, but it seems that the Mac version is really lacking an editor:

On the other side it seems, that the Quintillus editor is working for a Mac, too. You can find it here:

In my eyes the Quintillus editor is much better than the standard C3C editor, as it can do settings, that are not possible with the standard editors, but the editor needs certain versions of Java to be installed.
Quitillus editor looks nice. Tried to install it today and as strange as it sounds, it completely messed up CivIII. Maybe because of Java ? No idea.
I got errors when launching the game and had to reinstall. I have now weird stuff happening like music and sounds playing while being disabled... I can still play, no big deal
Quitillus editor looks nice. Tried to install it today and as strange as it sounds, it completely messed up CivIII. Maybe because of Java ? No idea.
I got errors when launching the game and had to reinstall. I have now weird stuff happening like music and sounds playing while being disabled... I can still play, no big deal

waarzawa, you should inform Quintillus about these problems in the thread of his editor.
Quitillus editor looks nice. Tried to install it today and as strange as it sounds, it completely messed up CivIII. Maybe because of Java ? No idea.
I got errors when launching the game and had to reinstall. I have now weird stuff happening like music and sounds playing while being disabled... I can still play, no big deal
I believe that the latest version of Java which Quint's editor can use is "8."
Hi there.So i decided to re-install Civ 3 and i found out about TAM.I wanted to play with the dacians since i`m romanian, so i was really hyped about it.I got TAM, put the files in the correct folder and the game worked find.Until i wanted to build my 15th city.The second the animation starts for the settler the game just crashes.
Now i`ve never used any mods for my civ3.And i have no clue how to fix it.I`ve tried to look up the info but i could not find anything.
Using the 1.22 steam version, win10.
Any help would be appreciate it.Cheers.
MSGaBe, welcome at CFC! :band:[party]

When you are reading the last pages in this thread, you can see, that these crashes are defenitely a steam problem. Even in the Civ 3 tech forum, where you posted, too, there are several posts that are reporting about that steam problem. One thing, that is different between the steam version of Civ 3 Complete and all other normal working versions of Civ 3 Complete (including the GOG version), is the different labels text of the steam version, that is playing havoc with the texts of all normal Civ 3 mods and scenarios (over night the steam version added in the middle of the text a line "Unknown" into that text file).

Some civers, who reported crashes in building towns with the steam version could be helped by replacing the buggy labels text file with the normal labels text file that I have attached as a steam patch to my mods CCM2 and RARR. From some other civers I haven´t received a reply if it helped. The fixed labels text file is attached to this post.


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First of all thx for the fast reply and your time. I replaced the file , started the save but it crashed just like before.So i guess i`ll get the GoG game and try the mod on that version of the game. I will comeback with a reply after i install the GoG version.
Thx again.Cheers~
MSGaBe, it´s a pitty that this didn´t work for you. The Civ 3 Complete version of GOG is on sale all some weeks for currently € 1,29. Today it has the normal price of € 4,99.

You can post here a save file of the turn before your game is crashing and I will try if I can start this save game without a following crash (as I did it with another civer some posts ahead in this thread).
I`m installing the gog version as i type this.I have uploaded the save here :
I`ll come back later with some feedback on the situation.
p.s. : didn`t knew if the upload function of this board worked...since i was expectig a finish or a done , smtg like that ...
p.s.2: i installed the gog version , copied TAM in the game and my old save.Now i can build the new town and i get no crash, but everything moves like i have 5 fps at best. Started a new map , everything works fine.So i`m guessing there`s smtg wrong with my old save [ since it was a steam save ? i donno...]
So i`ll play some more tnight and come back with more info.
Cheers ~


  • Decebalus him Dacians, Spearman, 30 This deal will last until wa.rar
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So I am glad that it is working now for you with the GOG version and in this case I don´t have to test your save file.
Much fun with TAM (what is a great scenario). :)
Use the Shift key to speed things up in the AI's turn, I recommend.
Plain tile at 45,1 in the "Fertile Crescen"t map makes sea passage into eastern Black Sea impossible. Is this bug or feature? Strangely, coastal trade with Kolchis can be established despite of this.
Plain tile at 45,1 in the "Fertile Crescen"t map makes sea passage into eastern Black Sea impossible. Is this bug or feature? Strangely, coastal trade with Kolchis can be established despite of this.
There is always a trade off between geographic accuracy & playability. Probably this is done to encourage the player to create a city on that tile.
There might be an obvious answer to this, but where's the .biq file?
Files, plural.

Have you already successfully downloaded the mod-archive and installed it in .../[CivIII]/Conquests/Conquests/TAM/?

I can't remember if it's the case here (would have to check my installation when I get home), but modders often stick the .biqs inside the mod-folder itself, so having installed the TAM-folder, you might then have to move the .biqs up one level in the directory-tree.

Or did you mean that the links in Post 1 (or the "Download-resource" page) are now broken, making the most recent versions of the .biqs unavailable? If so, TAM has (also) been included on the "Civ3 Scenarios" DVD currently being prepared by @Quintillus:

Order yours today! ;)
Files, plural.

Have you already successfully downloaded the mod-archive and installed it in .../[CivIII]/Conquests/Conquests/TAM/?

I can't remember if it's the case here (would have to check my installation when I get home), but modders often stick the .biqs inside the mod-folder itself, so having installed the TAM-folder, you might then have to move the .biqs up one level in the directory-tree.

Or did you mean that the links in Post 1 (or the "Download-resource" page) are now broken, making the most recent versions of the .biqs unavailable? If so, TAM has (also) been included on the "Civ3 Scenarios" DVD currently being prepared by @Quintillus:

Order yours today! ;)
There are no .biq files in the folder that I just downloaded from the link.
And since that link is 12 years old, and people (seemingly) have been playing it since, I can't imagine it's not in there.
So I think I am really missing something - so that's why my question.
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There are no .biq files in the folder that I just downloaded from the link.
And since that link is 12 years old, and people (seemingly) have been playing it since, I can't imagine it's not in there.
So I think I am really missing something - so that's why my question.
It's a long time since I downloaded and installed my version of TAM, and I can't remember where I got it from, but the file I have in my 'civ3 mod-archives' folder appears to be a self-extracting archive (TAM_CIV3_C3C_v2.6B.exe), which contains the .biq files, plus the mod-folder itself (I looked inside it with 7zip).

So if you have a different file, I don't know where you'd go from here, sorry... :dunno:
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