The Deity Challenge Line-up #31 - Ottomans


Sep 13, 2013
QC, Canada
There is now a thread to express yourself if you have remarks and ideas:

Welcome to the Deity Challenge Line-up!

- The spreadsheet of all challenge finishers to date has been updated and is available here.
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This was a fortnightly event, but the schedule has changed and new games will now be posted every 10 days.

- All the games in this series are set to Deity difficulty.
- User civilizations, maps, and opponents change with each challenge, but the game speed is always set to Standard and the starting era is always Ancient.
- We try for a variety of starts
- This isn't a competition so there will be no predefined victory conditions.
- If you complete 5 challenges, your name will be added to the 'Top Finishers' list.

* We welcome all comments and write-ups and invite you to post screenshots of key moments and the moment of victory (if you are successful), but please use the spoiler tag if you post a picture, make a comment about which civs are in the game, or about wonders, or locations of ancient ruins, etc.

* In short, if it’s information you can only know by playing the game, don’t spoil it for others by divulging this information in the open. Thank you for your co-operation

New - For better view please put your results in bold letters so that the person that updates the spreadsheet can quickly see it.

DCL Game #31
You: Ottomans
Map Type:
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Starting Location:
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Settings: Quick combat/movement (turn it back on if you would like)
Everything else is set to default.
Game Version -
Downloadable Content: – G&K, BNW, Conquest of the New World Deluxe, Genghis Khan's Mongolia, Harold Bluetooth's Denmark, Isabella’s Spain and Pachacuti's Incan Empire, Kamehameha's Polynesian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon, Sejong The Great's Korea, Wonders of the Ancient World. The map packs are intentionally excluded.

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Game #1 20/06/14 The Zulu Pangaea
Game #2 04/07/14 America Continents
Game #3 18/07/14 Persia Continents
Game #4 01/08/14 Sweden Pangaea
Game #5 15/08/14 The Inca Pangaea
Game #6 29/08/14 Byzantium Continents
Game #7 12/09/14 Ethiopia Pangaea
Game #8 26/09/14 Mongolia Pangaea
Game #9 10/10/14 Rome Small Continents
Game #10 24/10/14 Polynesia Terra
Game #11 07/11/14 Morocco Pangaea
Game #12 21/11/14 The Maya Continents
Game #13 05/12/14 Indonesia Continents
Game #14 19/12/14 (Xmas Special) The Netherlands Small Continents
Game #15 19/12/14 (Xmas Special) Poland Pangaea
Game #16 02/01/15 China Pangaea
Game #17 16/01/15 Germany Pangaea
Game #18 23/01/15 OCC Babylon Continents
Game #19 02/02/15 Aztecs Pangea
Game #20 12/02/15 Spain Terra
Game #21 20/02/15 India Continents
Game #22 28/02/15 Brazil Pangea
Game #23 10/03/15 Huns Continents
Game #24 20/03/15 Arabia Pangea
Game #25 30/03/15 (April Fool's) Venice Pangea
Game #26 10/04/15 Celts Continents
Game #27 20/04/15 Danemark Pangea
Game #28 30/04/15 Russia Oval
Game #29 10/05/15 Carthage Small Continents
Game #30 20/05/15 Iroquois Pangea
Game #31 31/05/15 Ottomans Pangea

I hope you all enjoy the map!

If you want to share a map please send me a private message.

Please note that maps you wish to share MUST have map packs disabled, so those who do not have them can enjoy the challenge. To do this, you MUST go into the DLC option from the Main Menu and untick the options ‘Scrambled Nations’, ‘Explorers Map Pack’ and ‘Scrambled Continents’. You will need to do this EVERY TIME you start a new game, or just simply delete the map packs. I suggest you disable these map DLCs on steam directly. Steam will uninstall them, just reactivate them when you need them. Thanks.


  • DCL #31 - Ottomans.Civ5Save
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New DCL, nice.

Started the Hiawatha one last night and not feeling too good about my 80 first turns. Still wanna push it but i like this starting location a lot more. And even UAs from the ottomans are more fun. Let's pray coastal capital cities for every AI :D Would be a complete rampage.

From the look of it, i dont see no reason not to settle on spot, you're only missing one rock east. But any move to get it will either lose you a marble or the coastal start, the later being a terrible idea i guess. I'm thinking of spamming ships obviously, perhaps go liberty but i dont deal with it really well.
Is this an abandon the coast start? Or a Petra/Colossus coastal trading empire dream scenario?

Either way there will be some serious production potential in Istanbul :)
I love that start, it is a bit odd looking but lots of food and hills and 10 resources in range before checking for horses etc. Very cool =)
Lots of possibilities for doing fun stuff, even petra.
Or, it can be one epic battle for naval supremacy. I hope Austria are in the game :lol:
Is this an abandon the coast start? Or a Petra/Colossus coastal trading empire dream scenario?

Either way there will be some serious production potential in Istanbul :)

Petra and colossus :eek: Definitely worth the try !

Though more seriously, not sure Petra is worth the beelining loss on NC here. Especially when you can get food cargo ships running out faster. Colossus though would be guuuud
Turn 170 quit

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Oh it's not hard or anything, I just went impulsive Liberty, saw I won't really be able to expand much, so I burned the GE finisher on Petra in my expo. I then doodled around, and decided to take out Indonesia because I don't like that fat head. It turned into a stalemate really quickly because I'm lazy and I think I'm gonna do something else.

This is either a Honor map where you must trudge trough, or a Tradition turtling thing but Ottomans really aren't turtles, so, eh, not overly amusing to play with
to t100
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Since the map is Continents I can't convince myself to abandon the coast. We'll eat fish instead of silver and marble.

Opener was a little slow: scout -> scout -> worker -> warrior -> settler -> warrior -> settler -> settler. There was quite a bit of room here so the early units should help hold it.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who had barbarian issues. Many axemen spawneth, and I lost a scout and a warrior battling them. Focus on units means no Pantheon even with a fairly early Geneva quest -> someone out there is pushing religiosity. (Boudicca as it would turn out).

Culture went into Tradition here since the capital is coastal and has good growth. I think Liberty would be fine too -> there is room for 6 cities if you can forward settle the Spanish. I've got the Spanish religion (DF + Mosques + Useless stuff).

A late Petra is finished on t98 which is a nice bonus for Istanbul. Despite the slow start this game is picking up speed. I have 8 workers and wouldn't mind more. 1st food, 2nd mfg:

Either Frigates or Culture from here. Or Both.
T276 SV

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This was actually the 2nd backup plan :) 1st I quit after 70 turns liberty - I wanted to go domination (the plan was to have a decent navy to take advantage of the Ottoman bonus). I quit because I had archers ready to upgrade to CB and attack Spain but absolutely no gold . It looked really poor so I quit.

On my 2nd attempt I went a standard route to CV but since I did not get a single culture wonder (OK I got only Sistine) I decided to play SV.

It was slower than usual, I did not win WF and Spanish were annoying but despite that I had 3 solid friends, with 3 RA going on and the game was over.

I even had a religion - desert folklore, 15% growth, tithe and culture from temples.

Thanks for the map.



  • ottom_dcl_sun.jpg
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First one to finish this map :lol:

I'm replaying again, did a 4 city Tradition but a bit behind on everything so I might take another restart. I'm really giving it all to us the potencies of this particular civ
to 150

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I think peaceful culture is interesting on this map. There are many cultural city states and a culture heavy Polynesia here, so I think this calls for a full deep tech free CV. I'll even propose WF to help with extra Rationalism policies. This might be an error.

Added some lovely wonders: Sistine, Pisa, Globe, Uffizi and will work on Taj after the school. This is probably an Order game, and I might want to mix in some aggression later.

T265 Diplomatic Victory

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The start was pretty slow, due to heavy barbarian activity, some lack of food in the capital and the isolated start. I stole one worker from a city state and one from Isabella. I tried to take a second one from Isabella but she covered the front with warriors. She was also quite grumpy, and didn't want to peace out until turn 101 for some reason.

I found myself in a position where I was too behind in tech for a CV, Polynesia was far ahead of everyone and built most of the wonders before I could even get the required tech, so I chose to go for a Diplomatic Victory instead. I lost Forgotten Palace by two turns to them. I had scouted his capital, and thought it was going to be mine although he was already in the industrial era, but he built it in a different city.

Other than Spain and the Huns attacking me near the end, this game didn't really develop into anything in particular. I prioritized making gold and rigging city states for a while, and noone threatened the diplomatic victory. I could probably have had some late-game fun taking some cities, but decided to just secure the win instead.


t232 CV

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Fairly uneventful end game. Got all the wonders I wanted and filled up the artifact slots. Order 6, full Trad, full Aesthetics, Explo Opener, 1 short of full Rationalism.

t182 Plastics
t211 Internet
t216 NVC complete
t221 Airports
t228 Hubble :mischief: Hey, its a few tourism with cultural heritage sites.
t231 IG complete (saved a whole turn off the CV - I knew WF first is a mistake. I think. There just isn't room for 3 effective votes even in a slower CV.)


No seriously, that was very impressive. Did you beeline Optics for early lighthouses, did you feed the cap using caravans until you got to Optics, when did you finish NC, etc stuff like that
Yeah, Olodune, you should make an LP or some kind of detailed guide. Your times show incredible focus and game management.
Did you beeline Optics for early lighthouses, did you feed the cap using caravans until you got to Optics, when did you finish NC, etc stuff like that

Yeah, Olodune, you should make an LP or some kind of detailed guide.

Thanks, but I still don't plan on an LP any time soon. I'd say you wouldn't learn anything from me, but the truth is that I learn something from just about every LP I watch. I'm going to stick to the screens and text for now, but I'm certainly happy to debate actions, as always :) I'm still behind Acken in development speed and his LPs are excellent. My advice to improve play is to try and play the first 80 turns as slowly as possible since every little decision snowballs into the midgame.

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Optics: This was a close call, but I chose not to prioritize it here, since we also have good land tiles and plenty of room to expand to. I picked it up while Libraries were going up since Philo would have finished too early.

Caravan's to the cap early? Heck no. This is a cargo ship map. Sailing was prioritized and the timing worked out that Istanbul and Edirne could swap cargos on the same turn. This is before NC. The Petra caravan was used to prop up land locked Ankara all game long.

NC The NC was finished right around 90 which is slower than some, but pretty standard for me with a 4 city tradition opening. I think focusing on food infrastructure first is usually better.

Some miscellaneous other stuff:

- I did get an early culture ruin (but no pop or tech or faith). This means a monument can be skipped. With a Yerevan camp clear I think I finished tradition in the mid 80s.

- Spies were totally useless this game: I stole a very late Astro (t160 or so), and killed a single spy around 230. That's it. That meant not a single coup, and so most of my gold went to city states.

- I stole two workers from Spain by preemptively declaring, pillaging a copper mine, and waiting for the repair crew to show up. A late couple of thefts from Bucharest added two more.

- One of the most variable decisions is how to spend early gold. Here I bought a warrior, then food/lux tiles, and finally Samarkand at full cost.


This is a special capital, and almost certainly why Acken labelled this map as 'Easy-Medium' . We have mining luxuries and hills that don't need to be bought. That means settlers are easy to spam. Mining luxury starts are almost as powerful as Salt starts, provided there are growth tiles as well. I had plenty of GPT and the 4th city was founded in the early 50s. By the late game I could 2-turn Archaeologists from Istanbul which I don't recall being able to do before.

Manpanzee seems to like high production starts as well:

Hammers > Food early. This simple realization was responsible for one of the biggest jumps in my play ever.

I didnt finish this because I wasn't in the mood to sit in that zone start and just grow tall. I'm a big fan of stacking hammers in the cap, at least. By early-mid renaissance you get huge production and can finish build queues or pump out offense. I think it gives you a better musket/cannon attack and I like it better than rushing c-bow/x-bow.
I didnt finish this because I wasn't in the mood to sit in that zone start and just grow tall. I'm a big fan of stacking hammers in the cap, at least. By early-mid renaissance you get huge production and can finish build queues or pump out offense. I think it gives you a better musket/cannon attack and I like it better than rushing c-bow/x-bow.

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I think Frigates are an excellent option here as well. They won't clear the map but can do a lot of damage. I nearly went that route, but, I guess I was in the mood to sit in that zone and play in the sandbox :lol:
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