The Great DoC UHV v 1.11 challenge

Indonesia, 3000 BC, non SVN, Viceroy, Epic, virtual date 1736, winning date 1940, score 2730.

A rather straightforward game, settled in Indonesian islands only plus Guinea. I got 5 happiness resources in my cultural borders and traded other 5 from other civs. China was at no.1 largest population for long time, but i didn't worry because Mongols would bulldoze them before 1300. I could get virtual date much much earlier if i didn't wait too long with invading Asian Continent. Got Manila and Taiwan thanks to congress, dealt Dutch invaders with rifles, invaded Thais, southern independent Chinese cities and Korea (Vassalized). After this i got little problems with other civs, especially Europeas civs since Turkey rampaged through Europe.


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The OP was updated to post #361. Wessel V1 has replaced Hojsimpson for Babylonia 3000 BC. Rackham and NKN are both credited for England 3000 BC.
America, 600 AD, non SVN, Viceroy, Epic, winning date 1944, score 3300.

600 AD start is bit easier than 1700 AD since some civs are far behind at technology, which means easy conquering (although England got redcoats) and i could build all modern wonders uncontested. Started with independence war against England, France and Spain, captured all cities except Detroit (razed). Got Miami and Bridgetown with congress, vassalized Mexico and Colombia. With this 6 oil resources secured, invaded Arabian peninsula controlled by Turkey to get remaining 4 oil resources.


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I've bolded in the OP:
a) the words "Monarch" and "Normal", so that these victories are more clearly visible;
b) the reasons (score, winning date) why the victory was included in the OP.
I'm sorry to say it but to avoid confusion with the new difficulty levels, games on SVN revisions starting with 757 are not excepted. However, non SVN (1.11) and SVN 756 and before games are still excepted. I hope 1.12 will be released soon.
I'm surprised noone has submitted a 3000 BC Holy Rome yet ; I find this one quite fun to play since you never know where the shrine will be and where/if the palace will be anywhere.
Here is my latest win (already won that one several times but didn't keep the saves) :
- Holy Rome (3000 BC, no SVN)
- Emperor / Normal
- score : 7893
- finish : 1445 AD

A quick wonder check told me that Byzantium controlled both the Apostolic Palace and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre ; Christianism had probably been founded by Greece, which I quickly confirmed by opening borders and exploring byzantian territory : Christ had been born in Sparta (which is the longest city to reach in a conquest without a navy).

Research path : beeline for drama then printing press ; other techs don't matter.

Byzantium wasn't very stable, and so I declared war quite soon after checking they did not have many units.
A very fast siege took Byzantium around 1000 AD and they collapsed immediately, allowing for a then easy capture of the three cities they had in Greece ; my conquest was done in 1180 AD, by which time I also discovered Drama.

By the way a very weird thing happened : as expected the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was in Sparta, but the Apostolic Palace was in Durrës, which only had Orthodoxy in it. Apparently the holy city hadn't been relocated !

For the rest it was only a matter of building theaters everywhere and an Opera House in Budapest afterwards. Good management of the great people pool - I hadn't polluted it a single bit before buidling theaters in the three cities that would pop the artists - allowed for a very fast victory, just a few turns after I discovered Printing Press.


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An other one that nobody has submitted yet :
- Brazil (1700 AD, no SVN)
- Monarch / Normal
- score : 2353
- finish : 1950 AD (virtual win in 1945)

I revolted at start into universal suffrage and republic ; the first time around I had made the huge mistake to revolt into autocracy, which allows draft but forbids enslave :sad:

In 1700 AD start, noone has slaves which makes the first goal hard.
The crucial thing is to send units asap to colonize/conquer East Africa.
Sofala can be founded with the settler given at start, and two cities can be conquered (one portuguese colony and independant Muqdisho). Those cities also have the benefit to give the two missing pastures (one cow in Sofala and one horse in Muqdisho).
The other crucial thing is to grow pop as fast as possible in those cities and enslave efficiently : you need to get 10 slaves in a very short amount of time.
I got my 10th slave plantation in 1878.

Meanwhile I ran an engineer in 2 of my cities : great engineer is the most important gp with Brazil ; I'm not sure it's possible to win without at least one. My first great people to pop was indeed a GE, but my second one wasn't. It'll be ok if I'm not unlucky with the ai.

Beeline radio, rush Cristo with my GE, build Wembley in Sao Paulo (big production city).
I then got Biology, started working on forest preserves and National Park in Brasilia, where I would also build a Palace later.

Beeline for Plastics, then stop all research to be able to gold-rush the Dam asap : I rushed it just 2 turns before Germany would complete it !


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Khmer, 3000 BC, non SVN, Viceroy, Epic, Winning date 1345 AD, score 3913.

Another straightforward game, founded Bangkok and Hanoi. Pagan was already razed by Barbarians, so Hanoi get extra bananas. Indonesia declared war at me with their spawn which is foolish since archers aren't match for Elephants. Took Palembang and Jakarta and with those four cities first goal was reached. Researched Drama and in every cities two artists slots running. Got a Great Artist by researching Patronage first and other from Hanoi, unfortunately Bangkok spawned Great Prophet thanks to Angkor Wat. So i researched printing press to advance to renaissance which allows Great Artists give more culture with culture-bomb.


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Challenge set:

It is true, however in 600 AD Iran starts with no history of existing and collapsed Persia which might had a GP back in BCs. So one needs I think ~ 80 :gp: for the first GP on 600 AD start, vs ~ 160 :gp: for the first one on 3000 BC start.

Basically I challenge you to post any Monarch 3000 BC win before I :hatsoff::D

Challenge accepted:

Ok, let's do it. Iranians 3000BC, monarch, through Congo, UHV, SVN715.

Civilisation: Iran (through Congo)
Score (normalised): 3123 Ethelred the Unready
Winning date: t354 (1799AD)
Difficulty: Monrach
Gamespeed: Normal
Version: SVN 715
Scenario: 3000BC
Link: I AD-1802 Turn 355.CivBeyondSwordSave

Spoiler :

Starting situation:

End of the Arabiranian war:


Iranian empire:

Score (Ethelred :'():

Culture of Babil:

It has been said that Iran is impossible or extremely difficult in 3000BC. However, this post proves the opposite. It is my first attempt in 3000BC, so I continue to believe that Iranian game is balanced. The most difficult task for a new player is the culture, but exploiting the culture mechanics of DoC makes it moderately doable.

In 3000BC there will be many ancient wonders around, some ancient and classical civs will still be alive, and there will be more cities. This gives advantage to your foes, but it may also give advantage to you as well.

The strategy remains the same as of 600AD scenario, so I'll repeat it. However, I noticed some improvements, which I will attribute to Tigranes.

6 euro OBs: If you manage to OB Russia or Turkey send an explorer. Else you will be forced to send at least two spies. Make sure to OB the worst enemies after OB the rest. You will notice friendly euros and cautious euros. Friendly euros will OB with you without second thought, they are Poland, Netherlands, Vikings, England, Portugal, HRE and maybe Italy. Cautious euros wan't a pribe, contribute to their war effort or aborting Islam to make the desirable agreement.

In my previous strategy I discovered Optics to send a caravel instead of spies. Don't do it, you don't need it.

Conquests: You have to conquer Lahore, Delhi, Samarquand, Merv (if present) and Babylon/Bagdad to achieve the second goal. Start from Transoxians, it should be indepedent. If Mongols control it they should collapse after some turns, go to Northwestern India at first. Northwestern India means the core of Mughals. Go to conquer both their core cities and neglect the others. After they collapse you can satisfy your imperealistic apetite if you want. Last you have to conquer one more city: Babylon/ Bagdad. Ottomans or Arabs will control it and most of the times they will be strong, make sure to make peace with all other parties to focus solely in the city. Don't be afraid of their strength, they don't know how to use it, just make sure to use plenty of bombards.

In my game I was lucky that a big part of Arab army was in Gwadar, so I attcked them in the first move. They just cound't do anything.

Culture: The third goal needs more attention, it defines your tech path (Drama->Liberalism (Republic)->Steel) and the production of your most populous cities. In 600AD scenario you need to get 5 GAs. In the 3000BC you need 4, because Babylon will have already 4000 culture points, or it can reach it by 1800AD on its own.

Spawning all these artists means that you can't spawn any other great person, that you must build at least four theatres ASAP and start GA pointing early on.
Adopting Republic and Scholasticism (+75% GP birth rate) dosn't seem optional. Scholasticism will kill your economy (+1 maintainance per unit), so convert after the conquests if you can. This is around 1650AD. Moreover, DON'T use your great artists ASAP. Wait to enter the industrial era, this will give every great artists a surplus +800 culture points.

Some years before 1800AD you must have entered the industrial era, the earliest way to do so is discovering steel, and have accumulated the appropriate amount of great artists. Drive all the artists to your chosen city and order them to create their great works +4000 culture points per Great Artist.

Possible alternatives:

In the 3000BC scenario I played India completed Wat Preah Pisnulok (can hire artists in priest slots) in Varanassi. Moreover Varanassi was a very culturous city itsself. It migh have over 8000 culture points already. Third i had the Hinduist holy shrine. So conquering would be a good alternative strategy too.

3000BC games have some interesting weird moments. This game had the following:
Spoiler :

After the conquest of Lisboa Portuguese people installed in Greece and claimed to be the successor state of Greek empire.

The Abbasid caliphate spread Islam far and wide. So far as Korea!

Spoiler :

*Iranians had preset espionage modifiers. This is dangerous for human player's choices.
*An early version of city overflow bug seems present in the game :(

Civilisation: Mali
Score (normalised): 1359 Dan Quayle
Winning date: t140 1700AD
Difficulty: Viceroy
Gamespeed: Normal
Version: SVN 724
Scenario: 600AD
Link: Musa AD-1703 Turn 322.CivBeyondSwordSave

Spoiler :

Spain starting colonization.

Something buggy happens. This time instead of Moors it will be Mughals!

Pilgrim mission in Constantinopolis

The world at 1700AD

Mansa Musa when he sees his impact in history.

City placement.

Madrassah of Timbuktu Gao

In 72x SVN editions civs including Arabia are strong and durable. This is good, because Arabia will be your strongest ally in the game, and you want a civilised route to Mecca.

Strategy (pre gold):
You can separate the UHV in five goals:
*Pilgrimage to Mecca.
*Sankore University and its prophet.
*5000 gold in 1500AD
*Survive until 1700AD
*15000 gold in 1700AD.

At start convert to Theocracy (you need the double priest slot) and Organised Religion. +25% production is needed, especially while building the university. Discover fishing at first. Good starting positions are Goa (food, production), Oshonogo (ivory, production, resources) and Accra (crab: food and health). Founding Timbiktu instead of Goa will make the game somewhat more difficult, and if you are unlucky undoable.

At start you should flip a fast unit (mounted or impi). Send him to explore the sea route from Sefadu to Moors, open border with them, then follow the African mediterranean route to Arabs, open border them and try to get to Constantinopolis ASAP, before turkish spawn. Make sure to survive the seljuks. If you manage to reach Europe, you will have the opportunity to communicate with moderate euros like Poland and Vikings which means more trade routes.

The techs you really need are fishing, sailing, paper and maybe meditation. Fishing will give you access to the lake and the crab, sailing will give you access to trade routes and paper is required for the University. Buddhism is needed if Islam or any other religion doesn't spread at your cities. Calendar will give access to the cotton, but you don't really need it.

Pilgrimage to Mecca means you have to spawn a great merchant before 1290AD (and standing at Goa). Rush a market in Goa (or any other city you built in flood plains) and appoint to merchants. Moreover it is a good idea to build the route to Tarbulus. Try to do these moves ASAP, you don't have much time for the first goal.

Before starting building the Sankore university you should build the stone masonry, the mines and make sure that there is a religion present to Accra (or other food rich city). If it isn't you might need to discover meditation, rush a monastery, a missionary before starting building the university. Goa will work on great merchant and the university, while Accra will rush the temple. Theology gives you two slots for one temple, thus you can work on the great prophet. You should be able to finish the second goal at around 1450AD.

Osonogho should work on settlers and your defence. If you are lucky the starting army is enough. Else train only one elephant and try to survive. You should found Daloa (diamonds). A good idea is to found the cow city (your worker farm), Sefadu and Timbuktu. Generally, a large amount of cities will help you with accumulating gold at the last turns of your game.

At around 1400AD send a second explorer to Iran. If possible go to Mughals and other easterners.

At around 1450 AD you should have founded all your cities (about six cities), you should have at about 8 or more workers. Imrpove your land (mainly improve the resources) and start your golden age.

Cities should build market (+35% gold) and after that train units. Portoguese might demand Accra and you will face natives. Elaphants are the best units for defence in western Africa.

Strategy (gold):
You need 5000 gold in 1500AD and another 10000 in 1700AD.

Accumulating gold technics are the following:
*Pilgrimage to Mecca 2000 gold

*Zero research:
You need all the gold you produce. Research rate more than 0% is really risky. The first two ways will give the 5000 gold of 1500AD.

The following refer to the 15000 gold.

*5000 as of 1500AD. So you need only 10000 and you have 40 turns to achieve it.

*Pilmigrage to Konstantinopolis:
A great mercahnt produces 2000 gold per pilgrimage (trade mission in holy city), bu only the first time per holy city. It is undouptly the best way to accumulate gold, the only problem is how many great merchants you can spawn on time.

Sending more than one great merchant in Mecca (the nearest holy city) is almost undoable, so you will have to send the rest great merchants to Konstantinopolis (9 turns distance). The second nearest holy city is Siraz (10 turns). Accumulate all your great merchants and send them alltogether at 1645AD to Konstantinopolis.

You will be able to spawn one or teo more merchants (the luck depedent Goa and the deterministic Accra). Let's say you manage to spawn only one great merchant on time, this is 2000 gold.

The second most important gold resource are your tiles and mainly your luxury resources. At 1500 AD you should control at least five cities, and any city of these five should produce at least 25 gold solely from tiles. 1500AD to 1700AD are 40 turns. So 5*25*40=5000 gold from working tiles, without counting the trade routes, the mints and the markets.

*Trade routes:
Opening borders is vital to access trade routes. Every trade route is about 3,75 gold. You should control six cities, so 3.75 gold*(1+10%mint)*2routes er city*6 cities*40turns (1500AD to 1700AD))=2000gold

At this point you count 9000 gold. Only 1000 is left. The above calculations are subestimations, so you may not need for more. However, mind unexpected results (conquerors from nowhere, blocking of trade routes and plague), so you may need some more.

*Resource trade:
Resoucre trade should give you access to health resources mainly wheat and rice (+2 health instead of one due to granary). If you manage to have 20 gold income per turn at 1500AD, you will gain 20*20=400 gold from resource trade.

*Slave trade: If you are lukcy you will manage to get some slaves from defeated impis. Sell them to western euros, they will give 100 gold per slave. Others will give you only 12 per slave.

Possible alternatives:
*Colonise south Africa, mainly Sofala (on gold) and Zanzibar.

*A modern armor was born :crazyeye:

Civilisation: Thailand
Score (normalised): 2055 Dan Quayle
Winning date: t216 1900AD
Difficulty: Viceroy
Gamespeed: Normal
Version: SVN 724
Scenario: 600AD
Link: AD-1902 Turn 398.CivBeyondSwordSave

Spoiler :

Arabians are ready for colonisation.

Black death reaps at Papal states.

Thailand wins a historical victory.

The world at 1900AD (mind the absence of Spain and Colombia)

Dan Qayle again. The game doesn't forget the difficulty level.

The first two goals:
The first two goals are easy. Discover optics and send a caraval with an explorer to the old world. Send a second explorer to the west through land. In the latest SVN version there are plenty of friendly civs: Indonesia, Tibet, China, Mughals, Iran, Arabia, Byzantium, Poland, Vikings, England, Netherlands, Congo

The second goal means you have to occupy all the tiles of Ayutthaya's fat cross, emphasis on food, health and hapiness. You will many civs, so you will be able to trade for resources and techs, while open borders will give you trade routes. Astronomy will help you with that.

The third goal:
The big deal is winning the third goal. Thailand's production is laughable, techs will be expensive, you luck vital resources like Iron, Coal and Oil, and DPs will make your life harder.

So you need to canibalise Khmer and conquer the hindu/buddhist holy city. If you don't want to declare war at the owner then you may go for the tao/confu holy city. The choice is yours, but you really need these double shrines moneys. Conquering both doesn't make much difference, one holy city is enough to fund your research by 100%.

Production, workshop economy is the best (after winning the population goal). Make sure to adopt the right civics for this, guilds (workshops: +1:hammers:), industrialism (another one surplus :hammers:). Moreover, focus on unit production (theocracy, fanaticism, standing army, military academy) and experience (barracks, and maybe stables). Bangkok and Pataliputra are the best cities for workshop ecenomy. You may adopt absolutism to increase Bangkok's production. This way you will increase your unit production rate by about 200% and increase their efficiency by about 50%.

Before beginning a war you have to take into acount the DPs. Make sure to make the native powers of South Asia your allies. You can't afford controlling all cities in South Asia, you need them. Or at least make sure they won't become your enemies. I was unlucky with China, but at least I managed to get Indonesia and Mughals under my influence.

Colonise for strategic resources. Unfortunately everything else is worse. You can find iron at north australia (don't attack Indonesians, you need them). Horse isn't needed, you have elephants. Coal and oil may be optional. There is sea oil north of Sundapura, but it requires plastics. If you want to go for oil search it elsewhere. There is no coal in South Asia, but you can find it at New Zealand.

Portuguese and Spanish colonies (Malacca, Cantao and Manilla) can be acquired early and easy with chang sueks. Dutch colonies need grenadiers and cannons. Last but not least English are the most demanding, due to their UU. Discover artillery and let them advance their units to infantry, if you can do it. This will also help with the French colonisation, French will fight British instead of you.

If you play at normal speed you have to plan ahead, else you will run out of time.

Alternative strategies:
*Go and conquer China for production and the shrines, if you can win the war.
*Colonise! (Australia and Vancuver might be the best options).

Double city overflow bug! Quitu and Cordoba, after its spanish conquest. I was forced to enter WB and destroy Spain and Colombia, else I should fight against tanks and nukes at 1850AD.
Congo has slaves in 1700 AD.

In theory, yes.
In practice, they seldom do when you need them, which forces you to make your own.
I often find them to have slaves for trade after the deadline, which is oh so very useful...
And even when they do have slaves for trade before 1880, you can only usually get 1 or 2 max ( or have I been really unlucky in all my 1700 games ? )

Anyway new victory (one my favorite civs) :
- Netherlands (3000 BC, no SVN)
- Emperor / Normal
- score : 4620
- finish : 1772 AD

The Dutch are easy if you focus on military and the Trading Company exclusiveley, unless you're unlucky with diplomacy (and even then it's still possible).

Always conquer Portuguese colonies soon after they get astro, if possible.
Sometimes I find that they don't get their colonies with the discovery of astro, which is very weird, and can make the game harder by forcing you to attack Spain, France or England instead. Some defensive pacts can make life even harder.

Anyway I had no problem this game, conquering 4 portuguese colonies with barely more than the starting stack, also founding Winburg and one city in the Carribean to get access to the spice there later.


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Civilisation: Italy
Type: Historical
Winning date: t413 1932AD
Difficulty: Viceroy
Gamespeed: Normal
Version: SVN 752
Scenario: 600AD
Link: AD-1932 Turn 413.CivBeyondSwordSave

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You have to pop four to five great artists and build three wodners. It seems (and is) easy, the main opponent here is relaxing. Make sure to avoid this and make things sure. For example, start researching Banking and don't trade it before completing San Marco Bassilica. Assign only artist slots and avoid others as far as possible. Assign them ASAP. Don't except good luck in any case, even a 20% chance will make statistically one out of five great people to be something else. The tech tree is Banking->(buy literature or drama)->Music->Patronage->Philosophy.

The best way to play as Italy is crusades. Jerusalem and Makkah will give to their owners a large amount of money and thus research and advanced firearms. Let Arabia control them and then you must fight a strong Arabia. Let Ottomans control them and then you must fight a strong Turkey. Let indies control them and then fight super indies. Let yourself control them and crash all the others. Start the crusades ASAP. You can conduct them with trebuchets and pikes, although buying gunpowder will make it much easier.

Later expansion:
After controlling Jerusalem and Makkah you are free to expand at your wish. You will be able to fund 100% your research, so expand! It is a good idea to adopt standing army at first to avoid instability. However, don't postpone expansion, gradually building the New Rome is better than waiting untill Bersaglieri.

*No overflow bug! Playing at windows 7 instead of XP and my problems solved :D
Civilisation: Mexico (through Argentina)
Type: Historical
Winning date: t441 1961AD
Difficulty: Viceroy
Gamespeed: Normal
Version: SVN 752
Scenario: 600AD
Link: AD-1961 Turn 441.CivBeyondSwordSave

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Difference from previous versions:
The main differences are the catholic monastery at capital and prefounded Oaxaca. So you can train missionaries without changing civics anymore. One important thing you should have in mind, corporations create unhapiness and unhealthiness, so you have to be carefull.

Claiming Carrabean:
You need 12 catholic cities and you have only 6. I conquered Guatemala and Carrabean (except Roadtown) and New Orleans, 5 cities. I founded a city on bronze and now control 12 cities.

Claiming North America:
Aquring 3 great generals, the best way is conquering the rest of North America. USA have strong units to gain XP, the land has many resources including the valuable corns, wheets and rice (San Francisco area). I needed to conquer USA and South Canada in order to get all three generals.

The cereal company:
Irrigate the fat cross of Mexico city, discover corportion and biology, switch to free market, and the cereal company will come to Mexico city. Try to trade away resources of other companies, the only company that should be present to Mexico is cereal company, other companies will create unhapiness and unhealthiness. Discover Medicine too, you don't want plague to destroy your plans.
Civilisation: Russia
Type: Historical
Winning date: t392 1890AD
Difficulty: Viceroy
Gamespeed: Normal
Version: SVN 752 (it might also be 750)
Scenario: 600AD
Score: 3486
Link: AD-1890 Turn 392.CivBeyondSwordSave

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Difference from previous versions:
There aren't any main differences in Russian gameplay between v1.11 and SVN. Maybe the stability mechanics. One difference is the addition of some resources in black see, so it is productive to found a city there.

Prepairing for the Mongols:
Found Moskwa on spot, Saint Peterburg in the historical tile, Carycyn (on iron) and fur city on the north. Conquer Kiev and Kazan. 9 3XPed (barracks) knights against the Mongols are enough. You may need to train one or two more when they come. Just make sure to build plenty of roads, you need to eliminate them before reaching your cities and causing terror.

Siberian expansion:
Focus on developping the mainland population, big cities are really productive, then train settlers and cuisassiers to expand to the east. Try to reach pacific ocean, note that the transiberian railway must be inside your cultural borders. Discover military tradition, to build the Basil' Cathedral to Moscwa.

An enjoyable gameplay, discover communism become USSR. Then railroad and build the transiberian railway. Discover fussion (manhattan project) and then rocketry (apollon program). Big mainland cities can fund your research. I think it useful to be a fully capitalist democracy (republic, represention, capitalism, free market, secularism, standing army) to conduct the research, before switching to communism.

The weirdest in my opinion goal. I generally avoid gifting techs or supporting foreign civs, but if you want to gain the Russian UHV you must play more diplomatically. I avoided joining any war and DPs. This gave me a slight advantage. There will be many minor backyard civs (you should be in top three or five). Gift them communism and other techs and switch them to communism. Aquiring five communist brothers needs patience a lot of gifting and humility. Avoid English, their research rate is too high, if you gift them anything, they will beat you for sure.

The research rate was too damn high. In 1890AD, I wasn't even the tech leader and I almost lost the Manhattan project to the French! One explanation is the gifting I made.
Post #372 isn't an achievement.
Post #373 won't be accepted because you used WB.
Post #375 isn't an achievement, unless you post your score.
Arabia, 600 AD, non SVN, Viceroy, Epic, Virtual date 1220 AD, Winning date 1300 AD, score 10424.

When i played Arabia, i usually rushed attacks to get 40% Islam as soon possible. This resulted into a collapse or economic/technological backwardness from too much cities. This game however i changed strategies and resulted in best Arabia game from me so far.

At start found Mecca and some cities flip to me and Byzantines declared war at me. Normally i captured all Byzantine cities, this time however i didn't do it and signed peace. I also didn't attack Persia, instead i went to west and south. I captured Aksum, Benghazi and Tarabulus, and founded Kufah, Maqadishu and Zanibar (Tebriz after Sejluks). Until 1000 AD focus lies at economy, Makkah build wonders, Damascus and Baghdad whip Camel Archers. African cities beneath Egypt are useful because i can slave population to build more powerful slave-plantation (1 turn to build them!) instead normal plantations.

When Seljuks appeared, Byzantines foolishly declared war at me. After their cities was taken by Seljuks, i attacked weakened Seljuk army with minimal losses. After this i started expand quickly, capturing all former Byzantine cities and Budapest (gifted them to Holy Romans to convert them into Islam), Persia and Silk Road. I chose to attack Silk Road over India because at spawn of Mughals Islam start spread in India and other reason is turning Mongolia in a powerful Islamic ally.

Over time Moors became my vassal and i invaded Spanish peninsula. Both Spain and Portugal got wiped out, next was France who capitulated. All goals were reached at 1220 AD. At 1300 my army is currently attacking Italy, but they resisted more than i expected. At other side things went smoother with vassaling China and destruction of Korea by Mongols.


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