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The "OMG! Look what happened in DoC!" Thread

Yeah if you aren't going for a historical victory and don't settle Paris, France can get some absurd core pop and fit in like 7 cities
I thought by this time (1773) Milanese Full-plate armor was only used in ceremonies - but no, the Germans use it in battle as well.
Choose your fighter! Ottomans vs Mongols. Let the battle begin! Who won, what do you think?

Spoiler And the winner is... :

West)) Mongols tried to crush Ottomans in forest, but coz unsuccessful, and retreated behind the walls. Ottomans took Constantinople, but lost Konya (it's take some time). Ottomans lost a lot of their armies.Then they was heading to Belgrad, Poland declared war to them. And so i did. And then i declared Crusade. And French with Spain come, with big armies. Well, The Ottomans' empire was torn into a patchwork quilt
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When Mongolia collapsed apparently Economics went down with it lol. I don't care if this isn't intended, I think it should stay this way.
How are you stable with such overextension?
Ooooh I wanna take a stab at guessing: I think the key is the Expansion penalty being capped at -25. This allows perpetual Economic growth, just to name one big positive factor, that will only get steeper as the tech tree is progressed. And since @banzay13 has the whole dang hemisphere, the sliders and production can be leveraged toward Stablity-favoring ends; furthermore the absence of rivals or other pressures (in terms of his personal goals) allow running "Stable" civic combos at the cost of other various benefits (Hmmm I just saw Republic - not as confident in my last statement). The green and yellow Smiley faces indicate he's been investing in diplomacy so there's another Stab column in the positive.

BUT, for all we know the whole thing collapsed 5 turns later! 👺

How did I do??? (NGL im curious to see the save please!)
Ooooh I wanna take a stab at guessing: I think the key is the Expansion penalty being capped at -25. This allows perpetual Economic growth, just to name one big positive factor, that will only get steeper as the tech tree is progressed. And since @banzay13 has the whole dang hemisphere, the sliders and production can be leveraged toward Stablity-favoring ends; furthermore the absence of rivals or other pressures (in terms of his personal goals) allow running "Stable" civic combos at the cost of other various benefits (Hmmm I just saw Republic - not as confident in my last statement). The green and yellow Smiley faces indicate he's been investing in diplomacy so there's another Stab column in the positive.

BUT, for all we know the whole thing collapsed 5 turns later! 👺

How did I do??? (NGL im curious to see the save please!)
I'm still running Democracy with Constitution, but probably will switch to Totalitarism, SP and CP (+17 Domestic stability, instead 14 from Democracy, Theocracy for Pagan religion, dont let you better choice. So you get 24-17=7, what could be cape with Foreign stability), or maybe Republic, so capital could grow to 45 pop (i settle a lot of GM), but probably it will be not enough for expansion stability and you'll get penalty from outdate civic, so... not sure). And I'm in GA, and will launch GA with 2 GP, and then GA from Lunar landing (i hope so, coz Russia a bit ahead). Only big economical problem could crush you. So you need just keep growing, imo. Where some room left to settle|capture in both Americas and Caribbean. Or you can go and get some more vassals (easiest way)))) Another way - release some cites to Inca, but they could collapse from OE.


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I'm still running Democracy with Constitution, but probably will switch to Totalitarism, SP and CP (+17 Domestic stability, instead 14 from Democracy, Theocracy for Pagan religion, dont let you better choice. So you get 24-17=7, what could be cape with Foreign stability), or maybe Republic, so capital could grow to 45 pop (i settle a lot of GM), but probably it will be not enough for expansion stability and you'll get penalty from outdate civic, so... not sure). And I'm in GA, and will launch GA with 2 GP, and then GA from Lunar landing (i hope so, coz Russia a bit ahead). Only big economical problem could crush you. So you need just keep growing, imo. Where some room left to settle|capture in both Americas and Caribbean. Or you can go and get some more vassals (easiest way)))) Another way - release some cites to Inca, but they could collapse from OE.
But why are you pagan? Roleplaying?
Catholic URV as Spain achieved on third try. Once I figured out the basic strategy it was quite easy, probably could have achieved a hundred years earlier if I was more aggressive militarily and knew some of the strats I adopted throughout the game.

0 - 8th place in history for uniting all mankind (except the Russians and Swedes) under Catholicism? Seems rather cruel.
1 - Pope and 12 Great Prophets are easy. 50% territory - not population - is the tough part. Probably better achieved by spamming random Africa and American settlements, but oh well.
2 - Who cares if the Germans take Paris. They're Catholic - it counts to the goal!
3 - Main thing stopping me was a giga-Tamils that controlled everything from Delhi to Sri Lanka. When they collapsed it was easy to just conquer all India in thirty turns.
4 - I decided early on there was little benefit actually vassalising France/Portugal. Portugal can colonise on its own even without Lisbon (which I sadly had to return in a Congress), Britain will colonise France's territory. I much preferred free tiles for my core and Paris as a production city to spam missionaries. By conquering Moors early I went on a speedrun in Europe, Moors-France-Portugal-Italy-England-Morocco by around 1500. Marrakesh is a good city too.
5 - Africa. Morocco vassalised briefly, but they collapsed quick. Mali was also a vassal, also collapsed. West African territory wasn't worth the effort and stability, maybe better than India though?
6 - Middle East. Vassal Turkey controlled Greece and Egypt, and for some very lucky reason AI founded Rafah (Suez) - might not have been so easy if it didn't. Turkey lost Greece and Egypt, but I'd put the effort in to convert them, so they spawned Catholic. But for a few hundred years control of Suez-Mecca-Sanaa was vital to get my ships from Cordoba to Asia.
7 - Asia. Conquered Indonesia, then Japan, then Korea, then Southeast Asia, then Tibet, then China. Got lucky because Ming spawned with ~6 arquebuisers per city, but they collapsed, leaving me independents and barbs to gobble up. At one point all of China and Japan were Catholic but Japan went secular for a while.
8 - Catholicism actually sat at around 50% influence most of the game. Probably peaked before Japan and Britain went secular.
9 - Stability was at Solid most of the game from Medieval Civics plus stable vassals. Expansion stability only collapsed after I conquered India and China, when I knew I could sprint for the goal.

The tricks learned:
* Early conquest. Took Barcelona with 1 swordsman lost. Then took Marseille and razed it with 1 swordsman lost before France even spawned. Went Conquest, built a small army without much siege and a few skirmishers, lots of Horse Archers to kill Moors in the field, took Cordoba by 1000. Built a little bigger army then took out France fairly easily. By the time you kill France, you have enough hammers that Portugal and Italy are light work. I wanted Holy Rome too but Turks conquered them, no luck. Built some cogs and vassalised England. Most conquering was done by bombards and heavy swordsmen, added Tercios later.
* Razed Marseille, Bordeaux and later the Italian Nizza in order to maximise tiles for core. Suffered expansion stability but who cares at that stage in the game. Founded Pamplona in the Renaissance to work French tiles for extra core pop. Turned off growth in all non-core and non-historic cities (later Paris and Bangkok growth turned on).
* No colonisation. Didn't build a single American colony. Catholic Portugal and England did all the work for me. Swedes and Poles took Aztec and Inca, both collapsed but fortunately spread Catholicism there for me. Make sure to grab circumnavigation for +3 movement on all vessels.
* Core expands in Renaissance. I rushed Firearms - no need for Exploration rush, Tercios were more important.
* Conquered Eastwards. Upgraded Cog fleet to Galleons, took Indonesia, then Japan, then Korea. Vassalising was very easy. Build Missionaries in sets of three, convert conquered cities, gift to vassals, diplo ask them to convert. Do this rigorously as many vassals have Theocracy so you must spread religion first.
* Run Theocracy. Buddhism, Islam and other pesky religions will naturally disappear. After you convert vassals, convert them to Theocracy. They will passively remove hostile religions, meaning when Civs respawn only Catholicism should be present.
* Barely touched Civics. Monarchy-Vassalage(later Constitution)-Manorialism-Regulated Trade-Theocracy-Tributaries the whole game. +20 Civic Stability until Industrial era.
* Economy dies at a certain point from excessive conquest. Realised I should have just built gold to spare cities (spare cities = less occupation timer = quicker to gift to vassals to convert them), (more gold = run culture = more land).
* Keep gold spare or trade for gold to ensure you can convert England/Japan to Theocracy if they go Secular. This strategy probably would have failed by the time other civs went secular, luckily I beat the clock (even at my own slow pace).
* Wonders aren't really needed. In fact I probably could have run wealth in most cities. Only cities that really mattered were Madrid, Paris and Marrakech for hammers (later picked up Xian and Bangkok for some Asian ships/units), and then Santiago/Cordoba/Barcelona/Pamplona for population and some commerce.
* Scientific Method was probably stupid since I grabbed it before building monasteries in Asia, would have been even quicker if I got a monastery in Bangkok.
* If you're vigilant with civics you could probably keep Moors/Mali/Tibet/others alive longer, but I wasn't too bothered.


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