The Sound of Drums - A British Hearts of Iron II AAR

Grand Admiral Germanicus has ordered the British fleet in the Mediterrnean Sea on high alert. The carriers are constantly moving and have the fighter/interceptors routinely fly around the carriers searching for aggressors.

But do not actually fly in Italian airspace, as this is no doubt an act of war.

In my opinion the fleet is more likely to provoke something we're not ready for.

I see no problem in authorising naval 'training exercises' in the Mediterranean. The Italians will be notified, of course, and completely free to observe the superiority of one of our chief fleets.

the french dont seem too smart making fortifications there instead of behind belgium, afterall the usual german invasion plan is too go through belgium. preety much every german invasion of france in history has been through belgium :rolleyes:

I would agree that it would be prudent for the French to extend their lines alongside the Belgian border, but I believe they do not wish to strain relations with Belgium.

Think of the Maginot Line as an added assurance that Germany can't invade through Alsace-Lorraine, and that we can focus our own forces further west.

An excerpt from a speech to the House of Commons by the (unelected, self-appointed) leader of the Imperial Defence Council

You may be unelected, but your position was only possible through the approval of myself and His Majesty, so not so self-appointed :)

Was wondering where you went to Riptide, presumed you were simply overjoyed with our growing hawkish attitudes.

Some responses:

As part of those preparations, I must ask...what state are our supply convoys in? We can hem and haw over fighters and bombers, even battleships and tanks, but if we haven't the shipping to keep our boys in-stock we're not going to be able to hang on to our Empire. Convoy ships are the lifeblood of the Empire, and the shipping lanes are the Empire's arteries. If even for a matter of weeks our convoys deliver fewer supplies than our troops consume, our capacity to fight will be degraded to such an extent that even the Italian forces we might face could turn us back at the Front, and then at Alexandria, and then at Cairo, and then at Khartoum.

One of the bonus' of an AAR slowing down my gaming speed is that I have plenty of time to remember smaller production orders. Normally I completely forget to build things like convoys, brigades (in particular CAG) and the like until well after it's too late.

For your question: I am hoping to produce more convoy groups in the next year, if the shipyards become available. As a stop-gap, we produced three escort groups to protect our current vessels in 1937, and I assure you we have plenty in reserve.

Taking that in mind, we must also see what manner of smaller, faster Naval forces we might be able to compose, possibly incorporating Submarines, to take on our enemies' own supply convoys. While Germany or the Soviets will hardly be checked by such harrying, Italy and Japan rely on convoys to keep their troops supplied, and as such this direction of Naval expansion has to have at least some merit worth considering...

A good idea, particularly given we have several submarine flotillas without a prospective job.

Bear in mind however, current plans for a Britain-Italian War in Africa is based on British forces taking the offensive, hopefully capturing Ethiopia and Libya within months. The current ships in the area should be enough to weaken the Italian supply lines before the land victory.

As for Japan, increasing our submarine fleet enough to weaken their supply lines will require a serious delve into funds allocated for European threats. I doubt we have the ability to do that at present.
Ah, yes, quite right. I serve at the pleasure of His Majesty and yourself, Prime Minister Kannister! :salute:

Consider it a bit of a holiday I took...investigating the women of the Empire. Mighty fine damsels in Kenya, I must say. They do get a bit frigid around Palestine and the other Mohommedan lands, but a little name-dropping can go a long way, if you get my meaning. :spank:

I of course was inspecting the state of readiness as well, and I must say there have been some drastic improvements...colonials manning the rearguard while our British boys face off against the Iteyes was the right move.
Also, I think it would be the worst of luck to face ourselves against the Japanese and Italians, simultaneously. I believe no single nation on the planet has the industry to appropriately face-off against all her potential aggressors.

But we can put our subs into packs that can be shuttled from the Med to the Far East, as well as possibly other, surface vessels to hunt down convoys. Obviously we must take proprietary measures if we find ourselves at war with both Italy and Japan. It might even be worth abandoning a few stretches of territory, on a temporary Hong Kong, and possibly Singapore and the Malay, while we focus on the nearer, more present enemy/ies in Europe and then turning our eyes back to the East.

This briefing is, of course, confidential and not for the public or the Government generally.
Permission to raise objection to the use of submarines

Firstly, I'm not sure what version of HOI this is, but AFAIK Subs have gotten a lot less effective as naval vessels, esp with DD, but I think even later versions of Vanilla they became less effective

and Secondly, more in character, and possibly most importantly- the use of submarines is just not cricket! All that sneaking around under the waves is the domain of Johnny Foreigner, and more specifically them sneaky Italians, who struggle to build proper ships

As we are the owner of the proudest Navy in the world, such underhandedness is not forthcoming!
Impressive Kan, 25 pages into an AAR and we have yet to see a shot fired.

nice job at keeping ordinary things interesting
As a side note, in my own game as the USA, the Brits wussed out and backed down on Polish independence. Which on the one hand irritated me because it seems I won't get the same historical events, but on the other hand is kind of refreshing because I can now focus almost exclusively on Japan.

I just wish the Brits would do that on a game where I'm playing Germany. Sigh...
Also, I think it would be the worst of luck to face ourselves against the Japanese and Italians, simultaneously. I believe no single nation on the planet has the industry to appropriately face-off against all her potential aggressors.

Don't forget that we have allies! Although I think we can guarantee the Royal Navy alone can control the Mediterranean situation, we will have help from the French Navy, who can also assist in the Atlantic and North Sea. Also in the Atlantic we will be supported by the Canadians, and in the Pacific the Australians and New Zealand. And this is assuming Italy and Japan strike at only us alone!

Permission to raise objection to the use of submarines

Firstly, I'm not sure what version of HOI this is, but AFAIK Subs have gotten a lot less effective as naval vessels, esp with DD, but I think even later versions of Vanilla they became less effective

and Secondly, more in character, and possibly most importantly- the use of submarines is just not cricket! All that sneaking around under the waves is the domain of Johnny Foreigner, and more specifically them sneaky Italians, who struggle to build proper ships

I have no objection to using submarines as a weapon of warfare, particularly in theatres where we cannot bring to bear our best forces.

In-Game though, I'm not a fan of subs. Combine them into large fleets and they can destroy anything that floats, keep them as separate flotillas and they'll be annihilated by a massive AI fleet that has nothing better to do but hunt lone subs.

Version is HoI2, 1.3a

Impressive Kan, 25 pages into an AAR and we have yet to see a shot fired.

nice job at keeping ordinary things interesting

It was my intention from the start to focus more on the 36-39 years, so thanks for noticing. Bear in mind there are only ten updates so far, so clearly the strength lies with the participating posters :goodjob:

As a side note, in my own game as the USA, the Brits wussed out and backed down on Polish independence. Which on the one hand irritated me because it seems I won't get the same historical events, but on the other hand is kind of refreshing because I can now focus almost exclusively on Japan.

In my last game as the U.S. war happened as usual in Europe, leading to my first (and so far only) true Race for Berlin with the Soviets.

The Race:
The Result:

Ironically (compared to your game), the Japanese never declared war on myself nor the Allies.

I just wish the Brits would do that on a game where I'm playing Germany. Sigh...

Results in a very dull game, in my experience, with only the Soviets to truly fight against. And for that it's best to nab France for the extra IC, and just in case they decide to stab me in the back while I'm trying to take Moscow.

Gameplay portion has begun, hopefully an update tommorow evening (working extra shifts this week)
As a side note, in my own game as the USA, the Brits wussed out and backed down on Polish independence. Which on the one hand irritated me because it seems I won't get the same historical events, but on the other hand is kind of refreshing because I can now focus almost exclusively on Japan.

I just wish the Brits would do that on a game where I'm playing Germany. Sigh...

You think that is bad? In my current (Vanilla with the CORE thing) it is 1944 and the US has not Even ENTERED the war. I am playing with the Commonwealth and the Japs attacked me in 1940 so I guess since I took out most of there Navy they had no resources for Pearl Harbour. I did not lose Hong Kong till '43 (You should see what lots AA batteries do to Japs aeroplanes!) and only lost cause the one British Division and the one Dutch Division ran out of supplies. And Singapore has not fallen. Mainly because I took over the Dutch and withdrew most of their forces from their Islands to Singapore.
With only the Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans (All of which have done more than their share), a few French Divisions I rescued after Dunkirk, the Dutch, (I also rescued the Belgiums and Norwegian's forces from the Germans, got them all back, but they both surrendered when their countries fell) and then all of the above's fleets.

I have driven the enemy almost entirely from the Oceans (Royal Navy, with a bit of help from the RCN, RAN, RNZN, RSAFN, though none of them want to build more ships though I have given them all this nice tech) the Japs (kept reinforcing with new ships) the Itallians, the Vichy French and the Germans. The only U-boat threat has been the Scripted events. I Have kicked the Italians out of Africa, all of it, kept the Japs at bay in Singapore and out of India, defeated a few German invasions of the UK, held onto Malta from many Italian attacks (I have a level 5 defensive LT General that started around 2 or so I think. All from killing Jap planes on Hong Kong, and then Italian invasions of Malta).
I have invaded Sicily and Italy and defeated both. Now I have to beat the Germans. That is the scary part, especially since the Americans do not want to join. They seem to be taking their freedom for granted or something. Man, if it was real life I would be mad. Doing all that work, I won't be surprised if the Americans come a long after I Capture Berlin and claim they won it. :mad:

And this is not on the easiest level..
Well I haven't gotten to the point of the Japos declaring war or not, but I've followed along with Landon to build the most awesomest Navy in the entire frigging world (working on my fourth Carrier Task Force, have several Surface Assault Groupings and ASW Groups, and have a couple Sub Wolfpacks). It's early '41 now, I'm dueling with Germany to maintain my absolute air superiority in a kind of pre-Cold-War arms race, and my land forces are building incrementally. Oddly enough, though now I'm planning on pwning Asia all by me onesies and leaving Europe to implode, my relations with GER/RUS are holding at -200 while relations with Japan are ~+50 even though I'm flooding all three with spies and stealing blueprints or assassinating ministers.

If Pear Harbor happens, do I actually lose any ships? I've got a CTF and a bunch of transports based there, with the rest of my Navy spread through the Pacific and Caribbean. If the Pearl Harbor event actually pops off and I do lose the CTF, I'll be PISSED.

Also of note, Subs in DD have had their attack power drastically reduced. They're good for tilting surprise onto your side, and for raiding on convoys, but they'll get slaughtered if you send them out alone against surface vessels now.
You think your game is bad? I'm playing as Nationalist China in my game and its gone in a very strange direction. By 1939 I had beaten Japan out of mainland China thanks largely in part by an AI that allowed me to encircle more then 30 division before even reaching the Japanese puppet. Upon winning i dealt with the commies since they pissed me off by not doing anything the whole war. United China, and got the setting sun event. Then in 1942 the Soviets declared war on the Allies, then like a week later the Germans declared war on the Soviets. Japan redeclared war on me and a year later landed around 60 divisions on the one unguarded beach in all of China. Well it was 60 by the time I got 100 divisions there. They took the Southern part of China before I sent them all into the sea. Since they were raped twice no Pearl Harbor. In 1945 I joined the Allies who were still at war with the Soviets so now 200 Chinese division, and 30 Air Wings are making there way up the crappy underbelly of Russia, who has all of Europe except Spain which is strangely controlled by the Brits. Russia has about 300 divisions, probably with brigades which I for the most part lack, and armor which I also lack. US has just joined on the Allies which could mean no more Japan soon. :goodjob:

Sorry to jack your thread Kan, just thought my game was interesting.
It is very interesting, tell me what is the "setting sun" event, by the title I assume it has to do with Japan at the unification of China?
Setting sun happens after Japan gets owned. I don't know what triggers it but it leads to mainland China's unification and peace with Japan.
The Sound of Drums - A British Hearts of Iron AAR
Part Eleven

13th March - 30th June 1938

The British-French reaction to the Anschluss was remarkably muted, most likely due to the knowledge that there was little either nation could do to protest what appeared to be a legitimate and perfectly democratic union of two nations. It was remarkable, however, that no member of the cabinet brought up the issue of Hitler tightening his grip over the German Wehrmacht. Anschluss had completely overshadowed the event to all but the highest levels of command.

Realising the threat of an expanded Germany with an army completely under the Fuhrer’s control, both France and Britain upped their own military expansion programs. Blueprints and reports were swapped between either nation to boost the other, and fresh industrial projects began. In Britain, this meant increasing the abilities of the Royal Air Force, and refining the existing Army forces.

Weapons of war: Spitfires under construction

By 1938, the British Army had grown to a respectable size, with forces in Africa equalling their Italian counterparts in Libya, and the British Expeditionary Force itself now receiving reinforcements in the form of new infantry divisions. The defences of the English south coast was boosted with a third division, and several more were due to be commissioned over the coming months. While these numbers looked good on paper, the Chief of the Army, General Nodikus, was worried about the lack of support brigades and advanced weapons. It was all well and good having - on paper - enough forces to sit pretty on the frontlines, but they could hardly hope to launch an offensive without artillery support, nor be able to survive an air attack without any anti-aircraft weaponry.

Luckily, British industries were already well underway in developing the next generation of war equipment. Research into new artillery, small arms and armoured support brigades reached a high in mid-1938, with developments such as the Matilda Mk.II heavy tank providing some relief to the land forces of Britain, in particular to those serving in Egypt, where it was presumed some brigades would be deployed.

The RAF also saw the beginning of its reorganisation, as squadrons began upgrading their aircraft and redeployed to more important regions of the Empire. Egypt received four tactical bomber squadrons and a newly upgraded Hawker Hurricane group to protect the region, while all strategic bomber wings were moved to the British Home Isles. In the meantime, brand new Spitfire fighter groups were being produced, and all old Gloster Gladiator planes were to be replaced by Hurricanes in the next year.

Like with the Army, the RAF was to be supported by more than just the sheer number of fighting squadrons. On the 30th April, the RADAR network along the English southern coast was completed, giving Air Command an effective early-warning system against any enemy airforce. Static anti-aircraft guns began to be deployed in major British cities, starting in London, to assist in repelling bomber attacks. Finally, the Dowding-Portal Doctrine, after two years of development, was put into effect for bomber command. This resulted in such a marked improvement in practice runs and trials that it’s chief developers were asked to begin work on improving tactics and doctrines for the fighter and interceptor wings. All of these improvements were designed to make Britain as invulnerable in the air as she was at sea.

Heavy AA-Guns protect the southern coast of Britain

Britain’s rearmament program was now well underway, though still mainly unknown to the general British public. It was the government officials, military chiefs and private industries who had now begun to realise that perhaps peace wasn’t to be as permanent as hoped, particularly after being caught off-guard by Hitler’s annexation of Austria. And there were fears he was focusing on claiming another region for Germany - the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. Heavily populated by ethnic Germans, yet containing very developed industries and military fortifications, there was little hope it would be absorbed as peacefully and easily as Austria was. There was a very real chance that Britain’s new armed forces may be forced into action a lot sooner than expected…
Well, we can only hope that there is enough time to finish all we need to do, although that is looking increasingly unlikely.
Can we get a summery of the global diplomatic situation?
I really think that our biggest priority should be our airforce (Both the Bomber, Fighter and Naval Bomber lines) followed slightly by our Navy (It always has been our greatest defence) and then last, but not least the army. Our French Allies can take care of any land threats, with our and the Commonwealths help of course. But the French Airforce is a tad small, while the German's and Japanese are quite the opposite..
A general summery of alliance blocks, wars etc.
*tumbleweed blows across thread. Tin shed door slams in the wind*

Hello? Is there anyone there?
*opens rusted door to shelter*

what the hell ye doing there outlander? quick! come inside before the zombies smell ya!
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