TopHatPaladin's Civilizations

Wampanoag and Rashtrakuta updates are now live! The Wampanoag update also revamps all of the art in that mod.

With v25 of YnAEMP recently released, I've added support for it to the new Wampanoag build, and I'll be incorporating v25 support into the rest of my mods in the near future.

Thanks for taking in all the feedback. Just a last one:

In the latest Wampanoag version on Steam (25 Aug) there are still a few bugs persistent:

- Settlers and Workers do not get the faster embark/disembark bonus. Other units do.
- Great Writers do not spawn when reaching the target. Attached log of latest save, in which I had 104 GWP vs the 100 GWP required for a GW.

Furthermore noticed that the preferred religion in Historical Religions is set to Lutheranism, whereas the Wikia is mentioning that this should be Orenda.

Using JFDLC v55 and HR v45.


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Small glitch I noticed in Aleut v6, not sure if intended: the Iqyax has 1 movement less than the trireme (2 vs 3). Didn't see anywhere that this was part of design. Am using JFDLC v55 (public version).
Thanks for the heads-up! That's not as intended, I'll look into it.

Started another game playing The Aleut with more up-to-date gameplay mods (without the public version of JFDLC) and just wanted to report that now the movement of Iqyax is as it should be, so this was not an issue with The Aleut mod. However, I did notice that the Tundra starting bias mentioned in the Wikia doesn't appear to be set, as I started close to 10 new games without ever starting near Tundra.

Mods used:
- Community Patch v89 (Steam 20-May-2019)
- Cultural Diversity v17
- Enlightenment Era v7
- Historical Religions v45
- More Luxuries v155
Short note on Holy Roman Empire (Otto I) that the Kaiserpfalz in its description has a reference to being a University-replacement (instead of Castle)
Thanks for the note about the Kaiserpfalz! I'll get that fixed.

The Tundra start bias is a bit of outdated information on the wiki— since the Aleut's abilities are mostly aquatically based, I switched them to a coastal bias a ways back, and I must have forgotten to update the wiki accordingly.

Some more feedback on the Anangu v2 Steam 19-Jul (really love the design so keep on coming back to them). Using the same mods and additionally tried Iska’s Community Patch Mod Compendium v8 ( that adds additional new Natural Wonders. This mod seems to work well with The Anangu (e.g. the Warmala recognizes them as a 'normal' Natural Wonder, provides Settler) except for one issue with the Nyintiringkupai mentioned below. Would be great if you could make this compatible since really love getting more Natural Wonders in the game.

- The pop-up screen for Dreaming bonus would ideally have a 'back' button so you can first analyse which one to take. While the pop-up screen is there, you can only 'scroll' upwards, not to the right, left or downwards.
- Would be nice to have some overview of which bonuses are active.
- Dreaming Bonus Iwala: no road maintenance on desert does not work; city connection +3 faith does work
- Dreaming Bonus Ngangkari: works
- Dreaming Bonus Tjala: should this be only for "worked adjacent tiles" (both land & sea)? It does not work for all adjacent tiles, only the ones worked
- Dreaming Bonus Watiku: the calculation seems off, instead of half faith generated as XP, it seems to be half faith + 1? (so 8 faith generated in city results in unit getting 5 XP)

UB Nyintiringkupai:
- The new Natural Wonders by Iska's mod (e.g. Salar de Uyuni) are not given +1 faith & +1 culture by the Nyintiringkupai. In Iska's mod they are referred to as: PSEUDO_NATURAL_WONDER which is different from the vanillan ones; could that reference be the reason?
- More aesthetically, the description could benefit from having the icons for faith & culture added.

UU Warmala:
- Previous issues with movement on Flood Plains and Oasis appear solved!

Mods used:
- Community Patch v89 (Steam 20-May-2019)
- Cultural Diversity v17
- Enlightenment Era v7
- Historical Religions v45
- More Luxuries v155
- Iska’s Community Patch Mod Compendium (a.o. Wondrous Nature) v8


  • Anangu
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  • Anangu NW
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Thanks for the detailed information! I'll take a look into these issues.

- The new Natural Wonders by Iska's mod (e.g. Salar de Uyuni) are not given +1 faith & +1 culture by the Nyintiringkupai. In Iska's mod they are referred to as: PSEUDO_NATURAL_WONDER which is different from the vanillan ones; could that reference be the reason?

Yep, that'd be the reason— it'll be easy for me to incorporate support for that, though, so I can work that into the next build.

- The pop-up screen for Dreaming bonus would ideally have a 'back' button so you can first analyse which one to take. While the pop-up screen is there, you can only 'scroll' upwards, not to the right, left or downwards.
- Would be nice to have some overview of which bonuses are active.

These will probably be the most complicated bits to include; they're useful quality-of-life updates, so I definitely do want to incorporate them in some form, but I'll need to give it some thought as to the best way to implement them.

Everything else is pretty straightforward— I'll take a look in the code and isolate the causes of the bugs.


EDIT: Just did some investigating, here are a couple of relevant thoughts I had.

- Dreaming Bonus Watiku: the calculation seems off, instead of half faith generated as XP, it seems to be half faith + 1? (so 8 faith generated in city results in unit getting 5 XP)

Did this happen in a city connected to the capital? The Watiku calculation includes faith generated by other Dreamtime policies, but because that faith is given directly through Lua, it doesn't appear on the city screen. 8 Faith by normal means + the 3 from Iwala would provide a total of 11 Faith, and the code rounds down, which would explain the 5 XP result.

- Dreaming Bonus Iwala: no road maintenance on desert does not work

This may also be rooted in a graphical issue; because the absence of road maintenance is tied to a specific terrain type, I can't directly affect the maintenance cost, so I've been working around this by reimbursing the maintenance cost with Lua. This would result in the game believing that maintenance was being owed as normal, and the top panel displaying that value.

I believe the top panel is possible to mod, so I'll look into getting the value to display correctly, but if that proves intractable then I may just change the Iwala bonus to something more transparent.
Last edited:
Did this happen in a city connected to the capital? The Watiku calculation includes faith generated by other Dreamtime policies, but because that faith is given directly through Lua, it doesn't appear on the city screen. 8 Faith by normal means + the 3 from Iwala would provide a total of 11 Faith, and the code rounds down, which would explain the 5 XP result.

It happened both in a city connected to the capital (8 faith, 5 XP) as well as in the capital itself (believe that was 2 faith, 2 XP, not entirely sure). Indeed sounds like the +3 from Iwala could be reason.

Thanks for providing support for the new natural wonders!
Just started a game with The Chamorro and like the design and abilities. Also since they're Oceanic culture which is bit unexplored still. Just a few minor things I noticed for a future update:
- The WLTKD you get from the UA and UU ÅCHO' ATUPAT are both 20 turns which feels a bit long especially as they will appear regularly. Might be better to bring it back to 10-12, which I believe is also the standard length for a WLTKD?
- The UU Sakman didn't get extra movement vs the trireme (only had 3 movement). Also as I was playing with JFDLC it wasn't the first naval unit as description mentions (which is the galley)
- The UU Sakman healed 10 when starting the turn on a tile next to a sea resource in neutral territory. Believe it should work when only on the tile with the sea resource? Perhaps there was a hidden one (oil?), but not sure if those could be disregarded for the purpose of the UU Sakman ability?
- Some formatting of the decisions with a few blank lines in the requirements sections.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll look into these issues.

(The default WLTKD is 20 turns, according to the wiki, but you're not the first person to mention that it feels long— I'll do some longer-term playtesting with the Chamorro and see how it feels in action.)

Took another stab at The Chamorro. Indeed the default WLTKD is 20 turns so would leave it in line with that. Guess that when the unique archer is active there will be a lot of WLTKD days one after another because of promotions, so that therefore it feels long. However, once you progress and the archer fades out this will get less so not too big of an issue...

Some other things I just noticed:

- Didn't get additional WLTKD days when a city was already in a WLTKD and finishing a cargo ship. Attached the log. (Upon promotion of the archer the WLTKD days do get added in case of existing WLTKD).
- The production bonus for sea trade routes felt a bit underwhelming seen the total production of a city. Instead of 1-5 1 production, 6-10 2 production, perhaps target city population / 2 or 3 would be bit more impactful.
- The notification on the production bonus "+1 production-icon from trade" works, but could add bit more flavor by adding the target city name, so "+1 production-icon from trade with Athens" (e.g. similar to Aleut referencing a city name)

- Using HR, Itang did not show as a preferred religion (small symbol didn't show on icon)

Mods used:
- Community Patch v89 (Steam 20-May-2019)
- Cultural Diversity v17
- Enlightenment Era v7
- Historical Religions v45
- More Luxuries v155
- Iska’s Community Patch Mod Compendium (a.o. Wondrous Nature) v8


  • Chamorro
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Thanks as always for the feedback! These were all pretty easy fixes, so I've put an updated version of the Chamorro onto CFC now (and will be porting it to Steam once I next have access). I've made a couple of tweaks in this update, which I'll outline here:

- Both the UA and the Acho Atupat's ability now give a full-length WLTKD (20 turns) if the city isn't currently in WLTKD, and extend the WLTKD by 10 turns if one is currently active. The base game doesn't have any mechanism (that I know of) for WLTKDs to overlap, so this was a decision I made on my end; if it feels like too much/too little, feel free to let me know.
- Itang was originally added in the Oceanic Denominations pack, so it's present in that pack and in Historical Religions Complete, but not in the original build of Historical Religions. I've added an extra SQL statement that should allow the Chamorro to prefer Manaism if only the original Historical Religions is active.
- As suggested, I've adjusted the production from trade (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the destination city's population) and added the city's name to the popup.
Great, thanks for the quick fixes! Suspect the HR issue (am using Complete v.45 version btw) to be relating to load-order or something since there are other mods where it also doesn't seem set, but I've seen it work already in prior games (very recent example The Ket).

Talking about The Ket, a few additional comments below following the one I made earlier:

Playing with the Ket, I got a CTD when a Fish-Oil Bowman killed a Barbarian Warrior in its Encampment (earlier attacks no problem). Mods used: JFDLC v55, HR v45

- Might be neat to add floating notification for Food and Faith when unit killed.

UU Fish-Oil Bowman:
- Got CTDs when killing Barbarian Warrior with Fish-Oil Bowman, both in an encampment or in open terrain (see attached logs). Probably because it tries to inflict "poisoned" status with the target not there anymore?
- The floating notification "Noxious Oils" doesn't add so much, since the target already gets "poisoned". I would remove it. Also when it is defending it is showing "Noxious Oils" which it shouldn't.
- Naval Units can get poisoned. Would remove that for realism.

UU Sening:
- Not showing in the purchase screen, so no way to acquire it (similar to the Marabout of Sokoto)


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  • Ket CTD Fish-Oil Bowman Kill
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Thanks for the info!

The Sening purchase screen should be fixed in the newest CFC build of the Ket, although if you're using the Steam version, that one hasn't been fixed yet.

The suggestions re: text should be pretty easy fixes; the displaying of "Noxious Oils" is hardcoded into the promotion (full explanation in a spoiler, if you're interested), but I can always rename the promotion and just cut the "Poisoned" notification instead.

Spoiler Noxious Oils :

Promotions that inflict a status on targeted enemies (as on the Fish-Oil Bowman, or the Teheulche's Bolas Thrower) use the PostCombatRandomPromotion table that was added for Indonesia's Kris Swordsman. This is done so that a function hooked on the SerialEventUnitSetDamage event can identify that the damaged unit was attacked by a unit of the relevant type (i.e., if a nearby Fish-Oil Bowman has the correct post-combat promotion, a Fish-Oil Bowman must have just attacked).

However, because PostCombatRandomPromotion was intended to give a random promotion from a list, Firaxis hardcoded in a notification to display the name of the newly acquired promotion. This is useful if you want to see which of several promotions your unit has received, but becomes less so in cases like the Ket, where there's only one possible result.

I like having naval units able to get poisoned, just so the Fish-Oil Bowman behaves in a more predictable fashion, but I'll make it a toggleable setting in the next build.
Please, take a look at this TopHat:


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Thanks as always for the feedback! These were all pretty easy fixes, so I've put an updated version of the Chamorro onto CFC now (and will be porting it to Steam once I next have access). I've made a couple of tweaks in this update, which I'll outline here:

- Both the UA and the Acho Atupat's ability now give a full-length WLTKD (20 turns) if the city isn't currently in WLTKD, and extend the WLTKD by 10 turns if one is currently active. The base game doesn't have any mechanism (that I know of) for WLTKDs to overlap, so this was a decision I made on my end; if it feels like too much/too little, feel free to let me know.
- Itang was originally added in the Oceanic Denominations pack, so it's present in that pack and in Historical Religions Complete, but not in the original build of Historical Religions. I've added an extra SQL statement that should allow the Chamorro to prefer Manaism if only the original Historical Religions is active.
- As suggested, I've adjusted the production from trade (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the destination city's population) and added the city's name to the popup.

Thanks again for the Chamorro update; can confirm it works and I like the adjustments!

Just one thing I noticed that I'm not sure is adjustable: the first WLTKD you get doesn't show a counter in the city screen (how many turns remaining). At some point, you get the regular notification that your capital desires a certain resource (despite having already a WLTKD), and only then does the counter start to show. This happens only once. Would there be a way to remove that, so that your first (very early) WLTKD shows that counter already and avoids the notification of desired resource? Not critical since it doesn't result in errors or anything...
[T]he first WLTKD you get doesn't show a counter in the city screen (how many turns remaining).

I'll take a look into it, but I can't promise anything— it's definitely in the realm of possibility that it's not adjustable (or at least, highly impractical to adjust).

Please, take a look at this:

The broken text seems to be caused by a redundant tag in GameText. The ProductionPopup error in Lua.log should be tied to the same bug. I've fixed it in the newest CFC build, although I won't be able to update the Steam build for about a month.
I believe that a while ago you worked on fixes for The Wampanoag and The Rashtrakuta since Great People were not spawning as a result of their UA's. Would you mind explaining what the fix is you applied?

As context: I just noticed the Sukritact's Khmer UA has the same issue and am hoping to fix it there too if an easy code-change. I noticed that the Great People do not spawn if those Great People points are not yet earned through 'normal' ways, but as soon as you do the Great People do start to spawn (i.e. was already over spawn-threshold 100, but only when I built Stonehenge did the unique GE immediately spawn since I started to generate 'normal' GE points as of then)

Thanks in advance!
The fixes for the Wampanoag and Rashtrakuta actually slipped through the cracks earlier, and I hadn't gotten around to them at the time— but I sat down for a bit now, and I've just written up a workaround you can use. I've written up a utility function (under the spoiler) that you can add to BuildingRemoteGreatPeoplePoints.lua:

Spoiler :

function GiveGreatPersonManually(pCity, iSpecialist)
    if (pCity:GetSpecialistCount(iSpecialist) > 0) then return end
    local iThreshold = 10000
    if (pCity:GetSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(iSpecialist) > iThreshold) then
        local iTargetClass = GameInfo.Specialists[iSpecialist].GreatPeopleUnitClass
        local pCityOwner = Players[pCity:GetOwner()]
        local iTargetUnit = GameInfo.UnitClasses[iTargetClass].DefaultUnit
        for row in DB.Query("SELECT UnitType FROM Civilization_UnitClassOverrides WHERE (CivilizationType = '" .. pCityOwner:GetCivilizationType() .. "') AND (UnitClassType = '" .. iTargetClass .. "')") do
            if row.UnitType then iTargetUnit = row.UnitType end
        pCityOwner:InitUnit(iTargetUnit, pCity:GetX(), pCity:GetY())
        pCity:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(iSpecialist, (-1 * iThreshold))

To implement this code, paste the function somewhere in BuildingRemoteGreatPeoplePoints.lua, and add the following line to the end of the BuildingRemoteGreatPeoplePoints function:
-- this will go directly after pTargetCity:ChangeSpecialistGreatPersonProgressTimes100(iType, iDelta)
GiveGreatPersonManually(pTargetCity, iType)
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