TSG23 After Action Report

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Hi everyone and welcome to the TSG23 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay).

Would be interested to hear any thoughts on game setup. :)
Finished at Turn 316 with a cultural victory


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Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-02
Reference number: 25104
Your name: Mazer Rackham
Game status: Diplomacy Wrong VC
Game date: 1806AD
Turns played: 273
Base score: 1133
Final score: 2098
Renamed file: Mazer_Rackham_C502301.Civ5Save

The designated VC is Diplo, right? I noticed thio submitted a Cultural win, and then I got this on my submission.

I didn't rush to Dynamite - just fit it in the normal RA path. Once I got there, I was able to slowly clear out some space for myself with a small, hi-tech army.

I tried to have two GEs ready for the UN, but one was still 12 turns away when I bulbed out Globalization. Two GGs and Chichen Itza gave me a lasting golden age while I completed the UN and fought for control of CSs. Alex was buying back 1 every turn - and one turn he even got 2 which I thought the AI wasn't allowed to do.

I've had games with Rammy where I set up 4 beautiful cities and masterfully timed Legalism to pop out Wats immediately after researching Education. This was far from that.

Here is a link to my in action thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=11016435&postcount=3

In hindsight:

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You really need to get aggressive early on this map to clear out some space for your cities. 10 AIs crowd up the map and the starting location is terrible if Oda expands your way like he did for me.

4 strong cities with a few puppets would've really sped the game along. Instead I was stuck at 3 for too much of the game.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-02
Reference number: 25104
Your name: Mazer Rackham
Game status: Diplomacy Wrong VC
Game date: 1806AD
Turns played: 273
Base score: 1133
Final score: 2098
Renamed file: Mazer_Rackham_C502301.Civ5Save

The designated VC is Diplo, right? I noticed thio submitted a Cultural win, and then I got this on my submission.

Sorry - I've fixed both results. I made this game's database entry as a copy of TSG 22, and forgot to change the VC. :blush:
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-02
Reference number: 25105
Your name: Monthar
Your email:
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1931AD
Turns played: 351
Base score: 2325
Final score: 3321
Time played: 14:18:00
Submitted save: TSG23_Diplo_Win_T351.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Monthar_C502301.Civ5Save

I started off well enough. I settled on the norther gems next to the mountain. Made friends with India, Japan, Askia and a couple others. Someone beat me to the GL by 1 turn. When I finally met China and discovered they beat me to the GL, I immediately denounced them. Pretty soon almost the entire world was against China.

Next, Japan decided to start taking over India. So I decided to put a stop to that after Japan denounced me. A few war/peace flip/flops, with good peace deals for me, Japan was pushed off the mainland to just a single crappy island.

Then sometime in the 200's China, Persian, Greece, Ottomans and I think Arabia as well all DoW'd me when I had all but 3 of the CS's as allies and already had the policy that gave me the science boost from the CS alliances. This war wasn't really a problem for my troops, but these folks proceeded to capture all my CS allies in the west.

This war also managed to irritate everyone else, so I was lucky to get 1 or two more RA's started, but the rest of the trades went down hill fast. Then Askia decided he didn't want us to have open boarders anymore so I had to take his cities from him so I could get my troops safely to the west to go liberate enough CS's to have the 11 votes this game required.

After a long drawn out war/peace flip-flip I finally managed to liberate the last CS I needed plus resurrected the Romans as a 12th vote a few turns after I finished the UN.

At some point, I think after the big war started, but before I took Askia's lands, Gandhi decided he'd denounce me. Well I had a RA with him, so I waited for it to finish, then ejected him from the mainland as well.

I think if I ever get good at war mongering, I might just get my times down on every VC.
I think if I ever get good at war mongering, I might just get my times down on every VC.
When you get this figured out, please let me know. Could use some help myself... :please:

Congrats on your victory. :thumbsup:
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-03
Reference number: 25106
Your name: Aaronius
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1870AD
Turns played: 305
Base score: 943
Final score: 1545
Time played: 7:48:00

I talked about some of my early moves in the progress thread. Basically, I didn't try for any wonders, and I killed Japan and puppeted five of his cities. Despite my lack of effort, I did end up with Great Library, Ankor Wat, and Porcelain Tower. All that happened before turn 150.

The last 150 turns was spent keeping the peace with everybody, selling resources, signing tons of RAs, maintaining alliances, and stockpiling money.

Spoiler :

I managed to stay friends with pretty much everybody but china. China denounced and was denounced by everybody, so I denounced her too. I was able to keep China from getting hostile even while denouncing her so I still got RAs until turn 250 or so. Ghandi started getting testy around that time and ceased being my friend. Towards the very end, everybody began to pick on and then DOW Askia. I joined in just to stay on everybody else's good side.

I think ultimately I stayed on everybody's good side because I stayed so small. I never settled a second city and just had my capital and five puppets. Moreover, Ghandi was on either side of my six city empire so he was the only AI with cities near me. This made me everybody's best friend except ultimately India. Even tho Ghandi became guarded I was still able to sign RAs with him, and I had enough resources to sell him on the cheap and try to keep him from doing something stupid. Also my military was among the best in the world thru most of the game. I took all the honor policies by game end b/c I just figured Ghandi and I were going to have it out at some point. Picking on China along with the rest of the world really helped forego this ultimately unprofitable eventuality, and following everybody picking on Askia helped too. The best part was everybody hated Persia as well, but I was able to stay friendly with them. No declarations of friendship, but no denunciations either. Persia was running away with the game, so it makes sense that they were willing to work with me as the one friendly power in the game. Also, we were on opposite sides of the world.

Persia was not quite a runaway, but clearly the dominant force in the early and mid game. They were dirty rotten filthy stinkin rich and bought up almost every CS. I had two nearby military CS from the very beginning of the game, which I held all game long. Darius had most of the other 14. Sometimes Greece or Khan or Harun would try to take one from Darius, but he was so rich he always got them back. At the very end, Wu was finally taking the lead, I think by managing to take some of Harun's cities with a military tech advantage.

At game end the leader (Wu) had 1500 points. I was in fourth with 1000 points or so. My science was pathetic at 269 beakers per turn on turn 305, but I only had one city and no observatory so... This is why RAs and great scientists meant so much to me. I had all the wonders buildings and policies to really crank out those scientists. I also had an engineer waiting to help build the UN, but it still took four more turns to build. I was a little surprised that my capital didn't grow more than it did (size 24). Probably b/c I only had two military CS allies all game.

The easiest part of this game was staying happy. I had only one city (my capital) and my five puppets provided a lot of lux resources. My military CS allies had good lux and ultimately strategic resources as well.

The hard parts of this game were (1) exploring the map, and (2) making money. I never built a scout and my capital was not on the coast. I ended up basically letting the AI find me. I explored maybe 3/4 of the globe with two extra workers that I sent swimming and exploring. I found Greece and Rome very late in the game.

With Japan spamming cities and acting like he always does I knew I had to strike while the iron was hot. I beelined to swords hooked up that iron and attacked. My military CS gave me some spears and pikes to help as well. I was so desperate to kill Japan before he got those dreaded samurai I ended up puppeting a five city empire that was about 20 spaces away. Getting roads out there was expensive and time consuming. Around turn 150 I was losing 30gpt and relied exclusively on resource sales to finance my empire. Around turn 200 I was breaking even finally, around turn 250 I had a couple thousand in the bank but I was very concerned about getting enough money for my endgame strategy.

By the endgame I was making about 100-150gpt depending on golden ages or not. I was very happy and had lots of long GAs thanks to some wonders and policies and cranking out great people. I got three great artists in one turn with the louvre and my city spitting one out :D. I sold more resources than I probably every have, and signed more RAs than ever. I got the number of RAs exactly right and built Oxford one turn after the last RA gave me Computers (I mistimed by one turn :mad:).

After the UN was built Harun Darius Wu and Ghandi all began wasting money trying to steal CS from each other. I had accumulated 14000 gold, which was a lot except Darius had 16000 gold and Harun had 7000 gold. However, they wasted some of that with the global war on Askia, wars with each other (Wu Harun and Darius all locked in a battle to the death), and stealing CS. Meanwhile, I was friends with both Harun and Darius so I was getting sweet rates on all sales. On the last turn before the vote I traded all my GPT and lux (200gpt maxed out) for about 4000 of Darius's gold. Sold everything I had to Harun as well. I then paid 1000 gold for every single CS on the map. I already had my two military CS, and 1000 gold worked for every single one of the other 14. I now had all 16 CS, and 5000 gold left in the bank. I declared war (completely and utterly back-stabbed) on Harun and Darius so that they could not buy back their CS. One turn wasn't long enough for them to kill any CS, so on the next turn I got a perfect 16 votes for my diplomatic victory.

I shudder to think of what the AI would have done to me in the next ten turns, probably every single AI would have attacked me and killed all my CS allies. Nevertheless, I won in good time. Fun game.
On a side note here: What benefits do Declaration of Friendships actually convey?

It seems to me that all you can do with it is piss people off if you do not grant their often ridiculous requests. I haven't seen any benefit as of yet when trading or whatnot.
On a side note here: What benefits do Declaration of Friendships actually convey?

It seems to me that all you can do with it is piss people off if you do not grant their often ridiculous requests. I haven't seen any benefit as of yet when trading or whatnot.

I would also like to know. My understanding is that a declaration of friendship makes it harder for your friend to declare war on you for one thing. For another they have to remain friendly so you get top dollar for your resources and whatnot. For another you hold influence over your friend so you can get them to denounce who you denounce and turn the world against your enemies. There are definitely limits to this but I've had good results in the past with certain leaders.
Turn 311. Diplo. Me.

Kinda slow.

I need to learn how to submit properly.
Did your submission go through? Can you describe the problem? :hmm:
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1856AD
Turns played: 298
Score: 1070

settled on gems next to mountain, liberty and settled second city fast up in a hill close to silver, japan and india,
was at war with japan, when india also went for japan i took two japanese cities, india got angry them at war with india too, friendly with everyone else, untill askia took some japanese cities them at war with askia and gandhi, just played defensive, did a loot of wonders,

GL, PT, HS, FP, ND, MP, big beng, louvre, tahj, himeji, brandenburg and some national,

signed a lot of RA, could have won a lot sonner, i forgot to save the GE for the UN, did it in 23 turns, bulbed the last 5 or 6 tech, 3 GS, 1 from oxford, two from scientific rev.

the last 30 turns was in Golden Age, sold my 200 gpt in exchange of 5000 plus my 5000 gold, buyed all CS and them declared war on greece.

first time i post, but follow the forum for a time, great job.
There was no problem becuase I didnt do anything! i need to learn how to do it.
That should be easy enough.

You click on the link in the first post, this is the same link.

When you get to the submission system, it will ask you for whether you have played GOTM before, for your forum name and for your email address (so it can send you confirmation that your save was uploaded). If you lost via conquest defeat, you tell the system through the drop down menu that you saved the game the turn before defeat, otherwise it is a save from the turn after victory and then you select the save you want to upload. Click on the upload button and allow the site to churn away for a few minutes as your save is parsed and, voila, you should be all set.

Please give it a try and see how it goes. :cheers:

edit - You may also try the Civ5 Replay Facility to compare games. It can be found here.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 23
Date submitted: 2011-11-04
Reference number: 25112
Your name: xerex
Game status: Diplomacy Victory
Game date: 1898AD
Turns played: 319
Base score: 1142
Final score: 1812
Time played: 4:12:00

In this game both Alexander and Darius were loaded with cash. I only allied two CS during the game, which Alex eventually snatched. Only at the very end I allied all CS, just one turn before the UN vote!
To raise the cash, I burned a few GP's for GA's while my cities had production set on Economy. On the last turn before UN vote, I allied half of CS, sold more luxuries, borrowed a massive amount of money, and allied the rest.

Spoiler :

Obviously there is no way I could repay such a loan! But that's the difference between a game that stops right after elections, and the real world. Or is it?
I kind of... sort of... kicked major butt on this one! :)

Through straight up abuse of RA's, I was able to whittle my time down to something more akin to Dave's or Tommy's usual games.

Initial build order was something like this:


Other stuff:
•Did not found any additional cities
•Did not follow liberty policy branch
•Spent initial money expanding borders to deer (settled on west gems)
•Found cultural ruin for tradition, then used legalism to get a monument
•Used initial luxury sales to rush-buy worker, water mill, and stone works
•Rush bought an archer at some point
•Got lucky with barb encampment mission for Sidon, which provided me with sufficient army to take down Japan
•Spent as much money as possible on RA's, buying up city-states (cultural first) with any remaining money after establishing RA's with everybody I wasn't at war with
•Took out Japan, Songhai, and the Ottomans to establish trade network infrastructure. (+500 GPT by game end)
•6 great scientists saved and bulbed at game end (along with 2 techs from rationalism and 1 from Oxford)
&#8226;Stayed up all night and did this in one 10 hour session. I'm an awful addict. :<
&#8226;I like bullet points!

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