Tupac08 - Simply Sid

Sorry guys, I have just been swamped this week. It's late her so will play in the morning. Sorry about the delay, poor form in your own SG :lol::crazyeye:
Turn 3 (continued...)

After team discussion I decided not to pull the trigger on trades with either the mongols, or Portugal.
Instead we dial up China and make Peace for Physics + 9gp (that is actually at Price, they had much more cash but the razing of Tienstin obviously took us to just enough to get Physics in peace. We are able to set Lux tax to 0%
China is still up ToG and Magnetism (obviously) in required techs
Mongols are up Magnetism.

Found New Delft.

I switch all our Cavalry builds to banks, we should have enough horsepower (get it :lol: ) to take out Korea without any additions, plus the banks will help us with the steals that we will need in the future.

Start repositioning troops for a Korean War.

IBT - Korea declares on Portugal.

Turn 4: The Hague: Harbor --> 'duct.
We get WLTKD across the empire.

IBT - zzz

Turn 5: Moving troops into position. Rush a settler in New Eindhoven.

IBT - Chinese and Korean troops clash.

Turn 6: Found New Breda to claim Dyes. Declare War on Korea. I can't use an Alliance with anyone to buy techs unfortunately :(
We have 7 Cavalry attack Namp'o this turn. The first wins but is redlined, (23-0), the second wins for the loss of 1hp (24-0), the third retreats without scratching. The fourth charges in, kills another musket and Namp'o is ours! (25-0)

2 armies move toward Wonsan.

IBT - The number of troops China is sending into Korean territory... they are far from gassed. Mongols enter the IA. Damn.

Turn 7: We set Namp'o for starvation. Our cav army at Wonsan kills 2 muskets, then our Knight army kills a spearman and a longbow (29-0).

Decide to try a careful steal from Babylon (least problem if it doesn't work out...) and succeed. Steal ToG

I realise at this point that our turns aren't right... so looks like I'll play one less turn than I otherwise would in order to balance this out.

IBT - zzz

Turn 8: Found New Leiden and New Den Helder. Kill a spear and a longbow at Wonsan and capture Wonsan

IBT - zzz

Turn 9: Move 2 armies toward Korea's last city. Rush a library at New Leiden.

Alright here is the hand-over save.

I apologise profusely for my tardiness in getting these turns played, and also to CKS for the sloppiness of the save at hand over. I haven't done any mm and I'm sure our core can be optimised more. I have just been swamped with Uni assignments and I'm coming into exam block now, I may need a skip next round.

Our troops are also a little all over the shop as the Korean war has been such a side thought. We should have the power to take it to the Mongols as soon as we are done with Korea, but troops might need a little repositioning. As soon as the banks in the core are done those cities should go back on Cav production, I have Amsterdam on Army duty at the moment.

Good luck CKS!


  • Tupac08_850 AD.SAV
    303 KB · Views: 56
Since I was confused earlier, here is the roster:

-tupaclives - just finished
-CKS - up
-del62 - on deck
-Daeron - waiting

I've got the save.
Good call on the banks, at this stage of the game, commerce is becoming more important than shield optimization.

CKS might want to look through the towns to see if there are any improvements we can sell off.
Here is the save. Despite one catastrophic IBT we have made good progress on the Mongols. We are short on cavs, as I lost a bunch and I put a 4th cav in some armies. Amsterdam should build a few more cavs and then go back to armies. Remember that we can cash rush armies. I've done some rushing, which I neglected to log. We need to starve Baruun-Urt down and make peace for it before we kill off all of the continental cities.

Turn 0:
MM a bit. Swap some cannon builds to markets. Switch Amsterdam from army to the Pentagon. Evacuate Wonsan and Namp'o due to flip risk.

IBT: The Hague bank to caravel, Utrecht bank to caravel, Holwerd bank to caravel, New Leiden library to worker. Lisbon build Universal Suffrage.
We need ships to starve Baruun-Urt, so we can get it in a peace deal. Otherwise we'll be stuck with the Mongols forever.

Turn 1:

We are blocked from Pusan, so move into position. Build New Harlingen, start worker. Troop movements.

IBT: Portuguese redline two Korean muskets, Chinese kill one of them and one other musket, Koreans move a longbow out of Pusan. Spice city settler to settler, New Amsterdam cannon to settler.

Turn 2:
Knight army kills musket, spear, takes Pusan, three workers, treb. Huge flip risk to Mongols. Move troops to kill resistance in Wonsan, Namp'o. (2/2)

Delft market to cav.

Turn 3:
Sell harbor in Namp'o, sell maps. Want to steal magnetism so we can build frigates instead of caravels; have enough money for a careful steal from Mongols after selling stuff. If we get it, good. If we don't, we are going to war anyway. I want to ally the Chinese against them, as they are currently only at war with Babylon.

Steal fails, Mongols do not declare, so I do. Bribe China for ivory + 14 gpt. Cav 2/4 kills vet Keshik. Vet cav 4/5 kills vet keshik. Cav army kills 4/4 keshik. 11/13 cav army kills 5/5 keshik, 4/4 keshik. Vet cav 4/5 kills 4/4 keshik, takes worker. Build New Lauersoog. Cav army kills 2 muskets at Dalandzadgad, razes it. Cav takes 2 workers. Swap Dordrecht to settler. (10/10) Left stack of cav uncovered by army when I miscount steps.

IBT: Portugal and Babylon sign peace. 2 lux deals with Portugal come due, I renew one.
Lots of keshik attacks, lost track of them. We got a leader, which died. (about 15/23)

Turn 4:
Army kills keshik, musket. Build New Enschede. Cav army kills 2 muskets and a pike but retreats from MDI, knight army kills 2 spears and a MDI, cav retreats from MDI, cav kills longbow, razes city. Cav 4/4 kills 5/5 keshik. Give Pusan to China rather than lose it to Mongols. Cav army kills 2 keshiks, knight army kills 1 keshik. Cav kills pike at Darhan. Cav /2/4 kills spear. (About 31/39)
Build New Tilburg. Rush cav in Wonsan.

IBT: 5 keshik attacks on 3 cavs lead to 2 dead cavs, 2 dead keshiks, and one retreated cav. (About 33/43) China still holds Pusan, due to Mongol incompetence, but the China-Mongol war took some of the heat off of us. Lots of Mongol units dinged by army ZOC.

Turn 5:
Trade Americans physics for navigation + 10 gpt.
Cav army kills spear, 2 keshiks, 1 longbow. 4/4 cav dies to 2/4 keshik on grass. Trade spices to China for 9 gpt to avoid demand. (About 37/48)

Idiot Mongols suicide against Chinese.

Turn 6:
E cav 5/5 kills 5/5 keshik. Chinese block the path for the second turn, so our reinforcements won't arrive in time; we'll probably lose a knight army. (38/49)

IBT: Portuguese declare on Americans. Babylon has lost silks, so can't continue to trade them to us. I up the lux to 10%. Lose knight army, treb, 2 workers. LB dies attacking cav. (39/51)

Turn 7:
Cav army kills 2 spears, MDI kills spear, razes Darhan. 3/4 cav kills 2/5 keshik. 1/4 cav kills 3/4 spear. Build New Zwolle. 5/5 cav kills 2/4 musket. Trade saltpeter plus spices to portugal for wines and incense. Unhappy about this trade, but we have unhappy people. (45/57)

2x keshik kills cav. One keshik lands near Amsterdam. Pentagon completes. (45/59)

Turn 8:
MDI kills keshik by Amsterdam. Knight army kills keshik, longbow. (48/62)


Turn 9:
Cav army kills 3 pikes at Hovd. Cav army kills 3 muskets and a pike in a pillaging stack - we don't have enough random units to easily cover, so I'm going to kill some. Cav army kills 3 spears. Vet cav kills spear, promotes to 5/5. Elite cav 4/5 kills spear. MDI 3/4 kills spear. Vet MDI kills spear, promotes to 5/5. (62/76)

Stupid motion by Mongols - they break up their other pillaging stack - now only spears visible.

Turn 10:
Cav army kills pike, cav kills spear, cav retreats from longbow, cav kills longbow, razes Hovd. Knight army kills spear, pike, longbow. Cav army kills pike, pike. Cav army kills pike, razes Almarikh. 3x cav kills spear. 1/5 MDI kills spear. Build New Hilversum. (75/89)

A few units have movement left. I'm out of time for today, though, so I'll let Del62 have it.


  • Tupac08_950 AD.SAV
    310.4 KB · Views: 49
Right I have played to 1010AD and the mongols are basically cooked, I decided to self research magnetism and have a decision to make. Do I research steam (12 turns) or save up cash and attempt to steal it of Babylon, I have no options for now in peace treaties for 14 turns,

Turn Log so far

Spoiler :


Lose Cavalry to mongols


960AD Elite Cavalry Beats Spear and Henry Hudson Appears, though have not much to put in Army

New Army beats Spear
eCav beats spear
Rush Barracks to heal Army Quicker


One Attack on Swiss M - swiss M wins, lots of action between China and Mongols


Army takes out musket - settler
Elite Cav dies on musket
Elite Cav kills musket


No mongol attacks- lots of chinese units moving
Mongol Plants new city Ereen


Cav army takes out musket and pike in Ereen and destroys it
Army takes ot 3 pikes in tatu
Cavalry takes out a healing keshik and another takes out lonbow and I raze Tatu


Portugese have destroyed Americans


Take out Karakoum with 3 armies 5kills and kill longbow with elite cav for leader


China drags portugese into war with mongols


Not much move settlers


Take and keep Kazan for now, we dont need workers and it will give time for settlers to arrive 5 army victories

Move settler and Army into position before final attack on mongols on mainland

I have put an interim save in for you do look at


  • William of the Dutch, 1010 AD.SAV
    315.1 KB · Views: 64
I don't have a strong opinion either way on how to get steam. If we are going to do some research, we need to build some more libraries and universities.

Congratulations on the leaders.
I think we get more out of our commerce if we run it through marketplaces, banks and stock exchanges. It's a little late to build libraries and universities, so I think we should stick to using the financial improvements that we already have.
Steal boys, steal!

If you lose one steal, you might kill stuff safely...if you win a steal, there you go! :)
Rest of set

Spoiler :


Army Takes Tabriz - keep


Not much


Moving troops


Privateer portugese I think attempts and fails to sink caravel
I notice Babylon has taken Chinese City on our continent


Moving troops - awaiting Chinese MA to finish


Not much


Moving troops Abandon Kazan replacing with two towns Haarlem 2 and Howlerd 2

Hand off notes, I chose to self research steam, we can start stealing once we have steam, but we need to get safely to steam, due to our rep loss when the now defunct Incans collapsed we cant buy techs for gpt.

I have a few settlers moving down to old mongol territory, in 3 turns we can make peace with the mongols easing our war weariness and thus are need to import luxuries and high prices, 3 turns after that we will get steam, it may even be possible to pull it in by one turn but I have a lot of scientists out there

On another note, when I took this one on we had a lot of corrupt towns with no specialists some even working mountains, we need to use these for specialists, we really should concentrate on working tiles with 3 food in for these towns and cities. We can probably squeeze a few more farms, there is also and area where the majority of workers are in which some mines should be irrigated, mines should be kept to our non corrupt cities.


  • William of the Dutch, 1050 AD.SAV
    314.5 KB · Views: 65
I'm thinking we might not want to let the Mongols survive longer that 20 rounds because of the UN. The Chinese have 11 cities, all on our continent, so they should be eliminated in the turnset after me. I think apart from New Delft I'll cancel your temple builds. I intend to start war immediately once trade expires with China and only Delft will make a difference.

Settle Mongol territory and make peace
Start the war with China in 5 turns when trade expires
Optimize tax farms, noticing a lot of irrigated grass lands that are not being used for lack of cities

I looked at the save, and got it. Not sure when I get to play, but it looks fairly straightforward.

Don't think it'll happen in my turnset, but we need to make sure we can eliminate the Mongols as soon as the peace deal expires. I'll have some boats ready just in case they get bought into a war with us by China.
Unfortunatley the mongols capital is now a single tile island, so we cant get rid of them till marines

Also I would keep the 3 size cavalry armies at that size so they can be shipped to the other continent for pillaging the portugese
Unfortunatley the mongols capital is now a single tile island, so we cant get rid of them till marines

Right, good point, ohh well. If it does come to a UN vote, it'll be easy to secure their vote. Still it is something we should keep in mind. I would hate to see us throw this game due to a diplomacy loss.

Also I would keep the 3 size cavalry armies at that size so they can be shipped to the other continent for pillaging the portugese

4 size armies are overrated anyway in my opinion. I only make them if I have more troops than I need. If you put four cavalry in an army, you lose one attack. Generally I like to keep to the rule that, if I find myself lacking units to attack enemy units that were bombarded, I shouldn't make 4 size armies. 4 size armies survive better, but when stretched thin it's better to have a 3 size cavalry army and a seperate cavalry unit that can also make an attack.
Lurker's Comment: The issue with that though, is that a cavalry army has four moves, and blitz. An army of four, if you're attacking riflemen or musketmen, can attack more times before it's below the threshold where you don't attack.

Than again, if it's a defensive army, three is enough, unless you are really far behind.
Size 4 cav armies attack at 12, while size 3 cav armies attack at 10, so having some 4-cav armies is useful for attacking cities. Plus, as Bowsling suggests, against modern units a size 3 cav army won't be able to make four attacks anyway and a single cav against a rifle in a city won't do so well.

I do wish we'd remembered to arrange things so we'd get the 1-tile island in the peace deal, as I suggested we needed to do.
I do wish we'd remembered to arrange things so we'd get the 1-tile island in the peace deal, as I suggested we needed to do.

The problem was that if we waited for the alliance to expire, the Chinese may have cleared the mongols of our continent.

I dont really see the problem with the mongols having a one tile empire.
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