Two years later, I FINALLY touched this again... Help plz.

They are not very effective. I did not want them to undo some of the work I had done. Once no one was left on the land, I let most go into auto clear as they would no longer be in danger and would not take to minning mountains and hills.

I had pretty much all the land in the borders done anyway and rails on the circumference.

These huge maps are just a big pain and give to much of an advantage to the human.
I know about it, I just do not use automated workers. I have seen too many problems with them. Thge problem is you used a huge map, so I had hundreds of workers and a ton of land that had not even gotten a road.

That and the usually AI not cutting its grass. So that made for more work that normal. Note I have played with far larger maps and far large number of workers.

I do not allow the game to do anything as it does poorly at everything, otherwise we could not beat it at Sid. Since the game cannot even win with 2 extra settlers and 12 extra units and massive 60% discount, one can conclude it does much wrong.
One major flaw in the AI that I see, is they DO NOT attack armies unless they must... It allows for strategies like funnel of death and also, you can just plop an army anywhere and just leave it there to act as a fog buster...

Right now I am easing off Maya alot (Havent been playing much... Been playing a game on Civ 4 and stuff)... One more leader... Been backing off a bit and leader fishing... Greece is coming strong from the botton, a HUGE stack coming... kinda hard to deal with that stupid stack but I'll manage since worse comes to worse he cant fight all my armies...

But it seems like the numbers for generating leaders just HATE me or something... =.="
It goes in spurts. I have 15-20 elites wins and scratch my head, because no leader. Next battle I get 2 or 3 leaders in successive wins, you just play the odds.

You can afford losses and the first big invasion cost 10 or more units, but you need to gain armies to take down towns. If you use armies to do all the fighting, you do not get leaders.

This is why I tend to put all elite units in one or two places, so I can find them and not use them in tough fights.

I am planning a civ4 run soon, but I have GC2 run first and maybe Mo2 and Might and Magic. Still have a Diablo2 character hanging in Hell Act V to finsih, so who knows.

Plus I have been thinking about Disciples II lately....
Heh you actually got the time to play... I have school and piano to practice...

Two more leaders though no real progress... I am completely hammering Greece's invasion armies because I have loads of artillery... I am just slowly chipping away at Maya's land right now... Though I am afraid that Maya will get tanks soon since they have both Refining and Steel and I have neither...

ToE finished, I disbanded some old units and drafted from a few big towns to hurry a factory in Cuzco... Hoovers coming...
One major flaw in the AI that I see, is they DO NOT attack armies unless they must... It allows for strategies like funnel of death and also, you can just plop an army anywhere and just leave it there to act as a fog buster...

I just finished a game where the AI specially targeted my armies and naval units with bombers. The AI ignored the units that were actively attacking its cities in favor of attacking armies and transports that were in cities no where near its territory.
Maybe it just so happens that those were cities it wanted... :S

Or that just because it doesnt attack it doesnt mean it wont indirectly attack it... I thought that the AI doesnt understand the concept of artillery either and therefore rarely uses them... I guess bombers are different :S
Yes they will use bombers, if they get them and will attack armies with them. If they damage the army , they will then attack it.

They will attack armies in towns, especially if it is the only town on thier land or you just captured it. I have kept them from attack towns with massive armies in them, but mostly they won't care and will come for it.

I work a full day, but I do not have to do anything else when I come home as my kids are all married with kids of their own.
Ahhh old guy >.>

I thought that if you somehow walled with armies to somewhere that they want to get at, they will start attacking... However you CAN selectively funnel...

I wonder though, if I have like, say... 6 armies, I head straight for their capital, but I dont capture anything else while in their land. Assuming they dont have bombers or artillery, would they still attack the armies? I assume they would cause its heading right for their capital :S

If not then couldnt I selectively send a bunch of armies right beside their major cities and since you can demand peace based on how threatening you are to their survival, as in they'll give anything if you're like right beside killing them...... Can you just get a bunch of armies in and demand a bunch of other things....
Yes you can do that. They will not attack full health cav armies, even with tanks as far as I have seen. It happpens by accident from time to time. If you have the flag turned on for patrol, then you get a random unit on patrol bump into your army.

If it does damage you can then get attacked. I once had two units bump into my army and turn it yellow and then they came in numbers and killed it. That is not common.

In any event you can run back to raze any city, but it will take time. At this point in the game I would never make peace. Why let them off the floor? Why would I want peace, they cannot hurt you, unless you make peace.

They will not only not really defend the city, they are very likely to send units out to go attack your town from a threatened town. They do it all the time.
They do with each other, I cannot tell you how many times I watched them send units from a sieged town and then lose the town even verses other civs.
hm... Patrol seems like a silly thing to do if you're human >.> Or is it?

But the thing with peace is I might be able to demand something from them, like a tech? Which the Mayans have ahead of me...
Well there is no reason for them to be ahead of you, they were not ahead of me. I am not sure of the turning point, but it was not long in coming. I improved the land quickly and then smashed a few of Smokes cities, end of doing great research for him.

If you give peace, you have to wait for them to declare or 20 turns. Well of course you can break the deal, but I do not allow that.

Remember, I made many workers right at the start to allow improving tiles that needed it. I was able to get more rails sooner with those extra workers.

Also by taking land from everyone, I am getting stronger and they are getting weaker. They did a fair job of staying close, because I left Smoke alone after taking down a handful of cities.

A brief history of patrol. It was asked for way back at the start of Civ3. The reason we demanded it was that the Ai would have a town surrounded by you and park a bunch of units in the open on his land.

Each turn they would move around using all their movement points. This tedious and boring to watch. So they turn turned it off. Eventually we figured out that the barbs would no longer attack as they use to and you had to be on certain angles for them to go at you.

I would see things like 16 or 32 barbs from an uprising sit near a town with one unit and the barbs did not move an inch. So they gave us an INI entry to turn the patrol back on.

So if you do no use this flag the barbs sit most of the time, even with units next to them. With it on, you will have the ai moving units around and they will bump into your army. Without it they will leave it alone, if it is healthy and too strong.

It will attack say an archer army with cavs, even if it is full health. The human does not "patrol", it is an ai routine.

IIRC civ2 had that same patrol crap.
oooo I thought you mean its something that we can do as well.

In Civ 4 there is a patrol command to give to units, therefore I thought you mean that... I'd never use it either way...
24 armies... I think thats the most I am gonna be able to fish out... =.=

Streel and Refining researched, pressing on Maya and Greece, etc... This game is pretty much in the bag =)

Though one thing I question: Why is it that we wait so long for things like Hoovers, and higher tech like Flight and Tanks, that by the time we get these new toys both the two big powers, Maya and Greece have been weakened already, and I dont really need the new toys against Hitties or Germany...

Though I probably agree that if I waited til these new toys to fight Maya and Greece that it wouldnt've been able to slow those two down either....
One of the things many complain about is that you do not get to use modern armor and often not even tanks. You can win before getting to cavs, if you want to play very aggressively.

If you play something like AWDG on a large or huge map and go for conquest, you could get to those toys.
I thought for Demigod and above you often get to a point where you need to fight Mech Infantries therefore needing Modern Armour?

Though I still hear that the Cavalry seems to be the main unit in any game...

Concern: I am researching Combustion, and Maya has Combustion (I am equal in the sense that I have atomic theory from TOE and he does not). I dont know if Smoke has Flight or not... If he does am I screwed? >.<

Two more cities until I get to Chichen Itza. I for whatever reason have an obsession with killing off that city... Mainly cause it has two Wonders in it...
If you let them get mechs, you need tank armies or MA armies. I would not send in even MA against mech, unless I pinged them first. Too many losses.

Smoke got Flight and Tanks, but only managed to use 1 bomber a few times, before I razed the city that held it. He sent in many tanks, maybe 15 or so, but they never even attacked. I killed them as they only enter the borders.
Did you yourself produce any bombers/tanks?

Smoke has flight now, I am researching Flight...

Next to go is Chichen Itza >=) Though I dont seem to make much progress through Greece... They just signed peace with Hitties...

Should I take this time to hit hitties?
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