What are some of the toughest challenges you did?

Civ Chemist

Jun 9, 2019
I recently saw a post on Reddit of someone settling their first city only on T55 (as Maori) and still winning a religious victory. This got me thinking what other challenges some of you might have done. And which one was the toughest to win?

Some other challenges that come mind are:

- OCC (One City Challenge)
- Always war (declare on everyone the moment you meet them, and you are not allowed to make peace)
- No theater square culture victory or no campus science victory
I once did a culture victory where I only was allowed to build tile improvement and I wasn't allowed to build theater squares or holy cites, the palace wasn't allowed to hold any great work. It is fun but quite hard to achieve.
In summer 2019 I played no districts and no governors game to a DomV. It was maybe more tedious than tough.

But this is no longer valid, as it was before '19 September patch when the game wasn't in the best of states. Things with the AI noticeably improved after that - AI research no longer stalls and AI became a tougher opponent in land warfare, currently you wouldn't have such a wide window of opportunity to win.
I heard the no campus district deity game has been done too. Maybe with a mod that allow you to destroy districts if by any chance you conquer some.

In civ5 someone has done a no settler game as the Germans. They had the ability to get free units when defeating barb units. I wonder if something similar can be done here, even at settler difficulty.
I heard the no campus district deity game has been done too. Maybe with a mod that allow you to destroy districts if by any chance you conquer some.

In civ5 someone has done a no settler game as the Germans. They had the ability to get free units when defeating barb units. I wonder if something similar can be done here, even at settler difficulty.

No campus challenge, do I have to do Science or any victory I want? I feel this would be doable with diplomacy victory (or domination, though you'd get some from other civs of course unless you have the mod you mentioned as you said).

As for no settler, I assume you mean deleting the starting settler? I'm not sure, but would be interesting.
No campus challenge, do I have to do Science or any victory I want? I feel this would be doable with diplomacy victory (or domination, though you'd get some from other civs of course unless you have the mod you mentioned as you said).

As for no settler, I assume you mean deleting the starting settler? I'm not sure, but would be interesting.

My very first deity victory was no campuses. Although it was a religious victory, so that wasn't much of a hindrance.

I think the challenge is supposed to be no campus SV. You could go about that with Sumeria and ziggurat spam, Macedon and unit spam (w/ their UB), or mass pillaging as Norway.
Pillage yield a lot so you can safely rely on pillaging to achieve those victories.

Also the AIs develop too slowly and gives you too long time window to develop yourself.

Maybe I shall try an SV that I first wait still for 100 turns and settle at T101 to see what happens.
The biggest challenge might just be a conquer every city domination victory on a huge map. That's ridiculously tedious.
Well, there was this one run for deity victory achievement, where I chose America (not to die early) against Kongo for a religious victory...
Seriously, I play Civ6 for fun, not challenge. When it doesn't suffice, I pick anything and play a specific style, like only use anti-cav as Chandra, or decide to really play the snow start, or launch a standard size deity game as Shaka only to get locked in a mountain valley with one city until AI goes Musk.
A no-builder challenge sounds interesting if there are any masochists out there.
I've done a few (all on deity):
- OCC religious victory (not too hard)
- Semi OCC - One-Settler-Challenge domination victory (i.e.: raze all cities except the capitals) (also very doable)
- OCC science victory (found this one a bit harder)
- OCC culture victory (the hardest of the OCC's I've done so far, might do diplo some time, probably not a true OCC dom, would be to tedious to kill all capitals in the same turn...)
- 10K score challenge (made it, but game kept crashing after it, so it technically wasn't a victory)
- Peaceful domination on standard+ sized maps (not that hard, a lot of fun)
- Max number of civs on a Terra map (quite hard actually! there's always two or more AI coming for you within 30 turns, hard but rewarding, failed this one a few times before making it)

I like the no builder challenge @shaky proposes. I'm a real fan of the builder, so that should teach me a lot. Think it would be really hard. :)
Zero War Domination victory with Eleanor:
You cannot declare war.
You must sue for peace ASAP if war is declared on you.
You cannot capture any cities using military forces.
(Added achievement bonus to have a rival Eleanor leading one of the opposing Civ's.)

I almost pulled this off the one time I tried it, but I accidentally won a culture victory before achieving domination.
Maybe I shall try an SV that I first wait still for 100 turns and settle at T101 to see what happens.

If it's online speed that sounds realllllllllly hard! Feel free to make a thread about your achievements.
I once stopped playing the game right away to do housework when it was due instead of playing just one more turn, does that count?

Certainly would for me. I don't like housework. I'm tempted to hire a maid.
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