What would you do if the USA actually nuked Iran?

the US would'nt nuke Iran. Conventional weapons would work fine. but theoretically, if that did happen I'd grab my rifle and get ready for a more inflamed Jihad movement against the US and it's allies.
. However, the fact that the United States is willing to make a commitment to shape Iraq into a better place for its children makes it better than any of the varied dictatorships and rogue states out there. Iraq under Saddam Hussein saw death. Iraq under a democratically elected government sees hope.

The idiots that poorly represented your country should have publicly been put to death as you do in your own country to the murderers and sickos. If u find some of those cancers in your military u publicly and transparently put them on trial and then u use the death penalty.

While America in her own wisdom has comitted to "shaping" Iraq into a better place with Americas upstanding value system...why then do they not committ to "shaping" a better world in Darfur where millions of innocents are being killed and abused horrifically daily?...No oil there I bet.
The idiots that poorly represented your country should have publicly been put to death as you do in your own country to the murderers and sickos. If u find some of those cancers in your military u publicly and transparently put them on trial and then u use the death penalty.

While America in her own wisdom has comitted to "shaping" Iraq into a better place with Americas upstanding value system...why then do they not committ to "shaping" a better world in Darfur where millions of innocents are being killed and abused horrifically daily?...No oil there I bet.

I don't think u noes how America works.
I wish we could go colonial on Sudan and steal all their oil but unfortunetly public oppinion is against us. 10 years from now Iraq ill be considered a grand sucessn as our corporations our starting to move into Iraq and produce huge tax dollars. It's all about oil, and other commerce producing things. Ideological arguments like democracy in the middle east are just justifications for war. dont kid yourselves, bush made an excellent powerplay that was bound to be hated by people but soon will be loved by the consumers. kinda funny tat their the same, but oh well.
I would drive full speed to the Rocky's and hope that I find myself in a place that doesn't get too affected by the fall out.
You actually think people would nuke us back? They wouldn't dare kill themselves to kill us.
One. Iraq does not have any way to counterstrike the USA in the face of a nuclear attack.

Two. The Russians arent total idiots, and we have a rather large edge still in any nuclear exchange with them and they know it.

Three. I dont see any of the nuclear powers giving a crap enough about Iran to really do anything about it aside from complaining a lot.

Four. Yes, there would be repercussions, but they would be economic in nature, not military.
TO Bad Russia and CHina support Iran. Russia has the largest underground bases. Even rumoured to be capable to make more nukes down there
IM sure THe AMericas dont like Iran selling its oil to Chine in Euros . THis based on what they did to Saddam for doing the same thing.
Still they should get used to it. Ruskies have begun banning the doller in favour of trading for oil in euros and rupies and Venny will join soon.

Chavez came with Equador to plead with OPECto allow oil be sold in a basket of currencies not the doller US $ standard. However, Bad timing with the US backed Colombia border standoff topped with US gunships made them think it over. Probably will wait till RUssia bans the doller full out for the ruppie on its vast resouces.
YA I think Iran it the least of USA's worries. China is still dumping US curreny at a good rate.

CHina and Russia designed Iran missles . Russia launched Irans Sattalite to keep safer oil bourse transactions after they where victom of 5 deep sea fiberoptic cable sabatoges, by chance the week they were set to open the US BAnned free trade OIL BOURSE
mobboss is right. it would hurt every nation to strike Iran and they know it but at the end of the day their dust and were still here and someonesgoing to get all that oil. and it will get on the market eventually, put their by someone (wink wink america)
and were weakining our own currency to pay off our massive debt to preare for the graet war. get ready peole. it's going down. your either with us or against us and im not talking about terrorists. pick a side.
While America in her own wisdom has comitted to "shaping" Iraq into a better place with Americas upstanding value system...why then do they not committ to "shaping" a better world in Darfur where millions of innocents are being killed and abused horrifically daily?
Presumably for the same reason nobody else on Earth is doing anything else about Darfur.
Are we talking full nuclear-incineration murderous atoricty here, or tactical nuclear strikes without civilian casualties?
No such thing as tactical nukes without civilian casualties. It's pretty much impossible to avoid civilian casualties with NON-nuclear weapons.

But with the current state of affairs, there's no real reason to nuke Iran. There's been a quiet cultural rebellion in progress over there for several years (stuff along the lines of women wearing lipstick, quickly wiping it off whenever they spot a mullah approaching, then putting it back on when the coast is clear).

Now, if you propose using sniper rifles instead of nukes.....I'm all for that. Line up the crosshairs on the mullahs and paint the town red, if you'll pardon an EXTREMELY bad pun. :D
The idiots that poorly represented your country should have publicly been put to death as you do in your own country to the murderers and sickos. If u find some of those cancers in your military u publicly and transparently put them on trial and then u use the death penalty.

While America in her own wisdom has comitted to "shaping" Iraq into a better place with Americas upstanding value system...why then do they not committ to "shaping" a better world in Darfur where millions of innocents are being killed and abused horrifically daily?...No oil there I bet.

The death penalty. Right. Because stooping to the same low as the extremist jihadist beheaders is the new moral right. Also, there is oil in Sudan. However, the main buyer is China. Second, I agree, Darfur is a problem which the United States should actively be involved in changing for better. Thirdly, the United States does not have the capability to even do anything in Sudan. We are bogged down in two wars, one of which is starting to do well, the other turning into a total hellhole. We simply do not have the projection capability at this moment to do anything militarily. We have to rely on the African Union (which would do a good job...if they were funded by economies that are not still agriculturally based) and UNMIS as instruments and allies in helping the people of Darfur.
One. Iraq does not have any way to counterstrike the USA in the face of a nuclear attack.

Two. The Russians arent total idiots, and we have a rather large edge still in any nuclear exchange with them and they know it.

Three. I dont see any of the nuclear powers giving a crap enough about Iran to really do anything about it aside from complaining a lot.

Four. Yes, there would be repercussions, but they would be economic in nature, not military.

Quoted for truth. Israel is the only nuclear power (oh wait, they haven't declared it...;)) that is at risk from Iran. And however much Ahmedinejad blows off about the death of Zionists and Jews and the Holocaust being a myth, he is still a smart politician. He knows that if he actually wipes Israel off the map...he's dead.
I'd wake up and make a thread about this loony dream I had.

Otherwise, I would do what any sensible world citizen would do. Trash the nearest Mc Donalds.
One. Iraq does not have any way to counterstrike the USA in the face of a nuclear attack.

We'll there goes some 150,000 US troops.
It must have been some serious threat from Iraq for Bush to launch a pre-emptive nuclear strike(s).
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