Who should the Republicans nominate in 2012?

If the Republicans want to stay in the game, Sanford is their guy. Otherwise, it's just going to be a race between two parties with the same agenda.

I think you mean "play the same game". Sanford's just a another conservative old white male from the South, differing from Huckabee only in the that his conservatism is slightly more economic than social. If, as looks likely, the economy recovers for one reason or another by 2012, economic conservatism is not going to be popular.
I think you mean "play the same game". Sanford's just a another conservative old white male from the South, differing from Huckabee only in the that his conservatism is slightly more economic than social. If, as looks likely, the economy recovers for one reason or another by 2012, economic conservatism is not going to be popular.

Economic conservatism is usually only popular when the economy is good.
Economic conservatism is usually only popular when the economy is good.

More specifically, it's popular when the economy is good and economic conservatism isn't generally perceived to have nearly slammed us into the second Great Depression in the recent past. You can argue why that's not true, and I'd sympathize with your claims, but the voting public doesn't.
Sure they do

BTW, im not a economicly conservative, speaking in U.S terms, I'm very liberal, and view the turn to economic conservatism as a almost tragic flaw of our voting populace.
It wasn't Bill. It was a technology shock with the revolution in computing and internet that created and fueled the economic growth. Crediting a politician with creating an economic miracle, or disaster, gives a politician far too much credit

True, however the national debt was paid down (not officially completely but there was a projected surplus) with Newt as the Speaker of the House and Clinton as president. The budget was balanced, a surplus was projected, and it was said that the only thing that would prevent us from having that surpluss was a national catastrophe or war. We've had both plus another war and another catastrophe (counting 9/11 + Katrina).
True, however the national debt was paid down (not officially completely but there was a projected surplus) with Newt as the Speaker of the House and Clinton as president. The budget was balanced, a surplus was projected, and it was said that the only thing that would prevent us from having that surpluss was a national catastrophe or war. We've had both plus another war and another catastrophe (counting 9/11 + Katrina).

That was more Clinton's doing than Congress's doing.
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