words of an empire: A recopilation of letters and historical writings


Feb 6, 2010
This is my first story, so it is kind of an experiment. Don't expect the best.
Played in noble level. Sentences in italics are explanations from the modern historian.
I played this a couple of days ago so this is what I remember.

The Origins

There was a time when nothing existed in the world. There was just empty darkness. Suddenly, a cataclysmic event created what would create all things in the universe. His name is Ometeotl. He then created the four creator gods: Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, and Xipe Totec. Ometeotl then created the universe. Each star was given planets to accompany them in their great journey. Then, Ometeotl told Xipe Totec to create plants in each planet he touched. Xipe Totec asked why, but was only responded by a loud thunder. Xipe Totec started to create vegetation in each planet Ometeotle touched. As he created plants, he was getting weaker, until he arrived to the point where he could not create anymore. Ometeolt then told Xipe Totec that he would need to sacrafice himself in order to create the last vegetation and give fertility to all plants. Xipe Totec hesitated, but followed Ometeotl's instructions.
Tezcatlipoca saw this and rebeled agains Ometeotl. Ometeotl was not surprised, so he slamed Tezcatlipoca all the way to a dark, obsidian disk at the bottom of the universe and said, you will be the unruly forces of nature, the plesure of sin, the jaguar god of night, and for that you will be trapped there, howeve, your evil is too great and can even reach the highest place of the universe, so it is Huitzilopochtli's job to keep you there and to protect the beings of the universe. Huitzilopochtli was confused and asked what beings, for there were only plants. Ometeotl called for Quetzalcoatl and told him: you will create all the beings in every world that has vegetation until you are too weak to create. when you get weak, come back to me and I will tell you what is next. Quetzalcoatl followed Ometeotl's orders, and came back for more orders. Ometeotl then told him that he will need to breed with one female in each world he gave beings so that they will know how to start a civilization, and each son will become ruler of their empire. they will be semi-gods and will live for a long time, but the next generation will become mortal again. Tezcatlipoca took this chance to release a wave of darkness. It hit Quetzalcoatl's soul, and had an interesting effect. He became a feathered serpent and made him the complex but loving god of the universe's opposites: spirit and matter, heaven and earth, light and dark, life and death. Ometeotl found out and gave Quetzalcoatl his regular form back, allthough he would change from time to time. He then gave Huitzilopochtli blue skin and feathers down his left leg, symbolizing his defeat, and his power as a war god. Quetzalcoatl continued to do his mission given by Ometeotl. Once he completed his work, he was told to go to each world and rule until his son became fit for ruling. When he would leave, he was to tell them he would come back when the time was right.

The first ruler was Moctezuma, and there are records of him from 3000 B.C to 1500 A.C which supports the legend written above. Historians believe that it was accostumed to name the emperor Moctezuma, but we will never know if it was the same person living for a long time.
Fear of the West

Dear Sister:

I have moved to the new city of Texcoco. I live in the new houses west of town. People here including me fear the jungle to the west. They say that jungle people hunt other humans like canivals. The Royal Guard has come to the city, and I think the government feels threatened. Explorers come often to tell news to the governor.
I am going to become a worker, and soon make a family. I hope I can visit you soon. say hi to mom for me.

The last letter was written around the time the French and Inca were discovered. The next letter was written years later.

My working unit has been moved to the new continent to work on the new city. The weather is completely different then from the jungle. There are few trees and there is always snow. The city is in the middle of the french empire, and we always see French soldiers pass by. There are few people living in this city, and we mostly work on roads.
The First Division of Jaguars and the Royal Guard of Archers have come to the city. There are rumors that we will be building forts around the city. I hope everyone is ok, say hi for everyone.


The next letter was written by his sister in response

Nice to finally hear from you! Many things have happened since you left. The french have colonized on the west of Veracruz, their city's name is chartrer or something like that. Sea people have arrived, they call themselves Arabs. They arrived in a beautiful and huge ship, much more advanced then our galleys. I hear from a couple o explorers that we are building ships like those in the city, but haven't seen it. Coatl has joined the army, he was assigned to the Royal Guard Division of Jaguars. An elephant division arrived from the north, I cant believe the size of those animals! I hope you are enjoying your time in the new world.

The French

The following is written b a court historian who recorded several discusions between Moctezuma and Napoleon.

NAPOLEON: Hello I am the powerful ruler of the French empire. I hope I dont have to destroy you right away.
MOCTEZUMA: I would like to see you try, but that would be unwise. Let peace guide our nations to...
NAPOLEON: Excellent choice, very good, now to business. Lets open our borders, so our explorers can travel through your lands, and yours to pass through mine.
MOCTEZUMA: Sounds like a deal.
NAPOLEON: Another thing, you have chosen not only good ideals, but an ok religion. I will convert to your religion, as a sign of gratitude.
MOCTEZUMA: Thank you

This was the first encounter. later on the incas converted to the same religion as well. Good relationships were maintained with the french until two cities were made

FRENCH MESSANGER: Moctezuma, news from our great leader Napoleon.
MOCTEZUMA: Napoleon could not come?
FRENCH MESSANGER: He said this was not worth it, anyways, he is not very happy that our borders are too close.
FRENCH MESSANGER: He just wants you to know that if you get in his way, he will remove you.
MOCTEZUMA: I see why he did not come and instead brought one of his servants, if he cant come and personally threaten me, I dont believe he has any power, ow get off my lands before I change my mind about keeping you alive.

It is unsure that Moctezuma did not kill the messenger, for there are rumors that this could have sparked what was to come. Years later, an explorer told Moctezuma some important news

EXPLORER: Your majesty, Napoleon has decided to convert to Taoism.
MOCTEZUMA: What? why?
EXPLORER: One of their cities founded the new religion.
MOCTEZUMA: I fear he would ask us for conversion. Prepare to go to Paris, I wanted to trade anyways.

At Paris

NAPOLEON: I am upset you still are under that heretic religion.
MOCTEZUMA: dont forget you were devoted to our religion.
NAPOLEON: That was before I saw the truth, you should reconcider converting.
MOCTEZUMA: Anyways, I was wondering if I could trade some technology, like calendar for...
NAPOLEON: I am not interested in trading with heretics.
MOCTEZUMA: after silence very well then, I must be leaving.

The following encounter happened at Tenochtitlan not too much after

NAPOLEON: I demand this tribute of ivory.
MOCTEZUMA: What makes you think we will give you something for nothing, besides, this is a luxury item, and your people wont be fed by this.
NAPOLEON: You heretics, you dont even deserve to live in this world, you arelucky you haven't been destroyed. leaving you will regret this Moctezuma.

A year later

MESSENGER: Sir, Napoleon has declared war to our empire!...
The Battle for Katara

We have finished two forts by now, and a huge road to a Inca city. I might get married with this girl from the city and move back to Texcoco. I will visit you in Veracruz of course, so you can meet her. Everything is going good. Since there is not much to do in Katara, We go sometimes to the french cities nearby. The french dont really like us, so that is why I want to get out of here. Their religion, Taoism, has reached to our city, which is why they tolerate us. I will be soon visiting you.


This was the last letter Xochitl received from him
The next memoirs were from the general at Katara incharge of the First Division of jaguars

Report to Moctezuma, ruler of the Aztec Empire. French troops have attacked and massacred the working unit working at the forts. We have seen chariots, the soldiers responsable for the massacre, on the East, and and cavalry protecting some catapults. I dont think we can take them all, but the Royal Guard Division of Archers and the First Division of Jaguars are ready.

The fllowing is a witness who wrote what he saw and hid them for centuaries to come

The catapults are getting close to the city. Everyone except the soldiers are paniking, even though I see few hope in the soldiers' faces. Soon, the town was getting bombarded by huge rocks. I was almost killed a few momens ago. The archers have all died. on the west of the city, the Jaguar warriors bravely killed all the incoming chariots, and few died. By the end of the day, I coud not find anyone I knew. In fact, I only saw a woman shouting someone's name. I think she was looking for someone named Tlanui.
Three days have passed. For some reason, the french cavalry retreated and only the catapult stayed. If we can destroy the catapults, we might live long enough to escape the city.
The catapults have started to bombard again, so the jaguar warriors charged at the catapults. Have of them died when they left the city, and the others were killed when they reached the catapults. We have lost.
The french entered the city. Some civilians fought back but were quickly killed. I am hiding alone, but I think this will be my last words...

Thanks to this person we know how the city was taken, for no one survived or got out of the city
Battle for Chartres

The following letter is from Coatl, who is Xochitl's cousin.

Today we are camped outside Chartres, and we are ready to conquer the city. The Royal Elephant Guard will be on the first lines, so at least I will have more chances of surviving the battle. Some of us make jokes and superstition about both divisons being Royal Guard, we are jaguar warriors. We say that a royal attack can't loose. I hope we are right. I will write to you after the battle.


The following is an order from Moctezuma to attack Chartres

Huitzilopochtli, General of the Royal Guard Divsion of Jaguars, you have the order to attack Chartres to capture it.

The next is a letter from Coatl about the battle

We captured Chartres! it cost us, but we did it. The elephants charged at the city but were destroyed. Fortunatly the elephant weakened the french forces so we had it easy. We charged right after the elephants. Some of us were shot down by arrows, but when we reached the city, it was easy. Longbow took out spears and tryed to fight back but we were well trained. The french have been kicked out of the continent. When I come back we are going to celebrate. Say hi to Tlanui for me.


No one, except high officials, knew about the fall of katara yet
The next is a report from Huitzilopchtli to Moctezuma about the battle

Moctezuma, leader of the Aztec Empire, I am proud to tell you that Chartrer is now Aztec. We lost the Royal Elephant Guard, and 15 men from the Royal Guard Division of jaguars. We await further orders.
The French Invasion

The following was written by a historian at the city when it was atacked. The historian asked soldiers what they saw for complete descriptions of the battle.

The date was 1330 when the French arrived from two french galleys. Everyone was alarmed and felt threatened by the force of axemen and horse archers that had arrived. Cuauhtemoc, the governor of the city ordered an attack on the french. The First Elephant Division was to attack the axe men so the rest ofthe troops could focus on the horse archers. Cicahua exerienced the batle and will be told in his perspective.

Cicahua: Our divison was told of the french forces and soon told us of the attack. We were going to be the first line, which we were honored, but not excited with. The next day we got on our elephants and advanced towards the enemy. We were about 100 elephants, against maybe 500 axe men. We charged at the enemy and immediatly reduced their numbers by half. Then we started to get hit. The two elephants next to me fell to the ground, and I thought I was next, but I wen back to my senses and killed the soldiers in front of me. The battle was over after that, and we had been victorious.

historian: Cicahua had survived the battle and the divison was welcomed back with cheering crowds. The next day, it was the french's turn to show their strength. Few soldiers survived (ten out of six hundred). Cualli being one of them.

Cualli:It was dark when we heard the gallops of the incoming horses. Each archer quickly started shooting arrows at the invaders. We killed the closest, but then we started to get shot. We could not believe that such animals could be used like that, (We did not have horses in the military, since horses had barely been discovered in a colony away from the mainland) and to make things worse, they were moving fast, which made it harder to kill them. I realized I was the only one standing in the area and I did not know if there was anyone alive so I retreated into the center of the city, soon to find few had survived.

Historian The longbow had weakened the french horse archers, so our Royal Guard Divsion of axemen went to eliminate a group of horse archers. It was a quick battle and only 50 horse archers were left camped outside the city, so our spikemen charged at the enemy and eliminated them. We had succesfully destroyed the French invasion
Naval Warfare

After the failed french invasion, there was a time when the only battles were at sea. Our empire had barely discovered caravels, and we were taking this advantage to explore and destroy enemy galleys. The following are passages from the captain of one of the caravels named Tenochtitlan.

We have been sailing towards land north of our continent. We constantly meet english and mongolian vessels (The Russians, English, Mongolians, Greek, and Chinese had been found.) bu they dont do anything to us. It is known that there are some French galleys which I know we can destroy.

We have met our first enemy. Two french galleys were passing near the coast of Tenochtitlan. Luckily, not far behind, another of our caravels was near so we attacked. The other caravel took the most damage. Now we travel into unknown waters.

We encountered a barbarian galley just when we reached the shore of the new land. We quickly destroyed it, but it caused a sense of fear in the crew. We have followed the shore and found a barbarian city. The emperor might be interested in taking over it...

We have sailed for many months. I think we are in the new centuary. The crew is desperate to go back home. Nothing has happened and nothing interested has been found.

It is 1510 and we have seen the gretes threat since we left Teochtitlan. A french caravel many miles north. it was going north, so I did not worry too much. Now that the French had equal vessels, it was not going to be easy to destroy them now.

We can see the shore of our continent now. Everyone is glad. I hope I have enough information to present it to Moctezuma.

It most have been a surprise for the captain and his crew when the received the news that Moctezuma had passed away of old age. His son, Moctezuma II had taken charge in 1502.
The next is a journal of a scientist working at tenochtitlan in a project

Everyday I am closer in figuring out the extensive code of the skys. I must travel to other cities to prove my hypothesis. The stars are a great map or guide to travel through the vast ocean. I will ask to go on a caravel and test my experiments.

I am on board the caravel Tenochtitlan. I have told the captain how I think we can use the stars to navigate. So far I have been correct! We are sailing towards toph. I have also studied the ships size and shape and have seen that it is possible to have bigger, faster, and more powerfull ships. Also, the powder on the cannons seems peculiar...

It is 1560 and I have figured it out. I am traveling to Tenochtitlan to tell Moctezuma II of this great discovery.

He discovered Astronomy and galleons. In 1580, he found that the "peculiar powder" could be used to shoot out stuff and called it gunpowder.
The New Emperor

The following was recorded by a court historian.

Elizabeth: Hello new emperor of the Aztecs, I hope you are as wise as your father.
Moctezuma II: I hope so to. In what may the empire help yours?
Elizabeth: We need to know the secrets of Devine Right. Would you be so kind and give us the secrets?
Moctezuma II: (After thinking for a long time) Very well. I shall give you the technology. I hope it helps you and your people.
Elizabeth: I assure you, it will. England is in debt to you.
(Elizabeth leaves the palace)
Cipactli:Why did you just give away our technology!? It is not a rose garden over here either
Moctezuma II: (calmly) I don't want any enemies. With one is enough.
Cipactli: But there are other ways to make friends. If you just give away stuff other nations will come and ask for free things thinking we will give it to them.
Moctezuma II: Advisor, shut up, I have already made the decision, next time, if you strongly oppose it, speak to me and I will listen to you.

(Few months later)
Servant: Alexander of greece whishes to speak to you
Moctezuma II:Let him in
Alexander: Greetings, new emperor of the Aztecs.
Moctezuma II: Hello, what has brought you to my palace.
Alexander: I have heard of you trading with England.
Moctezuma II: Is that a problem?
Alexander: Those are our enemies, the English are a bunch of traitors waiting for the right moment to strike at yur heart
Moctezuma II: So what do you want?
Alexander: For you to stop trading with them!
Moctezuma II: Sorry, but we cant do that (He stood up calmly, and poured some coffee for Alexander) We benefit from trading with them. You must come up with a better offer.
Alexander: (rejects coffee) This wont be taken lightly! (Alexander walks away)
Cipactli: Why didn't you agree, you do know he is much stronger then elizabeth
Moctezuma II: But we are mre stronger
Cipactli: What happened to making friends?
Moctezuma: What happened to showing you are strong? Besides, i told you to speak up
Cipactli: I fear this is no longer about politics but about...(Moctezuma II had a dangerous look) never mind you are the wisest. (Cipactli leaves)

To be continued...
The historian's records continue

(Few months later the Inca ruler arrives)

Moctezuma II: Welcome Huayna Capac, I have been expecting you.
Huayna Capac: Hi Moctezuma II, you look just like your father did. Like your father was, I am old and I can not tavel too much any more. Soon I wll pass away and my son, Ispaca, will soon take my place.
Moctezuma II: Until then you are more than welcome here.
Huayna Capac: Thank you. I was here to see if we can make a trade. We want some of your sugar, the best in the world.
Moctezuma II: Aaa, the sugar, everyone has been asking for it. Mongolia is also receiving some. What can I get?
Huayna Capac: Are you interested in silk?
Moctezuma II: Seems fair.
Huayna Capac: thank you, I shall be leaving now.
Moctezuma II: Thank you for coming.
Servant: Sir, kublai Khan is here for a visit
Moctezuma II: More visitors, let him in
Kublai Khan: (walking) I have come for a quick visit, we demand that you share your powers of astronomy.
Moctezuma II: What will I get
Kublai Khan: nothing of course, it's a demand!
Moctezum II: (camly) Well, I whish you had asked more politly and with more respect, but I shall give you the technology.
(Cipactli looks as he is about to say something, but doesn't)
Kublai Khan: We will remember this, thank you.
Moctezuma II: Before you go, can I interest you in a trade?
Kublai Khan: Sure!
Moctezuma II: Can we trade maps? It will save you the time of exploring through my empire
kublai Khan: Sure, it is the least I can do. I wil be leaving now. (He leaves)
Cipactli: You have given away another technology
Moctezuma II: I neede to have him on my side to get the map. With this map we don't have to explore and send our ships away,and instead we can use them for defense against Napoleon.
Cipactli: Seems you have done this wisely, I shall be quiet now
Moctezuma II: happy you understood.

Several years later, Moctezuma had sent forces to french territiory to destroy and plunder the french countryside. Cipactli was not very happy with this. this is their conversation recorded by a court historian

Messanger: Sir, reports from Cicahua, general of Elephant forces
Moctezuma II: yes,what is it
Messanger: the forces sent have been destroyed. No sign of survivors.
Moctezuma II: what! Tell him to come and tell me personally of his failure
Messanger: Yes sir
Cipactli: You know, he did not fight the battles or direct them
Moctezuma II: But I must show that failure is not acceptable
Cipactli: why did you eve send them? you did not even want to capture the cities, you were just going to kill inoscent people.
Moctezuma II: I have heard enough, leave my sight
Cipactli: Yes sir
(Cipactli leaves the emperor)
To be continued...
The recording of the Historian continues. The year was written: 1570
Cipactli: Sir, I came to talk to you about our new map. you see here, above the unkown islands, a civilization that we haven't met is located there. You should go and meet them.
Moctezuma II: How did I miss that. We must go as soon as possible. I whish I was younger because at this age it is dangerous to travel.
Messenger: Sir, urgent news from the incan empire, Huayna Capac has passed away.
Moctezuma II: I must go and give my condolenses to his family, and vist the new emperor. I'll go before going to the civilization we haven't met. Cipactli, prepare a ship for me. You shall stay here to watch over the empire and supervise over my son, he wil take over while I am gone.
Cipactli: Yes sir, will you take a historian with you to record this historic event?
Moctezuma II: Yes, I will take the court historian.

(At Cusco)
Ispaca: Hello Moctezuma II, it has been a while since you haven't visited us.
Moctezuma II: I know, I am sorry for the death of your father.
Ispaca: I hope I will rule the empire just as good as he did.
Moctezuma II: do you know who the romans are? I am going to their empire. I haven't met them.
Ispaca: The romans? oh yeah, I know them, be careful, they are aggresive. Better to have them on your side. The English have territory in the coast of their continent. If you have any trouble, go to them. The romans will not cross.
Moctezuma II: Thank you for the advise. I will stay until tommorrow.
Ispaca: Say hello to your sons Moctezuma III and Achcauhtli for me.

(After the long journey, we finally arrived to our destination: Rome)
Julius Caesar: Welcome to my great empire, I hope we can be in peace until there is no one else to conquer.
Moctezma II: Let there be peace in our time.
Julius Caesar: Where do you come from.
Moctezuma: From south of here across the ocean.
Julius Caesar: I haven't explored over there. Who do you know?
Moctezuma II: Kublai Khan, the new incan emperor Ispaca, Napoleon, wich we are in war with, Catherine, Mao Zedong, Elizabeth...
Julius Caesar: Elizabeth?! what do you think of her?
Moctezuma II: We have some trades but I am cautious.
Julius Caesar: You should not trade with her, she needs to be removed from this world.
Moctezuma II: Napoleon needs to be removed first.
Julius Caesar: I dont know Napoleon but...(messenger talks to him, cant hear what is said) I must leave you now, please enjoy your stay.
Moctezuma II: Thank you, I will be leaving tommorrow.
(left palace)

The following is a letter written by Moctezuma III that was to be delivered urgently

Father, Cipactli has betrayed you and all the empire! I heard him talking with some men about you so I stopped to listen. They were plotting the murders of you, me, Achcauhtli and Mom. They have left Tenochtitlan towards Cusco with the excuse of visiting the new royal family. I fear they will asasinate me any time and you when you arrive. I will send this letter with our most trusted messenger.
Moctezuma III
The Tragedy

The following is one of the first news reports to be distributed throughout the empire.

A tragic event ha ocurred at Tenochtitlan. Moctezuma II arrived from his long voyage after visiting Rome. As he was getting off his carael he wasshot by a longbowmen. The emperor's guards went after the assasin but he suicided. Soon, Moctezuma III was found dead inthe palace, with a cut through his neck. Achcauhtli is next in the throne, but he is away visiting the incan emperor Ispaca. Cipactli will take command until Achcauhtli comes back. Until then the empire is in silence, grieving the death of our emperor and prince.

The next is a memoir of Achcauhtli when the event hppened and after.

I remember I was with Ispaca when my family's most trusted messenger arrived. He was in a hood, and very hidden. He gave me the letter Moctezuma III had written for our father and then told me of the horrible event. I was in shock. I was then enraged when I heard that Cipactli was incharge until I showed up. He wanted me dead ad he was going to kill me when I showed up. I told Ispaca the events and he was also in shock. We soon started to think, and it was decided that I will return and relcaim the throne. My carave traveled to Tenochtitlan without me or Mom. She was going to stay until everything was stable and I was going to ravel in a merchants galley. The caravel was going to arrive at the same time to call attention and I was going to arrive a bit earlier. Everything was going according to plan. Everyone was waiting for the caravel to dock, even Cipactli, whic was a problem because I was to kill him in the palace. Instead, I went to his room and waited until he arrived. It took a longtime until he finally arrived. As soon as he closed the door behind him I came out of his room. I removed the dagger, cleaned it, and stepped out of his room. I went to my room, and I got ready for the next day. As soon as I waked up, I headed to the palace. As I passed, everyone was excited and surprised to see me. I called for a speech and explained what had happened.The speech was to be announced to the whole empire. I also raised security levels and sent investigators to hunt the conspirers down. Things were soon about to change.
The New Regment

One of Achcauhtli's first decisions was when Kublai Khan went to meet him. Recorded by a court Historian.

Kublai Khan: Hello Achcauhtli. I am very sorry of your father's death. I want to make a trade with you.
Achcauhtli: Sure, what do you want?
Kublai Khan: I would like some of your sugar. I would give you pigs for it.
Achcauhtli: i accept this deal.
Kublai Khan: Thank you.
Achcauhtli: Do you mind spreadin the word of me being the new emeror?
Kublai Khan: I will do that for you.


A settler, protected by the Avatar Division of Elephants has been sent to the new continent west of the Aztec Continent. This is what the settlers lived.

We have arrived from the galleon Veracruz tothe new continent. We landed in some plains and decided to cross a forest to reach the upper shore, where a small tribe was found by an exploring vessel. The war elehants have mad us feel safe from any barbarians, if any. It might take years to cross the forest.

We have discovered an Incan city named Vilcabamba in the ne continent. We had no knowledge of the Incas colonyzing these areas. They have a lot of archers in their city, and to prevent problems the elephants were left outside. I hope our close borders dont cause problems.

The Leon Battle

The following is writing from the young captain of the caravel Toph II from his journal that talks about the Leon Battle. The captains name was Eztli.

The caravels Toph and Toph II have been patroling the Tlaloc Straight for a long time, destroying galleys carrying troops and other vessels. The captain of the caravel Toph II has just retired and I am the new captain. The crew seems to be cautious with me. I need to gain their respect. I need some action to prove that I am worthy of commanding this vessel.

The convoy of the three vessels is lead by he galleon Tenochtitlan, who's captain is Iuitl. Today I saw through my scope his ship and heard some explosions. I then saw the attacking ship. A French caravel was attacking the galleon. I thought the galleon would win, but it was sunk before we reached it. The crew was in shock, but I immeadetly took command of the situation. I motivated the crew and we attacked the caravel. I knew we could take it down because it looked damaged from the galeon. We got close enough and fired two rounds. The caravel went down, and the crew cheered and shouted "We have avanged the galleon." Then I saw a galley not too far away. Luckily, the other caravel, Toph, was going straight for the galley. I heard about three rounds and saw the galley go up in flames. We had won this battl, but we had lost our most powerful ship, along with our leader. Later on, when I talked with Papan, the captain of the Toph caravel, he told me he saw longbowmen on the galley. We ha stopped troops from arriving, which was what our mission was all about.

A year after the Leon Battle, Napoleon visits Achcauhtli.

Napoeon: I have come to stop the bloodshed.
Achcauhtli: Are you finally repenting from declaring the war?
Napoleon: I just want the people to be happy. 50 years of peace if you give me gunpowder.
Achcauhtli: Are you crazy?! Get out of my empire! I will not be blackmailed by a person who cant even transport his troops safely.
(Napoleon runs out of the palace)
Achcauhtli: Messenger, I want you to call Eztli, the captain of Toph II caravel. He will be congratulated for hiswork in the Leon Battle.
Interesting story. I like the characterizations.

Does anyone know how to put pictures? I have tried but not succeeded

Okay, there's two ways to put in pictures. First, I assume you know about how to make screenshots. But you can't leave them as bitmaps (.bmp files). You have to save them as a .gif (not recommended) or .jpg. You can "save as" jpg file using just MS Paint, if you don't have a graphics program, altho the quality will suffer (especially if there's any red in your picture). But still it's a nice start.

I always crop my images down so that the pages download faster. It's a bit annoying when people post a 1200x860 pixel image and there's just a single settler surrounded by a lot of black screen. If you don't crop, then use the tag to hide the image so that it only loads when the reader is ready to view it.

You can load them onto CivFan's server using the button, then clicking "browse" to upload the image from your computer. But you only have a limited amount of storage space allotted on their server.

Most people sign up for a free account with Photobucket or TinyURL or some other free image storing service and then linking their posts from that site using the button.

You're a good writer, but I find that at least a few pictures help tell a story. I tend to go hogwild on putting images on my stories, but it's really not necessary. Pictures of the world map you're playing against are usually the most helpful images. Personally I don't care for pictures of the diplomacy screen, but other CivFans like 'em because they let your readers give you advice on trading strategies.

Good luck!

The following is told by the settler who is in the western islands, west of the Aztec continent.

We have reached the village of the islanders. When we arrived, they were celebrating. We later found out they thought we were gods coming back to help them. They prepared a great feast and we had an excelent time. Then, the village warriors taught our elephant troops (Avatar Elephant Division) how to fight gunpowder units. It was awkward, since we felt they were very uncivilized, but I guess they had experience from fighting other civilizations with gunpowder. I decided to colonize a city here. I told the chief of the tribe if he would like to join us and become Aztec, and they agreed. The city was named Xochicalco.

The next day, the galleon Veracruz, who has been exploring the shores arrived at the city. I told the captain to go back to the mainland and bring some workers, since we have a lot of land and some gold deposits west of the city. After that we started to work on th city. We removed the primitive huts of the indians and replaced them with our buildings. Then we started to pave the city and create more houses for ourselves. Things were going to be much better for the islanders.


The following is a journal from a soldier named Ilhuitl of the Afar Elephant Division:

The division has been relocated to a fortress outside the city. The Royal Knight Division and the Royal Maceguard Division are also being relocated. There are rumors of an invasion to the french, and that all units are being sent to the fort to be sent. We are finally going to receive some action. The fortress is in the Tezcatlipoca Desert, and it is very uncomfortable. I miss the city sometimes. Luckly, Toph city is not far way so every weekend we can go to the city and do anyhting we want. Toph is a big city, so there is a lot to do. I even went once to the part of the city that was attacked by the french a long time ago. Toph is a really interesting place.

The following is a speech that Achcauhtli said to the people when he changed the legal system:

We are in a time when it feels peaceful and the war has not reached a lot of people. We have been an empire with the same language, religion, culture and traditions for over three mileniums, but we must unite even more. We must be the same nation. What is a nation you ask? A nation is a group of people with a comon identity. We are united under the same principles. This must be increased and kept for many generations for our civilization to endure.
Some things will change from now on. We are now a nation, and we will have patriotism for our nation and flag. To fight the French, we need the cooperation of everyone, which is why there will be drafts. You will be asked to jon the military if a card is sent to you. You must accept, or you will be prosecuted for treason to the nation. If you are sent a letter, consider this a great honor for you and your familly.
We must defend the honor and glory of our nation against those who attack our great civilization. Fight for the nation and victory will be close!

The following is a conversation recorded by a court historian between Saladin and Achcauhtli.

Messenger: Saladin from Arabia has come to talk to you.
Achcauhtli: Let him in.
Saladin: Hello Achcauhtli, I must tell you this fast before you are destroyed.
Achcauhtli: What is it?
Saladin: Our gods can defeat your gods any day of the week. Convert to Hinduism before its too late!
Achcauhtli: Oh, that is why you have come. First of all, We only have one god. The rest is part of our ancient mythological religion which no one practices.
Saladin: Even worse, how can your single god defeat all my gods? Convert to Hinduism before its too late!
Achcauhtli: My grandfather had to face something similar. Let me tell you something from history. Do you know why Napoleon and I are in war?
Saladin: Close borders maybe?
Achcauhtli: There are many reasons. One of them was that one day, Napoleon came to Moctezuma and told him to convert to Taoism. He refused of course, and defended our one true god. We are still defending Him. Now, what makes you think we will give up our religion, which we have been defending for hundreds of years.
Saladin: I will take that as a no. You will regret your decisions Achcauhtli.
(Saladin leaves)

Close Encounters with Death

The following is from Eztli's journal about 16 years after the Leon Battle:

I have been patrolling the Tlaloc Straight for 16 years and haven't seen so much action since the Leon Battle. Today we were going through our normal routine when I saw a French Caravel. It looked very far away and it was getting late, so I decided to not persue the enemy vessel. It was going near the Toph caravel so I decided it was safe not to attack it. I continued the rest of the afternoon being alert in case it came back, but it never did. I went to my room and slept, feeling safe, but I shouldn't have done that. I was awaken by a loud explosion and a lot of rumbling in my room. I saw the wall had been destroyed by a cannon ball. I looked out and saw the ship. I could hear my men shouting and whistling going on to get ready to fire. I grabbed my pistol and shot a person I could see from my room through the hole. Then I ran out to the deck. Another loud thunder smashed the caravel and almost immeadetly we shot. As I was going up I saw my second officer dead on the ground. I cursed and kept going. Pistol fireing whistled by, and I shot back. More loud thunders, but this time the other ship was the one getting damaged. It seemed we had done more damage so we must have superior cannons. I saw the enemy's mast fall right on their deck, crushing it and killing all the sailors on it. The fire on the other ship helped us see it and we shot it again. Their ship went up in a loud explosion and a cloud of fire swallowed the ship. I then saw their flag. It was the french caravel, the one I had seen earlier before. Then I saw my ship. It was all torn up, but its mast was still up. I had learned my lesson: Never let your enemy escape and live, for he will come back to kill you.
The following is a letter from Cuezpalli, a descendent of Coatl, who fought in the battle for Chartres.


Dear Izel:

The training has been going very good. I have mastered riding horses in this huge armor, and how to attack from my horse. We are going to graduate soon, and we will form the First Knight Division. We will be transfered to a fort outside Toph city. I will be very far away from you, Since Toph is on the opposite coast. I know it will be difficult for you to move to Toph, so I understand if you can't. I will always write you though.
Have you heard about those banks, where you keep your money there. I dont know if I should trust them and give my money to them. I prefer to have it with me. I will be leaving to Toph in five months, so you can still write a letter and I will receive it.


This is a letter from Izel to Cuetzpalli.

Dear Cuetzpalli:

My family has given me money to go to Toph with you! I will arrive later than you though. I hope you don't get transfered much, so we can marry. About the bank, you should make an account with them, because if you keep it with them long enough, you will have more money than what you gave. Anyways, I'll be seeing you soon.


Dear Izel:

I am writing to you from the fort I am stationed at. I m happy you can come, and I won't be moving from here for a time. I have put my money in a bank in Toph, you convinced me.
There are rumors about war with Arabia. I hope that doesn't happen, or we will see more attacks to our cities, specially in the colonies Xochicalco and Calixtlahuaca. Hope you come soon!


Izel and Cuetzpalli married and in 1695 they had a son named Cuetzpalli II.
The following is a conversation between Catherine and Achcauhtli:

Messenger: Catherine is here to see you.
Catherine: Hello Achcauhtli, how has it been going here in your "nation" as I have heard people call it.
Achcauhtli: Everything is good, I see you know about our nationhood.
Catherine: Yes, and I have come for those nationalist beliefs. I think they are a great idea, and I want my people to be and feel the glory of Rusia.
Achcauhtli: Will you give me 30 gold and education? We need smart people here.
Catherine: Sure
Achcauhtli: Then its a deal. Catherine, what do you think about Napoleon?
Catherine: Well, he is a very close friend, it is a shame your war spoiled your relationship.
Achcauhtli: It is actually his war, he started it. Anyways, thank you for coming.
Catherine: Thank you for the deal.
(Catherine leaves)

The following was a speech by Achcauhtlu II, Achcauhtli's son.

My father was a great father, person and ruler of our civilization. You became leader after a great tradegy had happened, and risked your life for the empire. Then, you changed our ideas and made a nation. You defended our religion against foreign beliefs, and prepared forces to end the war with France. Unfortunatly, you didn't see it happen, but I promise that I will make it happen. We all moarn over your death. You lived 75 years, but changed 1000 years of history to come.

Achcauhtli died of old age, and his son Achcauhtli II became emperor. That same year, William F. G. Morton was born in Tenochtitlan and will change history in his lifetime.
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